jeangenie's 52 for 2009 - Part 2, Week 52 Texture - and finally ...

Wow that was early!
I noticed it there earlier in the week and I've been dying to have a look. Had to restrain myself until I got my shot in though :D

I see the similarity to your pint of milk, but you must have learnt something because I think this version is better (y)

Lovely contrast between the black and white and those bubbles are so sharp :clap:
Shame about the reflection from the window, but it really doesn't detract from the shot too much IMO. Great interpretation of the theme and a very good shot.
And wow! If that was a 10 minute shot, I'd love to see your next take on this set up if you have a bit longer to spend on it. I think you've got this one well and truly sorted :clap:

Hope you're having fun in Cuba. Looking forward to your catch up shots when you're back.
I really like the clear simplicity of the glass of bubbles -- and the border really adds to the overall effect.
Well taken, simple shot, nice contrast and on theme :clap:
Hi everyone. :wave: Just back from a fantastic holiday and trying to catch up here. :)

I really like your slug shot, you've really nailed the DoF. And I for one quite like slugs, they're pretty interesting once you get to know them

Then, your water shot, with the Highland Coo is superb. It's brilliantly composed and really wouldn't look out of place on a postcard from Scotland.

Good work on the Out of Context shot too. Perfect idea for the theme and well executed.

As for the bubbles, I'd take that one back and ask for a top up if I were you!
Nice work there!

Wow - thanks for the lovely comments. I have to say I still haven't got closely acquainted with any more slugs, but I will take the drink back for a top up. :LOL: :)

Nowt wrong with Out of Context as far as the theme goes. You've had the idea and then berated yourself about the result. You pointed out what you could have done better, which shows you have learned a lot (and I bet you were thinking more about your upcoming hols than about taking a shot ), so well done you

When I saw your post with 'Bubbles' uploaded already I thought 'what the :shrug: Who got her out of bed this week' but I like the shot, and the southerners will say it looks like a pint of Northern beer

Great, sharp background, nice reflections and you polished the glass!

Thanks Jill - the glass was pretty clean after the shot, too! :LOL:

OOC - great take on theme and well taken

bubbles - like this too, but I see you suffered a little with reflections on the glass , as I did, but not to the same extent

Thanks, Corky. I didn't even think about reflections until after I'd taken the shot. I just wanted to get it done before going away. :D

Nice! A washing up liquid milkshake

Cheers, kg! ;)

Blimey Jean... Bubbles in already.... and I've no clue about shooting bubbles... Very nicely done that... It looks like a pint of Northern beer On theme, and very well shot... have a great time in Cuba (again )... No need milk it ...

Hehehe - glad you like it, John. What's this about northern beer then. :bat: (We northerners must stick together! :))

Like that - very good lighting.

I'd have probably let the bubbles over run the top of the glass slightly myself, but I'm not sure why!

I have my 'Bubbles' shot in the bag, but haven't done 'Out of Context' yet!!!

Thanks - although the lighting was down to luck not design. I thought about letting the bubbles overflow and I agree it would have looked better - but (and it's a silly 'but', I know) I didn't want to spoil my black backdrop! I even put a bit of cling film under the glass and then cloned it out. Sad, or what? :D

good work - border sets it off well too

and no matter how hard I look I can't see you in the reflection either

Thanks - I'm glad you liked the border - it's a first for me and I was quite pleased with it. :)


I've just gone through your images and I love them. I laughed out loud when I saw your out of context that is stunning.

I also love your bubbles shot - not only for the bubbles but your pint pot actually has the crown mark on it (incase you hadn't noticed pint glasses no longer have this iconic symbol and it has been replaced by the french :razz: CE mark :razz: )

Thanks, Simon. I shall have to treat that pint glass more carefully now. :LOL: Glad you liked the images. :)

Ha a pint of froth..... good shot Jean and how early.

Hope you have / had a good time in Cuba.

Thanks, Mark. Cuba was great. :D

Well that's a nice full glass of bubbles, I'm liking the lighting on this one...very nicely done... have a great holiday...Jean...

