JD's 365.

Day 059 Undivided Attention.

Does she love me? Probably not. The biscuit off camera is the reason for such good behaviour.

Just another usual Saturday cleaning the house. Looking forward to exploring tomorrow. I woke up with a serious hangover this morning but a self made fry soon sorted that!!
I wish i had the time to commit to another dog, but work, kids etc mean it would not get the exercise it deserved.
Aww what a beautiful dog nice shot JD, as you can tell I have a soft spot for dogs :)

Day 060 View From Torr Head.

Another great day exploring. We ended up at a ww2 radio station near Ballycastle, and took a wee scoot down to Torr head while we were near it. We are really going to have to find more things to explore, I sometimes get the feeling there is nothing left for us to do!! Was quite pleased with how this one turned out, any way I could improve it??
Wow that is stunning JD looks a beautiful place.

Absolutely lovely view, great to see unspoilt coastline. BTW notice a few sensor crud spots mate.
Day 061 Mourne Mountains Co.Down

Amazingly busy day with work, out of 6 engineers in my section I and I alone was in. I actually enjoy days like today, gets the brain ticking! I will be on my own all week, so be prepared for doom, gloom and terrible photos later on in the week.

Yesterdays photo made it into Flickr Explore, my first ever one!!
Another great shot there JD and congrats on getting into explore, I'm lucky if anyone even looks at my shots :LOL:

Another great shot there JD and congrats on getting into explore, I'm lucky if anyone even looks at my shots :LOL:

I do Sean!! Cheers(y)
OOOO how did you check you got into Explore JD? :) and Congratulations :)
It was a comment on the photo that alerted me to it, If you go to http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/ and then to Scout, it tells you everything you want to know!!
Not usually a landscape fan JD, but the last two days have been superb! :clap:
It's all we have to photograph over here Fabs!! (y)
Congrats on getting into explore!

I really should get myself out more to take some landscape shots, i've been kinda lapse lately as finding the time is hard. I have a 8 day phototrip from Cork to Donegal planned for May though (actually doing support for my gf's father who's cycling it so should have plenty of time for photos as we only need to be in the rough area they are.)

I love the view from Torr Head, it's somewhere i've never been yet i've planned to on occasion before. I have a friend who has family up about there so occasional go on hiking trips around that area.
Cheers Stephen, the whole Coast Road is beautiful, there is a picture around every corner. Make sure to take your time though as it's quite twisty around Torr Head, at some stages there is only enough room for one car.

The 8 day road trip sounds brill, Co. Cork is really beautiful!!
Day 062. Tired, Tired, Tired.

I'm so tired. Started at half eight this morning, only stopping for lunch, and didn't stop until six this evening. I lay down on the sofa and closed my eyes and I was nearly asleep. The workload has taken it's effect a lot sooner than I anticipated, 14 calls in today, I only got to do 8. :( One fellow engineer will be back from holiday tomorrow so at least the workload will be reduced. I already have the 6 calls from today to do including 2 more. And I'm on call.......:help:
Wow I really like this shot :) Interesting effect you got going on there! I need to do mine..I feel it might have to be something similar...I'm pretty tired :LOL:
Great fake tilt shift image, I haven't done one of those in a couple of years I must take a note of that shot in my book with 365 idea's!
Great tilt shift effect JD, as Marc said first time I've ever seen it used for something other than and city scenes well done (y)

Day 063 Veritas?? Vericrap...

This alarm was installed when we got our house, if it had been my decision I would have put in something completely different. To cut a long story short, it broke last night and needed replaced as soon as possible. So that was the plan for tonight. Control panel, keypad, 2 door contacts and 3 PIR's replaced and fully programmed since I've got home. I've only sat down and I'm completely knackered. Bed early tonight!!