weekly Gramps' Photo52 2012 - Week 30 'Contrast' added

Hi Gramps

image 2 for VICE for me...B&W works really well :clap:...maybe slightly on the squiff ?

I do like the #1 image as well...not such an instant connection to the theme but it fits...& it's a great colorful image (y)
Hi gramps,

Pride - Vice...I see what you mean, I was thinking of taking a pic of my camera!! not really a vice as such(unless you ask my girlfriend), prob more of a hobbie really!!

#2 for me, nice B&W..
Must confess I also like #2 even though the background is a bit busy, genuine working environment - yes 'made in Britain' does have a certain ring doesn't it.:)
Vice is a tough one, I like the boat shot best I think Gramps.
Hi, I'm liking your take on vice.

I had a quick edit....though the guy was a bit lost. I'll remove, if you want.


Damn...wrong thread !!
Last edited:
I like your literal take on the theme Gramps with #2 (y)
I agree with some others about the background, it is a little bright.
Bit late catching up this week so I’d better make a start.
As others have said I’m not to sure about no1 although the edit shot is a lot better with more vibrant colours, I don’t have any problems with your take on vice as we should all be able to relate to it through our camera,

The vice works well for me the white background is not too distracting as it’s not to bright it looks like your verticals are not quite right thou and possible a bit more of the left and bottom on show.
Good take on magic with the illusion they are flying.
#2 vice is my choice, plain and simple. The boat pictures have great colour but don't really cry out as being vice. Sorry
Vice is a tough one, I like the boat shot best I think Gramps.

I like your literal take on the theme Gramps with #2 (y)
I agree with some others about the background, it is a little bright.

Bit late catching up this week so I’d better make a start.
As others have said I’m not to sure about no1 although the edit shot is a lot better with more vibrant colours, I don’t have any problems with your take on vice as we should all be able to relate to it through our camera,

The vice works well for me the white background is not too distracting as it’s not to bright it looks like your verticals are not quite right thou and possible a bit more of the left and bottom on show.

Hi Gramps...

Magical - I really like that, flying metal birds, truly magical !!!!

Vice - The vice for me too, nice placement of the object, the B&W sure makes the shot

I like the cropped yacht image by the way

Good take on magic with the illusion they are flying.
#2 vice is my choice, plain and simple. The boat pictures have great colour but don't really cry out as being vice. Sorry

Thanks for the comments, all taken onboard (excuse the pun :) )
Hi Gramps.

I have to say I like your first shot for the colourful buildings in the back ground, but the yacht looks a little lost. I like the crop but want the back ground too. Dam you can't please everyone:bonk:

The vice is clearly the most obvious fit for the theme, I like it in B&W.
'Vice' - I prefer your final image of the boat, I think sailing is definitely a vice if I had a boat I would be out on the 'briny' for much of the time. Nice work and good capture - Nick
This week's theme of 'entrance' was fairly straightforward ... no thinking 'out of the box' for me, just a trip down to Tyntesfield to make use of my National Trust membership.

Three options for you this week:-

#1 The entrance to the kitchen garden.


#2 The entrance to the chapel.


#3 The entrance to the .... toilet block ... hence the roses! :)

#3 for me. Has quite a dreamy feel to it and cracking natural border. The ray of light upper right was a nice catch.

#1 and #2 look a bit distorted/leaning :thinking:

Thanks Andy, #2 is a bit off but in #1 the door definitely leans in real life!
#1 and #3 get my vote Gramps. love the texture in #1 both from the door itself and the brick wall surrounding it. Quite harsh light by the looks of it but you've handled it well keeping the detail in there.
#3 is great too by the natural framing of the doorway by the roses.
#2 isn't too shabby either, its just the radiator takes a little away from the photograph. Iain
#1 and #3 get my vote Gramps. love the texture in #1 both from the door itself and the brick wall surrounding it. Quite harsh light by the looks of it but you've handled it well keeping the detail in there.
#3 is great too by the natural framing of the doorway by the roses.
#2 isn't too shabby either, its just the radiator takes a little away from the photograph. Iain

#3 for me too... real good framing with the roses, nice dof blurring out the doorway, as said by others, nice streak of light !!!

Thanks guys, encouraging comments as always.
1 for me as it just looks so unusual and rustic and the detail and colour are just lovely. The composition is perfect too setting the door on one side like that.

2 is on theme but the exposure is off as I suspect the metering was done centrally to get the detail inside the entrance which has washed out the exterior a bit

3 I think that the door should be in focus on this one. Though I cant decide if it would work better with everything in focus or just the door and drop the focus on the frame of flowers
Going to be number 3 for me too. The roses add some lovely colour.

Thanks Michael

1 for me as it just looks so unusual and rustic and the detail and colour are just lovely. The composition is perfect too setting the door on one side like that.

2 is on theme but the exposure is off as I suspect the metering was done centrally to get the detail inside the entrance which has washed out the exterior a bit

3 I think that the door should be in focus on this one. Though I cant decide if it would work better with everything in focus or just the door and drop the focus on the frame of flowers

Thanks Donnie, #2 was naturally on the dark side but I think I over-used the fill-light, which whilst opening up the inner doorway adversely affected the rest of the pic ... which was also on the lean :(

I took a couple of pics of #3 and couldn't decide which was best, I chose the oof door as I thought that it added an element of 'mystery' but like you, I'm not sure it worked for the best.
Hi Gramps

Vice - I can't get the link from the boat to the theme - sorry. The oteh 'boring' shot as you describe it is much better. Good focus and good use of mono. Background a little busy.

Entrance - #1 I like a lot even tho the brick courses are horizontal and the door leaning! I like the colours particularly from the russet of the brick to the green shoots on the climber and the grey weathred door. Altogether good.

