i'm fuming.....

That is because the little ***** have got away with too much for too long Phil. Hard men at 17 when it suits them, yet minors when they get a good hiding from people who won`t be bullied or intimidated by them.

I`m sick to the ****ing back teeth of feral scum being afforded every luxury and benefit that the bleeding heart liberals bestow upon thier useless souls.

And breathe Frac..........

I totally agree with you mate.. there should be some form of mandatory national service for those who 'go off the rails'. I know a fair few people who took some bad choices as kids, and have ended up in the army as a means to an end, and it's done them a world of good, to the point they're now civilised adults and I can (and do) share a pint with them. Then we have these scum who just stay amongst the dregs of society :(
Well done Stan for standing up for yourself.

This is how I look at the situation:
Say they reported Stan to the police...fine. Is everyone so pessimistic and naieve to think that the police would just arrest Stan without even considering everything at hand (perhaps I shouldn't ask seeing some of the anti-police posts on this forum!)? Making my own assumptions, a group of 17-18yr olds throwing snowballs at complete strangers will probably be known to local bobbies anyway, so the youths might not even consider reporting it. Secondly, the police would consider whether an older person (no offence Stan) just walks up to a group of youths and launch an assault umprovoked? I am going to assume that Stan has no previous run-ins with the old bill so it is not as if he would be of bad character. Thirdly, what about independant witnesses? Police would probably consider the witness statements of the rest of the group with much contempt. Lastly..as for the whole minor issue, it really has no relevance here, particularly as they assaulted Stan first. It would be different if they were 13, but as Stan had indicated they were clearly not. How often do we read that 15yr olds are robbing/assaulting people..do you really think that defending yourself against someone of that age is problematic? In fact I could see local papers now..local photographer assaulted by local yobs. Ultimately, unless we are all police officer/law proffessionals all our posts are mere speculation.

Take care Stan..and more people should stand up for themselves. it's because people don't which has helped create the current situation in the country.
well thats got everyone excited, and i'm with the OP on this one - though could have turned nasty if his mates all joined in.

Similar thing happened a while back to a mate of mine (unprovoked attack) . He's about 5ft 7, 9 stone dripping wet and 3 yobs attempted to mug him. What they didn't know was he's a 3rd Dan black belt in tae kwon do. Let's just say he kept his wallet that night.........

I leave the house after posting on this thread mate and it has gone mental.

All I can say is he is lucky he met you stan last one I had encounter with was not as fortunate...

Teach the little idiots a lesson that the parents should have done whilst they were growing up.

I see it as assisting the parents in an area they were lacking in...

well thats got everyone excited, and i'm with the OP on this one - though could have turned nasty if his mates all joined in.

Similar thing happened a while back to a mate of mine (unprovoked attack) . He's about 5ft 7, 9 stone dripping wet and 3 yobs attempted to mug him. What they didn't know was he's a 3rd Dan black belt in tae kwon do. Let's just say he kept his wallet that night.........

okay,i wasn't going to mention it,as i thought people would take it out of context..but i to am a black belt in karate..having been doing it since 1981.this,as far as i'm concerned makes no difference to the way i have handled the situation,and did initally tell them the best thing they could do was be on their way..but they thought better,or so they thought so.

lesson learned by them methinks....
okay,i wasn't going to mention it,as i thought people would take it out of context..but i to am a black belt in karate..having been doing it since 1981.this,as far as i'm concerned makes no difference to the way i have handled the situation,and did initally tell them the best thing they could do was be on their way..but they thought better,or so they thought so.

lesson learned by them methinks....

An therein is a lesson in restraint
Ive read the first post and the last page, but not in-between..

My Thoughts,
The kids are throwing snowballs, Its what everyone would take as a Joke/friendly play. The do it to spark a reaction but did you not have snowball fights as a kid?

I agree in asking them to stop, but maybe putting the camera down and Squaring upto them was the wrong thing to do. You have instigated the mood of the "fight" by doing so IMO.
So for getting a tap on the nose, I couldn't really stick up for you but fair play for the retaliation, just hope the kid is not under 18 and takes action further.

