Dave Kiddle's Oktoberfest Prime Lens Challenge

Tezz450D said:
so why are you awake...? Cant be the same reason as me surely?

I don't know your reasons for being up at this time...but they might be the same.....did you get a three line whip from the mother superior too..to vote against the reforms to the coffee rota at bromley Baptist church...??
davekiddle said:
Why is anyone awake at this unearthly hour?

We're not awake Dave....two *** being awake in the same time zone does not constitute being awake at all... Like two wongs don't make as good a Chinese dish as jade garden...its truth... Now stop reading this... Which now is a paradox or simply plain disobedience ....
Some very strange conversions going on here.... I shall duck them and just comment on a very nicely composed and exposed image :)

Day 23. No mojo today. I went out with the intention of getting a long exposure sea scape but broke my Lee Big Stopper :bang: Gutted! Anyway, shot this on the long angry walk back to the car!

Nikkor 85mm f/1.8. Exposure 1/8000th sec, f/1.8, ISO200. Big crop!

The Hook by Dave Kiddle, on Flickr
Really nice concrete Seascape there Dave ;)
I don't blame you Martin, I've lost the plot here! :LOL:

glad some1 has...i'm still sitting here wondering what on earth we were talking about... :bonk: thinking its all real...

like the solitary hook there dave... (y) ... see you haven't managed to get that wood chip wallpaper off yet... :shrug:
Hi Dave, I'm trying to catch up with comments.

When I looked at your last shot, I saw it as 2 different photos side by side. After looking at it for a couple of minutes, I realised what I was looking at. Very clever take on a rather mundane subject!

Love the look in the cat's eyes and the DOF (y)

Hope your cure worked for you. The photograph certainly did. Love the reflections.

Day 23. No mojo today. I went out with the intention of getting a long exposure sea scape but broke my Lee Big Stopper :bang: Gutted! Anyway, shot this on the long angry walk back to the car!

How did you manage to break it? Thought today was duvet day? :LOL::LOL:
splendid work Dave. Love the reflection, that works (y)

And this photography break in Wales.... is that a break from photography... or a break for photography? I mean.. it's not like you get out much is it :LOL:
splendid work Dave. Love the reflection, that works (y)

And this photography break in Wales.... is that a break from photography... or a break for photography? I mean.. it's not like you get out much is it :LOL:

Thanks Leigh, it's a break FOR photography.... :D

..wasn't that... what you'd just had? :shake:

Yes, didn't bother with another Lee - got a Hi-Tech - make of resin so won't smash!
Apologies folks for my lack of pictures, but this flu bug has really knocked the stuffing out of me... I'll catch up at the weekend though I hope :)
Yes please uncle Kev. Can I have some soup as well...??

you can do dave... you just rest up.... i'll go boil the potatoes and coconuts .... should be tender in about 16 hours ...make sure you drink it up though else you won't get better... :puke: .. i mean (y)

now sit back and watch the teletubbies

... call me bl@@dy uncle Kev... :razz:
Dave its a gorgeous shot...def one of my favs of yours
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davekiddle said:
Thanks for your kind words Tzz, but can I have all the letters next time too? ;).

Little Dave...what have I told you about being nice to the ladies...you know its only one extra point in scrabble ..not a deal breaker...droids aren't known for pulling peoples arms off when they lose...¡
davekiddle said:
Thanks for your kind words Tzz, but can I have all the letters next time too? ;).

Reply number two... Dve .. You're no Carol 'the hottie ' vorderman yourself.... Lol!! ... Unlike tezz.. :)

See dve ..how you need charm and diplomacy...
As per Flickr, really love the mono, works a treat....
corker that Dave. The pole in the sea makes for a nice sharp contrast against the slow moving cumulo lingus clouds :clap: