weekly Gramps' Photo52 2012 - Week 30 'Contrast' added

Those are two great shots Gramps! I love the DoF and colours in both. Win is especially good, but both are fantastic.
'Shiny' - i prefer your 1st image the balloons look every inch shiny and nice lead in from the lady on the left viewing them. A nice image Gramps - well done !

Ah all is reviled
Win - very nice shot
Shine - another cracker, good capture

Shine and Win both very nice shots. DOF is spot on on both of them.

Good thinking Gramps. ;)

Ah isn't it nice to see some outdoor shots of people? Spring is definitely lurking!

Win - lovely DOF, and a very natural smile. I think I would be bright purple at running 1/2 a mile!

Shiny - good candid shot, again good use of DOF, I like them both(y)

like em both especially no.1 altho' he does seem to have someone's hair attached to his neck :LOL:

Money - Nice shot that... Great DOF, Monopoly money i recognise too :D

Win - I'd be tempted to clone out the object just to the left of his neck, But a real cracking shot that :)

Shiny - Perfectly on theme, with Great Colours

Shiny - lovely people shot that fits the theme well. Great use of colours. MIke

Those are two great shots Gramps! I love the DoF and colours in both. Win is especially good, but both are fantastic.

'Shiny' - i prefer your 1st image the balloons look every inch shiny and nice lead in from the lady on the left viewing them. A nice image Gramps - well done !


Great subjects for the themes Gramps and 2 very nice pics.

Two birds with one camera eh! Both very good photos fitting the themes nicely.


Thanks all for stopping by and commenting, it was a great day with a few 'keepers' :)
Hi Gramps ....are you ever gonna let on your real name...feels a bit odd calling you Gramps 10 weeks in to this nightmare...sorry - fun challenge :LOL:

Win & Shiny are a pair of great people shots & both on theme. DOF just right in both...good thinking for the themes mister (y)
Two cracking shots bang on theme Gramps(y)
The eye contact in the win photograph makes it all the better, the look of achievement on the fella's face really tells a story.
Shiny works on a different level, the candid nature of it makes a great people shot. Good work all round (y) Iain
Hi, two great catches.

Win, nice context and composition. Great eye contact and just the right DOF. was any flash used?

Shiny, another one that made me smile. For me, it's the women to the left that really lifts the photograph. Pity the heads at the bottom...

Two cracking shots bang on theme Gramps(y)
The eye contact in the win photograph makes it all the better, the look of achievement on the fella's face really tells a story.
Shiny works on a different level, the candid nature of it makes a great people shot. Good work all round (y) Iain

Win - Good shot and prefer the edit.

Shiny - Well spotted and nice and colourful. Just a slice off the bottom to lose the oof bits would improve it.

Hi, two great catches.

Win, nice context and composition. Great eye contact and just the right DOF. was any flash used?

Shiny, another one that made me smile. For me, it's the women to the left that really lifts the photograph. Pity the heads at the bottom...


Thanks folks - the oof at the bottom is the heads of some runners, unfortunately cropping them out would remove some of the lower faces and I didn't want to do that.
Money Ah another monopoly set although slightly different take concentrating on the money. Very good use of DOF and bang on theme.
Win is great, however with the improved cloning out the composition has brought the subject too central. Prefer the first version comp.
Shiny. Another good capture although the front heads of hair tend to pull the eye towards them. Unfortunately a crop will make it worse and an awful lots of work to clone. A problem we all face when taking shots in crowds and you've done well meeting the theme
win simple, but effective, just proves that it doesn't have to be over complicated

Shiny - really like, but do find the heads at the bottom slightly annoying
Hi Gramps,

good shots for win and shiny:)

me and my mate was thinking of doing the Bath half marathon this year, normally do the Norwich half......looks a good race, maybe next year!!
Money Ah another monopoly set although slightly different take concentrating on the money. Very good use of DOF and bang on theme.
Win is great, however with the improved cloning out the composition has brought the subject too central. Prefer the first version comp.
Shiny. Another good capture although the front heads of hair tend to pull the eye towards them. Unfortunately a crop will make it worse and an awful lots of work to clone. A problem we all face when taking shots in crowds and you've done well meeting the theme

Thanks, win isn't the best composition-wise I have to agree, I just needed someone with a medal!

win simple, but effective, just proves that it doesn't have to be over complicated

Shiny - really like, but do find the heads at the bottom slightly annoying

Thanks, I couldn't afford to miss using it despite the heads :)

Hi Gramps,

good shots for win and shiny:)

me and my mate was thinking of doing the Bath half marathon this year, normally do the Norwich half......looks a good race, maybe next year!!

