ccsnet's 52 for 2010 - Week 34,25,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43 & 44

Hi Terran,

Yours is another that I seem to have missed commenting on until now.

Firstly, well done for continuing with this when you have other issues to deal with (y) I'm not sure I would have done the same.

Mechanical is brilliant. Really clean and crisp. Nice angle, nice lighting. I wish my car was that clean but there is no way I am spending that long detailing it :wacky:

Bumblebee is really good as well. You seem to be getting to grips with photoshop really well. Good lighting and clean bright image (y)

I'm not sure about the chemistry shot. I have nothing against the HDR, infact I quite like the use of it on the right shot. I can understand what you were trying to achieve with the nuclear plant but to me it doesn't jump out at me what i am looking at. Perhaps getting closer and losing some of the foreground may have emphasised it more? I have seen a few shots of gas plants, etc at night and they look spectacular. Not sure if the nuclear plant looks as good at night but that may have been another option. The sky is nice and dramatic ( I always seem to be taking pictures when the sky is grey and lifeless) but the plant just seems to be a collection of buildings on the horizon.

I suppose I'm not going to be very popular but I don't really like candid either, sorry :shake:

It seems a little posed to be candid. as already said the onboard flash does you no favours. It is too harsh and you have lost a lot of detail in the hair. To be fair I think that this is a theme that many of us struggled with. I know it wasn't one of my favourites.

I have just read through what I have typed and realise it may sound a little harsh. It's not meant to be but without comments on our shots we won't move forward as photographers and that is what this challenge is all about isn't it ?

Hi Terran,

Yours is another that I seem to have missed commenting on until now.

Firstly, well done for continuing with this when you have other issues to deal with (y) I'm not sure I would have done the same.

Mechanical is brilliant. Really clean and crisp. Nice angle, nice lighting. I wish my car was that clean but there is no way I am spending that long detailing it :wacky:

Bumblebee is really good as well. You seem to be getting to grips with photoshop really well. Good lighting and clean bright image (y)

I'm not sure about the chemistry shot. I have nothing against the HDR, infact I quite like the use of it on the right shot. I can understand what you were trying to achieve with the nuclear plant but to me it doesn't jump out at me what i am looking at. Perhaps getting closer and losing some of the foreground may have emphasised it more? I have seen a few shots of gas plants, etc at night and they look spectacular. Not sure if the nuclear plant looks as good at night but that may have been another option. The sky is nice and dramatic ( I always seem to be taking pictures when the sky is grey and lifeless) but the plant just seems to be a collection of buildings on the horizon.

I suppose I'm not going to be very popular but I don't really like candid either, sorry :shake:

It seems a little posed to be candid. as already said the onboard flash does you no favours. It is too harsh and you have lost a lot of detail in the hair. To be fair I think that this is a theme that many of us struggled with. I know it wasn't one of my favourites.

I have just read through what I have typed and realise it may sound a little harsh. It's not meant to be but without comments on our shots we won't move forward as photographers and that is what this challenge is all about isn't it ?

Dont worry - comment is comment.... how else can I improve ?

TBH Done better photos elsewhere just not of the 52 subjects.... ( big hint Flickr in my sig :naughty: )

Candid is a little too posed for my liking. It's a little too bright and the background is distracting, but having said that I'm drawn to the eyes - very intense.
Hi Terran.
Glad to hear that everything is back on the right track with you again :hug:

And for a "grab, point and fire" shot in auto as you called it, the eyes have come out very well in this one. No doubt at all what the main focal point is and they really do draw you in.

I would have preferred it against a plain background and I think the overall image has suffered from the flash - it's all a bit bright and washed out for me.
But it fits the theme (I don't think it looks too posed) and it's kept you on track.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for produce.

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Week 12 - Produce. In this one my planned photo of this or another field was thwarted by the farmer who was prepping for his next load. The shot taken at Warton Village near Carnforth shows the farmer hard at work just under the Warton Crag and with the village its self and even the local church in the background. Apart from a little crop from the original and a small nudge of the colours I've not changed this in any other way.

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Its a nice landscape Terran, well exposed and i love the moody sky. I think another centimetre or two off the bottom would help as there is no foreground interest to look at. That or a few more weeks of sun and rain to get the crops growing.:)
Nice capture and on theme.

