Dave Kiddle's Oktoberfest Prime Lens Challenge


Like to feel muppets
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Here's my thread for my Oktoberfest Prime Lens Challenge pictures.

My commitment for October:

1. I'm going to use my 28mm f/2.8 ai-s (manual focus) and my 85mm f/1.8 AF lenses.

2. I'm going to post at least 5 shots per week.

3. No event pass for me - I'm hardcore! :D (Except for the Richmond Park deer rut meet where I'll substitute the 28mm for my 300mm f/4 prime!)

4. At least one shot a week will be of people.

Good luck to everyone else taking part :)
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Well, an early 4am rise to capture the sunrise at Corfe Castle. For anyone who's climbed the hill, you'll know how grateful I was to have the super lightweight kit of one camera, two lenses and a few filters! :D

Taken with 28mm f/2.8 Ai-s. 1/8th sec, f/16, ISO200.

Corfe Castle Sunrise by Dave Kiddle, on Flickr

dave...i scrolled down slowly.. saw the blue of the sky...the blown away with the shot... what a view.. but what a capture..!! (y) beautiful.

...and i totally agree with your observation... one camera with a 50mm on it... hardly felt my bag on my shoulder..
cracking shot love it,colour composition all great,you watch some fool say horizon in centre not good dam i just did.Amazing well done and thanks for sharing.
lovely shot. Bit jealous of all these sunrise shots, i need to get out and take some.... just i dont get any texts :( lol. I know when im not wanted..... lol.

Still haven't visited Corfe so its on my "to do list"
I could go off you very quickly ;-)

Seriously though, that is a stunner Dave....

Being really picky, you could lose a bit off the top of the sky to put the horizon on a 1/3....
Cracking starting shot Dave. You've been there a few times now, If I ever make a trip I expect to see a D Kiddle bench on the top of the hill :)
Cracking start Dave .....
splendid start Dave! Perfectly exposed in all areas (y)
I was up and out at 6 this morning.. but alas all i returned with was a paper! :bonk:

Just off topic... how did you like the iphone stand i got you? :LOL:
Wonderful Landscape shot Dave. I have no clue that the world looks like at 4am...

Cracking start!

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Great set, and beacoup de bokeh in the dandielion ;)

And NO you cannot have the rest of the week off lol
Great shots, nice starter.
Brilliant Dave...seeing these now makes me wonder at the wisdom of a theme...oh well :)
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By my reckoning I can have the rest of the week off now! :D

@Dave ... i'm with Paulie on this one...if you can do 7 in one day, you can do 7 every day... now its still early.. you can get them in before breakfast.. (y)

ps.. love them all

pps... what are you doing there sitting reading this for :wave:
Langstone Harbour has never looked so good! I was going for a minimalist feel but I liked the sparkly water so I thought I'd have a play with some processing!

Nikkor 85mm f/1.8. Exposure - 20 sec, f/16, ISO 100. Lee Big stopper, Cokin 0.9 ND, Lee 0.9 ND Grad. Processed in Capture NX2.

Blue by Dave Kiddle, on Flickr
Wow very blue. Not really my cup of tea, but nice shot.
i'm not sure about your blue phase there dave... looks too cold...yet i can deny you attention to detail and patience ... the blue is ice though...rich and inviting in this hot weather.. (y)
I like the blue. Might need a slight straighten. The dandelion shot is my fave though (y)
Hi Dave

loving that 1st shot....just beautiful....shots like that make me wish I could get of out bed earlier :LOL:

Love the DOF on the dandelion , tap & weed shots (y)

Langstone Harbour...think Kev commented...the varying shades of blue are wonderful but the water looks like ice to me :)
very stylish 3rd shot.....

looks like something out of a magazine (y)
ok ok I think you should stop now you're putting the rest of us to shame.
I've been driving past this at the end of my road for the last few days and thought it'd make an interesting shot with some nice lead in lines, so I walked up after getting home from work and grabbed a few shots. The car in the frame was an added bonus, but I did get some weird looks from the neighbours! :LOL:

Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 Ai-s. Exposure - 1/125th, f/5.6, ISO200.

Red by Dave Kiddle, on Flickr
Crackerjack shot Dave. The colour on that leaf is perfect.
yet another cracker.....(y) I am rapidly going off you.... ;)