First Year of University - My 365

Just saw your thread today and looked through it all, really enjoyed it!
Sorry to hear about you and your gf - hopefully everything will sort themselves out.

Keep it up :)
Day 139 - 04/02/2010

Had a fairly unproductive day today. Went to uni, went into town, went for a wander, came back, cooked dinner, and photoshopped some other DJ's name out of the poster and replaced it with Marc's.

Why, I don't know.

But here's Marc Nazer, one of my hall-mates and future house-mates, and if any of you read Mix Mag, he'll be featured in there (or mentioned at least :p) as he is playing at Ministry of Sound London on March 26th.

I'm going skiing in France with my family on March 25th, so sweet and sour I guess. Gutted I can't go to MOS but psyched about skiing.

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Day 140 - 05/02/2010

I'm feeling extremely down today. Potentially regretting the breakup but I have to keep reminding myself that I wasn't happy. I can't wait to go home.


Day 141 - 06/02/2010

Home today.

I grabbed the 10:15 train from Southampton back to Farnborough, arrived in at 11:15, chatted to the parents for a while, Mum made me lunch.

I talked about me and the ex, how it was getting me down, and that I needed to get away for a few days. My friend Ben, who goes to a uni in Cardiff invited me down for a few days, but I couldn't afford the train fare. My parents very kindly offered to pay for it.
I then went to a job interview at Legoland for a summer vacancy in the company 'Picsolve' who do the ride photographs.

I turned up 40 minutes early, and went into the interview. I was wearing grey plimsolls, smart skinny jeans, a black polo shirt and a cardigan - I thought reasonably smartly dressed for a casual group interview at Legoland. And I was over-dressed in comparison to other people there.

We had to bring along an item that best summed us up - I brought along a bouncy and squidgy smiley face stress ball. Friendly, approachable, entertaining, well-rounded, what you see is what you get, there is no other side to me. Pretty good I thought.
Some other items: A nintendo ds because "he liked games"; An ipod because "she likes music"; A book because "he likes reading". The only other good one was a lightbulb - he's bright, and if you need him, he'll be there in a flash.
I wasn't sure whether these kids were serious.

Then we had to do an icebreaking activity. Split the 7 of us into 2 groups. We have a list of 15 items. We're on a burning ship, and we have to choose 10 items off that list, prioritise them, and explain why we've chosen them.
I was the voice of reason, the organiser, the explainer, everything. These kids were acting like they were in school, not a job interview.

Finally, the individual questions. I answered them brilliantly, effectively selling myself amazingly. I wasn't nervous in the slightest.

When waiting for the interviews and in the waiting room with everyone else, we were chatting. Most of the kids were 16/17, never had a job interview (let alone a job) in their life.

In my interview, the woman told me what the pay would be, that I would be paid weekly, discussed hours and holiday and told me that I'd be told in 1-2 weeks if I was successful in my application and thanked me for attending.

I would be honestly surprised and shocked if they didn't hire me.

I went to my friend's house directly from the interview, chatted about our recent break ups and how she's about to model for Marc Antoni again. I then went to Pizza Express with the family for dinner to celebrate my little brother's new job working for a Water Treatment company after quitting his terrible and abusive job as a labourer, and then when we got home 4 lovely girls came over, 3 of which are old friends, and chatted into the night in the kitchen.


Day 142 - 07/02/2010

Woops, I accidentally deleted the raw files for the most recent shoot I did. How irritating. Never mind.

So, this weekend has been good. Really bloody good.

Nailed a job interview, saw some mates I don't see often, and relaxed and reflected on my life.

I was sat in the chair watching south park, and my Dad came in and handed me £50. Reason? Because he knew I was short on money, but I never once asked for any, and he knew I was cutting back to save money. Plus I was feeling down and he wanted to cheer me up.

My mum then took me into town and bought me some running shoes, before buying me lunch and taking me to the station.

I f***ing love my parents.

Day 143 - 08/02/2010

I've failed twice already today.

Last night I said to myself, "Right, up at 7, 15 minute run, home, back to bed."
I laid out my new shoes, my tracksuit bottoms, socks, and tshirt, so I could get out of bed, into the clothes, and out the door.
Stupidly, however, I didn't get to bed until 2am. Slept right through my alarm.

I got up at 10am, went into town to upgrade my phone from a Samsung Tocco to a HTC Hero. None in stock. Shall have to wait until tomorrow. Poo.

Today will be filled with literally nothing. I will be doing nothing today.

What on God's Earth is that colour four legged creature doing? And, it's fracking huge! !! !!!
I'd be scared out of my pants if I woke-up to something like that at my window .. pinata or otherwise!
Hmmmm :thinking:



May be, it's HUGE :runaway: ! !! !!!
:LOL: Wail you crack me up!

Sean - your editing doesn't make it seem any less drug induced or less scary!

Keep em coming dude (y)
Hey, I used to get nightmares from Zippy in Rainbow! !!

