Dale wins the Quaich


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
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As many of you know Dale spends many hours of his free time photographing and recording, under licence his "local" kingfishers.
Many of you will agree, he has posted many fine images, right here on TP, over time.

So, congratulations to our very own @Dale. on a well deserved win, with this kingfisher, image

Wonderful, well done Dale ;)
Congratulations Dale, you must be very proud.(y)
Congratulations Dale. :clap::clap::clap:
A well-deserved win!
Yes, well deserved and nice Kingfisher portrait too :)

As @Dale. has said/inferred on the threads the one thing you cannot take for granted is that they will turn when you expect them!
Thanks for the replies folks.

It was a suprise for sure.

As the top 3 were announced, I had figured out my score in my head by then, then 3rd got announced, 107 pts, then 2nd place, 110. I was like crikey, I've won this, or there's been an error.

I couldn't believe it. I get to hang on to a trophy for a year as well as a very nice bottle of Tamnavulin whisky, which will still be here in 12 years time and 24 years old by then. :LOL:
Take your pick!!!

A well deserved and hard earned reward for all those hours on the bank. Here's hoping that they (and you!) have an easier time of it next year.
Congratulations, well deserved for the efforts and skill you have shown!

PS - Whisky does not 'age' when in a glass bottle, so enjoy!
Congratulations, it's a beautiful image and great reward for the numb bum and tricky toilets breaks !
Grats bro..been a joy watching/reading of your progress over the years mate, downs and ups ;) An inspiration you are mate !!. Still can't get me head around why you don't have a comfy chair buddy jees mate it's not like some of don't try to help with the issues:runaway:

Made up for ya kiddo
To be fair, no chair is really that comfy after a couple of hours! The most comfortable chairs we have are those in the cars and they're a bit heavy and bulky to pop in a hide (although I reckon Dale would be glad of the seat heaters sometimes!)
Grats bro..been a joy watching/reading of your progress over the years mate, downs and ups ;) An inspiration you are mate !!. Still can't get me head around why you don't have a comfy chair buddy jees mate it's not like some of don't try to help with the issues:runaway:

Made up for ya kiddo

Cheers Stu.

To be fair, no chair is really that comfy after a couple of hours! The most comfortable chairs we have are those in the cars and they're a bit heavy and bulky to pop in a hide (although I reckon Dale would be glad of the seat heaters sometimes!)

On the chair front, I actually have 2. One is very beat up now but still does a job of sorts. It's very low though and getting out of it after a few hours is more a roll out of it than getting up. The other is the higher type, a camping chair, a bit like the ones with a built in cup holder.

I do find chairs have caveats, I don't enjoy lugging them in the sometimes 2 mile hike and back again. Also, especially with the higher one, I can't get a low enough POV sometimes. That said, chairs do have their uses although in my case, I have been lucky this year as there is a kind of natural chair at the river banking where I managed to photograph the fledglings this year. It's basically a hole that has been eroded into the banking and I can get my feet and legs down into it, rather than out in front (which is horrible after a while). I carry in a 14 inch square, 3 inch thick block of memory foam, that is covered in material and I use that for my bum. I have sewn a material hook into it that loops over my tripod, that is attached to my back pack, I hardly know it's there. It's quite comfortable but even that does get to me after a while. If it's slow and there's not much happening, I feel it but if there's KFs about, the uncomfortable side of it melts away.

That's not to say I won't use a chair again, I will but I've not had a real need to this year.

My pop up hide has a built in chair but I rarely use that, I found the KFs are more put off by the pop up than they are by some simple scrim. (y)