BBC, My photos, and a bullet hole in my foot.

Long and short, I have what would appear to be a growing base of extremely angry urban togs after my balls now. Had some very nasty emails, and its a bit too much, so I am now officially 100% regretting every visitng the place.


Post the emails, name and shame those who are giving you crap man.
Which is...?

... don't do it?
... don't get caught doing it?
... don't brag about it?
... don't let the BBC sweet-talk you again?
... don't be vain about getting publicity for your work?

I'm not saying these are all errors. Everyone has a different take on what is "right" and what is "wrong" here. I'm just curious to know how you feel about it now. In retrospect, what would have been the "right" thing for you to do?

Not get in touch with the BBC / Not post the pics here / not visit the site.

Just worked my way through this thread, quite a hard read in many respects. Gary you have the support of this forum, me included, and you have made your own views and regret for the situation that has arisen very clear. It will blow over so try not to let it get you down.
I dont really have anything to add Gary but im just dropping a message here to let you know you have my support :)
Gary stop apologising over this you did the right thing reporting the fact that personal information was left behind and a lot of us here would do exactly the same thing. Sod the small minority of the urbex scene who are sending the threats etc as what would they have done when building work started on this site, moved onto a new site i would imagine.

So no loss really as the site would have vanished in time so all the claims of the site being lost right now might be false, as it will be high profile for a while then usual lax security after the site has been cleared of all confidential material as it should have been in the first place. In time the site might be accessible again it just needs the heat to die down.

Just 'one security post' at the Radcliffe Hospital...

and two very hungry Alsatians :eek:
Another supporter for Gary here - one of the coolest guys on this forum and I think what he did was correct (y)
Keep your morale up, Gary. Can't see that you have done anything wrong.

Can someone please tell me how these urbex ???? (whatever they are) people can claim to have sole rights over access to the hospital? Surely if it's a disused un-fenced property then it is open for exploration by anyone that stumbles across it?
Wow. Only just caught up with this today. Unless I've missed a few pages by accident I really don't get what all the hoo ha is about, and I don't see how Gary has done anything wrong, whatsoever.

1. Gary took some great shots
2. Submitted to beeb. They like, Gary gets bit excited, as you would
3. beeb saw angle on a story as well as shots
4. NHS exposed as being incompetent ******wits (oooh what a surprise)
5. Several 'urbex' bellends have got the hump. Oh deary me.
At the end of the day mate, you're human. Don't beat yourself up about it fella, everyone makes mistakes.

Something similar happend on a car website i'm part of, called (used to be called Someone from the BBC approached someone off the site about doing a documentary/program, pritty much like what happend to you Gary. Of course, it sounded like a fantastic idea, so it went ahead.

However, similar to what happend to you, it all went tits up and it made cruising look like an absolute anti-social explosion. The program was called Rude Britannia, and has been played serveral times over the last years or so, causing utter chaos each time.
Well I haven't had chance to read back yet but can I take it that I don't need to bake a cake and conceal a metal bar raspy file/Anne Owers/soap-on-a-rope within? Is the Edinburgh One still enjoying his liberty? I've been fretting all day :crying:
Still watching the thread dude, and still 100% behind you!!!

Chin up...
Im still here guys, and have been given the all clear by the police, who said I did a service.

****** me dude you were not kidding you seem to have had quite a day:LOL: Listen I`ll give that cup of T a miss tonight if thats ok :D I just imagine your house to look like Elliots when they found ET,oh and thanks for the mention made my day mate.

Anyone got any ideas for the Suns headline tomorrow??

I'm 100% behind you, and will await the storys tomorrow, media will twist a sniff of anything if they think they can make money
Wow! How did I miss this one! Only found this an hour ago and would just like to add my support for you Gary.
Lifes far too short to worry about things like this. Its done and over now. Move on mate...
Take up photographing military aircraft. Its fun. But DO NOT enter the bases!!!! lol.


Glad to here you are staying.. do not let the views of a small minority of thrill seekers get you down..

You did nothing wrong, you have done a service by highlighting yet another case of cr@p management and information security.

Keep clicking, posting and fighting the good fight...

And as previously mentioned "365???????" need a fix it nearly time for the 365 troll....

I just wonder how all the established urban explorer photographers will take to this new media hungry upstart. ;);)

not too well, its caused an uproar if you want to know.

Going to the press causing a site to get locked down is not good. Just this incident could cause plenty of other sights to get tighter.

Go to a site , take a few pictures, get out, no one knows youve been there.

You found a few medical records, great.
Now the press have rinsed the story for all its worth.:bang:
But at the end of the day, it's gone tits up and U-turned on him, so surely you can see that side?
not too well, its caused an uproar if you want to know.

Going to the press causing a site to get locked down is not good. Just this incident could cause plenty of other sights to get tighter.

Go to a site , take a few pictures, get out, no one knows youve been there.