Not really, Scobbie didn't have a mouth the size of his head with a tongue the width of my head :p !
Day 144 - 09/02/2010

Two girls on my course invited me out with them tonight, which should be cool! Thought I'd better make an effort with them, plus, one of them is super hot :p
Can't really afford to spend much so I'm hoping to spend under £10.

Here's a picture of me taken today in a (actually useful this time) studio training session sporting some of Calvin Klein's last season's attire ;)

Good luck on your night out ;)

On a photography front, that shot of the bins (#484) is a corker. HDR conversion by any chance?

Also, the portrait shot above is good. Did you take it?

Thanks, it is a HDR conversion :)

The portrait wasn't taken by me, but the camera settings and lighting were set up by me, as was the processing and crop.
So while it wasn't taken by me, it was basically just a human tripod taking the picture :p
Oh, and for my night out, I drank far more vodka than I'd realised.
We got to the club, I was severely drunk, and decided to leave.
At 11:30pm.

I got home, threw up, and passed out. Disgusting.

Ah uni life!! :LOL:

I love reading this, please keep it coming (y)
Day 145 - 10/02/2010

Got a new phone 2 days ago and I think I'm finally getting to grips with it. I don't have mobile internet so connecting to the App Marketplace is a nightmare, especially as halls wifi is rubbish. I think once I connect to the marketplace I'll really see what potential the HTC Hero has.

So, last night was a f***ing disgrace.

As you know, my hot class mate invited me out, I went with my friends Dan and Marc. I finished up the pre-drinking session in her halls drinking pints of vodka mixer out of a jug. I probably drank about a whole bottle of vodka in about 2 hours. The vodka hit me when we got in the taxi, and that was it. My night was finished.

I threw up my curry and passed out in bed.

Terrible first impression, and they all had a really good time without me.

F***ing ridiculous.

Carnage tonight, this time I'll be enjoying myself without stupid quantities of alcohol.

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Loving this thread Sean. Where are those Carnage shots? :D

Oh - and how do you rate the HTC Hero?!
Don't think I've commented in this thread before (and this isn't a useful one). Just wanted to say this is the only 365 / 52 / 12 / π that I've ever followed. Good stories, and some proper decent photos to go with it. Keep it up. (y)


Best fun I had was failing the Withnail & I drinking game. It was very messy...

This is a proper drinking game.. Probably skip the lighter fluid though.. maybe substitute it. And stay away from the anti-freeze.


I started watching 'Withnail & I' but I just couldn't get on with it. It has fantastic reviews but I just found it excruciating to say the least...

See, now you've just gone down in my expectation. ;) (EDIT: estimation, not expectation, fool).
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Day 146 - 11/02/2010

Carnage was rubbish. One of my hall mates irritated me and I'm still not entirely myself due to a variety of things.

This is Mel, admittedly I've got a bit of a soft-spot for her, she's such a lovely girl.

The hall mate that annoyed me in question has slept with her, and on the night of carnage he says to me, "Man, you need to f***ing get over Mel because it's so obvious you fancy her and it's f***ing pathetic. You need to just move on from that, it's sad and you're not going to get anywhere with other girls,"

I was a little taken aback by that, especially as the only attraction I have is the tiniest bit of a crush and I really didn't think it was obvious, to only see him later on trying it on with her. It was at that point I realised that what you see isn't, in any way, what you get.

Day 147 - 12/11/2010

So, as you know, Carnage was a bit naff. Walked home with Dan and really chatted to him. Came in, chilled out with people I don't normally chill out with, only to find they really liked me.

Leila gave me a tshirt - story is she bought it for her ex, must have had an argument with him and gave it to me. Both her and Nora said that I'm their favourite from this end of the corridor.
Admittedly they were on Mephedrone so they were being super nice, but still :p

Went to bed, made it in for uni at 9am. Good show.

My hot course mate bought me lunch, and then we had a test.

The test was this:
Take some text, format it for dreamweaver, and create a centre columned fixed width page using HTML and CSS...
I was worried that I was missing something because it was so simple. I read through the assignment brief for 10 minutes (only 1 page long) and I couldn't see anything. I had finished the exam in 5 minutes, and was out of the door 15 minutes after I came in...

My hot course mate is coming round tonight. We're intending on watching some friends, chilling out, having a laugh, and having a smoke... To be continued.

Loving this thread Sean. Where are those Carnage shots? :D

Oh - and how do you rate the HTC Hero?!

I've got one up, but more will come don't you worry :)

The Hero is really great. It does everything I want it to do, and more. I don't have internet yet, but I think I'll get it from Orange. £5 a month for unlimited browsing. I've downloaded a few apps from the market but I don't really know what I'm looking for so it's a bit like browsing around in Wilkinson's without an idea of what you're browsing for.

Don't think I've commented in this thread before (and this isn't a useful one). Just wanted to say this is the only 365 / 52 / 12 / π that I've ever followed. Good stories, and some proper decent photos to go with it. Keep it up. (y)

This is a proper drinking game.. Probably skip the lighter fluid though.. maybe substitute it. And stay away from the anti-freeze.

