Coohullin's 52 - Week 26 Beginnings (pg 10)

Week 1's pic is fantastic!
I would go for the first pic in week 2, just because it brought a smile to my face, we have all played that game, maybe use childrens shoes next time though ;)
Eenie Meenie shot for me!
Brings back childhood memories, really unusual take on the theme and very nicely composed. The B&W version works best for me, there's not really enough variation in colour for the full colour version to add any extra impact and the B&W adds to the retro feel.

The Rose is very good too, but just not as original a concept as the other one.
That's a nice rose shot... some great detail in the petals. :)
Hi Carl. Welcome to tp and the 52. :wave:

Week 1: What a great start. No criticisms from me on this one! :clap:

Week 2: I always find it hard to chose between two very different, but equally good shots. Both are good takes on the theme, too. On balance, I'd vote for the colour version of Eenie Meenie because it's such good fun and a bit diferent from what everybody else has done. (y)

Week 3/52 - Chopped

Here is my take on chopped.....


....and a couple of others from the same set - and yes, the apple did start to discolour before I was finished (lesson learnt - buy more fruit next time!)

Nice shot indeed. You seem to be able to produce really beautiful colours and nicely processed images.

Plus a tip from my wife for keeping apples from discolouring - put some lemon juice on them!
From week 2: I think the shoes were the winner until I saw the larger rose. The beautiful colours made that one for me.

As to week 3, I think the very first shot is the best, showing the "before and after". The knife is a tad distracting in the other shots.

Keep it up!

I'm going to sit on the fence about the composition on week 3, I just can't make my mind up :) Nice sharp image with good colours though.
Me a latecomer here, sorry!

Week one is great, bit grey but it's a them shot not an advert :D

Week two was eenie meenie all the way. Would like to see a sepia-toned one for old time's sake, memory's a great hook for a picture.

Week three, looks a bit bland on first sight but actually, very crisp and I like the crop too - first pic that is, the others seem to be a bit later in the shoot and yellowing. Maybe bw those to save them?

That works very very well, and fits the theme nicely. Excellent colours.
Carl, I absolutely LOVE that first apple shot. :clap:

In fact of all the apple shots that I’ve seen this week, this is the one that really stands out for me.
Fantastic colours, lovely composition and there’s something about the processing that makes it look wonderfully crisp and clear.
Many thanks for all your positive comments guys - much appreciated!

As for the composition of my first apple shot....well I figured I would 'chop' each of the apple/segments with the crop just to continue the theme as much as possible!

Lemon juice on the exposed apple.....well you learn something new.....I shall remember that particular tip next time I am shooting apples! (how on earth does someone discover that for the first time?)

Well time to brave the outside world I guess and start on 'Street'.....gulp!

Thanks again....Carl
Trying to catch up! I love both your poetry shots but particularly "eenie meenie" - great idea and arrangement with all the different shoes, and the B/W treatment really suits it. :clap::clap:

The chopped apple has lovely colours and textures - makes my mouth water. :D
Oh boy....well Street was painful! I'm not really happy with any of the shots I took but am going to post a few.

I am still very self-conscious when out and about with the camera which just means I need to get out there a lot more.

Also, need to get more used to taking shots on the go....rather than plodding about in my kitchen in 'still-life' mode.

Anyway.....still have the weekend to get something else!




I recognise those streets, Carl! :)

Really like the lady sat at the table.
all though i'm normally a sucker for a lady with long legs :D this time i quite like the second image i cant say why technically just like the image (y)
Second image for me as well, but I think perhaps the lady is a bit distracting. I think perhaps it would have been a better shot if she hadn't been there, but you can't pick your moment, and it's a personal thing for me.

1 & 3 are strong images too.

4 doesn't do much for me I'm afraid. Again - a personal thing.

I like the B&W treatment throughout though. Works well with the series.


1 and 2 for me, the only thing is I'd like to see 2 with a tight crop to get rid of the two guys behind and to the right. He's just a little bit too center frame right now.

1 is a powerful image primarily due to its simplicity I think, well captured and great contrast. 2 should be the money shot with a crop though. Like these, my favourites after looking at 4 threads I think.
A nice set of shots! I like the textures and patterns of the first one but find the people shots more interesting. No.2 is my favourite, no.3 is good but a shame the lamp post is coming out of her head. A step to the right would solve it but may not have been possible. No.4 is also good but would be even better with a more blurred background.

However it's not easy to control things in street photography. You have done very well. :clap:
I like the one of the lady having a coffee .. I like the way she appears isolated from any cafe ..just sitting in the middle of the street. As has been said pity about the lampost.
#1 for me :clap:

I was going to say it's streets ahead of the others :coat:
I prefer the girls on stilts, there's more of a story there than the others... maybe it's me though :confused:

Some really mixed opinions on these by the looks of it.

My favourite is definitely No.1 for the shapes and textures and the way that the light is hitting the wet pavement.
That's purely a personal thing though . . . I'm not a huge fan of people shots. Even having said that though, you seem to have caught something special in shot no.2.
Bit of a catch up!

Week 3: The first apply shot gets my vote. Like everybody else has said - crisp, clear and good enough to eat. :)

Week 4: I love the b&w processing in all these and I think you've done a terrific job. The second is my favourite for the absorbed expression you've caught on the busker's face. It's sod's law that the boom arm of the mic stand cuts across the face of the girl passing by, but I think in a way it just adds to the sponteneity of the shot. The cobbled street is a very, very close second but being nosey, I want to see a little of the buildings on either side! I hope you'll be doing lots more 'street' now you've got started. :)

They are all good for different reasons. hard to pick a fave... I do really like the first one... the textures and shapes... well done.
I like the first of your street shots, simple and very effective.. great lines and tones.. like the light on the cobbles..

also like the lady having a cuppa.. would have been fab if there was some motion blur in the people walking behind her..
Well must admit I didn't really enjoy this weeks theme.....what with dire weather all week and my car off the road I was pretty uninspired and started this weekend still without a plan of what I was aiming for so have settled for these two: Speed Typing


Second one I really like, first one isn't doing much for me. I think it's the lighting in number 2 that makes the shot, it's got a nice light feel to it and for me you got the right levels of motion captured. Sorta tempted to have a go at something similar now I've seen this.
Oooh, wouldn't have thought of speed in this sense, well done.

Second one for me too.
Good and different take on the theme #2 is probably the best of the two.