It was a good day and everyone taking part did really well, I felt tired just walking around bits of the course!
Hahaha me thinks Gramps has insider knowledge of the themes, and am now expecting more Bath half marathon shots over the next few weeks ;).

Two great shots, both bang on theme too.
Hi Gramps

Win and Shiny - well taken. Nice to see some outdoor shots of people and you have captured the joy, happiness and sense of achievement in their faces.

Some fantastic effort put in by all, they certainly did 'achieve'.

Hahaha me thinks Gramps has insider knowledge of the themes, and am now expecting more Bath half marathon shots over the next few weeks ;).

Two great shots, both bang on theme too.

:LOL: - no 'old stock' from this old-timer ... but the new theme is going to challenge me :D
Win and shiny - both really great shots and subjects. The win one is really nice, love it.

Shiny - see what people mean about the heads at the bottom but thinking it through you would loose some of the other aspects in the crop.

Super when an event presents itself like this and you get good shots from it! :)
I'm playing catch up this week due to not coming up with anything I was happy with for Shiny and won't post the one I have come up with last night 'til I've gone through everyone elses.

Shiny - Great catch and use of colours but would agree about those fuzzy heads just intruding into the bottom of the image.
Ok so the 'magical' theme almost got me playing a joker!
I've been busy this week and tired as a consequence so difficult to get the opportunity or the will to do anything. However today was quieter and I found myself in Ross-on-Wye and enjoyed a walk along the river bank in the sun. So for this week's theme I took a photo of one of the metal sculptures alongside the river Wye ... it's entitled "The Mallards".
What has it got to do with 'magical'?
Well ... I've magic'd away part, but not all, of the post it's erected on!
I know, I know ... take pity, I'll try harder next week!

I know you may think it's a tenuous link to magical or a weak shot but I think it fits the theme well! They look like they should be in Clash of the Titans or some other film of that ilk!

To some people making parts of a photo vanish is also magical!

I would say the colours need tweaking a bit. The grey birds look slightly washed out against the sky. Could you darken the sky a little to a deeper shade of blue?
I would say the colours need tweaking a bit. The grey birds look slightly washed out against the sky. Could you darken the sky a little to a deeper shade of blue?

Bit of tonemapping maybe?

I like it too, they 'could' even be griffins :clap:
Hi Gramps,

I like it i's always good to brush up on a bit of photoshop skills too, which you have done very well. Not an easy subject by any means this week - nice work (y)

I really like this especially the edited version. I realise you were linking magical to the photoshopping you'd done but for me they do almost look magical or mystical.
I know that 'pride' is one of the 7 deadly sins ... but is it a 'vice'?
This guy on his yacht named 'jollaad pride', taking pride in the yacht by painting it.


If not I'll go boring!


All from the Bristol Harbourside.
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Magical - interesting subject and I agree with some of the comments they do look quite magical, like they should be in some scifi film or something. It works for me.

Vice - not sure pride works for me but I do like you vice vice shot. B&W works well and good DOF on it.
If I'm honest, neither is your best I think, though both are bang on theme!

I think you needed to be closer to the boat to get a more interesting shot (maybe a close up of the name?), and think the vice one could be better composed possibly?
Vice - not sure pride works for me but I do like you vice vice shot. B&W works well and good DOF on it.

I'm not sure either, but as a pic I really like it, lovely colours and I prefer it over the black and white vice shot.

Interesting how we all vary in our likes and dislikes :)

I think you needed to be closer to the boat to get a more interesting shot (maybe a close up of the name?),

I actually took one closer but in the end decided to show the whole boat and the colourful background ... as you point out that may have been a mistake as it takes the focus off the theme. I wanted to show the guy on the boat as his painting added to the 'pride' aspect ... so here's a closer view.
