BBC, My photos, and a bullet hole in my foot.

Really have to laugh at this thread. What a storm in a teacup. I seems to me that you wanted to get a little bit of "fame" and now you seem to be milking it for all its worth. You really think you are going to be targetted by photographers because you have made this hospital off limits. I really think you are blowing this out of proportion. My experiance of photographers is that most are geeky loaners who really wont be up to building a bomb to strap to your car.

This story is typical of scottish news, trying to compete with england for big scoops and this is the best they can come up with. My wife actually mentioned while whatching the news this evening (before I read this thread) that this was scotlands rather weak answer to the lost laptop, top secret documents stories, Its quite cute actually. There must heve been no wheelie bins stolen this recently for this to be the headline.

Did they ask you to bring along your photo gear or was that you idea?

1: I wanted my photo in their weekly Gallery, not fame.

2: I am milking nothing, I have been offered money from the sun and daily record for the pics, I told them to give it all to charity.

3: Geeky loaners who threaten to post my address and telephone numbers on a public web site. Geeky loaners who tell their mates to "go fetch", geeky loaners who email me telling me to watch my back as I am now a marked man. Nice guys, them geeky loaners.

And yup I was asked to take my gear.

Whats Ubex??

The bbc site says "The finding came to light after amateur photographer Gary Whittle sent shots of the hospital to the BBC Scotland news website."

But thats not how it happened is it. They saw your images and contacted you, right?

I sent a photo into the "Scotland in Pictures". Then I got a call.
Just had a look at that k******d's blog and found myself strangely irate....

I've left a reasoned and well considered comment on it which is waiting moderation. Strange that someone happy to berate a fellow tog for moderating comments is requred to moderate comments on his own blog.....

The moderation is simply for spam avoidance purposes. Anyone who makes a second comment with the same nickname and email address as a previously approved comment will have it automatically posted to the article, however any comments from an unknown username and email address will require prior authorisation by me before it appears on the site to prevent spam bots. This is a standard, and enabled by default, feature of the Wordpress blogging software. I have been out all evening since about 5pm, having just returned home now and i have gone through and enabled all 18 comments without any censorship as none of them were spam. Anyone can now look at the article and see all the comments left by everyone else. To quote a cliche 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,' - I never have an never will censor comments on my blog, but i will operate a spam prevention system. All genuine comments will be posted in their entirety and unmodified once i confirm they are not spam.

That Shepy blog is a disgrace, what a massive **** he seems to be!!

Thanks for the support, can i assume you will be signing up to the RSS feed and become a loyal reader? Essentially i post articles about what interests me and nothing else, people can choose to read them or not. The blog is relatively new to the site but over time its primary focus will be Urbex, and as such anyone without a serious interest in Urbex is likely to hold the same view as you, I'm not particularly bothered by that as i would not expect someone hosting a blog about stamp collecting to care much about my lack of interest in their page.

I've left comments as well - seems he's nicked content from this site for his blog and then paraphrased (made up) other stuff?

I took nothing from this board, in fact the quotes i made were from Gary's flickr page which i linked to in the article, had you bothered to follow the link you would have realised that. What stuff have i made up ?

LOL - funny to post such a blog, but from an internet domain that's easily traceable to the writer :D

I think you let your mouth run off in matters of which you have no real expertise, but i am eager to be proved wrong. My email address i have registered here with is, i invite you to mail with whatever information you are able to trace back to me, as the writer. I will assume any lack of information mailed as bravado on your part and simply you trying to play up to the audience afforded you by this forum. I have made no attempt to hide behind the anonymimity of the blog or its domain, and have even discussed it directly with Gary in private in which I'm sure he would confirm i was nothing other than polite and open.

Gary's Mistake was in Giving away the access to the place and so preventing perhaps new Explorers cutting their teeth on what is a relatively easy site.

we are not a bunch off Chavs or neds so please no stereo types . These people Get reported to the police when we spot them destroying or damaging sites we go to.

I agree with this entirely, and again im sure Gary can confirm that i advised this is what most Urbex people would have a problem with, and it would be best avoided in future.


I joined only to respond to these few points, I'm sorry if i missed anything directed at me but if that is the case then please post it again. I will be hanging about and checking back on this thread and am happy to discuss anything about my blog post or Urbex in general, as far as i see it, with anyone from this forum.

