'Grinding The Crack'


TPer Emeritus
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Holy *****! :eek: Watch this in full screen.


The bit where he comes past the guy on the ground with the camera - I hope his AF system is up to it! :LOL:
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Wow! I bet that's a rush and a half! (Even if he is clearly a jam butty shy of a picnic...) And what about the bit with the balloons...?

Seriously impressive. I've seen a few of his vids and while I agree he's a nutter, I wish I had the balls to do it myself. The adrenalin rush that must give you must be second to none!
Never mind the flying man, what I want to know is what was Ceders searching on line for to find it :naughty:
Never mind the flying man, what I want to know is what was Ceders searching on line for to find it :naughty:

LOL. I was sent the link. That documentary which Fighting Figure linked to is a really good watch - gives you a real insight into this guy's mentality and mindset. Balls of steel - he has to run out luck eventually though, but he knows that and really doesn't care! :shrug:
LOL. I was sent the link. That documentary which Fighting Figure linked to is a really good watch - gives you a real insight into this guy's mentality and mindset. Balls of steel - he has to run out luck eventually though, but he knows that and really doesn't care! :shrug:

he'll be okay. He's got a crash helmet :D
LOL. I was sent the link. That documentary which Fighting Figure linked to is a really good watch - gives you a real insight into this guy's mentality and mindset. Balls of steel - he has to run out luck eventually though, but he knows that and really doesn't care! :shrug:

There was me thinking that you had a masonry repair issue :D
he'll be okay. He's got a crash helmet :D

ive looked up wingsuits a little bit on youtube before now and saw that he did a jomp with a friend for a show. they had to do a fly by over a bridge but his friend plowed into the bridge guard rail and died instantly

its all fun and games until someone looses their life
ive looked up wingsuits a little bit on youtube before now and saw that he did a jomp with a friend for a show. they had to do a fly by over a bridge but his friend plowed into the bridge guard rail and died instantly

its all fun and games until someone looses their life


Yup, when it goes wrong, somebody has to mop up afterwards and take the bucket home to a wife or mother.
that was plain awesome, esp full screen, the guy with the balloons, must have had a trouser accident whilst diving for cover :LOL:

Epic win (y)
just amazing watching that, probably the closest yet we've come to being able to fly.
Being able to fly isnt that hard.

You just have to jump and miss the ground
Being able to fly isnt that hard.

You just have to jump and miss the ground

that's where I've been going wrong then... I've been jumping and trying to forget to land...
He jumped off the high-board at a swimming pool before he was 2 and was catching wild rattlesnakes as pets by 7.

Not everyone's made the same - that's the beauty of genetic diversity. Our species needs people like him as much as any other personality type. Fantastic stuff!
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Damn, don't think he could get any closer than that. I'm not a risk taker at all as I value my life too much, but that did impress me.
The part where he busts the balloon doesn't look real to me ,looks like it's been super imposed
I fail to see the point in the crash helmet though, if things go wrong it is unlikely it will be of much help.
Stunning scenery, I will stick to hill walking!
I fail to see the point in the crash helmet though, if things go wrong it is unlikely it will be of much help.
Stunning scenery, I will stick to hill walking!

That's like saying there's no point to crash helmets on motorcycles, even at the speed he's going, if he does crash then the helmet will keep his head in one piece and as Neil said, it helps protect from bird strikes, also it protects the eyes from wind, insects and other debris that might be flying

You're right, let's never innovate, push the boundaries and wrap ourselves in cotton wool. But not too tight, wouldn't want to hurt ourselves..


Hurt yourself as much as you like but there are usually other people involved and they probably don't want to get hurt (or covered in bits of you when you fail). ISTR an accident where a freefaller hit his skydiving buddy so hard that he ripped his legs off. Great fun (and a bit beyond cotton wool protection.).
Nod said:
Hurt yourself as much as you like but there are usually other people involved and they probably don't want to get hurt (or covered in bits of you when you fail). ISTR an accident where a freefaller hit his skydiving buddy so hard that he ripped his legs off. Great fun (and a bit beyond cotton wool protection.).

And you could be walking down the street and get mowed down by a car..

Maybe you're right though, let's all live safe boring beige lives.
And you could be walking down the street and get mowed down by a car..

It's hardly a near dead-certainty for most of us though, is it?

You've only got to watch You've Been Framed to see the (comparatively) minor accidents untrained circus performers suffer on skateboards, mountain-bikes etc. Accidents which wouldn't be tolerated in dangerous forms of employment or service.

Go ahead and get your adrenaline rush but normal "boring" folk need not, and should not, be encouraged or pressured to take up potentially suicidal activities for bragging rights on YouTube.
And you could be walking down the street and get mowed down by a car..

Maybe you're right though, let's all live safe boring beige lives.

Oddly, I find walking on the pavement far less dangerous so use that rather than the street whenever possible.

The important word in your second paragraph is LIVE - yup, let's LIVE lives rather than die is stupid, needless acts of thoughtlesness.

I'm told that "Hey, guys, watch this!" are fairly common last words.
Here's another great proximity flying video. It's a collection of footage from several flights, some of which appear to fly closer for longer than Jed's. The guy at the end seems like any other ordinary 30-something European too - not psychopathic at all. :thinking:


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Here's another great proximity flying video. It's a collection of footage from several flights, some of which appear to fly closer for longer than Jed's. The guy at the end seems like any other ordinary 30-something European too - not psychopathic at all. :thinking:



Wow, that was amazing!