
Not raining here at the moment but I expect that to change, probably at the far end of the 7th - as far away from the clubhouse as possible!!! Might be a morning for the range instead...
It's a bit windy and some rain but nothing worrying here at the moment. It's also a balmy 10 degrees.
The forecast for today changed to give us a 2 hour window of no rain so we signed in to play. Bloody weather hadn't read the same forecast as us and it started raining on us as we walked up to the first tee. Well, drizzling heavily, anyway! No problem; on with the waterproofs in the hut. By the third, the drizzle had stopped but the sweat from the waterproofs over the fleece had made me a touch moist! The drizzle did come back in as predicted - on the 8th tee but it didn't develop into proper wetting rain until we'd all just holed out on the last (9 hole course.) Sun's now shining here (home) and it's supposed to be persisting down!!!
Mid teens currently, with a light drizzle.
It seems we are due to get wet very shortly, then a break in the weather until tonight , and through to all day tomorrow...
Pretty sure we DID have a yellow weather warning for today and tomorrow but they seem to have vanished.
Pretty sure we DID have a yellow weather warning for today and tomorrow but they seem to have vanished.

Same here and nothing worrying on the Met Office now. Highest gust we've had has been about 25mph and hardly any rain.

I did just look at Ventusky, they are getting hammered just North of us. (*not in a alcoholic kind of way*)

It looks like it's just missing us, for now at least.
Getting hammered here.

Screenshot 2023-10-19 210428.png
Hope the hangover's not too bad.

Although IRL, it would be

Bone dry here but a bit gusty, it's certainly noisy outside.

Wind speed is about 20-25mph with gusts up to about 60-70mph. No reflections today. :p

10 degrees.
Damp, mild ( mid teens) and still here, no wind at all.
Same here, although there was a lot of surface water this morning.
Yep, we certainly had share overnight too!

There is a massive blob of the wet stuff above me, but nothing predicted till tomorrow afternoon.
Which is just as well, any more and the fish will be able to swim, from the pond, and over the 6 foot fence.
We have a glass recycle box which measures 18" (L) X 10" (D). Over 48 hours it collected 5" of rain...so half-full. At times ,on Thursday, it was like a monsoon.
Barometers are just starting to rise slowly.
All quiet here, we've had some light rain and it's 7 degrees. It's noticeably cooler indoors, I've got a hoodie on.

Yesterday was pretty windy, highest gust was in the region of 70mph but a steady 20-30 all day. It was far worse for the folk up north and on the East Coast.
Dry, misty and about 12 degrees here. Unfortunately the mist has collected in mostly non-photogenic places, and after driving around the usual spots I'm back home again with only a few pictures.
Its not supposed to rain here till mid afternoon.
Just had a bit of a shower, apparently that's all for today, and a mild 14oC.
I see we're due another named storm..Ciarán on Thursday and a BBC forecaster said that along the south coast gusts of wind could reach 85-90mph.

I was looking back at named storms. The year starts in September and runs to late August.

In the 2019/2020 season we had 2 ..February and August

2020/2021- 4 Storms . Dec 24 2020(Bella) 2021.. Jan 18....Feb 4.. July 29.

2021/22 4 Storms all in 2022...Feb 16 .. April 12 ..August 4 and 18.

2022/23 3 Storms. None after that August 18 storm (end of last season) to Feb this year .. Feb 16.. April 12.. August 4..

2023/24 ..To date, we've had two named storms.. Sept 27th..(Agnes)...October 19 (Babet.. and many locations are still suffering flooding because of that storm) and now we're getting Ciarán on Thursday coming out of the SW and we're only two months into the ' named-storms ' year . I saw a BBC forecaster saying that Cirián could bring wind gusts up to 85-90mph along the south coast. Before Cirián, we're getting heavy rain, out of the SW again, on Wednesday. They're now being named after civil servants. Ciarán is named after Ciarán Fearon, who works for the Department for Infrastructure in Northern Ireland on sharing information on river levels, coastal flooding and the impact of severe weather. The one after Ciarán will be Debi.