My original email to the BBC "Scotland in pictures" section:

I have included some photos taken in the last week for consideration in your “Scotland in pictures” feature. I have attached a selection of an abandoned NHS hospital in Carluke, as well as a few others. I appreciate these are not the type of shot you would normally see in this section, but I feel they are interesting and spooky! :) It’s a great place to visit, although after dark can be a little too scary. All photos taken on the 6th July 2008, Law Hospital, Carluke.

And about 3 minutes earlier, my submission to Calumet weekly comp:
Photo Title

Accident or Emergency?

Location of shot

Law Hospital, Scotland

My location

Edinburgh, Scotland

Gear used

Nikon D3, 14 to 24 ED f2.8 wide angle lens.
I don’t have any web site yet, however feel free to see the rest of my set here: (flickr)...

I post to both those sites every week without fail, as do a lot of my friends. Its always a buzz to get a photo selected, I did not expect this.

After I sent my photo to the BBC, they called me, asked for the rest and promised me a photographic feature.


Gary - dont worry. The geeky loaners wont do anything. I'd just email them back and say you've kept the email as evidence and should anything happen the police will be visiting them and will use the emails as evidence of intent. That should sort things. There's a big difference between a cowardly anonymous email and actually doing anything. You can always track people on the internet if you want to.

Secondly, I've done a bit of urban exploration and have posted on 28DL. Exciting as anything and I can see why people get hooked. Its like anything - there are always some who will take it to another level. In reality they wont really mind that one location is closed off - there's plenty more. And anyway, if other locations get more shut down (unlikely) then the challenge just increases.

I'd recommend that you stop posting on this thread. You've no need to defend yourself. The thread will die off as they all do and it'll all be forgotten in a very short time.

Lastly - a Nikon. What were you thinking??? Jeez.
i was here long before this thread started, just because im not on here everyday and post alot means i cant post in this topic.

Disapear? becuase you dont agree with my opinion. How narrow minded.

<-- join date july 2007 , dont think this threads been going that long.

here since july 2007 but your only posts are now? on this thread?
that was my point... a simple question.. a stupid answer. Sorry admins but.. huh???
Still up, still reading and hoping that everything is dying down. Shepy has made (imo) a good post, he understands that Gary was not aware that this was going to happen.

Gary has apologised profusely for what happened.

I want to see this ended, so that Gary can rest easy! I hope Shepy can talk some sense into the people whom Gary has received threats from.

Still behind you Gary!


Think some ones trin to cause dis court here :shrug:friendly

damn newbies Just kidding :LOL:

made a mountain out of a mole hill springs to mind

starling fly away please :LOL: 1 post

anyone got a link to henry's site for shepy
I think you let your mouth run off in matters of which you have no real expertise, but i am eager to be proved wrong.

LOL . I was pointing out that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Your domain is registered in your name, as is mine and there are too many details are on the internet these days. It didn't take very long for someone to post Gary's details.

I can understand your disappointment but this happens all the time. Sites get compromised, other sites found and explored.

But, some nice interesting valid points of views from some of the other Urban explorers. There's a couple local to me who do great work and I'm always fascinated to see their pictures from my local area.
Gary :wave:

This is my first post in this thread, but I have just read it all and all the links from it :puke:

There are three groups of people involved with this:

1/ Togs. I'm sure everyone will agree, from a Togging point of view, you did nothing wrong. Others, I'm sure, would have/will do the same.

2/ These Urban Explorers. A small number of them seem to have got the hump with you because they feel what you did will somehow affect them. The hopsital was somehow 'theirs'.

They have stated the site 'will be locked down' and that it is now 'lost' to them. They also state the site is too big to be fenced in and that it is also going to be demolished. These statements seem to contradict each other :shrug:

3/ Everyone else. The thousands (millions?) of 'normal' people who read/saw the news story last night and thought 'good on you chap, for doing the right thing'. Of course these people don't think to email you to say 'well done' but they are thinking it anyway.

99.9999% of people who have heard about this story are right behind you chap: you did the right thing, you have brought the issue of personal files lying around into the public eye (if you had contacted the NHS quietly as some of the Urbex people suggested, the NHS would have just covered up their tracks ~ it was right to bring it out into the public arena).

Gary, you did nothing wrong so stop acting as if you did!

To the Urbex people: come on, is it really such a big issue? Why not use it yourself to promote Urbex? Get in touch with the press and tell them your story of how Urbex found, and disclosed to the BBC, these files. No such thing as bad publicity (y)

(PS: I used to be a TV cameraman for many years, which included working for BBC, ITV and Sky News so I know how these things work).
Won't this publicity ultimately lead to more people being interested in Urban Exploration?

