Fuji x100

Its most certainly not a rangefinder.

The very thought of it!

Heres a shot my Daughter took a couple of weeks ago. She just finished her coffee and grabbed my camera.....


This and the other couple are fab. :)

One thing about the auto DR I've noticed on some of mine is the ability to make grass and other greenery look a bit radioactive - often a side effect I've seen from HDR processing. So, I don't tend to use it much. I shoot in raw so I guess there's always the option of turning down the yellows/greens a notch.
Took a day out in Camden yesterday. Never been there before but will definitely go again, really interesting place full of interesting people and sights. I had my first go at street shooting.

I bought my X100 for street work and love the compact size and quality it can achieve. Although I like the idea of the fixed focal length and know all the purists will suggest prime lens are the coolest thing (I know, I have several for my DSLR), I actually wish I had a short zoom e.g 24-50mm/f2ish equivelant. It's not the best (endurance) street camera, trying to leave it on ready for a spontanious shot (usually OVF) runs the battery down very quickly. My Canon G11 can go for several days - purely optical viewfinder.
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Lovely, can you go through your workflow for the IR work?

Hi Crazyp,
  • shoot raw
  • on a tripod!
  • at 1600 iso
  • aperture priority, typically about f8
  • Raw from camera looks like this (actual exposure for this is 0.6s, f5.6, iso 1600, aperture priority, auto WB) I have since started using a custom WB of 2500k.:-

    D300s-_DSF0820-2.jpg by /Cud, on Flickr[/IMG]

  • Adjsuted in Lightroom (mainly WB to 2000 K)
  • Exposure settings depending on the pic
  • Lightroom output looks like this:-

    Roath Park - Infra red - From lightroom by /Cud, on Flickr[/IMG]

  • in photoshop, new adjustment layer, channel mixer. Swop red and blue channels.

THIS is a good tutorial
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Looking for a second battery for the X100. Amazon is showing £40 for the real deal, any recommendation on a third partty?
After about as much research as I can, the deal on NP95 batteries seems to be this:

Avoid cheap (Chinese mainly) batteries that may have unregulated circuits - work for many people but risk of fire/exploding

Avoid any claims of vast power impovements in the same physical size e.g. 2000-5800 mha (the real battery is 1800) Either false claims most likely, or reduced insulation, circuitry inside to stay same physical size

Try and get Japanese cells - apparently made better and more likely honest

The Innov8, Hahnel and MaximalPower batteries seem to get good reviews. The Hahnel is honestly rated at 1500 mha which is less than the original but comes at about a third of the price

The real deal can be had closer to £30 ish at some Ebay sellers which seem to be proper known camera shops

I have two batteries on order currently so cannot comment on how good the replacements are yet. Very disappointed in the original battery for longiveity as a street photographer who likes to have a camera powered up and ready. Had a special day out in another city to do street photography when I got mine and after about two and a half hours on off shooting about 40-50 shots my Fuji battery died - to be fair it wasn't fully conditioned and camera stayed mainly on, but I doubt it will get much better according to reports. I had decided to travel light with just the X100 and a film rangefinder. I arrived at 10 and was using the film camera by 12.45.
After about as much research as I can, the deal on NP95 batteries seems to be this:

Avoid cheap (Chinese mainly) batteries that may have unregulated circuits - work for many people but risk of fire/exploding

My Fujifilm and Inov8 batteries are made in China. The genuine batteries for my Leica were made in Vietnam.
I dont think you can say that all batteries from China are bad, you just need to use what others are using as long as they are happy with them, wherever they originate from.

Actually I have ordered the Innov8 myself. Re the Japanese cells, just the concensus seems to be they are better. Some batteries actually use it in their advertising 'Japanese cells' so must mean something to some people. Whatever works at whatever price I guess.
Just been backreading some of this thread, did anybody realise the guy who started this thread has a total number of 5 posts to date?