Glad you like it - although I ws just lucky with the lighting. :)

Wow that was early!
I noticed it there earlier in the week and I've been dying to have a look. Had to restrain myself until I got my shot in though

I see the similarity to your pint of milk, but you must have learnt something because I think this version is better

Lovely contrast between the black and white and those bubbles are so sharp :clap:
Shame about the reflection from the window, but it really doesn't detract from the shot too much IMO. Great interpretation of the theme and a very good shot.
And wow! If that was a 10 minute shot, I'd love to see your next take on this set up if you have a bit longer to spend on it. I think you've got this one well and truly sorted :clap:

Hope you're having fun in Cuba. Looking forward to your catch up shots when you're back.

Thanks for the lovely comments, Sarah. :)

I really like the clear simplicity of the glass of bubbles -- and the border really adds to the overall effect.

Thank you very much. I shall definitely find another use for that border! :)

Well taken, simple shot, nice contrast and on theme :clap:

Thanks, Corky. :)

Time to catch up!

I managed to shoot both Weeks 43 and 44 while on holiday despite the Great Personal Sacrifices involved in having to put down the strawberry daiquairi, get off the sun lounger, ignoring the warm blue Carribbean sea, and trudge across burning sand lugging my camera and leaving no stone unturned in the quest for inspiration. :LOL:

Mmmmm ... I don't think I'm going to get much sympathy from you lot on that piece of dedication to the 52. :LOL:

I didn't quite find this chappie under a stone - more like under a sun lounger - but my Low down is a blue crab. He (or possibly 'she'!) really was this colour. He didn't look very happy to be photographed, so this was a quick snap before replacing the sun lounger and leaving him to his siesta. :)

Lessons learned:

I don't suppose 'Look under all sunloungers' is much of a learning point (and could get me into a lot of trouble :naughty:), so I'll be content with 'no lessons learned' for this one.

Doom and gloom to follow when I can find it in the 800-odd photos I've taken in the last 2 weeks.:LOL:

I'm looking forward to catching up on all your shots as soon as possible.

Great shot! Hope he didn't nip ya for your papparazi shot :LOL:


Thanks KG. Hehehe - no he was too busy enjoying his siesta to attack. :LOL:

Welcome back Jean and with a great shot too. Can't get much lower than a crab's belly :LOL:

Thanks Jill - it's good to be back, although I did quickly browse TP a couple of times - but couldn't log in.

I've never thought about the lowness of a crab's belly before - but glad y ou like the shot. :)

I promise, really promise, that this is the last time I go on about my holiday, but it's provided me with my Doom and Gloom shot for this week. With utmost dedication I took time out of our very last evening to get the shot that says 'your holiday's over - get back to reality'. :(

Packing to go on holiday is full of possibilties - shall I take this, or that, how much sunscreen, which shoes, a couple of books, will the case close, will it be overweight - all fun unless you worry about your case being overweight. :LOL: But coming home is another matter entirely. Piles of sandy swimwear, crumpled and grubby clothes, that silly hat you know won't survive the journey - what incentive is there to fold them neatly and waste that precious last evening? Nah - just sling 'em in the case, bah, grrrr ...

all ...

Doom and Gloom:

I'm never sure whether my b&W conversions 'work' but colour seemed too, well, colourful for the subject matter, so I've gone for black and white. If it looks as though I have thrown things into the case - that's just what I did. :D

I used the on-board flash for the first time in this Challenge, so the lighting is a bit hit and miss (mostly miss, I suspect) and a monopod because I didn't take a tripod.

Lessons learned:

1 Monopods have got 2 legs missing and wobble. :bang:

2 Don't try and take photos in the dark without a 'proper' flash.

3 Using the on-board flash and a monopod in the dark is just asking for trouble. :bang:

4 I should have made the decision about b&w before taking the shot because I could have made better use of texture and pattern.

It's nice to be up to date again. :D

Really nice shot! I do hate that doom and gloom of the end of holidays too. Spot on theme for me (y)
Wow love your Low Down shot Jean...:love: not many of them nice blue crabs here in Devon...:LOL:

Great angle, and a full screen of lovely fresh crab...:nuts:

Doom and Gloom works so well for this weeks subject...:(...

But your home now will friends so that should cheer you up a little...:)

what do you mean you really want to be back on holiday...:D
I managed to shoot both Weeks 43 and 44 while on holiday despite the Great Personal Sacrifices involved in having to put down the strawberry daiquairi, get off the sun lounger, ignoring the warm blue Carribbean sea, and trudge across burning sand lugging my camera and leaving no stone unturned in the quest for inspiration. :LOL:

Oh yes . . . it really sounds like you had a TERRIBLE time of it :razz:
But I'll forgive you for rubbing it in, because they're two great shots!

