BarrySprout's 52 for 2011 Week 33. Record

Thanks again dawn. The camera I used has a setting to keep the ******* open so it was just a case of opening the shiutter, opening the back of the camera and lens on biggest aperture.
Great to use on portraits by getting someone to pose with camera open and their eye showing through.

The knowledge picture looked fine at full size when I was editing it but when i resized and saved for web use it wasn't as good. Hopefully I can re-edit this week or look at the other shots I took for a better one.

Hiya Colin,

Thanks for the explanation of how you achieved this result, I will have to try that some time, especially like your idea about the eye shot (might TRY even get technical and do a selfie using said technique, not sure how it would work as I would need to find a way to set focus and use timer or shutter release :thinking:)

Also I totally appreciate what you say about the knowledge picture .... I too have experience same when editing and resizing, to the point that I actually now find it better to resize first and then edit.


Dawn :)
Had a look through my other shots from the Knowledge shoot and found that when the light was a bright blue colour (Colour changing led) the clarity of the words was a bit better. So a re-edit of Knowledge in Reshoot/Knowledge week.

Also made myself a small lightbox today so had to shoot something to try it out.
So this is a reshoot of a shot which I have reshot, but this is a reshoot of the original shot and not a reshoot of the reshoot. :naughty:

Trio in Colour by barrysprout, on Flickr​
Hiya Colin,

Hmmm, not sure if the blue light works for me (it is very bright), however as you say the word is a bit clearer with this light. BTW I just noticed, looking at the photo again, that the order of the books on the right are not in sequence :D (sorry my OCD kicking in again :LOL:).

Now, your 'reshoot' of Trio is fantastic! The background makes the monkeys stand out and I much prefer it in colour. The focus is much better too and brings out more of the detail and the frame just rounds it off nicely.

Well done


Dawn :)
The order is correct by my reckoning. Volume 8 covers Quench to Sling and volume 9 covers Slink to Trimorphic. I've always been told I go from the sublime to ridiculous so 9 before 8.
Love your re-shot monkeys, much better focus and they certainly look happier in the slightly larger frame (y)

The Books...nope, prefer the pink light, even if I can't read properly :confused:

Thanks for your crit Tina (y)

Onto this week, and possibly the most tenuous link to theme so far.
Weather improved dramatically here over the past three days and I was glad to get out for a bit of a walk today. My favourite kind of photography involves a backpack with twice as much gear as I need, long walks, stunning scenery and poor landscape photography.
But today I did things in moderation :LOL:
One camera, one lens, one tripod, two filters, one bottle of water and a pack of extra strong mints.
The walk was less than 4 miles and I took less than 40 photographs.
So all things in moderation by my usual standards.

On to the shot. I desperately wanted to get a shot on theme today so here it is at a push.

Windfarming In Moderation

Windfarming in moderation by barrysprout, on Flickr​

If anyone thinks this is pushing it for an on theme shot then let me know. I do have a better idea (in my opinion) for a shot this week. But to be honest I don't think it will look as good and I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet. There are 5 more shots from my walk today on my flickr so if anyone has time to comment on them I would appreciate it.
These are great photos Barry. How did you get them to resize?

Thanks very much, I usually post pictures on flickr with a maximum height or width of 1024 when a link is posted to this size the forum automatically resizes them with the option to enlarge.
I really liked the originally of Trio, but this re-shoot is even better. With regards to knowledge - great composition . Alas , I too prefer the lighting in the first one. Just for its subtlety I think

Have to agree with the lighting on the first shot which is why I went with that shot in the first place. However the crit on that one was also spot on.

Knowledge gained: when shooting a static set up in the house, shoot tethered and make sure the image is right before putting everything away.
Hi Colin

Love your tale of self moderation , sounds a bit like me as I don't know the meaning of travel light :LOL:
I like windfarms & love the setting you've captured , the colors look really good (y) My eye's must be playing tricks though cos the water seems to be sloping to the right :thinking:
Well done Lynne, first to spot it!

After I posted the picture I looked at the angle of the wind turbines and realised that the picture was skew wiff but thought I would leave it as is until someone noticed.

As I'm drinking beer at the moment i will fix it another day rather than make it worse.
Hiya Colin,

Great shot for the Moderation theme. I love the colours and the way you have captured the blue sky.

Well done :clap:


Dawn :)
Another week where I have not had the chance to take what I consider to be a be a better idea for the theme. However i have taken a few back up shots this week for the theme. This one I think is the best.

by barrysprout, on Flickr​
Hiya Colin,

Like the take on the theme ..... actually made me chuckle (which I need at the mo because I'm a bit under the weather, so apologies if my SOH seems a bit cynical), but do you think they have all gone on a walk-about? :D

Great how you have captured the vibrant colours in the fore and then the greyish background.