See, now you've just gone down in my expectation. ;)

I'm glad you're enjoying it :)

I will bring Withnail and I back up with me to watch, just for you :p
Great thread Sean. Only stumbled on your 365 this week and really enjoying it and feeling your highs and lows. Great candor and shots to go with each day. Its almost a shame to have caught up with everything to date and wait but it has been a good journey so far, and as mentioned previously - probably also the only 365 I've followed! (y)
:cautious: hmmm wonder what the police came knocking for? I wonder which night that memento ties into on the 365...

Glad to here all is partyawesome dude. Still loving keeping up to date and I hope you are getting something from the 365 too.

Do any of your Uni mates follow this thread?

Oo and any updates on hot course friend? Has she featured inany of the pics thus far?
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Great thread Sean. Only stumbled on your 365 this week and really enjoying it and feeling your highs and lows. Great candor and shots to go with each day. Its almost a shame to have caught up with everything to date and wait but it has been a good journey so far, and as mentioned previously - probably also the only 365 I've followed! (y)

Fantastic stuff, glad you're enjoying it :)

:cautious: hmmm wonder what the police came knocking for? I wonder which night that memento ties into on the 365...

Glad to here all is partyawesome dude. Still loving keeping up to date and I hope you are getting something from the 365 too.

Do any of your Uni mates follow this thread?

Oo and any updates on hot course friend? Has she featured inany of the pics thus far?

It's all on there for you to read, just look carefully.

Nah, none of my uni mates follow this thread. In fact, no one I know even knows about this thread. It acts as a sort of diary, where I can write down my thoughts and release anger, best if I don't show them it :p

Nah no updates on hot course friend. She went out in Bournemouth tonight, but she was round last night when the Police came a knocking.
Day 150 - 15/02/2010

I'm in a super rubbish mood today. It seems despite my attempts at being happy, things have been dragging me down. I consider sunday to be a fresh start. I'm going to Cardiff, seeing my best mate, and having a proper good couple of days.

Until then, I guess I'll just trudge through the week.

I like the Chinese New Year shot :) the guy on the floor looks like he has just given up haha.

The guy on the floor was actually a replacement for the guy in the dragon's bum. The guy in the bum was always bent over and got worn out, so they changed regularly. The guy on the floor was a big lad, and it turns out he was needed - the head jumped up, and it made it look like the dragon was standing on its hind legs with it's forearms crossed - top stuff (y)
What have you attempted or is it just a rut?

It's good to see that the majority of councils decided to hold the celebrations at the weekend, unlike some I care not to mention who thought that the local economy would suffer if v day was on the same day as the Chinese New Year celebrations. 'Oh we cant allow that so lets move the celebrations until the following (this) weekend. Tight ****...
What have you attempted or is it just a rut?

It's good to see that the majority of councils decided to hold the celebrations at the weekend, unlike some I care not to mention who thought that the local economy would suffer if v day was on the same day as the Chinese New Year celebrations. 'Oh we cant allow that so lets move the celebrations until the following (this) weekend. Tight ****...

Just a rut, but I'm back in a bright mood today :)

I'm doing a website for my Dad for £300, and he hasn't got his arse in gear and delivered me a brief, despite my constant nagging, so now that I have £7 in my bank account and £1 in my wallet, I've said to him, "Dad, look, I really need you to give me a brief - outline what you want, how you want it to look, what it needs to include, and when you want it by. I also need a zip of all the images you want included on the site before I even begin on a page template."

He calls me up and says, "Mate, I'm up to my eyeballs at the moment, and I won't be able to do anything for a few weeks. When you come home in two weeks time [when I go back for my Legoland training] I'll sort it out then. I know you're skint, so I'll transfer you an advance for half the payment. That should be a bit of an incentive!"

I love my Dad, bless him. For anyone suggesting I should get a job, this is the job. I don't want to get a full time thing, then leave for Legoland at Summer to have the employer not give me an opportunity next year.

I've got another website lined up - a driving instructor that my Dad is friends with, so that's all cool.

As far as local councils wanting to move the celebrations, it's ridiculous. The Chinese embrace festivities at Christmas time in the same way we embrace others' festivities.
Glad to hear your Dad has 'paid a deposit' as it were. Was there a non-refundable clause in your contract?! :rules: ;)
Will be looking forward to Legoland photos on here when you start... I didn't notice it in thread but I take it you got the job?
Glad to hear your Dad has 'paid a deposit' as it were. Was there a non-refundable clause in your contract?! :rules: ;)
Will be looking forward to Legoland photos on here when you start... I didn't notice it in thread but I take it you got the job?

I forgot to mention that, I did get the job, yes :p

And absolutely, no payment, no website, no website, I keep the money :D haha
Awesome news about the job matey and I glad things are on the up.

Can you get me a legoland driving license? I went there when I was 9ish but was too small to go driving.

Scarred me for life that did.