weekly Fazer’s 2012 52 - Dun and Dusted

Thankyou all for the wonderful comments. Agree totally about symmetry on #1. The reason for taking the shot from this angle was due to scaffolding on the right, rear panel. More names were being added by the stonemason. Really focuses the mind on how many lives are lost in war.

IMG_8882 by Fazer, on Flickr
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#3 gets my vote John. Lovely rich colour tones, well exposed and a bit of depth to the image that draws the viewers eye in and through the scene. Good work. Iain
Hi John

Short - Great take that !!! a minor lighting issue, but that doesn't distract from a nicely set up pic... a nice image that

Flight - Another here for No: 1 - 3 is a great shot/Image, but I feel the 'Flight' in that one is not the main focus... but No:1 leads my eye very nicely :)
I like your shot of the stonemason too. It's nice to know that this work is still done by hand by craftsmen, not by a machine. Somehow that adds to the respect that these monuments are meant to convey.

Now you mention it, you can just see the scaffold tower in number 1, so I think you made a good choice. In the circumstances I might have been tempted to get even more off centre, to find a quite different composition, as this one looks nearly, but not quite there.
Hi John , you have been busy with Flight...great trio of images...

#1...like the image but the people spoil it & my OCD is screaming for it to be central...still a good shot though :)

#2...great lighting & a different take on stairs :)

#3....top one for me...interesting subject , great exposure , eye gets led in to see whats at the top of the flight of stairs.....wonderful shot mister :clap:
Hi, Soft, what's NOT to like :D.

Pride, nice set. Pride in British fashion, I gave up on fashion some time ago but I like the tryptic, I wasn't sure about the busy BG but feel the people give it some context.

Short, that thing :D lower left could hold the theme on its own I think, looks like a really interesting object. Not keen on the overall composition, the yellow is a bit overpowering.

Flight, #1 and #2 are on theme. Central composition would improve it. For #1 a longer exposure to really ghost the people and possible in B&W.

Cheers and I'll keep up with your posts now.
Gee, thanks for all the positive comments and diverse views on which stair shot is favourable. As mentioned, the composition of #1, looks like another visit. It was difficult to take a shot without people as this is the centrepiece of the memorial and many are there to find their families names. There is so much to see and well worth a visit.
Hi John just popping in here for the first time, hope you don't mind I'll jump in with flight and keep up from now on!

Number three for me, cracking detail for quite a dark subject.

I think number one could do with a slight crop on the right. I bet the stone mason wishes this is one job that he didn't get called back to do, too many names being added!
Thanx for poppin in Marsha. Good idea about the crop to even the sides. Unfortunately another two names announced in the news.
'Authority' - I have still have yet to visit the National Memorial Arboretum and pay my respects but I think your 'stone mason' image is very poignant.

'Authority' - 'The Thin Blue Line!' good DoF and focus and a nice lead-in line from right to left with the boots.
My preference is #1. I'm wondering whether the PC's closer to the camera are of on local Police football team. They look like they've been practising their wall stance awaiting a free kick :LOL:
I like number 1 best; great shot. Number two is a bit to "ordinary" for me, whereas number 1 has it all; nice composition, interesting, bang on theme!
Sorry I've not been able to participate for the last couple of weeks and really appreciate you all taking the time to comment. My next post explains.
At long last managed to catch up. Phew
Three family members in two separate hospitals. Decorating the house. Garden looks like a wildlife habitat with neighbours asking if the mower has broken. The list goes on, with not enough hours in a day.

Anyway with each week’s theme planned I managed to find time to dust the camera and knock off a few shots. All taken with nifty fifty.

Leave - Oh for a holiday, when and where?

Week 20 Leave by Fazer, on Flickr

Random – Pinched the grandson’s book for words hidden amongst random letters. Not really happy with the technical side of this one, candidate for a reshoot sometime.

Week 21 Random by Fazer, on Flickr

White balance adjusted, as pointed out by Southdowns. Thanks Mark. Poor quality paper showing it's age, uneven colour on every page.

Random 2 by Fazer, on Flickr

Temperature – Inspiration while cooking my dinner.