#2 - I think the leaning angle detracts in this case

#3 - good composition, lighting and dof. Perhaps the wire ties for the climber are a little oof? Colours are very attractive - but roses in April ? Global warming eh.
Hi Gramps, i'm really torn between 2 and 3, but then i'm a sucker for a church.

I really like the detail around the doorway on 2, and actually imo i like the fcat that stones a bit washed out, it probably is in real life, having been stood there all that time, the radiator does spoil it a little, but the shot really makes me want to go inside and see whats there.

No 3 the focus on the roses is just lovely and i think i prefer the actual door being a little OOF
Hi Gramps!
going back to your boat and vice shots, I like the way you've caught the colours in the buildings and then repeated them in boat - great stuff.
as for the vice certainly the B&W approach works for this one too but maybe a slightly different angle, still like it though.
Hi Gramps

Vice - I can't get the link from the boat to the theme - sorry. The oteh 'boring' shot as you describe it is much better. Good focus and good use of mono. Background a little busy.

Entrance - #1 I like a lot even tho the brick courses are horizontal and the door leaning! I like the colours particularly from the russet of the brick to the green shoots on the climber and the grey weathred door. Altogether good.

#2 - I think the leaning angle detracts in this case

#3 - good composition, lighting and dof. Perhaps the wire ties for the climber are a little oof? Colours are very attractive - but roses in April ? Global warming eh.

Hi Gramps, i'm really torn between 2 and 3, but then i'm a sucker for a church.

I really like the detail around the doorway on 2, and actually imo i like the fcat that stones a bit washed out, it probably is in real life, having been stood there all that time, the radiator does spoil it a little, but the shot really makes me want to go inside and see whats there.

No 3 the focus on the roses is just lovely and i think i prefer the actual door being a little OOF

Hi Gramps. Number one for me, I think the lighting is beautiful and really brings out the colour in the brick work(y)
Two looks a little washed out & the bottom of the RHS of the arch has been chopped off which I don't think works:thinking:
Three is very pretty(y)

A ready made 'pride' for this week?

I prefer #1 although the lean (even if real) is a bit distracting.

Hi Gramps!
going back to your boat and vice shots, I like the way you've caught the colours in the buildings and then repeated them in boat - great stuff.
as for the vice certainly the B&W approach works for this one too but maybe a slightly different angle, still like it though.

Few marmite shots in the last couple of weeks then and this week is going to be no exception - had knee problems preventing me going out and about as normal so unable to do what I wanted.
'Soft' theme was a compromise done indoors with inadequate lighting conditions so 85mm 1.4 wide open, but better than dropping out or playing a joker IMO.
A few blackberries on some aluminium foil for this theme, and not very good at that, little high key processing - hope I can be more mobile and inventive for 'pride'!

Hi Gramps. Like others have said, #3 is the best shot. Nicely framed entrance leading to the doorway with the light strek pointing the way.
I'm afraid soft does not do it for me. Yes the fruit is soft but the lighting is harsh and the DOF too narrow. I love the reflections. Just think all the fruit should have all been in focus, or a larger gap between the front layer and out of focus rear. Has the blur been added in PP?
85 f1.4 - now I am jealous!

I love the blackberries - very 'hard' light and I know how hard it is to capture these apparently easy still life images! The worse thing is, often I can even eat them afterwards as I've mangled them in the process! Mandy
Time for a catch up

Entrance it is number one for me the bush /tree adds to the shot I think

And soft is a marmite shot but it's just as well I like marmite! I can't tell you why I like it though
I really like that shot for soft... yes the light is hard, but the use of the foil has worked great. Very nicely done.
Hi Gramps. Like others have said, #3 is the best shot. Nicely framed entrance leading to the doorway with the light strek pointing the way.
I'm afraid soft does not do it for me. Yes the fruit is soft but the lighting is harsh and the DOF too narrow. I love the reflections. Just think all the fruit should have all been in focus, or a larger gap between the front layer and out of focus rear. Has the blur been added in PP?

I quite like the shallow DOF, but wondering if it needs a splash of colour with some SC:thinking: But blackberries are definitely soft, so on theme(y)

I hope your knee is on the mend.

85 f1.4 - now I am jealous!

I love the blackberries - very 'hard' light and I know how hard it is to capture these apparently easy still life images! The worse thing is, often I can even eat them afterwards as I've mangled them in the process! Mandy

Time for a catch up

Entrance it is number one for me the bush /tree adds to the shot I think

And soft is a marmite shot but it's just as well I like marmite! I can't tell you why I like it though

I really like that shot for soft... yes the light is hard, but the use of the foil has worked great. Very nicely done.

Thanks all for your comments, bad week ... on top of the knee problem I popped a rib yesterday, very sore!
Will see what the weekend brings:)
Hi Gramps

Entrance.....of the 3 it's #1 for me.....then #2 then #3

#1 Door looks nice n sharp , great natural framing & lovely colors in the brick work (y)
#2....like the angle & 2 entrance doors , possibly a little tweak to the outer walls for color & brightness ?
#3.....hmmmm...I love marmite but not sure about this...love the roses being in focus & the way they frame the door...not so sure about the streaks of light though:thinking:...I always seem to be the odd one out :LOL:

Soft....hmmmm...more marmite...like the idea & the use of foil for the reflections but sooo wish it was in color :thinking:

Hope your rib & kneee are nicely mended know (y)
How did you pop a rib? OUCH, having coughed mine out of place a few times I know your pain! All I can say is prescription strength paracetamol and codeine 30/500's liquid capsules if you can get them! But they make you feel drunk, awesome side effect if you ask me!