Daily Day 53/365 Look in - I dare you!

Spotted the sharpener on flickr, really clever! Took me a while to recognise what it was! Then I felt stupid :p

Good to see you're let out doors from time to time :)
great shot Ferj :)
Awwww nice to see a couple of family shots..(y)

Those pencils woohoo awesomesauce Ferj :love: them
Thanks guys (y), Sarah I had kind of guessed you might like it ;)

I discovered this rare Post-It Flower growing on my desk as part of my 365. I had not seen one before and it was an exciting find and as far as I can tell doesn't seem to exist in any botanical journal! :wacky:

023 Post-It Flower by Ferj Photography, on Flickr
Catching up with a number of these. I like them all but particularly the pencil sharpeners. I really did think it was doors at first glance, and was amazed when I realised what it was (y)
Well I think we can say I have officially left the desk now and moved to the dining room table! I want the project to be fun and felt I wasn't really getting the shots I wanted. I decided today to shoot a tulip from a bunch we have in the house. I couldnt decide between the 2 so maybe you can all help!!!

024b by Ferj Photography, on Flickr

024a by Ferj Photography, on Flickr
I don't think I can decide they are both gorgeous although I have to say the lighting on the leaf on the second is gorgeous!
think they are both great but have to sway towards No. 2 ....
Thanks for the input, I am so indecisive! The lighting again provided by my ikea desk lamp, its really very handy and I used a couple of sheets of white a4 to bounce some light back into the shadows. I had a quick play in lightroom too, but nothing too major!
I use a lamp now and again rather than flash Ferj .... works just as well for me :)
Flower head from one and leaf from two - so, you've got your work cut out for you! :D
nice shots, but bring back the desk or I'll start a petition :bat:

Thanks for all the comments - Colin you made me laugh :LOL:

It would seem I need a second lamp - oh no another trip to ikea!!! Not yet anyhow, will stick with my one light set ups. I finally decided no1 is the shot for me, I just really like the shape and the light in the head of the flower.

Great to hear peoples impressions though gives me good stuff to work with ;)
I like no 1 as I like how its a bit different and I love the shape of the stem.
Day 25 and I went out for an explore in a local park. Even with snow all around, plants etc I find myself drawn to small details and I loved this old keyhole/lock.

025 by Ferj Photography, on Flickr
Thanks Jeff T. and Sarah it does make me laugh that out of a whole park this is my favourite shot I came away with. Alice in Wonderland is just right - I couldn't think of what it reminded me of - now I can!
Like the detail in todays Ferj, and no 2 from yesterday. Nice work as always.