Thanks for the laff (even if that wasn't your intention) - sorry I think 'them meds are going to my head'.


Dawn :)
Last edited:
Hiya Colin,

Like the take on the theme ..... actually made me chuckle (which I need at the mo because I'm a bit under the weather, so apologies if my SOH seems a bit cynical), but do you think they have all gone on a walk-about? :D

Great how you have captured the vibrant colours in the fore and then the greyish background.

Thanks for the laff (even if that wasn't your intention) - sorry I think 'them meds are going to my head'.


Dawn :)

Hi Dawn, sorry to hear you are under the weather and hope you are well again soon. I too was amused at the line of them, hence the shot. They were actually outside a mobility shop which makes a bit more sense of the image. I selected areas in the background and desaturated them because the colours of the bins and cars was very distracting, while at the same time I boosted saturation in the foreground.

Hey Colin,

Nice shot and nice DOF.

Wouldn't you just love to hop on one and go for joy ride........ OK just me then, lol.


Again this sums up my thoughts perfectly. There is actually a link to my chaos shot here in that the beach shot was taken in Benidorm.
Thanks Martin.

Week 14.
Thought I would just go with the first idea that popped into my head this morning and get it posted quickly.

Many ways to take the word Object and no end of things to photograph that would fit the theme.
I have went for two objects one of which is objecting to the others objective.

by barrysprout, on Flickr​
I love the use of the meaning of object... as in to protest! I never had even thought about that twist in my photo when I was giving the theme some thoughts this morning!

Great work... well done... love the clarity of the shot!

PS sorry ive not commented more over the last few weeks, been soooo busy!

Hi, Colin, well done foe being the first!

Wow, now them are some bright colours. Nice and sharp with good depth.

You did really well to maintain the whites. Something I'm working on :bonk:

Hiya Colin,

Excellent take on the theme and play on words too.

Have to love the punks pink mohican :cool: Like how you have the snowboarder faded in the background.

What did you use as the base/bg? Is it just a white towel? If so, great idea!

Did you do the writing on the little sign (was it just taped to a gem clip?).

Sorry for all the questions, but I love finding out what people use for their props, so I can add them to my inventory :D

Well done :clap:


Dawn :)
Brilliant Colin and quick off the mark too. I have lego men too but not looking as cool as these. Nice work- A nice vibrant shot.:clap:

Many thanks Martin

I love the use of the meaning of object... as in to protest! I never had even thought about that twist in my photo when I was giving the theme some thoughts this morning!

Great work... well done... love the clarity of the shot!

PS sorry ive not commented more over the last few weeks, been soooo busy!


Thanks Mark, and as for the commenting I must be the worst taking part this year for getting round everyones threads.

Hi Colin, that is an excellent idea, and I like the crispness of the colours in there also. Well done.(y)

Cheers Michael, didn't do too much with the colours in pp just a slight boost. That's the great thing about Lego, the contrast and vibrancy have been set for you.

Great idea Colin & well shot (y) Lovely colors & crisp whites ...excellent :)

I'm still thinking...the bigger/wider the choice the more difficulty I have !

Thanks Lynne. As I said above the colours were done for me by Lego, the whites by Persil all I had to do was point a camera.

Hi, Colin, well done foe being the first!

Wow, now them are some bright colours. Nice and sharp with good depth.

You did really well to maintain the whites. Something I'm working on :bonk:


Thanks Andy, it may well be the one and only time I am first.
As to getting the whites right, I adjusted the xposure until the towel was blowing enough to disguise it's towelness. The banner had blown way too much at that point but I adjusted exposure on a copy of the file to retrieve the banner and then used two layers to get everything I wanted.

Nice take on the theme Colin.
Can't work out why Lego have a punk range though!

Thanks Neil, yes it seems a strange range for them.

Hiya Colin,

Excellent take on the theme and play on words too.

Have to love the punks pink mohican :cool: Like how you have the snowboarder faded in the background.

What did you use as the base/bg? Is it just a white towel? If so, great idea!

Did you do the writing on the little sign (was it just taped to a gem clip?).

Sorry for all the questions, but I love finding out what people use for their props, so I can add them to my inventory :D

Well done :clap:


Dawn :)

Thanks Dawn, yes the BG was a white towel but it was also inside my homemade lightbox/tent thingy. The writing on the sign is not my own, it's far neater than mine. I actually downloaded a font specifically for this, printed and taped to a gem clip.