Ian's 52: Week 21: Isolation (pg 12)

Thanks Rich.

I could say that yes, it was a snoot carefully placed on a metered head unit meticulously planned etc etc...

But it was a candid shot, so what it actually was was Kate staring at the two guys fiddling with the back of the lighting head trying to work out how high/powerful they wanted the lights and probably wondering what they were farting around at.

The only illumination there is from the modelling lights. One was on the models face, the other on the background. I've added the vignette PP for impact.

Just lucky!

Thanks for taking the time to comment.


Oh i can see it now. I couldn't tell it was a vignette i thought it was all done in camera. Looks really authentic :)
Week 12 - Produce

So I knew what I wanted to do at the outset this week... More Eggs (see week 1 "Curved")

We currently have 16 birds in the garden. 1 goose, 7 ducks and 8 chickens. And apart from our male drake Indian Runner, they all provide us with some lovely eggs.

We haven't paid for an egg since May last year, and even in the winter we had enough for just us. Now the spring is here, everyone is firing on all cylinders and delivering the goods. We get between 10 & 12 eggs a day. The whole ethos of keeping poultry has been very very entertaining. All the birds now have a defined personality and it's very therapeutic spending time in our (now wrecked) garden just chatting to them and feeding them. Even Mavis (our goose) eats out of our hands now and she's a gem. Mostly because we're getting a huge goose egg every 2 days.

So I wanted to take a shot of what we produce for ourselves. I know the birds actually produce them, but we feed them, water them, clean them and chat to them to keep them happy.

I've got a few shots here as I couldn't decide which one I liked. I love the shape of an egg. Perfect, but not perfect. Close examination of any of our eggs reveals tiny imperfections. Bumps and divets, scratches and colour runs. But the egg itself is perfect.

So here are the shots.

Beam me up - Final Submission

I think this is my favourite. Shot on black mountboard with a torch hand-held above the eggs. I wanted that kind of spotlight effect, and thankfully I've got it. Was more about acrobatic shooting (Canon 50D with 24-105 is heavy to hold one handed) with the camera and torch but after a lot of attempts, I got one I was happy with. 2 goose eggs and a chicken egg provide a nice bit of perspective. In real life, if you were to squeeze a tennis ball to the shape of an egg, that would be about the size of a goose egg. They make great cakes.

Lesson learned: Buy a little tripod, or better still a decent full sized one.

Only In Threes

This was taken with the flashlight on the floor trying to cast a shadow on the black mountboard. In the end, I took two exposures, then blended them in Photoshop. No need for HDR, just a simple overlay and erase to keep the detail in the eggs and also show the shadow. Eggs held together with Blu-tack.


I like the detail in this one again, and I tried a cross-processing look for the Monthly comp. I ended up not using it and going for something else. I thought the general voting population would probably not go for it as it was boring. (HDR and "wow-tastic" images seem to be the favourites in the monthly comp).


This final shot was taken some time ago, and is mainly here for illustration. These are all our chicken eggs lined up in a row. 430EX fired from a tripod to get a nice shadow effect across the front of the eggs. Saturation increased to bring out the colours of the different eggs.

And in case you're interested... From the left, we have eggs from an Aylesbury duck, a Welsummer hen, a Whitestar hen, a Legbar hen, a Light Sussex hen, and a Coral hen. We were looking to try and sell the eggs as an "eggzotic egg box" but it didn't really work. People just wanted cheap free range eggs and didn't care what colour they were.

Back on top of things now.... Roll on week 13!

Lovely Candid shot.....I love the dark moody lighting...there are so many shots I 'WANT' to take in this style and haven't managed to arrange the opportunity yet. Lovely expression. It's not quite what you would expect as a candid but great shot none the less.

Produce.....this is a why didn't I think of that moment! I haven't quite got the range of poultry that you have but do have three different hen breeds :) The first one reminds me of Bohemian Rhapsody :) Well taken! ....I love the colours of the 3rd one!
Lovely Candid shot.....I love the dark moody lighting...there are so many shots I 'WANT' to take in this style and haven't managed to arrange the opportunity yet. Lovely expression. It's not quite what you would expect as a candid but great shot none the less.