You found a few medical records, great.
Now the press have rinsed the story for all its worth.:bang:

Give it a rest eh!
Desist from the thinkypoo big man and just get on with it. You may not realise it - but you've probably just had a good experience - just don't get transfixed just because you got caught in the headlights. I loved the original photos and am glad that those twits who left people's personal records lying about have been found out. Good for you. And the foties were awsome, anyway.
see his side? what did he expect was going to happen. If you deal with the press expect to get shafted, they dont care who you are or if your a nice guy.
They will take what they want from you, manipulate and twist it until it fits a nice story, if Edinbrugh gary didnt see that coming hes a fool. - hmm reading that would suggest lots of hospitals have info lying around, it is only me that that concerns? and the fact people are keeping random stuff they found? I always thought urbex was about visiting historical places etc and either making a record or just seeing them for yourselves....keeping personal files like this just seems very iffy to me. Fair enough getting a discarded memento from an old cinema or some commercial place, but someones personal xrays?

Again, I guess this is only some urbex people, but just going on those responses it makes me wonder :|

For the record I don't think you have done anything wrong EG, can't even see how you have put anyone in a bad light (apart from the Security working there and the NHS for leaving that info there!). It seems urbex people have been stung by bad press before and are now hyper defensive, but as urbex is not even mentioned some of them have decided to have a go at you for nothing. But then again I don't really see how the story was sensationalised, seems to me the facts were pretty much reported how they appear.

Interesting thread though, guessing not so much for you though Gary - has certainly made me cautious of what seems like a fair chunk of the urbex community.
not too well, its caused an uproar if you want to know.

Going to the press causing a site to get locked down is not good. Just this incident could cause plenty of other sights to get tighter.

Go to a site , take a few pictures, get out, no one knows youve been there.

You found a few medical records, great.
Now the press have rinsed the story for all its worth.:bang:

see his side? what did he expect was going to happen. If you deal with the press expect to get shafted, they dont care who you are or if your a nice guy.
They will take what they want from you, manipulate and twist it until it fits a nice story, if Edinbrugh gary didnt see that coming hes a fool.

Ha - thanks for proving my last post!
Gary you should be locked up, i mean come on everyone he would deserve it, trusting the media is surely a crime punishable by jailtime.

dont worry gary, everything will be ok tomorrow

that link proves the theory of a shallow gene pool......

not too well, its caused an uproar if you want to know.

Going to the press causing a site to get locked down is not good. Just this incident could cause plenty of other sights to get tighter.

Go to a site , take a few pictures, get out, no one knows youve been there.

You found a few medical records, great.
Now the press have rinsed the story for all its worth.:bang:

Just had a look at the site and seen that you do what we tell kids not to do and you have climbed scaffolding that is erected around an unstable structure...

Clever you... I take it you took all precaution regarding you personal safety and that of the others with you.... obviously you checked all the scaff tags to ensure the scaffold was safe to climb.

Hats off to you, well brave and clever...

Site barriers are there for a reason... may be you should see some construction site accidents to bring you to your senses it is amazing how pliable the human body is after it falls of scaffolding......
see his side? what did he expect was going to happen. If you deal with the press expect to get shafted, they dont care who you are or if your a nice guy.
They will take what they want from you, manipulate and twist it until it fits a nice story, if Edinbrugh gary didnt see that coming hes a fool.

Says the man who thinks he is spiderman....

I think we are all going to take note of that .....
28DL is a good site for pictures, Shame the guys on there cannot see things the other way round, there is quite a thratening comment on therealso that basically say "get him"
Gary,if the police have already said your in the clear then maybe you may want to keep in touch with them, just so no Knob decides he wants to be "king Dick" on 28DL Forum...
Just had a look at the site and seen that you do what we tell kids not to do and you have climbed scaffolding that is erected around an unstable structure...

Clever you... I take it you took all precaution regarding you personal safety and that of the others with you.... obviously you checked all the scaff tags to ensure the scaffold was safe to climb.

Hats off to you, well brave and clever...

Site barriers are there for a reason... may be you should see some construction site accidents to bring you to your senses it is amazing how pliable the human body is after it falls of scaffolding......

what has this got to do with this thread??

climbing up scaffold which is regular used by engineers checking the chimneys you mean? wooo, i must be crazy.

ignorance. very dangerous
Well, just watched it Gary - get any good pics of the film crew?

I wouldn't worry about the t***s on the other forums - it's the NHS that's come across badly, leaving all that stuff for anyone to get their grubby mitts on.

Oh, and the fashion police called - they want to know who allowed you out in those trainers!!
Just watched 'Reporting Scotland' on channel 971 of Sky (BBC Scotland).

Top story!!

By the looks of things they have edited the story a bit more. Its a bit more rounded than the one that is linked on the internet, does not imply that Gary was searching for this information like the earlier report seemed to.