Egg on top of the toast

Now if your moving from just fried egg on fried bread to full English then you need at least two pieces of fried bread. One to put the egg on and another to put the tomatoes on.
By tomatoes I mean a good scoop of hot tomatoes and juice from a can, not the abomination that is a tomato cut in half and waved at a grill so the top might be a bit burnt and the rest is cold.

If there is black pepper available you are in too posh a café to contribute further to this thread. You'll be wanting your tea in a cup and saucer next.
Salt and white pepper in glass rocket shaped cruets[*] usually with the hole bunged up so you have to go and scrounge one off another table. Them's the rules. Also at least half the male clientele should be called Gary if its a proper greasy spoon.

*obviously you dont refer to them as cruets, that would be as bad as expecting black pepper. Just pots.

It's important that black pepper is served in its own grinder as should be the sea salt and tea should be served in cups. Anything else would just be socially unexceptable :D next you will be telling me that cafeterias should only have hand towels and not a hot air blade to dry your hands on :LOL:
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I have 2 eggs and eat one like that but use a fork instead:)

You obviously took far better notice of your mother regarding knives and mouths then - have to admit though I wouldn't dare eat it like that in front of her :LOL:
:eek: of course it does, thats why you have a toast rack!! Put a piece of fresh toast straight down on a plate or worktop for a few moments, then lift up - condensation will be there.

Having said that, sorry, Damien and I obviously have good taste - the toast MUST be made soggy from beans, tomatoes and ultimately, egg yolk, its the only way to go.

It's toast 101 Joe. Primary school stuff. Get with the program. ;)

get yourselves back to argos, your toasters are broken!
I prefer the egg on the plate not on toast as toast goes soggy, Id rather dip the yoke, itss on a breakfast, I do have egg on 2 slices of taost, as a butty, and I do like beans on toast however (y)
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I prefer the egg on the plate not on toast as toast goes soggy, Id rather dip the yoke, itss on a breakfast, I do have egg on 2 slices of taost, as a butty, and I do like beans on toast however (y)

dipping the yoke is what the other slcies of toast are for. You should have 4 half slices and they should be arranged like this:

1 half with the fried egg on top on the plate (or fried bread if you prefer)
2. the other 3 half slices separate. not on the plate.

1 slice is used for dipping in the yolk, slice is used for popping up at the end and the last slice is used to put marmite or jam (or just real butter as I prefer it) on when the brekafast is finished with the last few gulps of tea.

You should drink the tea in perfect unison at the same time as the fry up so there is at least three mouthfuls left to enjoy the last half slice
Have you guys even ever had an egg on toast?

Soggy? Why on earth would an egg make toast soggy - there is no scientific reasoning for this unless you are serving raw eggs or very we sloppy scrambled egg. A fried egg has a completely dry bottom (unlike myself after a poo) and there is no soggyness occurying.

A fried egg IF it has been dried IF it has been dried in some kitchen paper can be put straight on the toast. Scrambled egg (which MUST be sloppy) or poached egg (my favourite) should be put separately.
Also if someone else has done the cooking they may not have out the correct amount if butter on the toast.
Joe you really need to go back to toast school.
Joe, go and make a piece of toast right now. The second it's done, lay it flat on the kitchen worktop and look what occurs. Then come back and tell us about the result, then we'll all discuss the scourge of "Toast sweat"
It's important that black pepper is served in its own grinder as should be the sea salt and tea should be served in cups. Anything else would just be socially unexceptable :D next you will be telling me that cafeterias should only have hand towels and not a hot air blade to dry your hands on :LOL:

Do you live in Cheshire by any chance?
the only residue would be the butter seeping through the slice onto the surface and last time i checked the egg goes on top of the toast.

If that happened then you didn't apply the right amount of butter to your toast slice in the first place. Shame on you!! You should have more respect for your toast

None of this is even relevant as I said above:

even if this did occur it would take time and the breakfast should be consumed quickly so that nothing goes cold - therefore you've eaten it all before anything had a chance to cool down or go soggy

You guys can't handle correct toasting. Bad toasting handlers you. Bah, I deride your toast handling abilities
the only residue would be the butter seeping through the slice onto the surface and last time i checked the egg goes on top of the toast.

If that happened then you didn't apply the right amount of butter to your toast slice in the first place. Shame on you!! You should have more respect for your toast

None of this is even relevant as I said above:

You guys can't handle correct toasting. Bad toasting handlers you. Bah, I deride your toast handling abilities

Nope its definitely you, you need to attend toast school.
I think a little therapy wouldn't go amiss Joe.....Borderline obsession now......

NOTHING should be served on the toast, it will just make it soggy. Toast should be served separate, preferably in one of them 70s style stainless steel racks, with a huge mound of butter (not them ****** little foil packets of butter!).