We've then got the traditional storm months of January/February to go and then another six months to the end of this year's named storms in late August. No wonder home insurance is going up.
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Dead calm here just now, just a slight breeze. I think we will miss the storm up here in Scotland. 3 degrees outside and about 15 indoors, time to give the place an hour's boost of heating.
Dead calm here just now, just a slight breeze. I think we will miss the storm up here in Scotland. 3 degrees outside and about 15 indoors, time to give the place an hour's boost of heating.

Yes, or shoud that be 'no'..lol.... You won't get Cirián. We're just beyond the northern edge of it but they weren't confident of the precise track so we might be hit by it.
Dead calm here just now, just a slight breeze. I think we will miss the storm up here in Scotland. 3 degrees outside and about 15 indoors, time to give the place an hour's boost of heating.
It seems you are to high, for the storm, I'm set to get hammered Weds onwards.
For now, its about 4oC out there and the grass is a tad sparkly
It feels colder today, we have an easterly breeze but it is actually warmer, 6 degrees today. 16 indoors, which I don't mind at all but Wifey will want it 20 degrees (at least :thinking:) when she gets home.

Not a drop of rain today.
Wifey will want it 20 degrees (at least :thinking:) when she gets home.
Tell her to put a cardie on. I'm sure that won't be a problem :D

but it is actually warmer, 6 degrees today
10 down here, its not supposed to drop much over night either.

Not a drop of rain today.
Wet stuff due in just over an hour, through the night and for the next couple of days too :rolleyes:
Almost 3pm and it's a pleasant 11 degrees outside and 17 indoors, that'll do me. It has gone ominously dark in the last half hour though and with heavy showers.
On September 27/28 we had storm Agnes and it experienced explosive cyclogenesis..commonly called a 'weather bomb' that is, the pressure drops more than 24mb in 24 hours. I watched a detailed forecast earlier and tomorrow's storm Cirián is to undergo the same process as it crosses the fast Jet Stream from the SW but is much more intense and much nearer to SW England which has made forecasting the track more difficult. The Jet Stream usually travels between 80-140mph. Agnes became mature in mid-Atlantic so the track was much easier to forecast. For anyone interested, the Jet Stream is travelling at 200mph across the Atlantic and into the Bay of Biscay and was boosted by the differential in temperature between the southern US states, experiencing above average temperatures and the northern states much cooler .It follows the boundaries between hot and cold air and in winter when there can be very large differentials in temperature it can reach 275mph. The Met Office has been supplying Jet Stream data, as normal, to airlines travelling from the US so they can utilise it and, at present, flight times have been reduced by an hour due to the 'tail wind'.

Some models have the centre of Cirián just south of Gloucester and some near the south coast. This matters with regard to where the strongest winds will hit. The strongest winds/gusts are on the south of a storm. .As the Channel Islands have cancelled flights and ferries for tomorrow it could be that Cirián is, infact slightly more south, with wind gusts forecast to be 105mph hitting the Channel Islands and 95mph in Brittany and along France's Channel coast. As far as I know, they still don't know how far north (I mean distance from the south coast) it will hit . So, it seems, that this storm is dangerous. It's forecast to have the lowest-ever November storm pressure estimated to get into the low 950mbs. The record low is 959mb March 27/28th 1916 .The Great Storm. https://whenthewelshcametobedford.wordpress.com/2016/02/27/the-great-storm-of-1916/

My barometer is currently showing 1010 mb. I've brought in any loose items from outside.. the small recycle bins, watering can, lightweight plant pots etc.
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Showers on and off through most of the day, its not really windy out there just a bit of a breeze,
and a chilly 5oC
Hatches battened down. Probably be breakfast rather than a round tomorrow - maybe a bucket up the range if ICBA!!!
I think we'll miss the worst of it up here but I have an eye on things.