Produce.....this is a why didn't I think of that moment! I haven't quite got the range of poultry that you have but do have three different hen breeds :) The first one reminds me of Bohemian Rhapsody :) Well taken! ....I love the colours of the 3rd one!

Thanks Sonia. Bohemian Rhapsody.... Now you make me want to get my daughter to draw some faces on the eggs and re-shoot....

Priceless... :)

Nice, I just posted my produce and they look remarkably similar in style, great minds!

I was actually going to go and paint some faces on mine, I've got one egg that has a feather on top that looks a bit like hitler so I was very tempted to draw a little moustache :p

I might still have a go as it won't be my main submission and I suppose it's not against the rules for a couple of us to try it.
Hi Ian,

You are ahead of yourself this week.

Nice set of images, but I'm wondering when you are going to get an Ostrich? You could hold omelette parties.

The first and last are my favourites. I love the colours in the last one and the simple layout. The lighting is great in the first one even if it was a bit Heath Robinson. I am really surprised how big goose eggs are compared with hens eggs.

Well done this week.

We were looking to try and sell the eggs as an "eggzotic egg box"

I'd have probably gone for a box of 6 mixed up like those! But then again I am a sucker for things like that!
loving your eggs Ian, good choice for the final submission this one stands out and the spotlight effect works well. I'm also drooling as i've just found out i have intolerance to eggs so i have to cut them out of my diet, I love eggs too
Nice, I just posted my produce and they look remarkably similar in style, great minds!

I was actually going to go and paint some faces on mine, I've got one egg that has a feather on top that looks a bit like hitler so I was very tempted to draw a little moustache :p

I might still have a go as it won't be my main submission and I suppose it's not against the rules for a couple of us to try it.

Go for it! In all likelihood I'll not get round to a reshoot. Thanks for the comment.

Hi Ian,

You are ahead of yourself this week.

Nice set of images, but I'm wondering when you are going to get an Ostrich? You could hold omelette parties.

The first and last are my favourites. I love the colours in the last one and the simple layout. The lighting is great in the first one even if it was a bit Heath Robinson. I am really surprised how big goose eggs are compared with hens eggs.

Well done this week.


Thanks Jenny. No way would we get an ostritch. On the subject of Omlettes though, we are members of a local mushroom foraging group and we did speak to the organisers about taking some eggs with us on a forage and cooking mushroom omlettes for everyone. Hopefully should start off this autumn which will be a laugh.

I'd have probably gone for a box of 6 mixed up like those! But then again I am a sucker for things like that!

I think you're in a minority. So many people are fussy about coloured eggs. Someone even said to us that White eggs are less nutritious than brown ones which is the biggest load of cobblers I've ever heard. Lots of fussiness over duck eggs too. People reckon they can taste the difference but I can't.

loving your eggs Ian, good choice for the final submission this one stands out and the spotlight effect works well. I'm also drooling as i've just found out i have intolerance to eggs so i have to cut them out of my diet, I love eggs too

Thanks Chris. What a shame you have to cut them out of your diet. I'm guessing you're still OK with cakes though :)

Love your egg shots - the last is my favourite - great colours and lighting. Really interesting to see the different colours produced from the different birds.
Thanks. It is very interesting to see the different colours... Now the Aracana is laying blue eggs and that's really quite exciting!

Candid is excellent, well done. I really like the first for Produce, but the bright spot on the rear egg I find a little distracting... I do like the last one, with all the egg colours
On the subject of Omlettes though, we are members of a local mushroom foraging group and we did speak to the organisers about taking some eggs with us on a forage and cooking mushroom omlettes for everyone. Hopefully should start off this autumn which will be a laugh.

That is very interesting. I have identified more than 100 different fungi in my garden over the last few years, but have never dared to eat any of them. I am sure your advice will come in handy when I start putting fungi in my 52. That is not too far off because the morel season is almost upon us, followed closely by the St George's. I usually find the first Morels around 5th April. Interesting to see if they are also late this year.

