=Capture a stranger street style=

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Wassup doc


1975 ?

Shadow Boxing


Adults only...
Nice shooting and what wonderful additions to the thread THANK YOU!. I made the comment in the film thread that I would love to see them larger. (y)

Thanks! I wasn't quite sure which thread to post them in so I whacked them in both :LOL:. I'll sort out larger ones this evening.

Need to get a prism for the Bronica though, composing via the top view finder is proving testing. I'm making quick adjustments in the wrong direction which is screwing up my shots :LOL:
Shadow Boxing

Now this is street photography and I like it a lot, though I do think that the composition would benefit from a square crop to retain the cloud but remove the group on the right and also a tweak on the levels to improve midrange contrast.
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Well, I went for a short walk today specifically to try out this sears lens on a Digital body. I was completely amazed at the contrast and sharpness. I was also very impressed with the color renditions. As most know I am a Jpeg shooter and this lens will keep me shooting jpegs.....Does anyone know if Sears made a 20 or 24mm lens in Pentax mount? While I love the 28, It is a tad long for my style of street shooting....

Straight Jpegs with slight cropping. In camera PP :)


Busy street, no place to go.

This lady cussed me out like if there was no tomorrow...I have been cussed out before, but not like this in about 3 or 4 languages..

A tad over exposed

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Seeing as it was Javier who told me about this forum, I think it's appropriate that I make my first post in this seemingly perennial thread.

I haven't been able to make it through all 40-something pages of it (a man has to eat, bathe and sleep, after all) but I have seen some great street shots and read through quite a few discussions on what is/isn't Street, and what is/isn't a good Street photograph. Personally, I'm not sure I have a clear definition myself, but as with most things in the Art world, I don't care much consensus or definitions. After all, there are still many out there who don't even consider Photography to be an Art :cautious:

One thing I do like about this forum is that you blokes (and blokettes) aren't afraid of criticising photographs you don't like. In the other forums I participate in there is too much sugar-coating when it comes to critiques. I think critiques help us all grow as photographers, and the good of the many will both improve our Art form and the individual artists who partake of it.

I'll stop now and leave you with a photo. Is it Street according to the Rules of Talk Photography? I'm sure you'll let me know! :LOL: Note: The "T" is what the Boston tube is called.


Love & Life on the T

One thing I do like about this forum is that you blokes (and blokettes) aren't afraid of criticising photographs you don't like. In the other forums I participate in there is too much sugar-coating when it comes to critiques. I think critiques help us all grow as photographers, and the good of the many will both improve our Art form and the individual artists who partake of it.

Yes, indeed and this is what has endeared me to this group of folks. Talk about getting torched...lol..That is me. But I kept at it and while I still post up what some people call junk, most seem to like it. I still have no idea what street photography is and I don't think I will ever know...But for now, I am having fun. :) Welcome, Mis. :)
And of course that is one fine image!
Seeing as it was Javier who told me about this forum, I think it's appropriate that I make my first post in this seemingly perennial thread.

I'll stop now and leave you with a photo. Is it Street according to the Rules of Talk Photography? I'm sure you'll let me know! :LOL: Note: The "T" is what the Boston tube is called.

That is a simple and yet beautiful image Miserere... (y) ...extremely well timed and working very well in mono too with superb depth and contrast... :clap: ...I love the style... :D

And a very BIG :welcome: to the pages of TP too... (y) ...hope to see more of your style whether it be street/life/love or just plain T... ;)

Yes, indeed and this is what has endeared me to this group of folks. Talk about getting torched...lol..That is me. But I kept at it and while I still post up what some people call junk, most seem to like it. I still have no idea what street photography is and I don't think I will ever know...But for now, I am having fun. :) Welcome, Mis. :)
And of course that is one fine image!

Whatever it is called Javier you have a great talent for a life style image that many, including me, can only dream about and the variety and quality (and sheer quantity... :D) of your stuff is inspiring... ;)








Whoa, I've just found this thread and I :love: it, so here's a few from me







Hope you like them. They were all taken in and around Paris.
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