JD's 365.

Day 64 Home Sweet Home

Spent the majority of today searching for a cable fault in a leisure centre so I'm dog tired again. Finally completed the new alarm on the house, I only really thought about today's shot when I'd finished, Home sweet home, I'm away for a sit down.
Day 65 Sasha Has an Idea....

Found out today that work are going to be making more redundancies in the next month or 2. It ruined what was actually a good day, never mind, such is life, the grass is always greener, life must go on. At least Sasha still loves me...
Shame we're in similar circumstances JD, hope the outcome is positive for you.

Love the picture of Sasha!
Aww so cute, she'l always love ya, (y) Sorry to hear about the redundancies, an all to familiar tale these days. :shake:

I know mate, it's quite sad that a large multi-national firm has to make cutbacks to survive. Hopefully I'll still have a job in the next couple of months. Sasha only loves me because I feed her!! (y)

Shame we're in similar circumstances JD, hope the outcome is positive for you.

Love the picture of Sasha!

I hope all goes well for you, it's a "get the head down and get on with it" time. (y)
Day 66 (6?)


"Stuff the job redundancies, I'm away to buy a new camera" was what I thought this morning. So off I went, I really had my heart set on a D300 but I think it's probably too much of a step up for me at the minute. And it's too much money. So I ended up buying a D90 with kit lens.

First impressions?? I've used it to take shots with all of my lens, its great having incredible ISO, it's great having AF with the 50mm, The AF system as a whole is maybe not as good as the D300 but it's a massive step up from the D40. I could ramble on for ages about how impressed I am!!

From Left to Right;

D40, D90, 70-300 VR, Bower X2 TC, 18-105 VR, 50 1.8, Sigma 10-20 and the 18-55 kit lens that came with the D40.

Not a bad collection for 9 months!!
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Ooo nice new gear, I was considering a D90 (but that would mean switching from Canon). Anyway, any upgrades will now have to wait for me.
Catching up again JD what a lovely dog you have there most of the time I wish my dog was a bitch, they are so much more placid (well usually) mine is a bit of a hooligan sometimes think he should be wearing a hoody :LOL:

Congrats on the new camera hang on to your D40 though, never know when you might need it. I got my Canon 40D in May last year about a month before I went on holiday to St Lucia, I was also shooting my sisters wedding out there (don't ask how I got roped into that :LOL:) anyway my month old 40D died 2 days after I shot the wedding whilst I was out there, Luckely I had kept my old 350D which I had been going to sell to a friend, it saved the rest of the holiday for me, as I'm not one for sitting around sun bathing etc. I spent most of my time out with the camera. Anyway Jessops gave me a new camera when I got back that one is back with Canon with a sticking shutter release at the minute, so I've ended up buying a 30D a few weeks back as I sold the 350D :thinking: always good to have a spare. Bit dissapointed with the 40D though less than a year and my second one has gone wrong, I had the 350D about 2 years it was bought second hand too, took thousands of shots with it and it's still going (my mate has it now).

Bloody hell that was a lot of typing :LOL:

damm you and your new camera, im looking at one at the moment. did argos have it in there shop on the day, because i was under the impression they have to order them in for collection
damm you and your new camera, im looking at one at the moment. did argos have it in there shop on the day, because i was under the impression they have to order them in for collection

They didn't in the shop we went too, but I got them to check stock around the area, we reserved it and went and got it..(y)
They didn't in the shop we went too, but I got them to check stock around the area, we reserved it and went and got it..(y)

ive bought one now, managed to find one lef,t in a shop 15mins aways

waiting for battery to charge :)
Day 067 High ISO anyone??

Another great day exploring. Was messing about with the camera on the way home from a call, I liked the clouds here. I noticed that the ISO was at 5000!!!! A bit of noise but a usable photo. God, I love my d90...

EXIF: 1/30" f/4.0 10mm ISO 5000​
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New D90 is looking good :) Really interested to see some more shots as I may jump from Canon to a D90 one day.

Whats the video like, useful or just a salesman gimmick?
New D90 is looking good :) Really interested to see some more shots as I may jump from Canon to a D90 one day.

Whats the video like, useful or just a salesman gimmick?

It is good mate, The video mode was something I also thought was a gimmick, the sound isn't great, but I've only just watched one I made today using a HDMI lead straight to the TV. It's actually really impressive.(y)
Day 68

Busy, busy, busy!!! I drink Redbull now and then, I find the sugary version a good pick me up when energy levels are a bit low. I was in a garage and saw the sugar free version was on offer. 4 tins for the price of one normal tin?? Everyone's a winner surely?? WRONG!!! It tastes really funny. I drank 1 tin and threw the other 3 out. Taste buds please forgive me!!! I won't do it again!!!

I will be out playing with the moon tonight, if it's after 12 does that count for tomorrows shot?? :naughty:
Don't like redbull - much prefer Relentless - much more of a kick and twice the size of redbull. Makes the Gym sessions fly by :D
Not a fan of energy drinks they all taste like medicine to me :LOL: anybody noticed that flickr is really slow tonight or is it just my connection, all the posts Ive looked at with flickr hosted images are loading really slow.

Don't like redbull - much prefer Relentless - much more of a kick and twice the size of redbull. Makes the Gym sessions fly by :D

Big can of Red Bull is excellent!! Though makes me want to pee quite a lot!!!

Hey JD, congrats on the new D90. The high ISO is unbelievable isn't it? (Should've gone the whole hog and got the D300 though :D)

I just couldn't afford it Dave, When I do the d90 will make an excellent 2nd body!! (y)

Yep, I've noticed that too.

Is ok for me?? :shrug:
Not a fan of energy drinks they all taste like medicine to me :LOL: anybody noticed that flickr is really slow tonight or is it just my connection, all the posts Ive looked at with flickr hosted images are loading really slow.


I like them, good for the lazier moments of the day!! What Broadband provider are you with??
Have just read through your thread :) I love the landscape shots! (y)

I look forward to keeping up with this!
Day 69

A lovely day for a change!! Spent the day in Antrim. Was thinking of taking a picture of the flowers outside the barracks but thought better of it. I don't think any picture I take would be able to convey the sense of loss or confusion that most of Antrim have been feeling since Saturday.

So here's a picture of a bird. He kept stealing the end bits of my sandwiches, quite a bossy wee fella!! Bird ID please!! I should really buy a book...
great shot JD, not sure if it's a black headed gull (my wife would know, but not around)

Answer below!! Cheers, apparently the 70-300 VR is soft at 300mm. :LOL:

It is indeed a black headed gull, in it's mating plumage :) Nice shot!

Cheers, I had to waste half a sandwich to get him to come close enough!!!
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