I love your "Candid" portrait - beautiful lighting really complements her pensive expression.

Produce - So how many did you break while you were setting these up?:LOL: I like your first choice best - very clever because it is not immediately obvious what the picture is of. If I half-close my eyes I can see a sort of alien face. I'm not keen on the burnt-out highlight from the torch but that is only a very minor niggle.

The last one is also fun with the different coloured eggs, nicely arranged on a diagonal.

Gret shots Ian,

Really like the first and last shots on your post.

The lighting on the first is really nice, the halo around the eggs really helps the image.

The composition in the last is great (would like to see the foreground/background to be pure black though as think it would make the eggs stand out more)

Good shots

Hi Ian - I like all of your produce shots - really struggling to decide a favourite, but your chosen one is certainly a strong shot - well done!

Hi Ian,

Candid is a super portrait, love the black and white with the lighting. Great job.(y)

Number 1 produce is the one for me as well. The contrast between dark and light must have made it a pig to take. It looks really odd but kind of cool!

Cheers, Rob

Thanks Jean, and thanks for looking. Still haven't told Alison about that shot yet....

:rules: :bat::bat::bat: :)

Produce: I agree with your choice for #1, although I love the drama in #2 and 3 as well. #4 is a good illustration of how different breeds of hens' eggs vary.

There's lots of produce being created there - so bang on theme. (y)

Goose egg omlettes would be interesting! :)

fabulous eggs!.. like your choice, really stands out.. I also like the last one of the different colours, agree a pure black background might have worked better.. do they taste different from different breeds of hens?

would love to have some hens.. I will do one day, hopefully :(
Hi Ian,

Great produce shots and it's pretty interesting how different eggs can be such different sizes and colours, i had no idea. I particularly like the last shot you have there showing the colours off but i think i agree that the first shot is the best of the set. When i first looked at it it didn't occur to me that the eggs could be different sizes, you had me puzzled as to how you managed that (doesn't take much :bonk:) but the lighting works really well.

Not much more to add, in all honesty except that i thought i was being original by shooting eggs. Your the second i've seen in the past hour :p

Great work (y)
Just an update to say computer problems are causing issues at the moment.

Will have to catch up when I can.

Just an update to say computer problems are causing issues at the moment.

Will have to catch up when I can.


Hope to see you back soon Ian.

I have just caught your produce week though. Absolutely love the one you chose and I agree that it's the best out of the set.
Something fascinating about the Henz shot though. If you were local I'd definitely want one of those eggzotic egg boxes . . . never seen blue eggs before!
Thanks Sarah. I've had a busy few weeks, what with computer problems, a college project to work on, the garden and work.

I fully intend to catch up and look through some 52's that I'm missing. Just might be another week. Make sure job is safe 1st before enjoying hobbies.

Although I did sneak out to the TP Blackpool Zoo meet last weekend which might garner a few crobar'd shots.

Time is my enemy at the moment though...

Overdue Update....

I've been remiss, I know....

The last few weeks have been fairly hectic. Had a massive fight with Microsoft Windows which resulted in ripping it right off my desktop PC and putting Linux on. Then I started fighting with Gnome (lost that one fairly quick) and Wine (trying to get Photoshop working - another epic fail) before losing my rag and putting XP back on, and re-installing all the software. All in all, a fairly angry time.

Add to that some college obligations as well as work messing me about and I'm frazzled up to the ears at the moment. One shining light in all of this though was the TP Blackpool Zoo meet last weekend. Actually getting some decent photos prompted me to get my backside into gear and fix the computer, so here we are...

Week 13: Reshoot/Quad
In a complete absence of common sense, I decided to reshoot a less strong image (the fork from Mechanical) with it's 4 (quad) prongs.

It's boring isn't it. :(

Week 14: Shoot
So this is from Blackpool Zoo (link to more shots from other TP toggers here) last Saturday and fulfills the requirement. Thanks to Billy & Savagestorm for being such good models :)


And finally....


This is Mavis.