I agree with Chris about the foreground but the sky is great.

Would have been even better if you had got the tractor coming the other way into the frame.

Well done (y)

Nice capture and on theme.

I agree with Chris about the foreground but the sky is great.

Would have been even better if you had got the tractor coming the other way into the frame.

Well done (y)

Your probably both right about the foreground.... believe it or the sky looked like that.... I have only slightly bumped the saturation just there.

OOOOOOOOh Arrrrrrrrrrr OOOOOOOOOOOOOOh Arrrrrrrrrrrr from one farmer :LOL:

Lovely shot great take on the theme but would have preferred a crop on the bottom, and a bit more of a close up on the tractor to bring it in more, but like the background also, won't get that much done with snow forecast Tuesday and Wednesday :LOL: bit frustrating for us.:bang:
OOOOOOOOh Arrrrrrrrrrr OOOOOOOOOOOOOOh Arrrrrrrrrrrr from one farmer :LOL:

Lovely shot great take on the theme but would have preferred a crop on the bottom, and a bit more of a close up on the tractor to bring it in more, but like the background also, won't get that much done with snow forecast Tuesday and Wednesday :LOL: bit frustrating for us.:bang:
Snow ??? Blimey - missed that.

Its probably worth noting that I'm trying to use photographic sizes to teach my self composing and one of the problems with getting more sky would be that rather than been level I'd be looking up which I have found to be a PITA when its comes to perspective some times.

That been said I have this on my photo frame which is 16:9 and its chopped it very nicly... in fact ( off to PS :) )




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Good landscape there Terran. I like the revised shot with the 16:9 crop. Great sky.
Candid is a nice shot of her and the eyes really draw you in, the background is a bit cluttered really... Not sure on the light either...

glad to hear things are back on track though.

Produce... I much prefer the crop, it's a good take for me.
Definitely prefer the cropped version (y)

As has already been said, the sky is beautiful and there are some great colours in the landscape.
I love the splash of red from the tractor, it would have worked a bit better for me if it was a bit further in frame though - it's just a little too close to the left hand edge.
Single - Week 14

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Shoot - Week 15

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Stare - Week 16 Postoned due to my lad bruising his eye.... so here is this instead

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Week 17 - Peace - Promenade Walk

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Indulgence - Week 18

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Not sure if I will stick to a theme or not as I seem to be taking photos every week that I like so we'll see how it goes.... the 52 chanllange how ever is not over ;)

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That's a helluva catchup Terran!

My favourite has to be the sunset in Shoot. Nice smooth skies and an overall warm feeling. Lovely colours going on there.

I think Single would work a bit better if that light on the left wasn't distracting me as much as it is. There are some good lines going through the picture and it typifies "Single-ness".

That's a helluva catchup Terran!

My favourite has to be the sunset in Shoot. Nice smooth skies and an overall warm feeling. Lovely colours going on there.

I think Single would work a bit better if that light on the left wasn't distracting me as much as it is. There are some good lines going through the picture and it typifies "Single-ness".

Thanks.... actually I liked the light but I can see what you mean too.

I like the composition on this Terran but I'm not sure about the way the subject seems to be the same colour as the background. Also there are white bits in each corner of the frame. Some sort of vignetting? I find them a bit distracting I'm afraid.

It really does impart a sense of scale and size but it doesn't pack as much of a wallop for me because it seems to blend into the background. Just my opinion though, and I am on a laptop screen in daylight.Could easily just be me.

Terran, cracking catchup, well done. I think Peace wins it for me... I'm in two minds over the light in Single... I quite like how you've done it, but I also agree with Ian, I think it works better for Single without it..

There's some really good detail in the tower in that last one. It doesn't quite do it for me though, I guess, as Ian said, it lacks punch... I couldn't tell you why though.
I like the composition on this Terran but I'm not sure about the way the subject seems to be the same colour as the background. Also there are white bits in each corner of the frame. Some sort of vignetting? I find them a bit distracting I'm afraid.

