Film Photographer of the year 2023, Discussion Thread


The other Chris
Edit My Images
Don't be put off by the title, it's a friendly, fun competition to get us all out shooting on film. There is no need to sign up or commit to anything, that said it would be nice to say "hi" if you are thinking of having a go and chat about any thoughts or concerns in this thread. You can enter on any individual month or every month and there is a winner chosen by public vote each month and a running total for the over-all winner.

>>> Rules and themes are here <<<

Shooting starts in December to allow time for using up a roll of film and getting it processed for entries in January. So stock up on film and test your camera, happy shooting :)
Possibly me being a bit slow this morning Chris, but would it maybe be worth clarifying the themes by month instead of numbering, especially for newcomers? :thinking:
Possibly me being a bit slow this morning Chris, but would it maybe be worth clarifying the themes by month instead of numbering, especially for newcomers? :thinking:
I've hopefully clarified it but really CBA to type it all out, feel free to post a list by Month name in here (y)
January theme is Decay
February is Long Exposure
March is Symmetrical
April is Rural
May is Urban
June is Crafted by nature
July is Water, a puddle to an ocean.
August is Structure, old, new, temporary or permanent.
September is Ancient
October is Culinary
November is Small
December is Sheds

I snap this on the phone camera as an aide memoire.
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Be great if we could have decay in December so I can leave my fruit and veg out for the year
There's a fine tradition of shoehorning a photo into a theme, I tend to just shoot stuff and fit it in later :)

Having read through the themes, I can make every single one fit a selfie, even if in July I had to go out in the rain...
I shall try very hard to enter every month this year as opposed to the no months last year.
So you'll be entering every month? ;)

Actually, although my post was made very much tongue in cheek, I am seriously considering it as a project - to create a dozen selfies that fit the brief of the competition. I rather like the degree of creativity to not only shoe horn an image into the category, but to do so with something more creative than (say) a selfie of me in front of a building (May) or field (April) or eating a sandwich (October) or chocolate (November).
One approach that I thought of involved changing my outfit and posing accordingly - think of August Sander's monumental body of work for "in character" portraits of the various strata of society. I then immediately thought - too like what Cindy Sherman has done. But I'll keep thinking.
One question , In the rules it states " However, if you find that Flickr etc over sharpens your image or a similar issue, then you are free to re-upload the image again with small changes to make sure that it looks it’s best on the theme thread." Does the mean people can use photoshop of Lightroom ? , How would you know what editing has been done , I don't do photoshop or lightroom , Don't know how to do it so my images will be straight from the negative's .
One question , In the rules it states " However, if you find that Flickr etc over sharpens your image or a similar issue, then you are free to re-upload the image again with small changes to make sure that it looks it’s best on the theme thread." Does the mean people can use photoshop of Lightroom ? , How would you know what editing has been done , I don't do photoshop or lightroom , Don't know how to do it so my images will be straight from the negative's .

Yes, you can post process your image however you like (whether in Lightroom or similar digital editing software, or in a traditional darkroom). You just can't make any significant changes to the photo once it's been entered into the competition.
OK , I think that's me out then.
OK , I think that's me out then.
Don't let that put you off, no one does much editing and you have to get it from the negative to a digital image for posting on here somehow. So your scanner software or what ever you use will do some processing of the image, for FPOTY I generally do any adjustments in the scanner software (exposure, contrast, etc.)

Besides, its just a bit of fun and TBH who votes for what is completely incomprehensible to me, sometimes there is an outstanding image, head and shoulders above the rest and some people don't give it a vote even though they have 3 votes.
for FPOTY I generally do any adjustments in the scanner software (exposure, contrast, etc.)
It's really a given that any entry will have to be digitised in order to be posted here, so I'm pretty sure most/all of us restrict adjustments to what we could have done in a conventional darkroom. The usual advice for making a print was to make a test strip of various exposures to see which suited the neg, then choose the contrast grade (for b&w) to suit the print. I'm equally hopeless at dodging and burning a darkroom print or doing it digitally in software, but again these are legitimate adjustments for me.