Mavis is our lone Goose. When we got the geese as little ones, we got a pair as we'd read that geese didn't like to be alone. Brenda (bless her soul) picked up an infection and died after a few months, but Mavis struggled through and has now become an honourary duck. So she's alone (and single) in a way.

However, Geese get a lot of bad press, and Mavis is a wonderful bird. She always comes hurtling across the garden when we go out, to see if we've got any tidbits (marmite on toast is her favourite). She's far gentler in eating out of the hand than the chickens or ducks. The chickens peck so hard they can sometimes mark, but Mavis (who can crunch through a brocolli stalk in 2 bites) is ever so gentle in taking food. She's thicker than two short planks, but loves to stand under the garden hose for a shower, and her single lone egg every two days makes the most amazing cakes.

We love her!

Now... Time for me to catch up with some comments....

Roll on week 16 - I hope :)

Well done for catching up Ian, sorry to hear about the puter woes... painfil when that happens...

Quad... I agree it's not the most grabbing of shots... but it fits the theme... My biggest issue with it, is trying to find the focus point... I think it's part way up the tines, but I'm not sure. Would it be better with the focus on the points?

Shoot... It's clear and on theme. Nice shot.

Mavis... Ah bless... she's obviously not really Single, I'm sure you all spoil her :D... However, it fits the theme, and I really like it. The crown of her head looks a bit bright on my Mac, but it's an uncalibrated iMac which has a silly bright screen, otherwise the exposure looks about right and excellent DOF.
Great catch up session, I also fell behind so its good to see you back on track.

Quad - I really like the idea. If the fork was sharp that would be a very strong image indeed :)

Shoot - I like the blue tint as I use this quite a bit with some of my portraits, have your tried a washed out black and white edit? Id be interested to see what that is like....but great capture..

Single - Excellent depth of field, nice crop and very well placed in the frame...I like :)
For quad, i think of the focus was of the tip of the prongs, it would be much better, works well on the theme though
Shoot is very apt. Like the mono conversion (looks like it has a blue hue to me?)
haha i love your Single shot!! great DOF, great detail, and a great story behind it!
Last edited:
Sounds like your having a pretty tough time, i hope it eases up for you. You've still managed to produce some decent images
quad, i agree above, i like the idea and think the image could be improved by being a tad sharper.
shoot, really good candid and i like the mono.
mavis, the pick of the bunch for me, great use of a shallow dof really brings out the best in her.
Glad to see you back up to date, and I'm hoping that things settle down a bit for you now.

Quad definitely fits the theme and I really like the pano crop.
I have to agree that it's lacking a bit of oomph though, but I'm not sure what you could do to add to it.
I seem to remember a similar fork shot in Dade's 52 where he added some bright colours to the background. Might be worth a look for some inspiration.

Shoot is an incredibly clear crisp shot.
Fantastic quality and the B&W suits it perfectly.

And Mavis . . . awwwwwww!!!!!
She's adorable.
This is my favourite out of the 3. Good colours, nice background and this is sharp exactly where it needs to be.
i also enjoyed reading the little story about her.
Play - Any one that gets Zombies into a them gets a (y). Already said bit a little more DOF would help.

Candid - That has workind really well with just the modeling lamps, well spotted.

Quad - Good choice of subject and the composition works very well.

Shoot - I thought I recognised one of the shooters(Savagestorm) works as a great candid shot also.

Single - I cry FOWL :D but then again so is mine.
Well done for catching up.

Shoot - nice to see happy togs !

Single - like that .. the background on Mavis adds to it. Glad she thinks she is a duck and isnt lonley !
Well done for catching up Ian, sorry to hear about the puter woes... painfil when that happens...

Quad... I agree it's not the most grabbing of shots... but it fits the theme... My biggest issue with it, is trying to find the focus point... I think it's part way up the tines, but I'm not sure. Would it be better with the focus on the points?

Shoot... It's clear and on theme. Nice shot.

