Canon 5D MKIII official owners/users thread, anything related to the 5D MKIII

Does anyone use a EOS Speedlite 270EX II Flash?

I have a 580EXII and i'd like to try some fill light shots this year. I had just started to look in to it with my 60D and OB when i got my 5D.
I dont want to take my 580 out, its too big and cumbersome on the 5D, with a heavy lens as well, so was thinking of the 270EXII. I know its range isnt great but it looks ideal for just close up fill light, shooting my kids etc in bright sunlight when over the park etc.

They cost less than £100 from HK so its not a big outlay, but its small enough to keep in my camera bag all or most of the time. something i cant say about my 580.

hi all

well now i have got use to my 5DIII and have the lens i need for
wildlife and aviation i am looking for a walk around lens

my options

canon 24-70 mk2 (bit to high a cost but could save up)
canon 24-70 mk1 ( heavy and no is)
canon 24-105 (F4 but has is, is good for 1stop of light)
tamron 24-70 (has vc but no rear eliment protection)

i know its down to me but some advise would be a help

thank in advance


No need to worry about lack of IS on the 24-70 Mk1 with the 5D3's iso capabilities.
No need to worry about lack of IS on the 24-70 Mk1 with the 5D3's iso capabilities.

Lol, unless you want to shoot hand held with a very slow shutter speed or wide DOF, Then I would worry.
High ISO's are all very good but still not as good as using lower.
Ive owned the Tamron and 24-105, and own the 24-70 MKII.

The Tamron(s) i had had issues, but produced very good images. The addition of VC is a big one and i definitely had a use for it. Shame mine kept breaking.
Im not sure about what no rear element protection means. It is weather sealed although i dont know how that stacks up against the Canons.

The 24-105. Well, we al know what thats like. one of the best all rounders and can be brought second hand for under £500 now. Slower than f/2.8 but also with a nicer range and IS helps a lot IME.

The 24-70 MKII is over priced compared to the Tamron (well, they are all over priced IMO) but it does feel nicer on the camera, focuses quite a bit faster and produces nicer looking images (again, IMO and IME). Im not talking about sharpness as such, just more pop and contrast to my eyes.

For me the bottom line was get as fast as i could (f/2.8) and something i feel i can trust 100%, with a fast AF system, and that was the 24-70MKII. The Tamron was sluggish when using AI Servo. Not really bad but out of all my lenses this one was the only one that couldn't really keep up.

Just my thoughts based on owning them, and shooting at amateur level.

DPReviews test fo the Canon 24-70 f/2.8 MKII shows how nice it is, and confirms my thoughts about it being sharper than the Tamron's i owned.

I share youre opinion regarding the Tamron. I had one for a brief period on my 7D which I bought to use as a wedding lens in place of my 24-105, for the higher f stop advantage. Turned out to be a mistake! The lens was very inconsistent with focussing and quality of images taken. Sold it, put the 24-105 back on and then saved up for the Canon 24-70 Mk ii ( should have gone for it to start with).
Now got the 5D Mk iii and what an amazing combination it is! Well worth investing in.
Lol, unless you want to shoot hand held with a very slow shutter speed or wide DOF, Then I would worry.
High ISO's are all very good but still not as good as using lower.

With respect, the guys asking about a walk around lens. I can't see him needing 12000 iso on the average walk around.
Here have an unnecessary lol back.
With respect, the guys asking about a walk around lens. I can't see him needing 12000 iso on the average walk around.
Here have an unnecessary lol back.

I meant no disrespect but considering every review I have read, along with a very high % of owners comments say they wish the MKII had IS, i wonder how you know the person won't need it.
My own experiences tells me its useful if the shutter speed drops too low. This is not normally an issue during the day but who's to say what happens at night.

Edit. Just wanted to add it was you that brought the high ISO up, not me :)
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I meant no disrespect but considering every review I have read, along with a very high % of owners comments say they wish the MKII had IS, i wonder how you know the person won't need it.
My own experiences tells me its useful if the shutter speed drops too low. This is not normally an issue during the day but who's to say what happens at night.

Edit. Just wanted to add it was you that brought the high ISO up, not me :)

As an owner and user on a 5D3 there's only one lens in his list that I'd rather have over the 24-70 Mk1 and that's the Mk2. And I didn't even mention IS on the Mk2.. as the lens doesn't even exist its a pointless argument.
Was just adding input as nobody else had on the Mk1.
As far as me mentioning the iso I mentioned it because the 24-105 f4 IS argument is pretty irrelevant as the iso on the 5D3 can be bumped up easily equivalent to the extra stop that the 24-105 would give.
If we were talking about a 5D2 I'd not say it, but given the choice of his list unless I had the budget for the Mk2 I'd both choose and recommend the Mk1.
But hey not my money I don't particularly care what he buys either.
The only reason i mentioned the MKII was because to show that people do want IS on a 24-70 lens.
I understand your argument about bumping up the ISO but my point was why do it if you dont have to. Even though the 5DMKIII has good high ISO its still not as good as using lower if you can.
I posted a shot earlier that was taken at 1/8th. That was with my Tamron. I wanted to portray movement and it worked well i thought, but i couldn't have done it with a non IS lens.

I suppose we all have different ideas of what we want, and although we have strong views of what someone else should get it does indeed come down to the individual.
I love my 24-105 as a walkabout as its a really useful range. I don't find then;f4 a limitation at all.
Either lens would be going on the same camera, so your considerations over maximum aperture and stabilisation are just as relevant as ever. If you want shallower depth of field, faster shutter speeds and faster and more accurate AF, then get a 2.8 lens. If you want the ability to use slower shutter speeds handheld, get a lens with IS.

