Corkys 52 PART 2 --- week 52 - Texture - Thats all folks

I was wondering where you'd got to with "self". Nice to put another face to a name - and for that reason I'm glad that you went with a simple portrait rather than an artsy shot (y)

Normally I'd say that I'd prefer a more uncluttered bg, but TBH I'm enjoying looking at the pictures on the wall behind you and trying to see what you've got open on your Flickr. (OK, I openly admit to being nosy ;) )
Love it! PP is excellent. (y). And it is good to put another name to the face... face to the name... or to a thread :thinking:... you know what I mean :LOL:
I was wondering where you'd got to with "self". Nice to put another face to a name - and for that reason I'm glad that you went with a simple portrait rather than an artsy shot (y)

Normally I'd say that I'd prefer a more uncluttered bg, but TBH I'm enjoying looking at the pictures on the wall behind you and trying to see what you've got open on your Flickr. (OK, I openly admit to being nosy ;) )

Sarah's said exactly what was in my mind. :)

You looks about as happy/unhappy at doing a self-portrait as I did. :LOL: But your processing is much better. (y)

For what it's worth....................

Not bad at all! Seems to be one of the lesser inspired themes so far :LOL:... well, until the current one was announce :eek:
Well done Jon... A good shot for the theme. I agree about the PP. (I've not dared to look at this weeks theme yet.... I'm half expecting something like Sunny Weather or something equally impossible)...
Great work with the Self theme...:clap::clap::clap: works a treat and like Sarah nice to see a bit of background... I like this a lot...(y)

Organised...brilliant, and why didn't I think of it... bang on theme...two good weeks from you Sir...(y)
Thanks for the kind comments everybody.
Hello again Jon

Self - I really like this. The processing is spot on and it's great to see some background too that I can nose around in ;) There's a lot to be said for close ups but my preference is to see someone in an environment where they are at home as it gives you a greater insight to the self. So a favourite for me :clap::clap::clap:

Organised - Again, great processing and a very simple take on an awful theme. Ticks all the boxes for me. (y)
Sorry I'm late.....again!! Always struggling with which remote does what so I thought I'd add this as confusion. just noticed the keys could do with a wash and brush up.....must remind herself ;)

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Sorry Corky, I'm late catching up on here.

Organised : Nice take on the theme and I actually really like the composition. Not the most exciting theme so (y) for getting something interesting for it.

Confusion : :) Made me smile.
I'm exactly the same with my remote controls (when my husband actually lets me get anywhere near them that it!)
I'm a bit confused by the left hand side. Is that last remote right on the edge of the board? My eye's expecting to see a bit more board there, but it seems to be missing :thinking:
Sorry Corky, I'm late catching up on here.

Confusion : :) Made me smile.
I'm exactly the same with my remote controls (when my husband actually lets me get anywhere near them that it!)
I'm a bit confused by the left hand side. Is that last remote right on the edge of the board? My eye's expecting to see a bit more board there, but it seems to be missing :thinking:

It is missing!!!:)
Great take on the theme, and works quite well, shame about the left on being a bit tight on the crop, but then again (it doe's what it say's on the tin):clap::clap::clap:
A nice contraption you've made there Jon, to aid in removing the confusion, nicely done, and a good shot of it (y)
Thanks everybody for the comments. My apologies to you all, I'm up to my t***s with work and a pantomime I'm involved in. Even my good lady asked who I was the other day :shrug:. I promise to comment when I can get up to date.....Another week I reckon :(
Managed to get this at last nights Panto Rehersal - Music

Ya back on track Jon...:clap:

You made this sound like a fill in shot...:thinking:

It's a great effort and works very well...just a shame there is a shadow of the mic on her face...but not much you could do about that...:shake:

Well it might be, and we've all done that, and in fact may well anyway again this year... It's a good shot, the only thing as Marcus said is the shadow.. but well done.
Confused, well we've only got 3 remotes so heaven knows how you cope with four :eek:

Spot on theme, and the contraption, although cropped a bit tight, is a great invention :clap::clap:

Music, what a good opportunity, being in the right place, at the right time doesn't happen often in this challenge, and it's spot on again for the theme (y)
The pain of a hangover!!


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Oh two lovely well worked out shot from you Jon...:clap::clap::clap:

They couldn't be further apart, from really bad for you to very good for you...:LOL:

great lighting in both shots and the composition works very well...:love:

good stuff leading up to the final week...(y)
I agree -- these are both really good! I particularly like the detail of the floss on the gin bottle in "pain".

Well done! :clap::clap::clap:
Bugger me - a huge catch up needed - sorry!!! :(


Self: I like that SP, processing somehow suits it - that ticks the boxes for me and the bg adds to your character if you see what I mean :)

Music: Lovely portrait - you have caught her really well and the light and dark of the image just work - and the T-shirt...perfect :D!

Pain: The lighting, colour and sharpness are terrific :clap:! Great idea (jamesons for me please :D)

Health Similarly well done! Although the lighting lacks a little of the punch of Pain - still wel set up and shot!:clap:

Organised: I could learn a lesson from that shot :) Again I like the processing which suits the theme and your interpretation!

Confusion: Now that raised a big grin :) Great idea and somewhat scary :)
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Jon, I really love both your pain and health shots. I'd almost like to see the two of them side by side.
Good lighting in both, good arrangement of all the elements and both bang on theme.

Pain : I love the little details like the pieces of tinsel and the composition has a really balanced triangular layout.

Health : The colours are fantastic in this one. The repetition of the vibrant red leads your eye around the shot, then you have the cooler greens and blues that really tie all the elements in together.
Oooh no, I'm so behind! I'm sorry...

Self: Really like the slightly muted colours and I agree with Sarah about the BG. It adds context to the "self" element.

Organised: I imagine that was quite difficult to compose and if I was being picky I would say the slant of the files is bugging me a bit. Poxy theme though... I took a picture of my watch so I can't be too picky!

Confusion: LOVE the interpretation on this one... I think we can all identify!

Music: I really like it - shame about the shadow but I don't suppose there was much you could do about it. I tremble at the thought of trying anything like this so a big WELL DONE from me (y)

Pain: Again, I think many of us can identify! The bit of ribbon and the falling over can makes this one for me... and the disprin tucked in their. Clever composition - you don't notice the pills for a little while.

Health: Not your most inspired shot but it fits the theme and it's been a busy week. Sarah is right as well - the colours are lovely.
Many thanks for the kind and encouraging comments (y)