Is this seen as a good or bad thing by those already doing it?
God it's taken me a while to catch up with this!

Gary, I can only echo what others have said. You've done nothing wrong and have nothing to apologise for.

Urbex people (The ones who feel that their world is coming to an end because of this), get over it, get over yourselves! It's bleedin' obvious he wasn't the instigator, he didn't "go to the press"! He thought he was doing something about photography. It's not his fault they cut it the way they did. Posting his address on internet forums is a foul thing to do and also illegal (It counts as incitement).

Bear in mind that sneaking onto private property is illegal, so if you want to do illegal things then that's fine, but you have to accept being caught out at some time and move on. It's time to leave Gary alone now!
LOL . I was pointing out that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Your domain is registered in your name, as is mine and there are too many details are on the internet these days. It didn't take very long for someone to post Gary's details.

And im saying you don't really know what you are talking about. That domain has my name against it, which i post most places anyway, no attempt to hide that. As for my address, it is whois opted-out so no information is shown for the domain, and even if there were information showing it would only be that of my P.O. Box and not my actual details. I've yet to enter my own actual personal details on a site, I'm not that careless.

my P.O. Box and not my actual details.

Anyone can ring The Royal Mail (08457 740740) and ask for the registered address for any PO Box, and they will give it (apart from places such as women's crisis centres and the like).
Anyone can ring The Royal Mail (08457 740740) and ask for the registered address for any PO Box, and they will give it (apart from places such as women's crisis centres and the like).

My P.O. box isn't provided directly by the royal mail, its provided by my company as I am a home worker in an IT security role so my address is kept confidential by my employer, so things like internal directories etc do not contain my home details. The only people that can connect my actual address directly to my P.O. box is my employer, and short of law enforcement there is no way they are giving out the details.

Anyway, as i said this is a moot point, the domain is opted out so not even the P.O. box address is available.

Is it just me or is this thread turning into a slanging match and D*ckswinging,

I did'nt know much about urbex (daft word anyway innit) but I don't really blame the BBC for making it a issue. If I visited a hospital to get treatment for a dose of whatever I'm sure I would'nt want that info left lying around for thieves and urban explorers to gather. If the hospital is closed up for the so called urbex crowd I'm sure theres plenty more places for them.
Is it just me or is this thread turning into a slanging match and D*ckswinging,

I did'nt know much about urbex (daft word anyway innit) but I don't really blame the BBC for making it a issue. If I visited a hospital to get treatment for a dose of whatever I'm sure I would'nt want that info left lying around for thieves and urban explorers to gather. If the hospital is closed up for the so called urbex crowd I'm sure theres plenty more places for them.

* I won't have that..I'm reporting you to the RSPB
What have ducks ever done to you? :wacky:
I think you let your mouth run off in matters of which you have no real expertise, but i am eager to be proved wrong. My email address i have registered here with is, i invite you to mail with whatever information you are able to trace back to me, as the writer. I will assume any lack of information mailed as bravado on your part and simply you trying to play up to the audience afforded you by this forum. I have made no attempt to hide behind the anonymimity of the blog or its domain, and have even discussed it directly with Gary in private in which I'm sure he would confirm i was nothing other than polite and open.

And im saying you don't really know what you are talking about. That domain has my name against it, which i post most places anyway, no attempt to hide that. As for my address, it is whois opted-out so no information is shown for the domain, and even if there were information showing it would only be that of my P.O. Box and not my actual details. I've yet to enter my own actual personal details on a site, I'm not that careless.


Well your gmail address was visible in a link on the site. Middle name C? Not much but it's a start. I won't post the full name for your convenicence and privacy.

Richard Shepherd
United Kingdom

for a guess.....
Who cares where Shepy lives this thread is about Gary.

How are you today friend? Hopefully you have had a good nights rest.

I'm fine, looking forward to my next urban shoot! :D Gonna be sooner than everyone thinks too ;)
Thanks for all the support guys, yesterday was manic, sleeping has helped put things in perspective!!! :D

Urban Exploration is dedicated to taking photographs of our history and heritage, before they are lost forever.

First of all, it is the NHS's responisibility to completely remove all confidential files ie, patients records, x-rays etc as soon as the hospital/asylum is closed. That should have been their first priority.