Take care down there you lot.
On September 27/28 we had storm Agnes and it experienced explosive cyclogenesis..commonly called a 'weather bomb' that is, the pressure drops more than 24mb in 24 hours. I watched a detailed forecast earlier and tomorrow's storm Cirián is to undergo the same process as it crosses the fast Jet Stream from the SW but is much more intense and much nearer to SW England which has made forecasting the track more difficult. The Jet Stream usually travels between 80-140mph. Agnes became mature in mid-Atlantic so the track was much easier to forecast. For anyone interested, the Jet Stream is travelling at 200mph across the Atlantic and into the Bay of Biscay and was boosted by the differential in temperature between the southern US states, experiencing above average temperatures and the northern states much cooler .It follows the boundaries between hot and cold air and in winter when there can be very large differentials in temperature it can reach 275mph. The Met Office has been supplying Jet Stream data, as normal, to airlines travelling from the US so they can utilise it and, at present, flight times have been reduced by an hour due to the 'tail wind'.

Some models have the centre of Cirián just south of Gloucester and some near the south coast. This matters with regard to where the strongest winds will hit. The strongest winds/gusts are on the south of a storm. .As the Channel Islands have cancelled flights and ferries for tomorrow it could be that Cirián is, infact slightly more south, with wind gusts forecast to be 105mph hitting the Channel Islands and 95mph in Brittany and along France's Channel coast. As far as I know, they still don't know how far north (I mean distance from the south coast) it will hit . So, it seems, that this storm is dangerous. It's forecast to have the lowest-ever November storm pressure estimated to get into the low 950mbs. The record low is 959mb March 27/28th 1916 .The Great Storm. https://whenthewelshcametobedford.wordpress.com/2016/02/27/the-great-storm-of-1916/

My barometer is currently showing 1010 mb. I've brought in any loose items from outside.. the small recycle bins, watering can, lightweight plant pots etc.

Mine currently shows 984mb and falling ...
I think we'll miss the worst of it up here but I have an eye on things.

Take care down there you lot.
It's raining steadily, but not hard or wind driven.
Wet and windy at bed time last night but no rain and not much wind at 06:00 this morning. Wind starting to get up a bit now though and more rain expected soon.
Barometer 957mb and raining, wind much less than at 4am. Static home still where it should be so all good!
Static home still where it should be so all good!
That's always a bonus (y)

Calm and drizzling now, it did get a tad wind over night though.
Just a typical, autumnal, blustery day here, nothing that I've taken notice of.

3 degrees outside though, cooler than yesterday but still a nice 16 degrees indoors.
Breakfast? Range? Breakfast? Range? Breakfast? Breakfast. No range - CBA!!!

Still a bit damp and blowy but should be getting better as the afternoon/evening progresses.
Very little here in terms of wind and rain because we were under the centre of the Low where it's relatively calm...as you get in a hurricane. There was moderate rain and wind as the NW side of it passed over.

As forecast, it did break the November low pressure record of 959mb and got down to 952mb. The infamous 1987 storm..the one that Michael Fish said wasn't coming, had a central pressure of 953mb. They got the wind speed of Cirián correct, too..re gusts..102mph over Jersey. TV footage of the damage there looks like the aftermath of that 1987 storm. The highest recorded wind speed over England for that storm was 115mph at Shoreham,Sussex but over Pointe du Roc, Normandy, it got to 134.6mph.

Jersey https://metro.co.uk/2023/11/02/jers...ph-storm-ciaran-winds-hammer-island-19760445/
All calm here, not even rain. Well, the odd spot now and again.

Just after 3-30pm and it's getting dark. I'm not usre if that is the cloud cover, which is heavy, or actually daylight ending.
Wet and windy here but not a great deal of either TBH.
Daylight ends at 15:36 here apparently.
15:45 here, and its not actually that dark.