Coohullin's 52 - Week 26 Beginnings (pg 10)

Lovely set for Candid, all wonderful. I'm gonna agree with Sarah... the B&W for me.
Chemistry and Candid - spot on in all departments, I'd be chuffed with them if they were mine. Oh and #2 in your candid set - 'I'd hang it :D
wonderful.. what a little cutie she is.. love the second of the three for her gorgeous eyes.. all fab though!
Week 12: Produce -

Carrot anyone?
Only bought them yesterday and are already looking way beyond their best!

I saw this shot in a magazine in the last couple of months and fancied trying to do something similar as soon as the theme was announced.


Damn it, I was going to try the same shot, from the same magazine! I was looking back through it last night and saw the carrots shot and thought 'ooh produce'. :LOL:

The only reason I haven't done it yet is I couldn't be bothered to go to the supermarket.

I like your shots, especially the red background...well done
Prefer the darker background on Produce and I think it's an excellent shot. May be a copy from a mag, but you took the time to set it up and it's worked.


Great idea for Chemistry, I think other have made valid points about scale etc, but I think it's such a great idea for the theme and the shots are sharp and well lit(y)

Beautiful Candid shots :).....for the theme I think I like the 3rd one best as she's not looking at the camera and so more 'candid' however they are all lovely shots.

Well done on making the produce one interesting too :) I love the background colour for the first one and think it works a little better exposure wise although I guess the colour maybe clashes slightly with the carrots :) Still my favourite.
I like the first shot the best! The red complements the carrots IMHO. I actually read the article with the carrot shot too, sounded all very complicated to me :D
I remember that article... Didn't even think of it... Nicely done Carl. The red background works nicely with the carrots, but I think they have a little more impact against the black.
Really like these shots Carl, both are strong shots and equally good, lovely lighting and composition, hard for me to pick my favourite.

:clap: :clap: :clap: Artistic carrots!

I haven’t seen the magazine article, so I would never have thought of doing something like this.
Very nicely composed, the DoF and angle gives a good feeling of perspective – there’s almost a 3D effect like they’re just jumping out of the screen at me.

In terms of background, I love the rich red with the vignetting but it does clash a bit with the orange carrots, so I’ll pick the black as my favourite.

The only shame is that the carrots don’t look as fresh as they could :(
Quad -

Not a theme which really inspired I must admit so have 'gone to the dogs'.....quadrupeds!

1. one man and his 4 dogs.....a candid shot which presented itself.

2. spot the dog.....4 shots of a dalmation trotting towards me that I have tried to merge into one shot
I much prefer the dalmation shot than the first. Would be better with a bit more space at the top but I guess you didn't have a lot of time to frame it any differently.

A quartet of quadrapeds fits the theme very well.

Clever use of PP for the dalmations. I've got lots of burst shots of my dog wandering past so I might give it a go myself!

Right on theme, in fact doubly right on theme!
Both good shots, but the second works best. Nice bit of PP too
#1 is excellent, and fits the theme perfectly (y)
Really like the Dalmatian shot for quad (y)
I've been admiring a lot of these multiple exposure shots on here, so really must give it a go.
Only one tiny thing niggling at me. Are the dogs at the back missing the shadow beneath them? They just look a little bit too much like they're floating, and I feel like they need something to ground them.

Shoot : Glad that somebody was inspired by this theme. I had a bit of a mental block with it, but it seems that it worked brilliantly for you.

I like all of these, but it's the first plant shoot for me. Love the tones of light and dark in it and the DoF is spot on.
Shot No.4 is a close second though. Maybe a touch dark but with a bit of a tweak I think it could be brilliant.
Week 15 - Single:

Well Tequila last week and Single Malt Whiskey this week so not sure what that says about me!


I really struggled with reflections in the glass on a number of these shots so something to work on.

That's nice, mate. Very effective because of the composition. For understanding reflections when shooting glass I recommend THIS.
Very clever take on the theme. You've reminded me about the Glenfiddich in the cupboard...

Like the DOF and the angle works well too!
Good take on the theme and a well presented image. The angle works well too.
Big catch up from me, Carl - sorry I haven't popped in for a while. :)

Your recent star pics for me are:

The chemistry shots - both for the interesting facts behind them and the excellent way the shots illustrate that information. And looking at those coins, I'm glad I don't like cola. :)

The three picutres of your little niece are all gorgeous, with #3 just taking the lead for me, because I like that type of pose and processing. Lovely :)

I don't know quite why, but I think your second Produce shot of the carrots should have a NSFW on it. :LOL::LOL::LOL: I must just have a dirty mind. :cautious:

Week 15 Single: Definitely meets with my approval - oh and the picture's excellent, too! ;) Good interpretation of the theme and well executed. (y)