Me too...........and didn't you say pretty early one that you were not going to buy an X100?:D

Anyway, a shot from me of the pub where I had my Sunday Lunch"

The Royal Oak, Langstone Harbour. by Keith Burton, on Flickr
Me too...........and didn't you say pretty early one that you were not going to buy an X100?:D

Hmm. I think the term is " correct at the time of printing!"
.....and then I found I had £699.99 that I couldn't think what to do with......
Nice shot of the pub though

I'm thinking of getting one of these to kind of replace my 5D, I'll still keep my 20D and lenses, but this would be my main camera. I've found that I take most of my shots on my S90 recently as I don't fancy lugging all my gear around.

Does anybody use an X100 as their main camera?
I bought that battery after the recommendation on here - its been very good for me so far
Hi All,

Recieved the Black Edition today it has a Serial number starting with 21 will this be adequate to keep me away from the Sticky blades Syndrome.

Hi All,

Recieved the Black Edition today it has a Serial number starting with 21 will this be adequate to keep me away from the Sticky blades Syndrome.


According to some, theoretically yes. Whilst Fuji say nothing, some commentators on the X100 suggest that after a break in manufacturing at the end of 2011, new cameras for 2012 (hence 201(2) (1)st quarter i.e. 21 had a reworked aperture mechanism. Either way, Fuji seem to suggest they will always repair this fault.
According to some, theoretically yes. Whilst Fuji say nothing, some commentators on the X100 suggest that after a break in manufacturing at the end of 2011, new cameras for 2012 (hence 201(2) (1)st quarter i.e. 21 had a reworked aperture mechanism. Either way, Fuji seem to suggest they will always repair this fault.


Cheers for the Info Hope that is the case, if it's not how long does it take for the problem to appear.

Nice and sharp on the bee Andy, and the sky in the second is fantastic. Was that on Velvia setting? No.3 is not to my taste, sorry.


They were set on Velvia but I shot them in RAW so I don't think the effect is recorded in the RAW file. To be honest the JPG's are SO good that I'm probably going to stick with them rather than RAW. Velvia is super nice so I'm prob stick with that.


Thought I would post this Image taken tonight of a Miniature Rose about 7-15.

Light not great, no flash and in Macro mode.

Cropped, Levels adjusted, and Unsharp mask applied, all in PSE10 and then Resized for TP.

Only one I have Processed up to now, only had the Camera since Wednesday of this Week.

I've always shot RAW on my x100 but often convert to b&w after in silver Efex pro 2. Are the in-camera b&w jpegs sufficiently better for me to change workflow?

It depends on how you like your B&W. I prefer a darker more contrasty look, and the options in camera don't do that. Just have a play with the options :)
Great read this thread and very inspiring for the X100
Anyway, three quickies:

1) Is there any of you that have downgraded to just a X100? If so, how have you found the cur in AF (Id be going from 40d)

2) Any of you now considering downgrading to cut kit size due to lack of use now you have a X100?

3)Would you purchase (or have you) from the fuji refurb - if so any probs?

Great read this thread and very inspiring for the X100
Anyway, three quickies:

1) Is there any of you that have downgraded to just a X100? If so, how have you found the cur in AF (Id be going from 40d)

2) Any of you now considering downgrading to cut kit size due to lack of use now you have a X100?

3)Would you purchase (or have you) from the fuji refurb - if so any probs?


I'm selling all my gear to get the X-100.
I want to downsize what i haul around. I love shooting street and my D90 with either my 50 or 35mm are just too big. I love the quality the D90 and primes produces, but it no long suits my needs.
I'm thinking of getting one of these to kind of replace my 5D, I'll still keep my 20D and lenses, but this would be my main camera. I've found that I take most of my shots on my S90 recently as I don't fancy lugging all my gear around.

Does anybody use an X100 as their main camera?

I do. I sold all my Nikon equipment. Best decision I ever made. X100 is a very capable camera. It won't do sports or air show close ups though. I have found that if I really, really want pictures of things where I need some fast telephotos, etc., I'll rent that equipment.
Keep toying with the idea of this... would save taking out the d300 when i just wanted to go light and would replace my canon s95 as the portable camera... but a number do seem to be coming up for sale on the forum so do people buy as a novelty thing and then get bored/or think its not actually that useful??
would guess it is to do with having £600 tied up in a camera with a fixed 35 equivalent lens as that could get tiring for some?