"Low Down" : he's a really handsome boy isn't he? :love:
Great angle, fantastic colours and I love the little bit of reflection on the top of his shell.
You've got some lovely detail in that shot . . . brilliant!!!!

"Doom & Gloom" : It's not that bad coming back to us is it? ;)
Another very good shot. The B&W really suits the mood, effective use of dof and I love the composition with the haphazard way everything is crammed in.
You're getting no sympathy from me Mrs... but I will concede that the crab shot is a good-en (y)

I really like you're take on Doom & Gloom - travelling home is simply rubbish and packing is even worse. I think B&W definately suits it and you've not done bad at all with the onboard flash and one legged tripod ;)
Really nice shot! I do hate that doom and gloom of the end of holidays too. Spot on theme for me

Thanks KG. :)

Wow love your Low Down shot Jean...:love: not many of them nice blue crabs here in Devon... Why do I get the feeling you're picturing it dressed and on a plate!

Great angle, and a full screen of lovely fresh crab...:nuts:

Doom and Gloom works so well for this weeks subject...:(...

But your home now will friends so that should cheer you up a little...:)

what do you mean you really want to be back on holiday...:D No - it is actually nice to be back - and I've missed all you lovely 52ers.

Oh yes . . . it really sounds like you had a TERRIBLE time of it
But I'll forgive you for rubbing it in, because they're two great shots!

"Low Down" : he's a really handsome boy isn't he? :love:
Great angle, fantastic colours and I love the little bit of reflection on the top of his shell.
You've got some lovely detail in that shot . . . brilliant!!!!

"Doom & Gloom" : It's not that bad coming back to us is it? ;)
Another very good shot. The B&W really suits the mood, effective use of dof and I love the composition with the haphazard way everything is crammed in.

Thanks Sarah. Glad you liked them both. btw - isn't 'crammed in' how everybody does packing?:LOL:

You're getting no sympathy from me Mrs... but I will concede that the crab shot is a good-en

I really like you're take on Doom & Gloom - travelling home is simply rubbish and packing is even worse. I think B&W definately suits it and you've not done bad at all with the onboard flash and one legged tripod ;)

Thanks DS. Next time I'll make sure I take the tripod - afterall Mr JG could manage with just one change of clothes. :LOL:

good idea for the subject matter...

tbh find it a little hard to decipher what's going the accompanying story was required... That's exactly what Mr JG said as well.

mono definitely suits the theme well....

tricky subject this week.....

I should have realised it suited mono then I'd have made better use of contrast and texture. I'll have to go back and try again. :LOL:

Welcome back Jean...

Low Down... as to get off the lounger and crawl around the beach leaving no stone unturned... I bet you found it under the lounger you were lying on didn't you ;)... Still... very nicely done, and low...

Doom and Gloom... Well... its the end of holiday mono's... well done, mono I agree suits well... As for going back and trying again... that's just not fair .... :D.

It sure sounds like you had a good time.
Well i hope you had a good time :)

I can totally relate to the doom and gloom of getting back and i like the way you have portrayed that :)
Welcome back Jean...

Low Down... as to get off the lounger and crawl around the beach leaving no stone unturned... I bet you found it under the lounger you were lying on didn't you ;)... What, moi? I'll have you know it was at least 3 loungers away! :LOL:Still... very nicely done, and low...

Doom and Gloom... Well... its the end of holiday mono's... well done, mono I agree suits well... As for going back and trying again... that's just not fair .... :D. Sounds fair to me. :D

It sure sounds like you had a good time.

Anyway, I'm pleased you like the photos. :)

Well i hope you had a good time :)

I can totally relate to the doom and gloom of getting back and i like the way you have portrayed that :)

Thanks Ruth. Yep - it was great, but I'm sorry you're in the post holiday Doom and Gloom state as well. You'll have to start planning your next holiday. :cool:

Good take on the theme. I think i would prefer it in colour though :clap:
"Low down" - a wonderful shot :clap:. Lighting, colours and DOF are just perfect. You should run a caption competition now :D

"Doom and gloom" - another imaginative take on the theme. The lighting and composition are all excellent, and Ithink the B/W suits it really well.. Did you spend ages arranging all the stuff 'artistically' when you should have been packing? :LOL:
Good take on the theme. I think i would prefer it in colour though :clap:

