cw318is's Photo 52 only 7 shots to go!

Hi Caleb

Love the shot ,especially with the furry terrorist included ,for me he/she adds to the delicate feeling(y)

Damm , thats another of my idea's out the window...back to the drawing board:bang:

Talk about 'curiosity killed the cat' ..... I think you may have if it have knocked down your masterpiece :LOL:

Brilliant, and adds a special spin on the 'delicate' theme.

Well done.

I have taken my pics tonight, and just about to view them, but not sure if I am on the right track with this one .... so may have to give it some more thought if it don't pan out.


Dawn :)
Hi, Caleb, quick and interesting photograph; the joker is a nice touch. that sellotape I can see on the lower left two cards..:LOL:

Andy absolutely not, I promise - nay swear - hand on heart that I did not stick the cards together with sellotape.

its actually scotch magic tape (snigger)
Andy absolutely not, I promise - nay swear - hand on heart that I did not stick the cards together with sellotape.

its actually scotch magic tape (snigger)


Bet a bit of PP would get rid of it, however, I feel it kind of adds to the delicate theme, though.

Great shot, what a brilliant idea for this week! :D I think the first one with the cat makes it feel more delicate! :)
Nice! I had the same idea but couldn't find a deck of cards in my little german village, how lame is that?

Can I suggest something? The second image with the cat should have been your main submission for this theme. I like the cheekiness of the joker card but the prospect of the cat knocking down the cards is my favourite take on the theme.

Great stuff.

My Project 52

Bet a bit of PP would get rid of it, however, I feel it kind of adds to the delicate theme, though.


I'm with Andy on this one. Seem like there's more than one joker involved in this shot :p. Dont mind though, all in the name of getting a good shot. Brill idea btw:clap::clap:
A great set of pics in your '52' so far Caleb - I like your style of composition & PP (with the exception of the PP in the 'style' shot which was something else!).

Personally I'm not so keen on the shadow in the 'delicate' photo, but otherwise it's another good shot.
ha ha, i think i prefer the photos of your cat trying to knock them down.
Nice set of images, keep it uo
Thank you everyone for your comments. Typical, take ages to set a shot up, mid way through take a "snap" of the cat and it turns out better then the actual intended image :LOL:

Anyway - just to bring this 52 up to date. Chaos. I'm really in chaos at the moment, my life has been incredibly chaotic with starting a new job, loads of early morning starts etc so I've recycled an image I took last year as it was the closest to what I wanted. Had loads of ideas, just no time to do it;

Week 8 - Chaos by cw318is, on Flickr

Taken last year at Beacon Hill Fort, Essex which is an old abandoned gun battery and being derelict has fallen into disrepair and represents chaos quite well. The graffiti on the rh side is actually the first line from De Chaos, a poem by G. Nolst Trenite about English pronounciation.

And week 8;

Week 9 - Finish by cw318is, on Flickr

Very quick play with the new macro lens to snap this - it is a piece of freshly cut birds eye maple with a natural, unsealed polish finish.

Am I happy with these two - not really! I had some ideas that I would have loved to go with but there just hasn't been enough time to sleep recently let alone get some good shots so for the moment these will have to do. C+C welcome as always.
Hi Caleb,
I really like your Chaos image. Particularly with the added bonus of the poem. Great composition and lighting. Very well done.:clap:

When thinking about the finish theme i was thinking wood or paint finish but not easy to pull off as i am sure you have found. Fab close up but for me its looking flat as an image. Did you try taking it from an angle to possibly get some dimension into it. I don't know how you had it set up or if it was possible. Great enthusiasm to be so quick off the mark having been so busy. As I said it is a lovely close up with nice colour, but not quite right to me. Sorry

Hi Caleb

like your thinking behind Finish , not quite sure how you could make it " pop " a bit more though ? Did you cut the piece ? If not could you go back to where you got it & take a shot with it next to the bit it came off ? Just to add context to the shot . Ignore me if I'm being silly:LOL:
Thanks for your comments everyone. The wood is actually a piece of veneer about the size of an A5 piece of paper and paper thin. The DOF was rather narrow so I just cropped it a lot to get the area in focus. Might have another bash tomorrow night with one of the 86 different types of wood I have - one of the benefits for working for a veneer company :)
Hi, Caleb, regarding your chaos, I think it would have been a miss without the graffiti on the wall, but with it, it works.

Your 'finished' I found myself staring at it wondering if the word 'finished' was in there somewhere. I think this is one of them :thinking: moments.

I think this is one of them :thinking: moments.


