
I can well understand your discomfort regarding the heat that you in the UK are experiencing I would say that the humidity is most unpleasant .and would be contributing to your discomfort. I have experienced that humidity when in the UK . My hottest dry bulb temp experienced was during the construction of a diesel power station at the Mount Goldsworth Iron ore mine in the Pilbara region of West Australia. As there were three additional Mirrlees engines being installed the air intake was drawn through three large evaporative air coolers [ they don't actaually cool the air but add water vapour which increases humidity, you feel coller, plus the water vapour increased the efficiency of the engines. The ambient outside was round the 50 c .
It's not warm here but not cold either. The main thing though is the rain, I don't think it has stopped since yesterday morning. It's not heavy, just that slow, steady stuff that fills the rivers.

Infact, we have a yellow warning for rain here and just a bit further north, it's amber. I looked at a webcam in Manchester earlier, it looks positively balmy there.

Tonight's river walk should be interesting.
It's a pleasant 23oC here, and nothing in the way of rain, certainly for a few days.
We have 16/17c up in the NE, it was dry this morning with a hint of sun, but has gone downhill now to rain. Last night we had 1.5" rain between 7pm and 5am, so everywhere is flooded. We've had more rain this year now than we had for the whole of last year.
The weather man ground hog is predicting a few more warm dry days, he's turfed out most of his bending from the hog bag (y)
I noticed tonight, with the rear bulkhead garden light on, the grass was looking shiny. It was dew/condensation, as we've had quite a warm day, probably high teens outside. I checked the outside thermometer and it's saying 4 degrees, positively Baltic when compared to recent temperatures. It is though, a very pleasant 18.5 degrees on the hallway theromostat.

It's a lovely evening, slightly chilly but I love that and it's also very calm.
Supposed to be high teens today and in a welcome change to what it said on Tuesday, we should stay dry on the course.
Mid teens now, and still raining since 8pm last night....
Supposed to be high teens today and in a welcome change to what it said on Tuesday, we should stay dry on the course.

We did stay dry! Started drizzling just as I turned in to the top of the road here.
All that rain finally drop the temperatures to barely double figures.
Its stopped raining for now, but more due into the night.
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It was 19°C when I looked just before turning the car off.
A very pleasant day at the moment. We had a couple of showers earlier but nothing heavy. It's broken cloud, sunny spells and a very pleasant 11 degrees outside, 19 indoors.
Looks like things are changing for the worse, after 24 hours of heavy rain, and high winds the temps are barely going to hit double figures,
and overnight 1 or 2 degrees above.
At about 3am this morning, I got woken by a ticking sound. Our radiator in there makes that sound as one of the joints expands under heat. No doubt about it, the heating had come on, so that's under 17 degrees indoors.

It is very wintery here today, sunny spells but with showers, that are almost icy.
Got out of the shower at about 09:00 and half wished we had the heating on. Not enough to be the first to crack - Mrs Nod will be having an early (before 06:00...) shower on Tuesday :).

At 05:00 this morning, sky was pretty clear. At 06:00, it persisted down for 10 minutes or so then cleared up until 07:00 at which point we had another 10 minutes or so of rain which then cleared up until 10:00 which saw another 10 minutes of persistence. Been relatively clear and occasionally sunny since.
7 degrees here this morning. We've had the Rayburn on continuously since getting home from France late September, but just in the background.
Not much above 8 here today, looks like a couple of near overnight frosts coming up
I think we had a touch of frost last night and it's currently 3 degrees outside, at 10-45am. It's a lovely day though.

A pleasant 19 indoors.
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No overnight frost, but it got close. Currently clear blue sky's and not making double figures as yet.
3°C at Sparrow fart this morning! Warmer and sunny now.
It's certainly turned colder. I was driving quite late last night and had the heater on full. I think we've had a touch of frost overnight too.

Currently 8 degrees outside, it's a nice day though, there's washing out on the neighbour's clothes lines. Surprisingly warm inside, thermostat says 19.5 degrees.

Amber warning for rain the next few days, which might be a problem for some in these parts as the ground is still quite soaked from the rain last week.
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Not quite double figures here and the same amber wet warning, from Weds - Sat
Clear blue sky's but chilly. 10oC currently.
I guess we shouldn't complain, we are well into autumn, and have done quite well weather wise.
Just walked Mutley around the block and it's very pleasant. Not cold after 5 minutes of walking at all and it's very calm.

The river sounds high though but it's too dark to see it just now, we've not had rain for a few days either. :thinking:
Just walked Mutley around the block and it's very pleasant. Not cold after 5 minutes of walking at all and it's very calm.

The river sounds high though but it's too dark to see it just now, we've not had rain for a few days either. :thinking:
It won't be all calm for much longer,Dale :)

Storm Babet en-route and will stall over Central and Eastern Scotland causing flooding. It will hit us here in Gloucester tomorrow afternoon and be with you on Thursday into Friday. Batten down.
10 degrees outside and quite pleasant, a little breezy, dry as a bone.

I'm looking at our grass and I'm thinking it really needs a cut, only once before, years ago, have I cut it in October.
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10oC, and the heavy rainfall predicted for here, for the next 3 days, has just started to arrive.
'Kin' rain isn't!!!
That's the grass cut. I've also mothballed the mower (for the 2nd time) for over the winter.

Took me about 2 hours today, I wasn't being fussy this time but it was quite long, I must've taken it down by 3 or 4 inches. The thing is, I didn't break a sweat, I normally sweat buckets and have to shower afterwards. It's that much cooler but still pleasant enough, it's not cold but I stayed cool as a cucumber mowing the grass.

Still, I'll be having a shower and an indulgent but rewarding beer with my dinner later on.

It's now windy, gusts of about 25-30mph at a guess but still dry.
Lashing down here also.
Since about 2pm. No sign of a let up tonight.