Thanks, Corky - and just for you, a suitcase full of dirty washing in colour. :eek:

"Low down" - a wonderful shot :clap:. Lighting, colours and DOF are just perfect. You should run a caption competition now :D

"Doom and gloom" - another imaginative take on the theme. The lighting and composition are all excellent, and Ithink the B/W suits it really well.. Did you spend ages arranging all the stuff 'artistically' when you should have been packing? :LOL:

Thanks Tracer. I can imagine the crab was saying 'please put my sunounger back and leave me alone' - or words to that effect! :LOL:

No, I didn't spend ages arringing the packing. I added the brush and comb and the shampoo bottle. I don't really know why, but it seemed a good idea at the time. :D

Communication on an internet forum. :rules: :LOL: A well chosen topic and lots of communication to choose from. :D We live in an age of mass, instant, constant communication, and we so take it for granted, unless it goes wrong!

Modern communications are marvels of technology and one of the most amazing, imho, is music. You can press a button or flick a switch and instantly have access to music whether you're at home, in the car, half way up a mountain or even in the shower. But it's not easy to present music in a visual way.

Going back to, say, the 18th and 19th Centuries music was only available if somebody performed it there and then, with no method of making an audio copy of it. Music was communicated by the international language of music notation, and being able to read music gave people the means of making the music of the day in their own homes.

That same music 'language' is still in common use and is an amazing way to communicate music visually, whether it was written hundreds of years ago or yesterday.

Here's my Communication photo:

A Musical Message from Mozart (1756-1791), in a format that's still valid. :)

I tried to get in one 'phrase' of music in focus, and since the album I took it from was very old, I thought I'd try my hand at a sepia tint to reflect the age of the music.

Lessons learned:

1 The whole week gets a nice glow if you can make up your mind early on what to do for the current theme. :eek: I've probably just condemmed us to utter misery next week. :eek:

2 Why on earth did I leave it till Sunday??? :bang:

3 When ideas evolve during shooting, go with the flow. This has turned out quite differently from how I'd planned it. :thinking:

4 As #3 when it comes to pp-ing. Sepia was a last minute choice (please tell me if it was a bad one!)

Thanks for looking. :)

I don't know what you originally planned, but I love what you've come up with (y)

TBH I wouldn't have even known that you'd used a sepia tint - to me it looked like an aged sheet of music. So I guess that means that the sepia worked and that you did a very good job of it :clap: :clap: :clap:

I was expecting to see a lot of technological stuff in this week's theme, so it's nice to see another shot looking to the past. Great interpretation and clever use of dof to isolate that one line - it could maybe do with just a touch more blur to the right of the line below, but that's being really, really picky again. And I do love this shot just the way it is!

The whole week gets a nice glow if you can make up your mind early on what to do for the current theme. :eek: I've probably just condemmed us to utter misery next week. :eek:

I've yet to get a week with that immediate nice glow . . . but I live in hope :LOL:

And have you seen what you've just condemned us to this week? I'm holding you personally responsible :razz: ;)
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As a music lover this really speaks to me. I love the way you have isolated the single line and the sepia sets it off really well. You can tell from the texture of the paper that it is pretty old - they don't use rag paper like that very much these days.

I love the interpretation of this one - music is, and will always be a foreign language to me but it's amazing how all the little symbols can be bought to life by the right person. Really like the DOF and the sepia suits it to a tee :clap:
that's very nice :)

reminds me of when I used to throw my music sheets round the lounge in temper when my mum & dad made me 'practice' arrrrrggggghhhh!

regret not doing the 'practice' now :(

beautiful tones, and please tell us what music it is ! :)
Catch up time,

Low Down - a great shot and what an amazing colour s/he is.

Doom & Gloom - ah that end of holiday back to work feeling, a great interpretation and it works well in mono

Communication - another great interpretation and well processed with the sepia toning too.

Will try and stay up to date in future(y)
I don't know what you originally planned, but I love what you've come up with

TBH I wouldn't have even known that you'd used a sepia tint - to me it looked like an aged sheet of music. So I guess that means that the sepia worked and that you did a very good job of it Thanks, Sarah.

I was expecting to see a lot of technological stuff in this week's theme, so it's nice to see another shot looking to the past. Great interpretation and clever use of dof to isolate that one line - it could maybe do with just a touch more blur to the right of the line below, but that's being really, really picky again. And I do love this shot just the way it is! I hadn't noticed that the BD chord in the bass had crept into focus! I still struggle with dof with the macro!