Not really, its "Finish" rather then "Finished", so I thought I'd express the naturally beautiful finish on a piece of wood. Great thing with the 52 is that you'll find all sorts of take on a theme.
Hiya Caleb,

I like your take on the theme for 'chaos' and the graffiti definitely adds to the image.

As for your first pic for week 9, at first I couldn't make out what it was till I read the write up, and I can image it would be a tricky piece to photograph.

However I really like your 2nd pic for week 9.


Dawn :)
Thanks Dawn!

And here is my "Trio" - again v pushed for time so thought I'd give the macro another outing - thats twice now! :LOL:

Week 10 - Trio by cw318is, on Flickr

So, Trio meaning 3 and the focus is on the 3 of my blackberry. Never realised how hard it was to focus these things. Experimented a bit with diffused lighting and bounced flash to give it a bit of a grungey look - plus 3 years hard business use means it really doesn't look great!

As an added bonus, you can read "tre" backwards, which in some language means somethign like three. Italian, maybe.

Anyway - thank you everyone for the crit received so far, we're 20% of the way there now I'm off to look at everyone elses shots from the past few weeks,
Hiya Caleb,

Indeed Tre means three and I think you are on theme with this interpretation, especially considering the trio of No.3, work Tre, and 3 years hard business use.

I would have perhaps gone for a bit of a tighter crop because I find the bokeh bit at the top a bit distracting.

Otherwise good focus on the 3.

Well done


Dawn :)
Well look how far behind I am! No excuse but work has been frantic and weekends have been spent doing housey and other halfy stuff. Still, kindof back on track now;

Week 11 - Knowledge by cw318is, on Flickr

Knowledge - I've got a massive amount of reference books, but now in the digital age I find myself using Wikipedia a lot to reference things and expand my knowledge. I picked the book as the genre for the shot as I thought the colours went well (plus the subject is possibly one of my favourites!)
Week 11 Reshoot - Style.

Well seems as though Style last time went a bit skewiff, I had another crack at it. I bought a new hat and thought it would suit the theme nicely.

Week 11 Reshoot - Style by cw318is, on Flickr
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I know its already been done but its a great illustration of moderation, and for this it was all about the lighting for me. I quite like the bokeh.

Week 12 - Moderation by cw318is, on Flickr
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Gradually catching up....

Week 13 - Empty by cw318is, on Flickr

Just a shot of my compressor with no air in, so empty. Not a very original idea I know, but it works for me. I know it looks wonky but its the guage that isn't level - I've actually straightened the rest of it up before I cropped in. I think the monotone image works because the original one had too much going on - red lettering and as I shot it outside bright green grass bokeh.
As soon as I saw the theme I could hear Meat Loaf's song in my head - it was kindof echoey.....

So here we are. Not 100% on my PP in this one. The mirror shot I took especially the Apache came from an online library as all of my apache shots have them unarmed.

Week 14 - Object by cw318is, on Flickr
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The horse paradox is a falsidical paradox that arises from flawed demonstrations, which purport to use mathematical induction, of the statement All horses are the same color. There is no actual contradiction, as these arguments have a crucial flaw that makes them incorrect. This example was used by George Pólya as an example of the subtle errors that can occur in attempts to prove statements by induction.

Now, inspired by Andy Warhol;

Week 16 - Paradox by cw318is, on Flickr
Hi, Caleb.

Knowledge, yip, like it. I don't have one but I'm amazed at the amount of knowledge that can be viewed on a phone these days...

Your empty is quite a powerful photograph. I'd like to see the gauge a bit further up or down. B&W works well with the empty theme and good depth.

Paradox, I never knew there were sssooooo many paradoxes until I started to research this theme...:eek:

Well processed Warhol, just finished one for my 365...

Nice work Caleb, I haven't visited your posts for a while. I really like "Empty" and your decision to go mono was a good one. "Paradox" is real good. I was reading up tonight and caught the bit about all horses being the same colour. You have turned that on its head with your paradox of a paradox. well thought out and well executed. Nice one
caleb..some brilliant work here.. the paradox is a very good example..combining the warhol with the theme...empty was especially good.. and in mono with focus on the gauge.. love it..

Hiya Caleb,

Well done so far on the few recent photos you have posted ... all fitting the themes.

I especially like your paradox image ... definitely the type of art I like with all the colours.


Dawn :)
Thanks for the feedback everyone, just added in a couple more images so I've nearly caught up - just my reshoot to do for Week 15, I've picked Trio and the current theme of Tropical and I'm back there again!

Must admit I am quite happy with the Paradox image. The original is rubbish and somewhat blurred but the PP has made it useable. Definately not hang on your wall stuff but makes me smile everytime flickr loads and I see it on my new photo thingy.