

TPer Emeritus
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I watched this Mel Gibson film on iplayer -best film I've seen in years - do yourself a favour if you haven't seen it and get it while it's still there!

It's a bit gory if you're on the squeamish side.
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Aye, I didn't understand what it was about before I saw it, but wow. What an epic film.
Another vote from me. Great film. Not really one for subtitles but it is worth the effort.
you can really feel the agony of the people who are sacrificed... amazing film!
Agreed, this is worth a watch. Out of interest has anyone seen passion of the christ? Is it any good?
So the subtitles aren't a put off then? That's been the sole reason I've not watched it tbh!
Why do people detest subtitles so? Some of the best films I have seen had subtitles.
Tis a good film is that Ced`s (y)
So the subtitles aren't a put off then? That's been the sole reason I've not watched it tbh!

The subtitles are really kept to a minimum Brian. I can see why some people get irked by subtitles, but in this instance I think if the cast had spoken English it would have lacked the authenticity it has - the actors all spoke in the actual old Mayan language which must have been some undertaking!

I don't think the subtitles will bother you - the film is something truly different, and the closing sequences are just edge-of-the seat suspense - you can't help getting involved.

Give it a watch and tell me the head honcho of the bad guys isn't the scariest Mofo you've ever seen! ;)
Why do people detest subtitles so? Some of the best films I have seen had subtitles.

(y) The Seven Samuri!!

Have to agree with the OP though, Great Film, subtitles or not!
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The subtitles are really kept to a minimum Brian. I can see why some people get irked by subtitles, but in this instance I think if the cast had spoken English it would have lacked the authenticity it has - the actors all spoke in the actual old Mayan language which must have been some undertaking!

I don't think the subtitles will bother you - the film is something truly different, and the closing sequences are just edge-of-the seat suspense - you can't help getting involved.

Give it a watch and tell me the head honcho of the bad guys isn't the scariest Mofo you've ever seen! ;)

I'll hire it out this weekend, on your recommendation :)

Oh and DF is Brian Cedric, I'm Paul ;) :p
It was on tv (very late) the other night, excellent film though I think a bit too much of the running through jungle sequences which began to seem like padding a bit. I found myself almost shouting ZIG ZAG FFS!!! at the guys being made to run for target practice.

Another vote for subtitles here too, you need to hear the soundtrack of any film the way it was intended to get the best out of it.
city of gods... another great film with subtitles