Coohullin's 52 - Week 26 Beginnings (pg 10)

Another interesting idea and take on the theme. I like it
Really clever idea. Like most I wish it was a bit bigger and I can't quite make out what two is. Is it a beer?

Not a theme that set my heart racing with excitement but here are my offerings and on to week 09.

A real life Tonka toy....taken with arms stretched to the limit overhead while I balanced on a couple of blocks to try and get the camera over a security fence (if only I'd managed a picture of that scene!)


A crane near where I am working currently but cranes being what they are I had to crop in pretty tight to have anything of note to look at.

Not a theme that set my heart racing with excitement but here are my offerings and on to week 09.

Having the same feelings about this weeks theme myself.

I think I prefer the second of your shots, just seems nice and crisp, whereas the dumper truck has less contrast and is a bit central.
Have you thought about dropping the sky from a different photo into the background of pic #2, it should be relatively straightforward in photoshop?
I agree that #2 is the better shot, Carl, but I'm not that inspired by either, tbh, mate. Sorry!
Second is the better subject but the fact there is no background other than a sheet of white is detracting. Might have been better trying to go wide on it and get in the arm and try and retain some of the sky detail.
The first one is definately a life sized Tonka Toy, sounds like it pushed you to you limits just taking the shot :D.
I prefer the 2nd shot but think it may have looked better if the sky had more interest in it
as already said the second would be better with a more intersting sky but you took what what there and ok I know you could photoshop a different sky but then it wouldn't be what you saw.
I prefer the second shot, I feel it has more interest and the composition's good too.

I do like the dumper truck though :D And it sounds like you had fun taking the picture! So top marks for effort :)
Now they are big and mechanical! I like the first best, but it's a bit of a snapshot. The crane looks interesting, but the harsh reflections and plain sky are killing the shot.
Not sure on either of these Carl... The first looks good, but is lacking something... the second has that, but the sky is causing problems... I've no clue what could be done though.
Both are good, clear crisp shots.
Of the 2 I far prefer the subject and composition of the second . . . but I have to agree with the comments about the sky.

I wonder if a really saturated colour version might have worked better to really make it stand out against that white background.
Of course it depends what colour it was to start with, but I think that might make more of a statement - almost as of you'd deliberately chosen a white backdrop to set it off.
Hi Carl,

firstly welcome to TP -:)

Not going to comment on each and every shot, but just now read through your post and there's some excellent stuff there.

Know where you are coming from with the need to get out and just do it kind of approach, but I too am sometimes self conscious of wandering around with a "big" camera....... :LOL:

The one that really stands out for me is your triptych of "people" --- in that we are all many different people at different times of day / week / life......

Bit of a trade from the 'blade to the sort of semi tourer bike, but I am guessing that (as a non biker) you can walk when you get off that one when arriving in Newcastle. That far on a 'blade would cripple you.
Hi Carl,

Have to say that the first doesn't do much for me. The second has much better potential. I quite like the white background and don't mind that it's a featureless sky. There's just something missing which I'm finding hard to explain. I keep wanting to see a person in the cab. Maybe I'm just missing the subject.

Be careful what you wish for..... crane with a new sky and increased saturation!


And onto Week 9, Play - well after purchasing some new playing cards I noticed that there were already a number of entries running with that particular theme so I decided to take a different route....



#3 for me too(y)
You have captured the movement well.
I like the colours and composition of your image.
Spot on theme, well done

LOVE that improved crane shot!

Third one for me too. Dynamic as!
Nicely improved the crane shot :clap:

#3 for me as well. Like the way you've captured the movement and retained the moody lighting. Curious what you've cropped out though.
Another vote for No 3 but also another vote for wanting to see what you have cropped out. If I was to knit pick however, I find the chalk quite distracting......
#3 here also, makes you think of smokey snooker halls where gangsters do their work. Great shot, nice and moody with a good use of lighting.
I liked number one, butr thought number two was far better, then saw number three, which blows the other two out of the water! Well done, a fantastic shot:clap:(y)
The new crane is much better... nice edit...

I agree with everyone else here... #3 by a very long way. Well done, the movement and lighting is spot on.
The crane shot is a nice improvement, and for Play, #3 for me.

What happened there then... Some sudoku shots, then a great pool shot?

(y) for the new crane shot and that's a really good bit of PP on the sky.

I actually like all 3 of your play images, but like everyone else I think no.3 is the stand out shot.
The angle and perspective work really well and that's a fantastic bit of motion blur on the ball.
One niggle (sorry) but I'd prefer it if the chalk was either further in shot or not there at all . . . at the moment it's right up in the corner and I'm finding it a bit distracting.
Thanks for all of the positive comments on Play - much appreciated!

Week 10 - Chemistry:


Well the theory is that tapping a shaken can of Coke on the side reduces the spewing foam that erupts when you open the can. The foam comes from the carbon dioxide gas (which has separated from the liquid as a result of the shaking) being released from the can and taking some liquid with it. Bubbles of gas attach themselvs to the sides and bottom of the can and force the liquid above them out as they head for the opening.

Tapping the side rather than the top of the can means that more of the bubbles are separated from the can's surface and rise to the top resulting in less liquid to force out as the gas escapes.

Why waste the coke?


Cleaning coins with Coca-Cola.
Nice instructional there. I knew I was supposed to flick the can but never realised why until now thanks :)

The idea and execution are both sound, but it's not quite working for me. And this is purely my own opinion, but I'm not keen on this many different images put together like this :) I think as a triptych it would have worked better from can at rest to shake to splurge and would have more impact as a stand alone image (without the explanation). You have six good images there, I'm just not keen on the layout. Although I'm sure many will like it :)
That's definitely an interesting interpretation of the theme. I had no idea that tapping the side of the can would stop it exploding . . . or of the science behind it. So I've learnt something new today.

All the shots work well as individual images and I like the way that you've combined them to tell the story.
TBH though I was finding it all a bit confusing until I read the explanation. I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to read up and down the storyboard or across or what was really happening :thinking:

It might have been a bit clearer if you'd used a different can for the second part of the story . . . or maybe I'm just being a bit slow :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
My only other suggestion would be to keep the same angle and scale to the can throughout the storyboard - the larger can bottom middle keeps catching my eye and distracting me.
:agree: with Darren and Sarah here Carl... I found the story hard to follow till I read the explanation. However, the colours are good and strong and I do like the individual images. I think the top triptych would be good as a single.
The Coke cans for Chemistry are great.

Hard to choose between the first 2 for candid but the first just shades it.

Great chemistry shots - interesting and scary :eek:
Your candid photographs are lovely I particularly like the first one:)