I'm kinda on both sides here but if it was me, I would have just walked away from the confrontation.
Over Xmas a 20-something chav (I'm 40) decided to put me in a headlock becuase I didnt indicate to go into my post office. After about 10 seconds of playground tussling managed to throw him off and automatically went into what was my martial arts 'stance' (and like you Stan got a black belt, but in mixed martial art/thai boxing/kick boxing discipline which I havnt actually done for nearly 10 years!), at which point he decided to offer me an apology. I grudgingly accepted but was so angry as I just wanted to deck him. I was more concerned about how embarresed I felt about the whole incident, but not sure what I could have done differently?

Stan - I think you showed good restraint to only kick him in the nadgers. Unfortunately some people around seem to think this is the norm. Try not to dwell on it fella and well done for sticking up for yourself.
I would have just walked away from the confrontation.

And there is the problem Gary.Too many walk away, these kids/young adults believe them selves to be untouchable because of it.They get away with being yobs once,twice and then expect it all the time. Constantly feeding on thier supposed air of invincibility and being untouchable, next thing we know the gits are kicking some poor bugger to death.

Sorry mate, in my opinion your wrong on this, somebody has to stand up to them.Is that not how us, "older people", learnt our lessons of life?
sounds to me Stan, like you handled it remarkably well..........

I don't think your reaction was OTT.

As someone said earlier on, chill out in front of the fire with a Malt, tomorrow will be a better day!

Ive read the first post and the last page, but not in-between..

My Thoughts,
The kids are throwing snowballs, Its what everyone would take as a Joke/friendly play. The do it to spark a reaction but did you not have snowball fights as a kid?

I'm kinda on both sides here but if it was me, I would have just walked away from the confrontation.

If a bunch of local kids who obviously look like they are having a bit of fun throw a snowball at me, then yes fun, but if a bunch of jeering chavs throw snowballs at me whilst I am holding expensive camera equipment, then it is not. Would you not agree?

And yes the best thing to do is walk away, but not always possible. Your more than likely gonna get a back full of snowballs and possibly worse. Plus sometimes when that red mist comes down, well, whats best and good sometimes goes out of the window.

Why should they be allowed to treat people that way? One reason perhaps why it is hard to just walk way.
And there is the problem Gary.Too many walk away, these kids/young adults believe them selves to be untouchable because of it.They get away with being yobs once,twice and then expect it all the time. Constantly feeding on thier supposed air of invincibility and being untouchable, next thing we know the gits are kicking some poor bugger to death.

Sorry mate, in my opinion your wrong on this, somebody has to stand up to them.Is that not how us, "older people", learnt our lessons of life?

Exactly! I agree.

People need to realise the word is what we make it!!! ... otherwise, someone else will decide. :bang:
:notworthy: :notworthy: @ Stan.

“Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.” Sun Tzu

Stan is most definitely the man. I'm not sure I would have the ability to back it up but I'd probabaly be daft enough to confront them. Bloody oiks seem to take great pleasure in throwing snowballs at my windows which I'm sure are gonna break any time soon. But every time I get out the front door they've buggered off.

A sobering story from the daily mail (sorry) though.

I wasn't around when National Service was, but I wish it was still here, teach the little so and so's a lesson or two in respect.
So sorry to hear of you're **** day. A similar thing happened to me while doing a model shoot once - although it didn't end in a confrontation it's just so frustrating and humilating :(

FWIW I back you in what you did and really hope the little sod is still hobbling around now. Wonder what he'll tell mummy when he gets home? :LOL:
just hope the kid is not under 18 and takes action further.


If he is over the age of criminal responsibility and commits an assault, you have the right to defend yourself, and claim self defence.


The relevant section is this

Conversely, there are circumstances where a person cannot rely on the statutory defence: for example, where the perpetrator of the offence he is trying to prevent is below the age of criminal responsibility

The age of criminal responsibility in England is 14 (it was changed from 10 in 1995)

Stan would have done the same myself, well done and don't worry about it.
one of them thinks he has the measure of me by taking a swing,which slightly catches me on the chin,si i retaliate by kicking him in the groin...and he sinks to his knees,i turn and walk away.... :bang:

I think your actions were deplorable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
he should have rec'd the coup-de-grace whilst on his knees :D
Seriously, go and settle down with a nice toddy, tomorrow's another day (y)
again,thanks to everyone who has offered support/advice..way to many to answer individually....i am truly touched :clap:

People like you anger me.

