If you could only have one lens, which one would it be?

canon 24-105 L F4

1) sharp at F4
2) fast AF
3) superb IS
4) weather sealed
5) amazing IQ

For me it would also have to be the 24-105 I have Only owned for a couple of days and fell in love with it. Perfect lens for my 5d mk ii
I've only had it a week but, canon 24-105 L F4. I'm sure i'll find a new favorite once i replenish the bank account.
Gramps, if Mrs Nod ever catches up with you, she'll tie you in knots (for a fee!) - 24-120 f/4 on order...
You're gonna love that one! (y)

Nikon Cafe has a long thread with a large variety of shots with your combo!

Run, Cramps! :D
Gramps, if Mrs Nod ever catches up with you, she'll tie you in knots (for a fee!) - 24-120 f/4 on order. Voucher with the D800 brings the price down by £70 and a very generous trade in allowance on my Sigma 24-70 make the upgrade affordable. (Hell, compared to her latest toy, a few hundred on a lens is cheap!)

:D Have fun, it's a great lens.
I would have the 14 -400mm Nikkor. Unfortunately it has not been invented - yet!
Sigma 35mm f1.4 'ART' lens. Not got one but after all the images I have seen taken with it it's deff my next lens and a focal length I love.
Well, I was expecting to have to wait until we got back from holiday before the 24-120 came in but it's arrived early. Early plays look good (a hell of a lot better than the variable aperture version I had a few years back!) but not had a really good, long ply yet - been getting more familiar with the holiday kit (HS-30 and XF-1) in readiness for next week. Will probably take the SLR kit when we go back in August/September unless I decide that the lightness of the Fujis was a real boon!
For me it would be the 15-85mm - not everyone's cup of tea but if I could just have one lens, for me, nothing can beat this!
Got to be the canon 70-200 L F4 for me
A Canon 70-200 F4L, non IS. Light, small and very, very sharp. Miss mine :(

Get another one then harry I love mine I think it has to be my favourite lens I herb owned so far :)
Going to buck the trend here and while I was tempted to say my Nikon 24-70 f/2.8 as a few have already done I am gonna run with my 70-200 VR2. I love this lens. It's far and away as far as I am concerned the best lens I have ever used. Unbelievably sharp, unbelievably quick a.f, and every bit as good as I hoped it would be and it covers a range I seem to use more often than anything else.
Get another one then harry I love mine I think it has to be my favourite lens I herb owned so far :)

I will do roll on September when I've got cash coming in, but in the meantime my 120-300 is a lot better suited to my needs, even if means I have to walk back a bit. And a bit more :LOL:
The one in my Right Eye. It's marginally sharper than the left one, and frankly, without it, I wouldn't give a damn what was attached to my camera.
Not much choice on my X100, but should I venture back with a FF DSLR one day then the Canon 35mm f/1.4. May have to start saving though!
On next week's holiday, the lens I'll be using most (probably) is the fixed 24-720 (35mm equivalent) on the front of my HS-30 bridge! Leaving all the SLR kit at home and travelling a bit lighter. Good job too - the hand baggage allowance has dropped to 5kg this year and they've weighed it for the past 3 years...
Nikon 24-70 f2.8 no doubt is the lens i will keep if i'm only allow to have one. Reason for this is because i shoot 90% of the stuff using this focal length. Wether is full frame or not.
When I had my first DSLR (Nikon D70s) it came with a kit lens 18-70mm which was really good. Having moved up the camera list at the moment it is the 24-70mm for the d800.
The 35mm f2 on Sony RX1 would get my vote.

But seeing I can't afford it, I'd settle with my 35mm f2, cheapest lens I have, gets most use.
I haven't posted much but it's a nice question. A couple of weeks ago I'd have said a mid-range zoom (currently have the 25-85) and I can certainly understand the appeal of the 24-70 f2.8. But I recently splashed out on the 50mm 1.4G, and am thoroughly enjoying it, so that would be my choice. Could be because I started out with film in the 80s ;)
135mm F2.8/T4.5 STF - Sony or Minolta

Getting away from the cliche creamy backdrop flower shots this lens is pretty sharp in its own right - it's designed to be used wide open - the fact that it's MF forces you to interact with the camera and lens more.