Week 22 Temperature by Fazer, on Flickr
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Sounds like you've had a tough time, but nice to see you back John.

I like all three of those a lot! The ONLY crit I can give relates to authority, where I'd have liked to see more of the text on the passport in focus, but great shot anyway.

The others I can't fault, except to question whether the WB is quite right on the word search one, which looks a little blue to me? It doesn't spoil the picture, so it's not a crit, just a question?
Hi Mark,
That was a quick reply. The colour is a bit off and not thought of WB so you may be right. Thanks for pointing that out.
Hi John

I've been catching up all weekend too.... garden was like a jungle !!!

Back to your shots...

Leave - the Passport wording makes my eyes go funny, apart from that nice dof, well set up with all the required elements

Random - The WB adjusted on is a nice idea, seeing your grandson's work rather than being fully staged

Temperature - Great idea that one - I like the composition, nice and bright with good blacks still
Well done for catching up

Leave – Good take on the theme. I find the bottom of the passport a little too oof though. Do you work at a university? That leave record form looks very similar to the ones we used to use.

Random – Nice DoF. I prefer the colour balanced edit.

Temperature – Nice simple approach that works really well.
agree with the others really, would like to see more of the passport text in focus, random is a great idea too but loving temperature :)

now, chill :LOL:
Temperature - Bang on theme and nice composition to boot, the jaunty angle works and nice contrast between the red and the black.

Nick (y)
Hi John, I hope all your family members in hospital are on the mend now. Life does seem to gang up on us when we least need it!

Leave, I agree that the works on the passport need to be more in focus, it looks like the book top right is the point of focuas as oposed to the leave from top left:thinking:

Random, great idea, I think you've done well and I prefer the WB edit too. Having done a photo of paper for my authority shot I know how difficult it is!

Temperature, definitely on theme and and nice composition(y)

You're all caught up now so hopefully you can relax a little!
Hi John

hope all's sorted & on the mend in your world now :)

Leave....I'm still pondering the passport oofness...you've focused on the word Leave which fits the theme perfectly & got the destination in focus so for me it's a (y)

Temperature......nice one mister , like it (y)

Random...WB edit much beter & nice different take on the theme...those things used to drive me scatty :LOL:

Well done on your catch up & glad your still with us (y)
I would just like to express my gratitude to 52’ers for their concern and best wishes after some of my family were hospitalised recently. The comradeship shown by members on this site is truly amazing. The good news is my son has returned home after plenty of rest and many painkillers. The not so good news is my OH is being looked after by oncology doctors, whilst my mum needs loads more carers if she is to return home, and is being assessed for her needs. Both remain in hospital. I have managed to catch up on some household chores and make headway in decorating. At least the neighbours can’t complain about the garden for a few weeks. Lol. I certainly hope to continue the 52 challenge, and will comment on as many threads as time allows.

I appreciate all the comments made for my weeks 20 – 22 and can see how the passport being OOF is annoying and affects eyesight. However as Lynne realised I wanted to concentrate on the Leave form, being the principle subject of the theme. It’s good to learn from mistakes and will definitely watch focus in future.

Well done for catching up

Leave – Good take on the theme. I find the bottom of the passport a little too oof though. Do you work at a university? That leave record form looks very similar to the ones we used to use.

Peter – The form was borrowed from a friend who works in the local college. Thankfully my college days are well behind me.
I prefer the off centre shot of the wood. The angle of the knot even points into the space so works on that front as well. As an abstract though my vote would go with the vacuum cleaner though. It's nice and vibrant and possibly fits the theme that little bit better
Hi John. I agree with Peter that the second wood shot is better; it's just a nicer composition I think. I also agree that the last shot would be my choice for the theme. Very ordered, yet still abstract.

I hope your family recover soon. It can be very tough dealing with situations like this, but it sounds like you're coping admirably.
Thankyou Peter and Mark for your thoughts on the wood. I think #2 seems to fit the rules of photography for composition, whilst #1 is similar to a painting on sale in a local gallery. The vacuum was my first shot but had second thoughts if it fitted the theme. Perhaps I should stick to first instincts.
I think we still have a long way to go Mark, thanks for your support.