Afterall would it of been that much effort ot tweak his nose whilst he was holding his nuts? Just to add to the humilty :nono:


Good for you Stan.
give them a damn good kicking, sod the law, i bet it would be different if it was the other way around!!
i'm sorry,but i don't shy away from confrontation,or take to being bullied by anyone...period.

Muh man! (y)

These weren't kids, it was a bunch of teenage yobs bullying and trying to intimidate. As Stan was assaulted first it's a clear case of self defence - he had every right to act as he did.
The very reason I won't be going to the nature reserve for a while. Was planning a practice model shoot with a friend, but I just don't trust the groups of 'older' kids round here. I'm only 21 and have playfully thrown a couple of snowballs back at people while I was out with the camera the other day, but it's when the play stops that things get annoying.

I'm not sure if I would have reacted with those kind of words and then squared up to anyone (possibly because I'm not well built) as that immediately intensifies the situation, but I can understand why you did it. Personally I would have laughed when they threw them, threw a couple back and then just have a chat with them asking if they can leave it out for a few minutes. Obviously it's hard to call without being there though.

Glad to hear your gear is alright and I'm afraid it's just a sign of the times. :)
I haven't the time nor inclination to read the whole thread, so if my suggestion has been made before apologies.

I'd have taken their photos and informed them that I was going to post them on to all the local cottaging websites I could find offering their young tender behinds for all takers. Maybe I'd print off some posters and put them on lamp posts around the town saying the same thing. :naughty:

Then I'd have then simply forwarded it to the police with a complaint about the assault.

I really like this.
People like you anger me.

Afterall would it of been that much effort ot tweak his nose whilst he was holding his nuts? Just to add to the humilty :nono:


Good for you Stan.

good man stan!! i think whilst he was on his knees i'd have gone for the 2 fingered poke in the eyes and then lifted his jumper up over his head ... seriously though... put it behind you now, you did the right thing (y)
Good for you stan, it's about time we all did the right thing when confronted by these plebs.

Although we must remember, a good sharp kick in the nuts may have caused him brain damage....having said that, silly little **** probably has only got the one little brain cell!!!!!

I bet he can do a cracking impression of "Buster Gonad" now

He probably looks like this, and serve him right

Staff edit - NSFW link: http://www.freeyellow.com/members3/elephantiasis/eleph-fiji.gif

Whooops, did I do something wrong re the pic?? Apologies If I did.
decided to go out with the camera this morning,to a local park for some landscape and wildlife shots.was enjoying myself when a gang of 17-18 yr olds started taking the pee[that,i can handle by ignoring them],then,as i'm about to take a shot,i'm bombarded with snowballs..myself and camera being covered.

so i turn and asked what they think they were playing at,and they said"what"..i said "you know full well what,do you think it's funny to knacker 2.5K's worth of equipment with your antics",then they give me more abuse,so i put down my camera and front up to them to see how brave they would be then.but one of them thinks he has the measure of me by taking a swing,which slightly catches me on the chin,si i retaliate by kicking him in the groin...and he sinks to his knees,i turn and walk away....

this has upset me,and has completely ruined my day...a bad start to 2010 :bang:

Hopefully they don't know where you live or you could easily be ending up with an assault charge. Also, who in their right mind would 'put down' 2.5K worth of equipment? Just walk in the other direction, a snowball is still unlikely to bugger the camera even if it was a wet slushy one.
I completely understand what you mean.

I was out this morning around 6am getting some morning show shots from the hill tops in Somerset when, whilst walking past a school gate, got bombarded with snow balls (although my equipment wasn't affect much only a bit of snow on the lens but I was most annoyed by the fact the parents just stood there laughing) the kids could of kept it to themselves.
I'd love to see a pole on 'for or against' kicking them in the nuts.

Lets do a pole
Lets do a pole
Lets do a pole
Lets do a pole
Lets do a pole
I can't believe there are people in this thread who would stand by and let a little **** whit throw a punch at them and happily 'restrain' them selves/walk away....:bonk:
Sorry not read every reply but personally I wouldn't have mentioned how much it was worth as it might have encouraged them to nick the lot.

It's really hard to stop yourself when someone else has done something wrong, I ride a motorbike and know that 90% of potential road rage incidents can be eliminated if the person at fault just apologised. The trouble is ego takes over, as happened here.

Try and put it away and get on with normal life, it's not worth it!