weekly BarrySprouts 52 for 2015 Week 5 Elegant Added

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No doubt some of you were complaining last week that the sprouts were coming back on you. Well this one is returning from 2011 (failed 52 attempt)

So here we are the "return of the Sprout" or if you prefer, and you should as it's a very good book "The Sprouts of Wrath"

I will try to do better this time, honest.

Week 0 Practice week Patterns.
This is something I've been meaning to try for a while now and the practice theme gave me the nudge I needed. So the 52 is already working for me, getting me to try new things or at least use a camera!
Double exposure in camera for the two colours.

Week 0 Pattern by barrysprout, on Flickr
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Hello! Love light shots, cant remember the proper term for this one but remember doing something similar with sweet wrappers over a torch swinging from my kitchen light!

Definitely fits the themes, nice strong lines.
It's like that old program Tomorrow's World but on drugs! (Showing age[emoji15]) .... Love this, but I really need to know how it's done now [emoji16]- please??
Thanks everyone, @ferg007 I was never allowed to watch Tomorrow's World whilst on drugs :rolleyes:

I should have added more BTS information in my opening post, but as Alex said above it's simply a light on a piece of thread hanging from the ceiling.

I used small LED's powered with a coin cell battery threaded to the ceiling light. Camera on it's back below the light set for 30 second exposure with small aperture (hence white ceiling appearing black) Camera on two second timer to allow me to get the light swinging.

As I said in my first post I used double exposure on the camera to allow a change of colour and slight movement of camera position and zoom. The shot I posted is jpeg from camera but I toned down the red light to a more orange look in Lightroom.

This is defo something I need to try!

Fantastic effect and i'm always looking for stuff I can try at night in the house with just a few hrs to spare after the kids are in bed.

I really love the effect!!! When you say small LED lights what exactly do you mean… I know I'm prob being stupid but you couldn't add a set up pic (with the light on)… if you took one that is… which thinking about you prob didn't or even a phone snap of the LEDs

Great patterns to start with!

Looking forward to seeing what else you come up with!


This is defo something I need to try!

Fantastic effect and i'm always looking for stuff I can try at night in the house with just a few hrs to spare after the kids are in bed.

I really love the effect!!! When you say small LED lights what exactly do you mean… I know I'm prob being stupid but you couldn't add a set up pic (with the light on)… if you took one that is… which thinking about you prob didn't or even a phone snap of the LEDs

Great patterns to start with!

Looking forward to seeing what else you come up with!


Quick phone snap

View attachment 27701

I won't post a wiring diagram, I'll just tell you that the tak was blu.
Great shot, big thumbs up from me. Look forward to seeing more from you during the 52.
:woot: Welcome back Colin !!!

This is something that's been on my to do list for years too, so maybe your nudge to try this will motivate me too.
Really love these things - I always liked my Spirograph as a kid too.

Exposure is absolutely spot on and the two colours is something slightly different from the norm and really works.
Great start to the project (y)
Well, if Barry can do it...
Maybe I should give it a go.
It's wet.

(BTW, I met Colin at an Edinburgh fringe meet)
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Reminds me of my spirograph in my younger days.
Double exposure in camera:eek::eek::eek: This I will need to read about at some point through the year.
Nice use of the festive colours.
Just perfect:clap:
Excellent start Colin really super picture (y)
Good Luck for your 2015 52 challenge.
Hi Colin...good to see you back for some more torture :wave:

loving your Pattern shot....good choice of contrasting colors & a super black bg.....cracking start :clap:
welcome, welcome back Colin ..... wow that is powerful stuff. (y)
Great start and an interesting and cheap way into abstract. I look forward to seeing more from the Brentford Triangle.
Welcome to 2015 52s Colin! A fab image to start the year with - love the way the colours complement each other and really pop out of the black bg :clap: With 68 starters for the year, I don’t think any of us have a chance of commenting on every entry every week, but I hope to keep popping in to each thread at least once in a while. Good luck for the rest of the year.
Thanks everyone for the kind words.

Reminds me of my spirograph in my younger days.
***Double exposure in camera:eek::eek::eek: This I will need to read about at some point through the year.
Nice use of the festive colours.
Just perfect:clap:

*** Camera model dependent

Great idea, did it take a while to get the swing at the right speed?

Took me half a dozen or so shots to be happy with the arc and camera position. After that I took two more shots and chose the best for posting, but looking at the other one now I'm not sure if I chose correctly.
Now do i get my manual out or think about the photo I need to get to stay off the wall of shame????? decisions decisions decisions
Week 1 and I'm still here!

Had a few different ideas for this weeks theme but went with my first thought. (Handy having a tattoo that fits the theme :rolleyes:)

Biggest challenge was trying to get a hand position that didn't look freakily unnatural, difficult with two left hands. Had a few goes and dismissed them from the big screen. Not entirely happy with the final pick but this is week 1 and I may have to call on Mrs Sprouts help a bit more over the next 51 so didn't want to try her patience too much.

If I was to re-shoot I would try to create a bit more shadow, this was trying my patience as every time I adjusted the lighting I ended up causing shadows on the ring fingers, which I didn't want so ended up with flatter lighting than I would like.

Anyway here it is....

Bliss by barrysprout, on Flickr
You had a tattoo done to fit the theme?
now that is dedication for you :D

Very nice Colin. I like the clean simplicity of it :)
You had a tattoo done to fit the theme?
now that is dedication for you :D

Very nice Colin. I like the clean simplicity of it :)

I like to make an effort.

I really like the shot Colin, it's a great fit for the theme :)
Bliss - a wonderful image for the theme, composition is great. I am no expert and skin colour can be tricky to get right, and I think you have done very well.

Thanks both.
Lighting is spot on as you have got the skin tones just right I think (y). Only minor niggle is it still looks posed but not sure how you could have shot it differently if you wanted the rings in
Hi, Colin, a wonderful submission. The hand placement was, as you say, difficult to get right, but you've done well.

No really crit, I don't think the Bliss added to the arm was needed, though.

Cheers and good start.
Lovely romantic take on the theme there. Think you've got the tones' just right - very natural looking skin and nice colour on the rings