weekly Fazer’s 2012 52 - Dun and Dusted

Magical - Once I knew the connection with the theme I like #2 especially with the reflection of the window in the brass plaque

Vice - I don't visit phone boxes any more. Or should I say I don't visit those type of phone boxes any more :LOL: Good take on the theme (ps not offended - good use of oof)

Entrance - My vote goes to #1. I like the composition but as Andy says it was a pity the light was a bit harsh and the wrong direction.
Thanks Darren

Later in the day would improve, perhaps a subtle HDR to get some detail on the underside of the entrance.


Thanks Andy and Peter. You are right about the lighting. Visited this location a few times but lighting never seemed right, always sunny. Am waiting for a dull day for another go. Might try a bit of HDR although not really up on this type of processing.
Hi John, I'm another one going for #1 the colour one. You were unlucky with the lighting (we're never happy) and it could be worth a reshoot some day!

What a lovely gateway into the church though!!
Hi Sarah, comment appreciated, now convinced the colour version is the one to go with. Will definately reshoot one day. Beginning of week too much sun, now too dull and rain, can't win.
Hi John

Entrance #1 for me....as per Andy....subtle touch of tone mapping/HDR may just bring out the details & colors more....might also work on the B&W (y)

I'd never have thought that shooting in bright light could be so annoying but I am finding that early or late or even over cast seems to work better with this type of shot .
I like your vice shot. Well taken with the right DOF in my opinion.

The B & W church entrance is my choice.
Definitely number 1 for me as the best as it shows more detail than the b&w version

Composition wise though Im not sure it's a winner as the entrance seems to merge with the church in the background. I think if the background was more out of focus it would certainly focus the eye more on the entrance.

I also see there's a tomb just inside, makes me want to move around to position it in the entrance and shoot a portrait orientated shot focussed on the entrance but with the tomb slightly out of focus, sort of a "entrance / exit (from life)" shot :D
Thankyou all for your comments and ideas. Was hoping to reshoot this week but no time.Definately on the cards to try in time. Had to concentrate on home life and put the camera to one side. Hey ho such is life.
Well I managed to do an Easter model shoot with loads of soft chocolate being dripped over soft skin. Kinky or what. So my entry for this week.
This was taken during preperation so not part of the actual modelling session, and reason for bad shadows. Apart from that I think it meets the theme.

chocolate by Fazer, on Flickr
The melted chocolate might meet the theme but you've already pointed out the harsh shadows. I have to say the model isn't looking that impressed either. I hope you were paying her well. :)
Hi John i seem to have missed a few of yours so will just go with the last couple

Entrance - the colour version, its already been said about the harsh lighting

Soft - again you've already know its shortcomings, agree with Peter she looks ever so slightly peed off
OK just to satisfy curiosity and not an entry for the theme. No she was not Peed off. What girl would be with a large bar of dairy milk to chomp on. And what a mess after chocolate went everywhere. :LOL:

IMG_8004a by Fazer, on Flickr

IMG_8057 by Fazer, on Flickr
Hi John

Vice - really good idea for the theme and well executed, enough blur to make it less explicit.

Entrance - Like the entrance to the church and prefer the colour as it suits the rural scene better. Sign to right is a shame and the light could have been better for you - perhaps just the wrong time of day.

Soft - not doing it for me i am afraid because everything, apart from the melted choc seems to be hard, not soft.
Appreciate your thoughts Alan. Hope to re-shoot Entrance again once I find time and get the correct lighting/weather.
Hi John

Soft.....I can see the soft connection...soft melted chocolate being poured on soft skin...possibly not the most flattering of pic's with the shadows but as you say it was'nt during the main shoot....would be interesting to see a fully edited version though :)

Pride.....I'll never understand fashion week....though at least those models seem to have some meat on their bones ! On theme for sure...of the images posted for me #1....no distractions in the BG in terms of audience & shows the detail nicely in the garments (y)
Now I wonder....how many men would wear those trousers?? :naughty:
Yes I think number 3 too; I like the way it tells a story, as if it's more about the event than the clothes, which makes it more on theme I think.
Thankyou Lynnne, Peter and Mark. This was the first time at a fashion shoot and bit hectic with other togs jostling for position and video tripods everywhere. Whole show very fast moving. Whilst reading up on fashion shoots suggestions were to include audience and take shots away from catwalk to get atmosphere. #3 designs was based on 1960s ?? according to the press pack info.
Pride - I think the images work well and the lighting can be difficult at times so you have done well. As for the male clothes well I think they look more pantomime than fashion and you wouldn't catch me wearing anything like that ! - Nick
Hi Nick
Thanks for popping in. You're right about the clothes, wouldn't be seen wearing them, perhaps I'm just too old for fashion.
The one thing about this week was short on time and lousy weather. Having an electrical background often came across a short circuit. This shows as a full deflection on the meter when a component is tested. Couldn’t get the lighting/exposure correct but rather than pass on the theme, here is my best offering.

Week 17 Short by Fazer, on Flickr
Apart from the cheapie Robin multimeter that's a good on theme image :D
A different take on the theme John, well done(y)

I think the meter needs to be turned slightly away from camera just to lift it off the page, it looks a little flat. It might help get rid of the hotspot as mentioned. Iain
Cheers all for your thoughts. I really had problems with the bright spot no matter how I did the lighting, and time was against me this week. Gramps, tis a cheap meter, but does the job lol. Iain, I think you are probably right about getting a different angle. After packing up my thought was to stand it upright rather than laying flat.
Hi John..

short, good take on theme, I almost went for something similar, my dads a sparkie and i do a bit of electrical work aswell, was trying to capture a car fuse blowing!!!! very tricky....done something else in the end:)
Thankyou Neil and Michael for looking in which is appreciated. The hardest part of 52 is trying to get around all the threads and I'm always playing catchup.
Had a few days away last week and visited the National Memorial Arboretum, so this week’s theme is Flight of Stairs.


Week 18_1 Flight by Fazer, on Flickr

As this was shot before the theme was announced I sought out a new subject. During the London TP meet on Sunday, a visit to Kings Cross station elicited a new subject. Not sure if this conveys the right message but one of the escalators is not running. Despite spending 15 minutes attempting to show people walking down, was unsuccessful.


Week 18_2 Flight by Fazer, on Flickr
So my final submission is a bronze frieze section beneath The Lovers statue, St Pancras station.


Week 18_3 Flight by Fazer, on Flickr

Thanks for looking and welcome all criticism
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Excellent thinking John, no 1 if the set is the best to my eye, not quite symmetrical but I like that about it. ;)
Short - very good! I wanted to do an electrical short too, but with arcing wires. Didnt work, but don't worry, we managed to get the power back on eventually! Nice shot.

I think for flight it'd have to be number 3 for me, as it has a very interesting subject. Number 1 is close, but spoiled a little by the people at the top I think.
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'Flight' has to be #3 for me, out of the ordinary and well exposed ... I just like it :)
agree with no.1 best for me too :)
no1 for me too but it would have been so much better with some symmetry