Mavis... Ah bless... she's obviously not really Single, I'm sure you all spoil her :D... However, it fits the theme, and I really like it. The crown of her head looks a bit bright on my Mac, but it's an uncalibrated iMac which has a silly bright screen, otherwise the exposure looks about right and excellent DOF.

You're right on both there John. The forsk are boring and I shouldn't have reshot. And Mavis' head is blown. I need to watch my tonal ranges when I get into PP.

Great catch up session, I also fell behind so its good to see you back on track.

Quad - I really like the idea. If the fork was sharp that would be a very strong image indeed :)

Shoot - I like the blue tint as I use this quite a bit with some of my portraits, have your tried a washed out black and white edit? Id be interested to see what that is like....but great capture..

Single - Excellent depth of field, nice crop and very well placed in the frame...I like :)

Thanks Stephen. It's unlikely I'll get to reprocess with a college final project breathing down my neck, but I may give it a go at some point in the future.

For quad, i think of the focus was of the tip of the prongs, it would be much better, works well on the theme though
Shoot is very apt. Like the mono conversion (looks like it has a blue hue to me?)
haha i love your Single shot!! great DOF, great detail, and a great story behind it!

Thanks Peter. Yep. The blue-hue was intentional.

Sounds like your having a pretty tough time, i hope it eases up for you. You've still managed to produce some decent images
quad, i agree above, i like the idea and think the image could be improved by being a tad sharper.
shoot, really good candid and i like the mono.
mavis, the pick of the bunch for me, great use of a shallow dof really brings out the best in her.

That's the benefit of shooting long with a cheap lens. At 100mm+, even with f6, it still blurs the background.

Glad to see you back up to date, and I'm hoping that things settle down a bit for you now.

Quad definitely fits the theme and I really like the pano crop.
I have to agree that it's lacking a bit of oomph though, but I'm not sure what you could do to add to it.
I seem to remember a similar fork shot in Dade's 52 where he added some bright colours to the background. Might be worth a look for some inspiration.

Shoot is an incredibly clear crisp shot.
Fantastic quality and the B&W suits it perfectly.

And Mavis . . . awwwwwww!!!!!
She's adorable.
This is my favourite out of the 3. Good colours, nice background and this is sharp exactly where it needs to be.
i also enjoyed reading the little story about her.

Thanks Sarah. Much appreciated. I'll tell Mavis you said you liked it, although with all the popularity of her portrait in this thread it might go to her head...

Good catchup! Like the DoF on the knife & fork, the moment in 'shoot' is great and I love Mavis (y)

A good few shots :)

Cheers Nick. It'll be Monday before I can get out commenting properly, but I'm caught up now.

Play - Any one that gets Zombies into a them gets a (y). Already said bit a little more DOF would help.

Candid - That has workind really well with just the modeling lamps, well spotted.

Quad - Good choice of subject and the composition works very well.

Shoot - I thought I recognised one of the shooters(Savagestorm) works as a great candid shot also.

Single - I cry FOWL :D but then again so is mine.

Cheers Scott. Both for the encouragement and the terrible pun :)

Well done for catching up.

Shoot - nice to see happy togs !

Single - like that .. the background on Mavis adds to it. Glad she thinks she is a duck and isnt lonley !

Thank you.

As I said above, I'll be out commenting during the week. Not ignoring you all at the moment!!

Hi Ian,

Sorry to hear about your PC problems. Technology is great ... when it works!

Glad you managed to catch up.

I would have preferred more of the tines of the fork in focus - but definitely on theme.

Shoot is a great shot. The expressions on their faces are priceless and I love the treatment.

Aaah, poor Mavis. She even looks sad. A goose who thinks she's a duck and likes Marmite - interesting. That's a lovely shot but I agree that the top of her head is blown slightly.

Hope you manage to get on top of all your commitments soon.

Just a quickie - will pop back in later and say a bit more - keep discovering all these 52's I haven't seen before.

Loving "Mavis" - sounds quite a comical goose!
oh mavis.. what a lovely story about her.. she sounds a right character.. super shot, nice focus and great DOF :)

looks like a good day was had by all in blackpool ;)
Thanks guys.
