Daily Day 53/365 Look in - I dare you!

Very, very nice! (y) It looks like it needs a good long key to get in there!:)
I like the keyhole. Sometimes photography means we look at the world around us differently. I love detail shots too.
always love to see detail shots - things we dont always notice :D Great shot Ferj :clap:
Cheers folks (y)

This project seems to be working for me, I seem to be really "seeing" images. They seem to be linking ie I have moved from the desk but I am really enjoying close up photography. After yesterdays key hole I wasn't thinking of a similar shot but I walked down to the shed to put something (which I do a lot) and the lock on it just jumped out at me (It's never done that before!). Anyhow here it is...

026 Rusty Padlock by Ferj Photography, on Flickr
Excellent, got to love a bit of rust and some peeling paintwork. Is it wrong that I'm considering painting the outside of my shed a different colour on every wall purely to use as backdrops :thinking: :LOL:
Excellent, got to love a bit of rust and some peeling paintwork. Is it wrong that I'm considering painting the outside of my shed a different colour on every wall purely to use as backdrops :thinking: :LOL:

No thats a brilliant idea :D

Great shot of the lock - love the rust and paint :clap:
I was going to say great find, but maybe great notice is a better phrase! Great photo...sharp, detailed, vibrant and the background suites the subject of the padlock perfectly! (y)
I really like them both, I find myself drawn to photo's like that as I want to know what lies beyond the lock and when that lock was last used :LOL:

Getting deep now ;) it was about 5mins before the photo :)

I really should paint the shed and get a new lock I like the idea if painting different sides for backgrounds!
Today I have been rushed again but attempted an underwater abstract, probably a bit of a work in progress but a shot none the less!

027 by Ferj Photography, on Flickr
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Excellent, got to love a bit of rust and some peeling paintwork. Is it wrong that I'm considering painting the outside of my shed a different colour on every wall purely to use as backdrops :thinking: :LOL:

Now that is perfect!!(y)
Love the lock and peeling paint work looks ace....

Under water is good to although i'd be interested to see one that you was 100% with:D
Now that is perfect!!(y)

:D (y)

Love the lock and peeling paint work looks ace....

Under water is good to although i'd be interested to see one that you was 100% with:D

I find I am quite self critical and I rushed the ones today. There some focusing i'm not happy with and positioning too :bang: but I really appreciate all the kind comments by people (y)

Work's in progress are always a good thing IMO it gives you room to improve things (y) I know I'm always looking for room for improvement and worryingly finding it in my own work :eek:

Matt I know what you mean, I sometimes struggle to capture my visualisations or think I have got something and look at it 2 months later and wonder what I have shot!
It's good fun to play with water. Day 27 puts me in mind of William Morris a bit :thinking: Prefer the underwater part of it.
Thanks Sarah - you mean the textile designer? Had a quick look on Google, not sure what you mean!
Yes, him, it's the flower/plant stalks, but your colours are brighter.
Yes, him, it's the flower/plant stalks, but your colours are brighter.

Ive been searching but I don't see the likeness myself - unless I am looking in the wrong place!! But each to their own and I take it as a compliment I think ;)

Cheers Vince.
Oh - some nice abstracts - and I think the square crop really suits both of these.
ferj, your last couple of abstrasts are pleasing to the eye

as for your rusty padlock, like the square frame, almost saying a round keyhole in a square frame (y) :bonk:
Day 29 is a shot that I know has been done before - but not by me! I found a string of LED lights unopened so I dived into the cupboard under the stairs to experiment with lights, colour and bokeh! Editing wise I applied a crop and a touch of noise reduction but otherwise its as shot.

029 Bokeh by Ferj Photography, on Flickr
Great set of shots ferj :) Love No. 2 - wouldnt mind that on a canvas on the wall :)
Thanks Carol I'm sure that can be arranged ;)

Thought I would share another shot from today in my experiment with bokeh breaking from the square format (shock horror!)...

Fireflies by Ferj Photography, on Flickr
Oh now thats god damn gorgeous Ferj!!:love:

Love day 29 too... nice bright and funky!
Yes :D another gorgeous one .... like the idea that the bokeh is coming from the inside of the glass or falling into it .... wonderful :clap: :clap: