jeangenie's 52 for 2010 Pt 2 - Wks 45 Share,47 Distortion & 48 Lead: Catch up Part 4!

Share, not your fault, but after two nights in a row of astrophotography, I've got a major league, not enough sleep hangover (wish it had been down to the beer... ) and it's a bit bright for my eyes this morning. However, the idea comes across nicely, and the colours are great.

The ice sure has distorted that leaf, I think Phil is right about the focus, but it does fit the theme. It looks a bit dirty across the top of the ice though...

Lead, how mean can you get... to raise up their hopes and dash them as fast with a quick shot of their leads :LOL::LOL:... fits the theme very nicely, it's clear what they are, and the lighting works well. As Phil said, wouldn't look out of place in a catalog.
Share is wonderful - a great interpretation, and looks so bright and sunny. It's making my mouth water! I love the composition and use of DOF.

Distortion - I can see what you are trying to do, but it doesn't work for me, I'm afraid, as nothing seems sharp and it is a bit dirty/underexposed, even if that is what it really looked like.

Lead is a nice arrangement and lighting. Poor wee dugs,though - I hope you took them for an extra long walk to make up. :D
Hey Jean, sorry being computer-less for a while.
SHARE: great really nice idea works a treat, nice vibrant colour
DISTORTION: interesting idea, I get your concept, just not sure it works :confused:
LEAD: very nice colours, maybe try leading the eye more, rather than having a centre focus, also a worn lead would have more character to it which may add to the shot ;)

just my input, well done all the same, SO very nearly over!
Well Done on the catch up. Not long to go now, and I don't think you have too many missing!
This is actually the second time that I've dropped into your latest catch-up. First time round I just didn't have the time to do credit to all of your shots, but I'm going to give it a go now :

Lead : You have exactly the same dog leads that we have, although I did pull out one of our old ones for that week's shot. I couldn't risk using the current lead for fear of the mayhem an overexcited dog can cause, especially when she realises that she isn't going for a walk :LOL:

Strong composition, nice use of colour with the 2 leads together and a perfect white b/g.
I would have preferred the clips at the end of the leads to be in sharper focus though.

Distortion : Personally I really don't mind that the leaf isn't in sharp focus.
For me there's enough detail in the crackles on the surface of the ice to add interest and that's where my eye is drawn. I also like the splash of warm light on the top corner of the leaf. It does feel a little on the dark side though. IMO it could do with brightening up a bit.

Share : My favourite of this set.
I really, really like the soft focus with just that one segment sharp. I'm not sure that it looks like it's being offered to somebody, but the theme of share comes across really clearly anyway.
Vibrant colours against the white. Bright, cheerful and a lovely story behind it. This one made me smile.

Train : Love it :love:
I know how hard it is to catch dogs in motion. If I was being picky, I'd say that there was still a little too much motion blur and it's a shame that you weren't able to use a little fill flash . . . but I really don't care about any of that in this one! It's really caught the essence of the dogs and the bits of snow flying up around them are superb.

Secret : I find lizards fascinating too.
You've done a brilliant job of catching the colours in this one and it's beautifully sharp. I don't think there's anyway that I could have pulled the camera out quickly enough to catch this, let alone get such a pleasing composition. Well Done :clap:

Urban : Certainly fits the theme and the crop works perfectly to convey the feeling of overcrowding even if it's in a different environment to what we normally see as urban.
I'm not quite convinced by the B&W in this one though. For me it's just crying out to have some colour in it.
Hi Jean, you are doing well with the catch up.

Share: Love it :clap::clap::clap: The colours are really vibrant and the DOF just right. Great take on the theme. It's making my mouth water at the thought of sharing it.

Distortion: I tend to agree that it would have been better with something clearly in focus, but it's a good idea.

Lead: Another nice one. I love the colours and the shadows, but I would have preferred the metal bits in focus. I can visualise your excited dogs while you were taking this photo!

Catch up time again Jean.

Share: Lovely bright, mouthwatering image. Thought it was a little bright at first but the more I look at it the more I want to break open the satsumas. :D

Distortion: Another nice image. Invokes feeling of coldness.

Lead: Good colours and nice composition.
Share, not your fault, but after two nights in a row of astrophotography, I've got a major league, not enough sleep hangover (wish it had been down to the beer... ) and it's a bit bright for my eyes this morning. However, the idea comes across nicely, and the colours are great.

The ice sure has distorted that leaf, I think Phil is right about the focus, but it does fit the theme. It looks a bit dirty across the top of the ice though...

Lead, how mean can you get... to raise up their hopes and dash them as fast with a quick shot of their leads ... fits the theme very nicely, it's clear what they are, and the lighting works well. As Phil said, wouldn't look out of place in a catalog.

John - I'd have toned the colours in Share down for you if I'd known how you were suffering. We all suffer for our 'art' (ahem), but suffering for somebody else's art is above and beyond ..... :D

Distortion - I'd hoped to get the ice (rather than the leaf) in focus, but failed. :( It was just a chunk of ice I picked up out of the garden, hence the bits of garden in it! ;) You'll be pleased to know the dogs have forgiven me - the price was extra biscuits for three days. :LOL:

Share is wonderful - a great interpretation, and looks so bright and sunny. It's making my mouth water! I love the composition and use of DOF.

Distortion - I can see what you are trying to do, but it doesn't work for me, I'm afraid, as nothing seems sharp and it is a bit dirty/underexposed, even if that is what it really looked like.

Lead is a nice arrangement and lighting. Poor wee dugs,though - I hope you took them for an extra long walk to make up. :D

Thanks for your comments, Tracer. Distortion was more than a big frustrating and I completely agree with you. :) As I've commented to John, the dogs exacted their compensation for the seering disappointment. :D

Hey Jean, sorry being computer-less for a while.
SHARE: great really nice idea works a treat, nice vibrant colour
DISTORTION: interesting idea, I get your concept, just not sure it works :confused:
LEAD: very nice colours, maybe try leading the eye more, rather than having a centre focus, also a worn lead would have more character to it which may add to the shot ;)

just my input, well done all the same, SO very nearly over!

I hope your computer's ok now. Thanks for commenting - I really appreciate it. We all seem to be united on Distortion! Something to try again with a different approach. :) Lead was a very quick shot, and I like your idea of another take on 'lead' - 'leading' the eye. Please don't let the dogs hear you say a worn lead would have more character - Rusty chews through them fast enough! :D :D :D

Well Done on the catch up. Not long to go now, and I don't think you have too many missing!
This is actually the second time that I've dropped into your latest catch-up. First time round I just didn't have the time to do credit to all of your shots, but I'm going to give it a go now :

Lead : You have exactly the same dog leads that we have, although I did pull out one of our old ones for that week's shot. I couldn't risk using the current lead for fear of the mayhem an overexcited dog can cause, especially when she realises that she isn't going for a walk :LOL:

Strong composition, nice use of colour with the 2 leads together and a perfect white b/g.
I would have preferred the clips at the end of the leads to be in sharper focus though.

Distortion : Personally I really don't mind that the leaf isn't in sharp focus.
For me there's enough detail in the crackles on the surface of the ice to add interest and that's where my eye is drawn. I also like the splash of warm light on the top corner of the leaf. It does feel a little on the dark side though. IMO it could do with brightening up a bit.

Share : My favourite of this set.
I really, really like the soft focus with just that one segment sharp. I'm not sure that it looks like it's being offered to somebody, but the theme of share comes across really clearly anyway.
Vibrant colours against the white. Bright, cheerful and a lovely story behind it. This one made me smile.

Train : Love it
I know how hard it is to catch dogs in motion. If I was being picky, I'd say that there was still a little too much motion blur and it's a shame that you weren't able to use a little fill flash . . . but I really don't care about any of that in this one! It's really caught the essence of the dogs and the bits of snow flying up around them are superb.

Secret : I find lizards fascinating too.
You've done a brilliant job of catching the colours in this one and it's beautifully sharp. I don't think there's anyway that I could have pulled the camera out quickly enough to catch this, let alone get such a pleasing composition. Well Done

Urban : Certainly fits the theme and the crop works perfectly to convey the feeling of overcrowding even if it's in a different environment to what we normally see as urban.
I'm not quite convinced by the B&W in this one though. For me it's just crying out to have some colour in it.

Wow Sarah, thank you for such a wonderful detailed crit. I know how long it takes to go into such detail and I really appreciate you taking the time.

Lead :LOL: I hope your dog didn't see 'her' lead on your screen! I foolishly thought I could get away with 'borrowing' their leads for a minute or two. No chance. :LOL: I take your point about the clips being soft - it was an easy way to avoid burning them out or pulling the eye to them, but they do look a bit odd.

Distortion: Thanks Sarah - I was trying to get the ice in focus, but the light was failing. The warm light at the top is a small torch. :)

I'm glad you like Train - with the same reservations I have. It's snowed again this morning, but I won't have chance for a reshoot today. :( As for the lizard, I can't take credit for a lightning 'draw' here. I'd watched them for a couple of days and went prepared to lie on the decking for as long as it took, and used continuous shooting. Much to the bemusement of other guests in the hotel - it's amazing how 'mad English' sounds similar in several different languages. :LOL:

It's always useful and interesting to know how someone else 'sees' a photo - I'd only thought of b&w for Urban. I must go back and look at the original.

Hi Jean, you are doing well with the catch up.

Share: Love it :clap: The colours are really vibrant and the DOF just right. Great take on the theme. It's making my mouth water at the thought of sharing it.

Distortion: I tend to agree that it would have been better with something clearly in focus, but it's a good idea.

Lead: Another nice one. I love the colours and the shadows, but I would have preferred the metal bits in focus. I can visualise your excited dogs while you were taking this photo!


Jenny, thank you for your lovely comments. I'm particularly pleased you like Share, because I wasn't sure about it. :) Is really must have another go at Distortion, and you and Sarah are united on the oof led clips. :)

Catch up time again Jean.

Share: Lovely bright, mouthwatering image. Thought it was a little bright at first but the more I look at it the more I want to break open the satsumas. :D

Distortion: Another nice image. Invokes feeling of coldness.

Lead: Good colours and nice composition.

Many thanks for commenting, Paul. I'm still trying to catch up with my 52 and it really helps to get encouraging feedback. The satsumas was a bit of an experiment, so I really pleased you like it. :)

Well done with the catching up Jean.

Share. I like the "story" with this and the way you have isolated that one segment of orange using DOF.

Distortion. The best thing about this shot, for me, is that you have seen and captured a natural distortion rather than using the computer to do it for you.

Train. What cute little doggies. Good action shot