COVID vaccine announced

The write up sounds interesting but it looks like it will be in limited quantity at first, 40 million doses and two doses needed
It appears to be true. But will have difficulties due to low temperature storage needed .. plus you need a second shot after 3 weeks .. will it be a case of money talks the loudest ? .. but looks like a light at the end of the tunnel

(NEED that smiley!!!)
Thanks for sharing that’s great news hopefully they will able to produce in enough numbers to help everyone in the not too distant future
Hopefully they'll release the "formula"/recipe to all the producers so the world can get back to some sort of normality as soon as possible. However, I can't help feeling that money will be more important than saving millions of lives (potentially).
yup yup, its the holy grail for tech business.
shame we can't put the same amount of money into 3rd world poverty
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yup yup, its the holy grail for tech business.
shame we can't put the same amount of money into 3rd world poverty

Double whammy for tech I reckon what with Trump losing.
This Pfizer vaccine is but one "candidate" of I think of approx 20 that, showed early promise, are being developed......those others are oh so important for two reasons.

1) even of the Pfizer one is confirmed as being fully effective & safe the rate of production will take months to yield significant numbers of doses.

2) as noted re: low fridge temp storage needs of the Pfizer vaccine make it incompatible for usage in many parts of the we need candidate vaccines(note the plural) that are suitable for ambient storage situations.

Ultimately, across the globe there will be a be a requirement for >5bn doses.....that will likely take more than 12months to make let alone distribute & administrator!
This Pfizer vaccine is but one "candidate" of I think of approx 20 that, showed early promise, are being developed......those others are oh so important for two reasons.

1) even of the Pfizer one is confirmed as being fully effective & safe the rate of production will take months to yield significant numbers of doses.

2) as noted re: low fridge temp storage needs of the Pfizer vaccine make it incompatible for usage in many parts of the we need candidate vaccines(note the plural) that are suitable for ambient storage situations.

Ultimately, across the globe there will be a be a requirement for >5bn doses.....that will likely take more than 12months to make let alone distribute & administrator!

Unless it's China's potential vaccine. So that'll be 12 days to make. :D
I cannot recall but sometime back we have travelled to certain international destinations where there were advised jabs to have.......the thing I cannot recall was whether the jabs were obligatory to be allowed to/into/back from the place.

So, what will be the ongoing situation in regard to Covid19 if/once the vaccine becomes a mainstream treatment related to travel!
The data is only from interim analysis, and hasn't been fully vetted as yet.
Some other points:
-RNA-based vaccines need -70C storage, that means some serious logistical issues.
-we don't know how long it remains effective
-we don't know how wells it works in severe covid
-we don't know if their are any differences in efficacy between people of different ages, races and ethnicity.
Ah ok, thanks.

I'm interested in the view points from anti-vaxxers and as to why they don't believe in vaccines.

I kinda do but a part of me is dreading links to a LOT of obscured links to "research" and data that is manipulated to skew to a viewpoint. My experience of this is similar to speaking to flat-earthers, the earth is flat because the horizon is flat and all that. You never truly are debating on the same level. One is about real science, one is about cherry-picked data masquerade as science.

I mean the fact that Smallpox is no longer around means nothing to them. Sure there may be a percentage who has had ill-side effects but the overwhelming data of the positive for the rest of the world, nope, that's fake or something.

That's my experience with talking to people who don't believe in vaccines.

Simply put, it's like they taped one of the eyelid shut so they only have 1 eye opened and claims the world is 2D and they refuse to open the other eye.
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I similar to speaking to flat-earthers, the earth is flat because the horizon is flat and all that.
Anyone who thinks the horizon is flat needs to go and see an optician, they clearly have a sight problem.
Ah ok, thanks.

I'm interested in the view points from anti-vaxxers and as to why they don't believe in vaccines.
It’s not worth it, it’s not logic based :(. What is worthwhile is finding out what will convince people not to follow them. No answer found so far :(.
Not as bad as you might think, Expanded polystyrene containers packed with dry ice work quite nicely.
I was wondering earlier about global dry ice production for the same reason. How many cartons to ship a billion doses around the world?
It’s not worth it, it’s not logic based :(. What is worthwhile is finding out what will convince people not to follow them. No answer found so far :(.
We need to find a way of vaccinating them against this disease as children. Education?
Are there any anti-vaxxers willing to give their point of view? I'm genuinely interested to hear some balance as it's something I've never really involved myself with.
Are there any anti-vaxxers willing to give their point of view? I'm genuinely interested to hear some balance as it's something I've never really involved myself with.
Currently it goes something like this:

Bill Gates made a lot of money
He advocates & supports vaccination
He forecast a new pandemic was the worst immediate threat to societies
Thereforefore he invented SARSCoV2 to make money from vaccines.
I don't think you have to be an anti-vaxxer to question whether or not you should have this particular vaccine. Now I'm no expert but from what I've read the average vaccine takes about 10 years to come to market and this one has taken under 1 year if out by Christmas as is being predicted by some. I understand the reasons for rushing this vaccine into production but I also understand that some people will be concerned by the limited testing and time taken to get this to market. Now this won't really be much of a problem for me as I don't see me being in the first, second or even third wave of recipients so I will just watch and wait and hopefully by the time my turn comes round it will have been shown to be safe.

Are there any anti-vaxxers willing to give their point of view? I'm genuinely interested to hear some balance as it's something I've never really involved myself with.

Maybe start your own thread on this if you want responses, rather than it getting lost in here? :)
I posted in the wrong thread so I've deleted and moved it.
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I notice the over 80 year olds aren’t getting the vaccine, except if they fall into one of the other categories. Seems a bit odd. They should say “in care homes unless they are over 80” to be consistent.