ccsnet's 52 for 2010 - Week 34,25,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43 & 44

I was gonna do this, but our car engine is bloody filthy. Nice clean shot, mate.
Great minds think alike :) :) :)

Lovely clean engine, like aztec said, looks like a brochure shot! (y)
Thanks all...... I do tend to have a bit of OCD when it comes to the car....I think my record is about 17hrs over two days but to be fair I had just got it and was putting protection on inside and out.

Any one interested in that sort of thing.... have a look at - I learnt a lot there and the time does pay off. With what I have on mine the dirt struggles to stick as much so looks cleaner and when it was snowing it was loads easier to de-ice.

Any way - back to the photo.... thanks very much all for the comments.

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The photo has been processed and cleaned up a little...

Works well... I could see a shot like this being in a Saab brochure.
Agree with the others... It works very very well indeed and wouldn't be amiss in the brochure...

Do you have a few hours spare to come and clean my car :LOL:
I did consider doing this for my shot this week . . . but decided that it would be a really boring image.
How wrong I was!
That works really well and you've done a great job of keeping the reflections under control.
Nicely framed too - the angle is spot on.

I know Terran wont mind me saying this but he is anally retentive when it comes to keeping his car clean :wacky:

I'm not, but my OH is . . .

Any one interested in that sort of thing.... have a look at - I learnt a lot there and the time does pay off. With what I have on mine the dirt struggles to stick as much so looks cleaner and when it was snowing it was loads easier to de-ice.

. . . and I won't be passing that link onto him - he's obsessed enough already :LOL:
Hi Terran:wave:

I like your 2nd 'Street' shot the most it's a lovely shot and I think the b&w works well.

Speed it's definitely the first one for me :) nice shot!

Your 'mechanical' shot is excellent....wasn't brave enough to get a shot of my rust bucket...I don't think it would have quite had the same effect :LOL:
Hey Terran,

I prefer your third People shot - a really nice building, just a shame so many cars. I think it would make for a great image if they weren't there. The lighting is spot on.

Good shot of an engine - obviously mechanical in nature. I like the angle and composition.
Still too busy but I'm determined to keep up.......


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Week 9 - Play.... for this I used one of my Sons toys. Actually I quite like this car any way for real and what started out as some kind of shot of a toy seemed to turn in to a real life shot of the car - just on a smaller scale. Using macro shots in bright room at first and then adding some post processing I was able to create the above image. Although not what I set out to make in the first place I learned a whole new set of skills I didnt think I'd be using on this shot.

Another later version with out rain or 'grass'.


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I like the image of the car, at first glance it's hard to tell it's a toy.
But I personally feel the rain effect takes something away from the overall effect.
Nope I agree.... it started out as a photo of a toy but turned in to some thing else..... if you look at it from that point of view its not bad.

That's not a bad job you've done there. Certainly took a second glance to double check toy or real but the rain effect isn't doing that much for me I'm afraid.
Nice, definitely it's almost there as a real car (and the asbo orange is a perfect colour too for this shot) but I keep seeing carpet :D

I only saw grass. Thought somehow you'd PP'd it in :)
Looks like grass to me too...

Not sure about the rain though - more it's incongruity with the surroundings.

Overall, it's a good effort. Nice composition and nice choice of subject.

Looked like grass to me... I'd have thought real if you'd not explained it Terran... Well done and always good to learn a load of lessons from this project. I have to agree on the rain though...
Well you're doing better than just keeping up IMO. Obviously a lot of effort this week.

At first glance I thought it was a real car!
I also only saw grass when I looked at it . . . then with the realisation that it was a toy car I thought you'd photoshopped grass in from another shot.

To be able to make everyone look again at this shot shows how effective it's been - and a great bit of PP on the red blanket too :clap:

I'm undecided about the rain. It takes away some of the realism of the shot, but at the same time it covers up some of the tell-tale signs that it's a toy.
I think my issue with it is that it looks very 2-dimensional in the way that it's laid over the image.

Personally, I think I would have created a few duplicate layers of the rain. Moved them slightly so that they weren't directly lying over one another and then adjusted the opacity on a couple of them to give it more depth. I would also have masked out the car in some of the background "rain layers" to make it look like the rain was falling around the car rather than just over the foreground.

(I'm not sure if I explained that very well, but I hope it made at least some sense - and given that I've never created rain in Photoshop I could be talking complete rubbish !!!!!)
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Week 10 Chemistry - OK I admit its a weak link but bare with me plus remember my 52s are about learning new skils... OK HDR isnt but getting it right is... this is a better one imho that CS4s automated feature. Re chemistry, first of all I took thise just a few hours before my life blew up with power of a nuclear chain reaction ( whether it changes is another matter ) so the fact it shows Heysham 1 and 2 is a plus. Also down there is a gas support facility for rigs in the bay - again this sort of chemical related. Finally and most feeble link is the path in front leads to the old go cart track which was there when the holiday village existed all those years ago. Any way - enjoy.... I intend to get better with these but my minds not fully on it tonight....

Can see what you were trying to shoot with the chemistry image, just seems a tad flat as there is nothing jumping out of the image.

Fairly certain a tighter crop would enhance the image, or even a crop which makes the image look like a panoramic with the chemical plant in the bottom third and a nice amount of the lovely sky you've captured.

Good effort!
Agree with both the comments above. Too much empty foreground and the main subject is soft in the frame. Whilst the sky looks good, the building lacks contrast for some reason. The panoramic idea seems to be the way to go to lose most of the emptiness at the front.
first of all I took thise just a few hours before my life blew up with power of a nuclear chain reaction ( whether it changes is another matter )

:shake: That doesn't sound good Terran - I hope everything's OK with you.

As for the shot, well done for getting it in and it's definitely on theme for me.
At first glance it didn't immediately shout HDR at me - and IMO that's a good thing (y)

I like the subject, I like the lighting (the sky is fantastic), I do agree that you've got more foreground than is really contributing to the image - I think a pano crop would suit it perfectly.
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I like the colours, but feel that Chemistry is lacking a focal point. It's well processed though, and doesn't look at all overdone. As for Bumblebee, I hadn't realised that was a transformer you'd shot ;)... I do like the second one.

I hope you find your way from within that meltdown Terran, and very sorry to hear that things have gone that pear shaped.
I agree with John but I do like the overall shot in Chemistry especially the sky.
OK - heres my Candid, the source and the resolution to all my problems my other half.... taken again just before it all kicked off.... thankfully on the right track again....

A small cheat here - I couldnt think of what to do for candid so i had just took this at random so as it fits the bill it can serve here too :)


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I really like the chemical plant shot. There's something about these abominations that blight the landscape that seems to translate well in a photograph. (I know. It sounds like I'm talking rubbish). I like the processing, and I like the composition. I'm in a minority.

I'm not sure about Candid though. It looks a little "bright" to me. The square crop works nicely, but the bit of wall clock in the top-middle of the frame is slightly distracting. On camera flash by any chance? Nice expression and crisp sharp eyes are both very good plus points though.

I really like the chemical plant shot. There's something about these abominations that blight the landscape that seems to translate well in a photograph. (I know. It sounds like I'm talking rubbish). I like the processing, and I like the composition. I'm in a minority.

I'm not sure about Candid though. It looks a little "bright" to me. The square crop works nicely, but the bit of wall clock in the top-middle of the frame is slightly distracting. On camera flash by any chance? Nice expression and crisp sharp eyes are both very good plus points though.

Ian... its a nuclear plant.... we are due a third some time soon with room for more I recon.

Yep - Auto on, flash on..... it was literally grab, point and fire.