Secondly, Gary should have reported his findings ie, confidential records etc, to the NHS directly. If they weren't removed the first time, then report it again, to someone of a higher pecking order. If nothing is still not done, then you take it higher, to the local health authority, and higher still to the member of parliament in charge of the NHS.

Thirdly, it's a huge mistake to report anything to the press, they promise they will report exactly as told, but then get back to the editing room, and edit the lot. (I've worked in local tv and radio, so know what goes on). Then when you finally get to see the end result, it has been hacked, and changed around, bits cut out, bits put in, etc.

Another point, tresspass is a civil offence, not a criminal one. You are sued (not prosecuted) by the land owner. Security Guards can only tell you to leave a site, and escort you off the premises. They cannot touch you, and they cannot make you delete any of your photographs, no matter what speel they give you about they're rights and what they can do.

All in all, I think you realise now you made a mistake talking to the press, this doesn't do anyone any favours at the end of the day.

Urban explorers have a motto, and 99% of us stick to it rigidly. Take only pictures, leave only footprints. We don't break into any site, if a door or window is open, we enter, not smash our way into places. (That's what chavs and pikeys do, chavs, pikey’s read it (if of course they can actually read, they may only look at pictures :) ) they will go into the said site and start setting fire to the records, etc). Many Urbexers have reported criminal activity at sites we explore to the police.

You just made a mistake. You make mistakes, and learn from them.


:) Sal
All in all, I think you realise now you made a mistake talking to the press, this doesn't do anyone any favours at the end of the day.

I think you may find he didn`t talk talk to the press, he just put some photos on the BBC website, which a lot of people do, it just went crazy and out of control from there.

I still don`t believe any of these buildings will be locked down, cleaned up maybe.
I don't think they will be locked down either.

There's another hospital, Strathmartine, which also had confidential patients records still left there. Reports went up either last year, or the year before (can't remember offhand sorry), that was reported and still nothing has been done.

TBH, I don't think the NHS care what's left in closed hospitals. They complain that they have no money etc for equipment, then when you explore derelict and closed hospitals etc, there's still loads of equipment still left there.

Crazy huh?

:) Sal
Just remember this folks:

See what happens when you shoot with a Nikon!!

I rest my cause - me lawrd :)
just read through the entire took a while!:)

Just adding my support mate, (y)I think you've been used and abused (unfortunately not in a good way!:naughty:), but it could have been anyone of us that it hapened to.

It seems to be human nature to jump on the bandwagon, bet most of the people complaining yu've ruined thier chance of togging the site, would never had visited there a anyway.

You know we all love ya, :love: don't let narrow minded people get you down.
Won't this publicity ultimately lead to more people being interested in Urban Exploration?

Is this seen as a good or bad thing by those already doing it?

Arrested for what? Walking into an abandoned building? Sorry, but I think the authorities have more pressing issues to deal with, besides, they are at most only committing a civil offense.
I,ve finally read most of the 15 pages ( my eyes hurt ) but all i have to say is that i agree with the rest of you, Gary you've done nothing wrong, keep up the great shots (y), the only ones who have are the NHS for leaving the records/xrays there in the first place, and as for the urban explorers that are worried about losing a site, don't worry there's a recession coming so there will be a lot more abandoned buildings to explore soon :LOL:
Arrested for what? Walking into an abandoned building? Sorry, but I think the authorities have more pressing issues to deal with, besides, they are at most only committing a civil offense.

Nope I meant by the Urban explorer lot. Does this publicity mean more people will take an interest, maybe visit more sites and therefore more sites become known about, or possibly more sites become compromised?

Interesting posts by SmileySal and I sincerely appreciate some of the explorations done. My locals have discovered some very interesting cold war bunkesr, plus explored some of my local buildings also.

It's not the first time 28days later have been in the news though is it. Didn't Aprils photography monthly have a big report on them with a big article on urban photography?
Cheers for that Byker.

Would love to see your pictures of the cold war bunkers, I love anything military, both present military and past.


:) Sal

ps. 28dl always seem to be in the papers for some reason or another. :shake:
LOL - I live in Swindon. Have a look for the locals on 28D getting into the old Renault warehouse (that's got security guards - fair play), the Mechanics institute (great pics of Swindon at night), plus the cold war bunkers around Avebury. I actually went out to find that one - very interesting as I'd virtually walked over it before.

Blimey that long ago:

Interesting turns isn't it. For some it's the exploring to find a good photo, for others it's taking photo's of a great exploration :D