Comfy neck strap


Emmet Brickowski
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What do you use for a replacement to the neck shredder that comes in the box?
Looking for something comfortable.

(Search brings up something from Jessops and TP neck strap that's sold out)
I use a couch camera strap on my 5d2 but have a crumpler singapore sling to use with my 7d. Happy to recommend either.
try the optech ones (made of neoprene) or black rapid across body ones ;)

TP used to have some like the optech... have a look in the 'TP shop'
Q Strap for me two - best bit of kit Ive bought in a long time- excluding lenses camera's etc :LOL:

as said discount for TP members too (y)

Black rapid for me. I have bought almost every type of camera strap and found them to be the best for me
Optech pro, much better weight distribution around my neck than the manufacture supplied strap
Black Rapid sling strap, would not be without it.........:)
As a replacement to the standard neck strap (which is the question) then Optech for me. I've few different ones and they're all comfy.

Sling straps - a different concept but BRapid or Q as mentioned.
Got to be Black Rapid. Never go without it. I can have my 100-400L on my 7D at my side and there is no discomfort whatsoever. Excellent bit of kit.
I use padded seat belt covers Velcro ones from any car accessory shop to fit on my straps lasts for years and no chafing.
Thanks all. Looks like I have some Googling to do later.

I was looking for a straight replacement for the straps that come in the box. They're ok for 10 mins or so, but lets say your having a day around a zoo. Last thing you want is to be beheaded by manufacturers guillotine (aka, Canon Strap).
Thanks all. Looks like I have some Googling to do later.

I was looking for a straight replacement for the straps that come in the box. They're ok for 10 mins or so, but lets say your having a day around a zoo. Last thing you want is to be beheaded by manufacturers guillotine (aka, Canon Strap).

Defo think about the OpTech Pro strap in that case. I walked the Great Wall of China with mine and hardly felt any discomfort :D
I use the Op-tech sling, it's comfy & handy to have my camera at my side.
You can also convert/interchange most Op-tech stuff & use them round your neck if you prefer with different straps.
I use an Op/Tech Sling & hand strap. Great combination & easily interchangeable (y)
Was going start a new thread but thought I'd ask here instead.

Looking to get a sling strap but not sure how it work with a shoulder bag? I never have only a camera. So need a strap that will work whilst wearing a shoulder bag. Any ideas.
I've an OpTech strap on mine and very pleased with it.

Some of the Black Rapids also get a good following...
Just put it on your shoulder, who hangs a camera off their neck anyway, bouncing around getting in the way, crashing into things if you lean forward.

Was going start a new thread but thought I'd ask here instead.

Looking to get a sling strap but not sure how it work with a shoulder bag? I never have only a camera. So need a strap that will work whilst wearing a shoulder bag. Any ideas.

I carry two cameras, one on each shoulder on the Canon straps that came with them, and a sling style bag with a couple of lenses, batteries, flashgun, etc. for 8-12 hours on jobs, no worries. (y)
I'd be careful with some of the neoprene straps and heavy cameras. Mainly due to personal preference but they can stretch and pull a little on your neck.
Just put it on your shoulder, who hangs a camera off their neck anyway, bouncing around getting in the way, crashing into things if you lean forward.

I carry two cameras, one on each shoulder on the Canon straps that came with them, and a sling style bag with a couple of lenses, batteries, flashgun, etc. for 8-12 hours on jobs, no worries. (y)

that's how I carry mine. Just wondered if it was possible to use a sling strap with a shoulder bag. Never carry a camera around the neck, way to much weight.