I have PS and Lightroom, but am useless at anything more than the basics, although I make my adjustments in PS rather than the scanner software. When I get colour film scanned by the lab, I tend to find the scans are lacking in contrast for me as the scanner seems set to bring out the maximum detail from the neg, so again I'd usually only do a bit of contrast adjustment.
I purchased a V500 scanner 1 year + ago , Not been brave enpugh to even try it yet , I keep looking at it and it keeps looking at me :eek:o_O:rolleyes:
I purchased a V500 scanner 1 year + ago , Not been brave enpugh to even try it yet , I keep looking at it and it keeps looking at me :eek:o_O:rolleyes:
Sounds like a great way to spend the upcoming festive season when you get past the turkey. ;)
It's really a given that any entry will have to be digitised in order to be posted here, so I'm pretty sure most/all of us restrict adjustments to what we could have done in a conventional darkroom. The usual advice for making a print was to make a test strip of various exposures to see which suited the neg, then choose the contrast grade (for b&w) to suit the print. I'm equally hopeless at dodging and burning a darkroom print or doing it digitally in software, but again these are legitimate adjustments for me.
I take this approach even with my digital RAW files.
May well give this a go, it might encourage me to take photos outside my normal subjects, if I can remember to carry the equipment when I'm out :D
I had all good intentions but got as far as February this year :(

I've actually just had the film developed which contains the 'reflection' image for march..... :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:

It's quite good too imo :ROFLMAO:

And more night sky star trails than I can remember taking!
Sorry, I'm going to be really picky here :( in the rules in the first section it says images have to be submitted by 23:59 on the last day of the month, but a little further down it says 11:59. Can you just clarify, it should be 23:59?
For "decay" I know what I want to shoot but can only get to it easy by pushbike...too cold ATM to travel far from the house :(
For "decay" I know what I want to shoot but can only get to it easy by pushbike...too cold ATM to travel far from the house :(
Uber / Taxi or the bus ?
You've got a good few weeks, it might warm up or you might have another idea
Well a self portrait would pass for the Theme decay :)............... shoehorning. But a short walk from my house is a wood and plenty of rotting trees but we all know it's difficult to make a shot interesting and not just a record shot.
, I am seriously considering it as a project - to create a dozen selfies that fit the brief of the competition.
OK I have a proposition........Assuming you enter a result each month ( preferably on LF, but if not then OK, so long as you can take the ribbing from me for wonky verticals etc!:p:ROFLMAO:,) then I will make a serious effort solely with LF and wet prints .

Bear in mind that I will have no option to make a wet print , if only a contact print to have a positive to display on here seeing as I no longer have a scanner!

Wether I'll get to post a full 12 months of results is to be seen.....

So, ' ya up for it like a true northerner??:naughty:......................................or are ya yella belly??! :LOL:
January theme is Decay
February is Long Exposure
March is Symmetrical
April is Rural
May is Urban
June is Crafted by nature
July is Water, a puddle to an ocean.
August is Structure, old, new, temporary or permanent.
September is Ancient
October is Culinary
November is Small
December is Sheds

I snap this on the phone camera as an aide memoire.
Yep just done simalar..... a screen shot so its in my iphone piccies to refer back to (y)
Yep just done simalar..... a screen shot so its in my iphone piccies to refer back to (y)
And me , good idea.
Just to clarify the rules.

As mentioned I will be entering wet printed results as I no longer possess a dedicated negative scanner.

I have a 3in 1 thingy so perhaps I will manage to scan the actual print through that though I have never tried.

If not, am I allowed to simply take and post a pic of the print with my phone ( like I generally do in the image sharing threads here on TP) , or is that unacceptable ?
Just to clarify the rules.

As mentioned I will be entering wet printed results as I no longer possess a dedicated negative scanner.

I have a 3in 1 thingy so perhaps I will manage to scan the actual print through that though I have never tried.

If not, am I allowed to simply take and post a pic of the print with my phone ( like I generally do in the image sharing threads here on TP) , or is that unacceptable ?
No different to those of us that scan and upload from the negs or slides.