FYI the best full english (or as close to a full english as a veggie can have) was at the Baltic on Gateshead Quayside. Seriously impressive! The beans even came in their own mini-dish to avoid seepage.

Oh bad luck! You've rather missed the point of a Full English - the rashers, the sausages and the black and white puddings!

And, of course you have extra toast, even as a veggie, as well as the toast that's under the beans, the tomatoes and the eggs!

But a toast rack, FFS!! That's right up there with black pepper! :bang: The extra two rounds of toast come ready buttered, on a plate and slammed down onto the table next to the big plate and behind the mug of tea! :p

Also I have rediscovered white pepper and it's a forgotten, unfashionable, unpretentious wonderful thing!

Egg should be on top of the toast where you can see it:)I used to get a roll and bacon at work but unlike doughnuts you get no clue as to where the egg is going to attack you from:|

(y) Agreed! They are sneaky b******s, bacon and egg rolls! Like chicken kievs! I think both recipes originally came from Sketchleys!
Nope its definitely you, you need to attend toast school.

Remedial Toast School at that.

I suppose I shouldnt be surprised that so many of you have such inferior fry up knowledge and skills. I was lucky enough to spend 10 years of my youth on the milk rounds eating fry ups every day.

I guess I just have more experience than you, it's not your fault

I suppose I shouldnt be surprised that so many of you have such inferior fry up knowledge and skills. I was lucky enough to spend 10 years of my youth on the milk rounds eating fry ups every day.

I guess I just have more experience than you, it's not your fault

:LOL: is that all?? Get back to school beginner :p
I suppose I shouldnt be surprised that so many of you have such inferior fry up knowledge and skills. I was lucky enough to spend 10 years of my youth on the milk rounds eating fry ups every day.

I guess I just have more experience than you, it's not your fault


Oh dear, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I have 35 years experience of eating toast and know its ins and outs very well. I can tell you how to keep your toast crunchy, soggy or anywhere in between. Also, all those fry ups may have affected your cognitive abilities, you may have had a little stroke in the toast centre of your brain.
Jim ......

It's not your fault .....

Look at me son ....

It's not your fault
hot toast letting off steam? are you mental?

no, he's called Menthel

The toast should be on a separate plate.. that way I decide how much toast i use to mop up said brekky. I'm a firm believer in combining my foodstuffs, so i like to get (in this order on the fork from the bottom up).. toast, bacon, sausage, egg and then shovel a few beans on to fill the fork. Mushrooms get consumed intermittently as and when. I also drizzle ketchup and brown sauce over different areas of the whole breakfast (but being careful never to overlap each other), so i can alternate the flavour of each mouthful.
you're just like will hunting, when you finally realise it's not your fault we can hug it all out.

It's not your fault


Thankfully I have never seen the film. I think contrary to your belief it is, however, your fault. You are now spreading toast lies and there will be many disappointed people with soggy slices knocking on your door having taken the lies you peddle. I demand a public enquiry into this. And a campaign in the Daily Mail.
Thank gawd nobody has mentioned hash browns yet...............doh!
I like my egg to be on my toast, but i also like the bacon to be under the egg too. Then sausage, mushrooms, black pudding, Grilled tomato or beans on the side.
hash browns

here we go.

I hate them nasty premade hasbrowns that are just like what yo get from macdonalds.

The one thing the states does do well is proper hasbrown, cubed potatoes fried up with onion. yum
Toast has no place with a proper fry up. It's either fried bread or a fried cheese muffin, both of which should sit on the plate away from the beans and egg so that they remain crispy and don't become soggy.
hash browns

here we go.

I hate them nasty premade hasbrowns that are just like what yo get from macdonalds.

The one thing the states does do well is proper hasbrown, cubed potatoes fried up with onion. yum

I'm with you i had the premade junk too.
I think the whole fry up thing is very geographically dependant.

I would have:

Fried egg
Bacon (back and not crispy)
Black pudding
tinned tomatoes
Toast usually, fried bread for a treat (and deffo not when hung over!). Also big doorstops of white bloomer are good.
Brown sauce
Pepper generally and salt on the egg yolk and tommies.
Big mugs of strong tea. Lots and lots of it.

That for me is perfect. Mmm, I want a trip to Rosie Lee's in Tooting now...
hash browns

here we go.

I hate them nasty premade hasbrowns that are just like what yo get from macdonalds.

The one thing the states does do well is proper hasbrown, cubed potatoes fried up with onion. yum

Those are home fries
What's the general consensus on eggy bread, aka French toast? Is there a place for it in a fry up - a 'full European'?
ZoneV said:
What's the general consensus on eggy bread, aka French toast? Is there a place for it in a fry up - a 'full European'?

I've never actually tried it as part of a full English, it's only ever been a standalone breakfast for me.