Can you help a young lad?

Hi badronald / ridgecrisps :wave:, had a sex change have we?

*goes off to find the ban button*

Oh look! there it is.

badronald / ridgecrisps / ariana.....i.e. Mr Jonathan Northfield...don't register on our forum again.

Just to make it clear to everyone. ariana is a previous member who has already had TWO usernames banned due to dodgy trading practises, and deceiving money out of members.
I have little doubt that any of what he/she says about this condition and their knowledge of it is true.
a card for smile, with nothing more asked for other than a stamp and 10 minutes of our time ............

seems like the best deal I've seen this year. card being sent tomorrow
I havent read the whole thread, as quite honestly, I am knackered and I am off to bed, but I promise I will read up in the morning and get something in the post :):)
:shrug:Right .........all simmer down please

I have asked Man UTD for a favour and waiting for an answer ...I have edited this post because I feel my own words were inapropriate to Grockle and Ann Marie
Count me in,(y)
:shrug:Right .........all simmer down please

I have asked Man UTD for a favour and waiting for an answer .....some of you have come across scams like this before....... so before anyone jumps to conclusions can we hear the story again from the person who started this and pm him with details ........cos I am gonna look a rite t**t sending a signed shirt back now


It is my son who has been brought to your attention today...:)

If you would check posts #62 and #66 they should answer some questions I hope... Please, don't hesitate to ask myself or Grockle (as the thread initator) if you have any other questions as I fully understand anyone being a tad nervous or having some concerns...

FWIW... Sir Alex Ferguson (? Sp) did kindly send a letter to my lad wishing him well a few months ago after being approached by Ty Hafan Children's Hospice in Wales... He sent a pair of Ryan Giggs' training socks too... Which were (unbelievably to my mind! :D) shoved straight on my son's feet...
I have asked MAN UTD direct through the back door to give Chris a surprise I hope it pays off and he gets one (I have not got the return email yet) and will send it gladly to whoever without question

Fair one ! still love TP , and as I sent to you , I will Honour the trades! thank you
I have only just seen this. Read it all too. Card will be sorted this morning.
I'm Ann-Marie, the mum in question... :)

I have never been through anything like this, so I can't begin to imagine what you are going through.

But you should know that the "cards from strangers" thing has gone badly wrong in the past. A lad by the name of Craig Shergold did it in 1989. Everyone who heard about it told their friends and the story spread like wildfire. A year later, they had 19 million cards and were desperately trying to stop it but were powerless to do so. After two years, they had 35 million.

According to a Guinness announcement they were still getting 1000 a day in 2004.

You can read about Craig here:

Best wishes,

Cards on their way but Man Utd have not been in touch yet ...shame ....maybe if we all contact them they may send Chris a gift
go marcel!!, also hope you pull it off dangermouse ( a nice thought )
I have never been through anything like this, so I can't begin to imagine what you are going through.

But you should know that the "cards from strangers" thing has gone badly wrong in the past. A lad by the name of Craig Shergold did it in 1989. Everyone who heard about it told their friends and the story spread like wildfire. A year later, they had 19 million cards and were desperately trying to stop it but were powerless to do so. After two years, they had 35 million.

Thank you for your concern Andrew and I do understand what you are saying... I'd never heard of Craig Shergold or his attempt to make it into the Guiness Book of Records...

The original intent was to see if a few of the members on another forum I help to run would mind sending a few extra cards to put a smile on his face and kinda 'extend' his birthday period as it most definitely will be his last... People's generosity have helped the idea grow in a way I didn't possibly imagine...

I'm truly touched by the way people unknown to us have taken our situation to their heart and wanted to help out too... In a world of continuously awful news being reported it is lovely to see the real kindness of people in action... It reinforces the belief that really, we are a good species...:)

I think Chris' story has touched more people than his young soul could ever comprehend... So he'll leave something a little special with very many people even if they 'forget' about it in time in amongst their busy lives and the difficulty of every day living... Being a part of that is very humbling and I am truly grateful that 'strangers' have been so generous...

Although I do think I might just run out of space on the mantlepiece...:LOL:

My very best wishes to everyone on this forum and I hope you all have a lovely Christmas xxx
go marcel!!, also hope you pull it off dangermouse ( a nice thought )

I have written again to Man U hoping they will send Chris a little something special and left the details so they can either contact myself, TP forum, or his mum Ann Marie
Pontys not that far from me (25-30miles maybe) I have done weddings there. I can't think of anything worse than loosing a child, it's probably the thing most parents dread, I'll pop a card in the post for the young lad. Wayne
I have just spotted Berts post, and while I don't argree with his comments I do respect his right to post them, a forum is just that a place for discusion (good or bad) lets not make this personal and end up loosing members. Wayne
I have just spotted Berts post, and while I don't argree with his comments I do respect his right to post them, a forum is just that a place for discusion (good or bad) lets not make this personal and end up loosing members. Wayne

Quite agree but in this case I think silence is the better option if someone has something to say thats going to cause upset ..but yes you are right and everyone has a voice so really its up to the individual if they want to say something nice or not
a card for smile, with nothing more asked for other than a stamp and 10 minutes of our time ............

seems like the best deal I've seen this year. card being sent tomorrow

This says it all!!! My card goes out over the weekend.
Hi badronald / ridgecrisps :wave:, had a sex change have we?

*goes off to find the ban button*

Oh look! there it is.

badronald / ridgecrisps / ariana.....i.e. Mr Jonathan Northfield...don't register on our forum again

Well done marcel (y)
I think one person here should get some credit for bringing this sad story to our attention and giving us the chance to help CeeJay and his mum out

Hi badronald / ridgecrisps :wave:, had a sex change have we?

*goes off to find the ban button*

Oh look! there it is.

badronald / ridgecrisps / ariana.....i.e. Mr Jonathan Northfield...don't register on our forum again.

Take that !!!!!

Jeez, Whats wrong with some people ? :thinking:

I can see it now...a big red button with a slot for a key next to it :D

Marcel, I love how you put that (wave):wave: in there and then brought down the TP Banhammer on him/her/them (as my kids would say...... "hi-ya-----see-ya, sucker") (y)
Wayhaaaaay.... Man UTD have been in touch with me so here are the details

Hello Peter,

Thank you for your email,

If you wish to write to the following address we can arrange for birthday wishes in the form of a signed certificate to be sent for you.

The Managers Office,
Trafford Training Centre
Birch Rd,
M31 4BH.

Kind regards

Kerry wilde
Customer Service Advisor
Ticketing & Membership Services
Manchester United Football Club Ltd
Sir Matt Busby Way, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 0RA

I will be writing them on Monday
I have now written to the above and lets just hope they do send the lad summat
My family read the original post and mum and sis were in tears, its a horrible thing to have happened to such a young lad! Our card is in the post and i hope we can make CeeJay's remaining time happy for him.

pot xxx
Sorry if its already been said, but I cant find it...

How old will he be? :)