iPHONE images... post your iPhone/Mobile pics HERE... :-)

Walking across Stoke Park in Guildford on way to my Monday night pizza and a pint I came across these, remnants of the last raver from Guilfest.....mystical powers are given to the wearer I believe...

I have seen some quite stunning shots on this phone.
a few snaps off of my iphone

oludeniz beach

a flower

another oludeniz view

a melon
Superb clarity on those images Terry... (y) ...what a serious difference excellent light makes... :D

And that is a great aerial take Paul... for a phone... :clap:


hey guys..

I did a photo book of some iPhone images (mentioned earlier in this thread) and entered it in Blurb's photo book competition. If anyone wants to take the time to click a vote for me it'd be appreciated!

you can also now see a full preview of the book for a limited time while judging is on


thanks everyone.

hey guys..
I did a photo book of some iPhone images (mentioned earlier in this thread) and entered it in Blurb's photo book competition. If anyone wants to take the time to click a vote for me

My that has changed since I first saw it Gordon... :eek: ...for the better of course... :clap:

I am seriously envious as you know I had the same idea and have still done nowt about it... :wacky:

And job done... :D ...how could one not after that subtle hint... :LOL:


This is my favourite one from my phone, maybe not down to exposure or composition or any of that rubbish but purely for capturing the moment. This is about an hour north of Barcelona (except on this particular drive, it was 5 hours north of Barcelona....) on the way from the airport to the hotel on the med coast, we took a shortcut to avoid the police roadblock and popped out behind this tarmac machine they were using as a snowplough, it was doing a good job until it's nearly bald tyres gave way on this bit of road and it hit that car before sliding towards the edge of the road and the other car. We saw countless trees and pylons go down and when we did eventually get to the hotel, it had no power, no phones, no heating and I had no suitcase of warm clothes becuase for some unknown reason it took a different flight to the one I was on.

This is my favourite one from my phone,

Good stuff mate... Keep 'em coming... :D

My first attempt with the iphone, using skip bleach

Really like that Marc... :clap: ...but skip bleach has me :thinking:

Very nice LG image Gary... ;)

DLTracy66 said:
Bit different - taken on Sunday am with my iPhone :(

Now that is a different image DLT... :cautious: ...but I reckon I would rather not live around there... :

Okay Jimmy... :shrug: ...some explanation required for this rather captivating image mate... :D

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Super varied set David... (y) ...really liking the hat and pumps... :clap: ...great effect but probably a wee bit contrived... :cautious:

Must give my Hipstamatic app more air time... :thinking:


Lovely looking boots Oli... (y)

Particularly like the effects and composition of the first... :D ...doesn't the iP4 take a great pic though... :naughty:

Lovely looking boots Oli... (y)

Particularly like the effects and composition of the first... :D ...doesn't the iP4 take a great pic though... :naughty:


Cheers Rog. They're bloody awesome boots. So pleased I've got some 'cos they're so damn comfortable. :D

Aye, I'm enjoying the iP4. Photos and video are good fun. Had the 3G last, so the video is a bit of a novelty, but already proving useful. (y)
We'll turn this thread into a clothing catalogue yet...

Noo iP4 too? Very niiiice... (y)
Oh yeah... :D...reckon they would go great with your boots... :naughty:

Well I have had it a month or so but it's still like noo to me... :cautious: ...love it ...:love:




Got some more on my phone that need sorting out.
Camera+ Pro is superb esp with the volume control shutter release;)
One of mine from yesterday.

canary wharf
The trip home
My Baby Girl :D

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Taken with my 3gs, edited on phone with adobe Photoshop express.
Hope you like?

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