I've yet to get a week with that immediate nice glow . . . but I live in hope :LOL:

And have you seen what you've just condemned us to this week? I'm holding you personally responsible :razz: ;)

Sarah - I'm SO, SO, SO sorry. Do you ever get that feeling when you just know you'll regret saying something. :bonk: I take full and personal responsibility! :bonk::bonk::bonk:

Nice work! Sepia toning really suits it.

Thanks KG. Sepia's such an individual taste and I don't often try it!

As a music lover this really speaks to me. I love the way you have isolated the single line and the sepia sets it off really well. You can tell from the texture of the paper that it is pretty old - they don't use rag paper like that very much these days.

Thanks Tracer. Yes, it must be old - there's a price stamped on the book - 2/8d !! (About 15p, I think), but the paper is lovely and has withstood some hasty pageturning. :)

I love the interpretation of this one - music is, and will always be a foreign language to me but it's amazing how all the little symbols can be bought to life by the right person. Really like the DOF and the sepia suits it to a tee

Thanks, DS. I'm pleased you like the sepia in particular. :)

that's very nice

reminds me of when I used to throw my music sheets round the lounge in temper when my mum & dad made me 'practice' arrrrrggggghhhh!

regret not doing the 'practice' now

beautiful tones, and please tell us what music it is ! :)

Hehehe - I used to hate practising, too. And I wish I'd done more. The music is a Mozart Rondo, in D#. I don't know if it's got a more formal title, but I'm glad you like it.

Catch up time,

Low Down - a great shot and what an amazing colour s/he is.

Doom & Gloom - ah that end of holiday back to work feeling, a great interpretation and it works well in mono

Communication - another great interpretation and well processed with the sepia toning too.

Will try and stay up to date in future(y)

Thanks Mark - and thanks for looking. :)
Simple, effective, bang on theme. Well done. :clap: :clap:
Very nice take indeed Jean. The colour, the music spot on. I could play that on my flute (at least the treble clef part)... but oh boy, he did love his notes didn't he ;)
Wow you really are clever Jean, brilliant shot from you again...:clap::clap::clap:

your on a roll girl...:love:

Works so well for the theme...(y)
Fantastic shot Jean!
Totally agree with the interruptions to the frame make it have a life/story.
Great shot. Fantastic DoF. Not sure about the frame myself, could may have been a bit bolder perhaps?
Simple, effective, bang on theme. Well done. :clap:

Thanks, Corky. :)

Very nice take indeed Jean. The colour, the music spot on. I could play that on my flute (at least the treble clef part)... but oh boy, he did love his notes didn't he ;)

It did make me want to sit down and at least try and play the piece .... but I'm hopelessly out of practice. :LOL:

Wow you really are clever Jean, brilliant shot from you again...:clap::clap::clap:

your on a roll girl...:love:

Works so well for the theme...

Thanks Marcus. I think the 'roll' is about to grind to a shuddering halt this week, though! :bang:

Fantastic shot Jean!
Totally agree with the interruptions to the frame make it have a life/story.

Thank you - much appreciated. :)

lovely interpretation and shot.
good processing and frame sets it off too.
only niggle is eye gets drawn to the bottom right...

I know what you mean - I didn't notice the 'rests' in the next line until I'd posted it! :bang:

Great shot. Fantastic DoF. Not sure about the frame myself, could may have been a bit bolder perhaps?

Thanks, KJ. I tried to match the border to the paper, I never even thought about anything bolder - if I get a minute I'll try it. :)

I thought music was the food of love...:LOL:

Great shot though, and great tint. When I've seen similar shots, they almost always have a song title in there, or writing at the top of the page - interesting alternate take.

Well done. :)
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I thought music was the food of love...:LOL:

Great shot though, and great tint. When I've seen similar shots, they almost always have a song title in there, or writing at the top of the page - interesting alternate take.

Well done. :)

Thanks kdot. :)

Interesting that you should comment on the song title, etc. I deliberately wanted just music notation, to emphasise the communication aspect - music speaks for itself and doesn't need words. But I guess the title 'complete' the picture. :shrug: :)

Communication, nice DOF, good shot, I like it. The neutral colours are very easy on the eye, lovely.

Doom and Gloom - indeed!