Another consideration, if you think you'll be doing any run-and-gun video, IS can be very, very handy.
That's the nature of full frame. It asks a lot more of the lens because of the extra dimensions of sensor to be filled, and there are other technical challenges created by the angle at which the light hits the sensor away from the centre. Often it can add an appealing effect, but if you don't like it it's a one click fix in Lightroom or DPP or you can enable LPIC in camera for shooting JPEGs. Stopping down can also ease the effect, if you can afford to do that.

Here's an example before/after correction with my wide open 50/1.4 on my 5D2...

That's the nature of full frame. It asks a lot more of the lens because of the extra dimensions of sensor to be filled, and there are other technical challenges created by the angle at which the light hits the sensor away from the centre.

Many thanks for that. It is perfectly obvious when it's explained, I just wanted to make sure it was normal!

I have been correcting it sometimes in ACR but I actually quite life the effect it gives!

I have already noticed that certain lighting has effects I wasn't expecting! Like the Gebera photo I posted on here.

All good though:)
I share youre opinion regarding the Tamron. I had one for a brief period on my 7D which I bought to use as a wedding lens in place of my 24-105, for the higher f stop advantage. Turned out to be a mistake! The lens was very inconsistent with focussing and quality of images taken. Sold it, put the 24-105 back on and then saved up for the Canon 24-70 Mk ii ( should have gone for it to start with).
Now got the 5D Mk iii and what an amazing combination it is! Well worth investing in.

Same here. With my daughters wedding coming up in May my recent camera purchases have been biased towards this, as well as any other needs or wants (more wants than needs).
As nice as the Tamron was i didnt feel the same confidence about that lens that i would the 24-105 or 24-70 MKII (ive never tired the MKI).
I almost didnt bother with the Tamron, i was happy with the IQ i was getting from my 24-105L, but i know that for weddings a faster lens is preferable.
If it wasnt for this wedding im not sure i would have given up on the Tamron. Even though the VC system was flaky its still a fantastic package for the money, and for day to day use i couldn't really fault it, other than the slower AF, but i didnt think i could rely on it when it was really needed.
Just wait until you start using it... There's almost nothing the 7D does that the 5DMKIII doesn't do a lot better! :)

Here's one from me from earlier in the week...

'Shiny Two'
Out of interest what SD card are people using?

I put a sandisk 16gb 45 m/s card in mine. Shooting speed is fine (I rarely shoot continuous more than 3 frames). I found it a bit sluggish when viewing files afterwards though.
You don't get much better subject material than that! What lens do you use for those photos?

I use a 300mm f/2.8 L IS USM MKI for most of my low-fly images. Most of the time, I use it on its own but sometimes I'll use it with a 2x converter.

On a sunny day like that though, just about any good quality telephoto will give excellent images. :)

'Shiny Two' is an aircraft I always keep missing... It usually appears in the Loop either the day before or the day after I go up! I finally got lucky on Tuesday! :)
I use a 300mm f/2.8 L IS USM MKI for most of my low-fly images. Most of the time, I use it on its own but sometimes I'll use it with a 2x converter.

On a sunny day like that though, just about any good quality telephoto will give excellent images. :)

'Shiny Two' is an aircraft I always keep missing... It usually appears in the Loop either the day before or the day after I go up! I finally got lucky on Tuesday! :)

I tried out that lens at last weeks Focus on Imaging, on my week old 5D3- was amazing. Tried the 85mm as well - how heavy are those things lol. Biggest laugh was when the Canon rep on the stand thought my 24-70 mk2 was also a trial lens and attempted to put it back on their shelf !!
I tried out that lens at last weeks Focus on Imaging, on my week old 5D3- was amazing. Tried the 85mm as well - how heavy are those things lol. Biggest laugh was when the Canon rep on the stand thought my 24-70 mk2 was also a trial lens and attempted to put it back on their shelf !!

You should have let him and took off with the 300 instead.
Sounds a fair trade to me!:D
Hi Si, loving the shot of Shiny two, where did you take those?

Also had a quick look on your Flickr, some great AC shots. I've flown down through LFA 7 in a Hawk when I was at Valley many moons ago.

Hi Marsha,

I'm glad you like them! :)

They were taken from Bwlch Exit, just before the turn for Cad, Bala or Dolgellau! I'd give a kidney for a pax flight but they're nigh on impossible to get these days!
Been playing around with my 5D3 this afternoon/evening and couldn't be happier so far!

After using a gripped 7D and 5DII for 3 years,it does feel a little bit like a toy at the moment though! :D
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I put a sandisk 16gb 45 m/s card in mine. Shooting speed is fine (I rarely shoot continuous more than 3 frames). I found it a bit sluggish when viewing files afterwards though.

Same here, although only as a back up in the camera. CF speed is a lot faster so I try not to use the SD slot unless I have to.

Welcome to the new owners. Now you know what all the fuss is about ;-)
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Only just got mine today so sorry if this has been asked countless times! But is there an option to switch a focus confirmation beep on during one shot like previous Canons?
Only just got mine today so sorry if this has been asked countless times! But is there an option to switch a focus confirmation beep on during one shot like previous Canons?

Yes. Its in the normal place. I thought the camera's normally come with it turned on anyway.
Congrats on the new toy :)
Yeah that's the update I downloaded last night.
Still not reading them though:thinking:

I'll try again tomorrow with a few more shots.