It really does impart a sense of scale and size but it doesn't pack as much of a wallop for me because it seems to blend into the background. Just my opinion though, and I am on a laptop screen in daylight.Could easily just be me.


Terran, cracking catchup, well done. I think Peace wins it for me... I'm in two minds over the light in Single... I quite like how you've done it, but I also agree with Ian, I think it works better for Single without it..

There's some really good detail in the tower in that last one. It doesn't quite do it for me though, I guess, as Ian said, it lacks punch... I couldn't tell you why though.
Thanks both.... here is an alternative version..... I have to say taking the photo was not easy as there was a fence right behind me..... got some funny looks with the positions I was getting in to lol.


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The cakes look scrummy, it seems a little crowded, maybe a little more space at the top ...

The rocks view is a bit different. There's some lovely tones in the sky, but it's not really doing anything for me I'm afraid. Not sure why... sorry.
:clap: :clap: :clap: Good to see you back Terran.

Looks like being liberated from the themes is agreeing with you. Some great shots there.

Far too many to comment on them all, but I'll pick a few favourites.

Both of your seascapes - peace and shoot - really stand out for me.
Beautiful tones in both of them.

And week 25 really draws me in.
Loads of texture there in the wheat(?) - although I'd like to see a bit more of it and I like the way that it contrasts against the pylon. A bit more detail in the sky would finish it off perfectly, but I really think that there's a great shot in there.

I also really like week 19. In fact I actually prefer the aged PP'd version. I can't quite articulate why, but I just like it :shrug:
Good work on the catchup Terran. I'm with Sarah on the 25... Really like that.
(y) Another great catch up Terran!

The greenhouse one really stands out for me. I love the high angle and the DoF. Also really like the colours and composition in the sail boat one.

Do you by any chance have a colour version of the swans. It's beautifully sharp and well composed, but I'd love to see the orange of their beaks.
(y) Another great catch up Terran!

The greenhouse one really stands out for me. I love the high angle and the DoF. Also really like the colours and composition in the sail boat one.

Do you by any chance have a colour version of the swans. It's beautifully sharp and well composed, but I'd love to see the orange of their beaks.
I'll have a look for just for you although there may be a small delay again because of me been at the tail end of a really bad flu session :(

BTW - I love the green house one my self..... took a few shots to get what I wanted and I can tell you when they ripened they where yum yum :)

As ever Flickr gets updated more than here if you really want to keep up (y)

Small update for the TP One Photo day..... because of the above this was the best I could get..... believe me when I say this was at the height of the flu and I could barley lift my mobile never mind an SLR to take an image..... but I wanted to say I did it..... I think I must be mad :wacky:

A Day in TalkPhotography™ Time. One forum. One Passion. One Day by letscommunicate, on Flickr

Bit of a catch up for me Terran, sorry I've missed your thread for a while.

Love the railings on Morecombe prom, maybe just tweak the levels,curves and contrast a little to make the colours a little bolder.

The swans are great but, as Sarah says I would like to see a colour version.

The greenhouse shot works really well too.

And well done for struggling on with 'man flu' and managing to get a shot in. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Great catchup Terran, a lot of interesting shots in there. I think the prom railings is my fave in that set. The swans, also look good, but I'm also looking for the colour in the beaks...
Hey just saw your stream and wanted to say, well done on your images and catch ups (it seemed so easy at the start to say 52 images!? easy! - I got about half way and started to find it tougher than i thought - so well done for sticking with it)

WEEK 40 - the variance in colours in this is just superb, the tree just adds that contrast nicely
WEEK 41 - well lit, nice clean shot
WEEK 42 - tram - love the colour in this image and well done getting the feel of the movement in too

keep it up, some great stuff there ;)
Welcome back Terran !!!
I thought we'd lost you for good this time ;)

Far too many to comment on them all, but there are some great ones in there. A few of my favourites :

Wk 41 : IPod Reflections. Beautifully sharp, great lighting and good use of reflections. I really like the red b/g too.

Wk 42 : Blackpool Illuminations. I love the quality of the light in this one. Great colours, strong composition and you've conveyed the movement well.

Wk 42 : The Sandbreaker. Lovely contrasty mono conversion and a very appealing abstract. This is something that would look great printed large and hung on the wall.