jeangenie's 52 for 2010 Pt 2 - Wks 45 Share,47 Distortion & 48 Lead: Catch up Part 4!

DIRTY: great portrait of your dog Clyde! well done.

RAGE: I like the abstractness of the first shot, b&w gives it more presence i think ;)

Thank you for your lovely comments, Dade. :)

Definitely the black and white. Allows you to get bags of contrast in there to show off all the spray and foam. A little disappointed by the crop on it though, I want to see more!

I like the B&W one too. Crop does feel a little tight especially at the top .. feels like some of the spray is missing. I really like all the detail in the spray though.

Darren and JL - many thanks for the comments. I do agree about the crop on the b&w being too tight. I played about with it for ages, but if I cropped further out the horizon came into view and such a narrow bit of sky looked odd. I'll go back and have another go when I'm less tired. :)

two nice shots Jean, perfectly on theme as the water crashing in is raging. I like the mono but not sure about the crop, im thinking the second image in mono would be a winner.

Thanks, Chris - the reaction to the crop seems pretty unanimous! :) They are two shots from the same continuous sequence, so I could convert the colour one to b&w and see how it looks - if I can remember what I did! :(:)

These are both lovely, Jean, and fit theme just fine. I too find the crop of the mono just a bit tight but it is definitely worth having another go at it. I also really like the beautiful subtle colours in the second one which seem to bring out the wonderful contrasting textures better. I would like to have this on my wall.
I prefer the colour shot - I love the colours and interesting composition.

Another catch up time Jean.

Film - I like this. The colour and the depth of field work well for this shot. I envy people that can get a decent shot in such a short space of time. It takes me longer than that to get my lights set up :LOL:

Dirty- Rusty is certainly dirty :D A bit too OOF for me though. The portrait of his stunt double is devine :love: I know how difficult it is to get a decent dog portrait but you've nailed it perfectly with this one (even if he isn't dirty ;) )

Rage - I'm with the others on this one. Mono conversion with the taller crop would be the winner.

B&W for me also Jean, I do agree about the crop, possibly a bit more space. Both are good, but don't quite fit the theme... another couple of months, a decent swell and a storm and you'd get some superb "Rage" there though...
Tracer, Phil, Andy, John and Jenny:

Thank you one and all for your comments. I really appreciate them. :)

I'm now a week behind and haven't shot Console yet, but I'm having loads of trouble using TP at the moment. It's taking soooo long to try and do anything I'm getting more than a little frustrated. I don't know whether it's my computer or the duty hamster but access to some forums and sub-forums (including this one) are difficult/slow/impossible and posts seem to disappear off the bottom of the screen leaving gaps in post numbers (if I've missed acknowledging any comments, please accept my apologies - it's not intentional).

I'll be back just as soon as I've sorted things out. :rules: :bat: :dummy:

Catching up Jean.

Project: Great abstract.

Film: Interesting. I like the 'old' style processing. The DOF is maybe just a little too shallow for me.

Dirty: Rusty certainly looks as he is about to get dirty. The portrait of Clyde is lovely.

Rage: I like both but I would have left the sky in on the first shot.
Sarah and Paul - belated thanks for your comments. :)

After several frustrating weeks where every computer I've touched has gone into meltdown, I'm relieved to be back online, with a (hopefully) working computer.

As you can see, I'm way, way behind on this project now. I've taken photos for some of the weeks, which I'll post as soon as I've processed them, and intend to catch up before week 52!! :D

I'm also looking forward to catching up on everybody else's 52s - I've missed you all! :)

Welcome back Jean... glad to hear you're not melting machines anymore ;)
Hope you're computer is OK, Jean. I think the second doggy shot is an excellent idea and nicely shot. As for rage, you'll be flabergasted to know that I think the first one is smashing!
Welcome back Jean... glad to hear you're not melting machines anymore ;)

As it turned out 'not melting machine any more' was a bit premature, John. But I think I've finally got there - it's good to be back in TP land. :D

Hope you're computer is OK, Jean. I think the second doggy shot is an excellent idea and nicely shot. As for rage, you'll be flabergasted to know that I think the first one is smashing!

Thank you kindly! I kind of liked it, but was a bit cross I couldn't get a little more head room for the spray. :)

This is probably going to be the slowest catch up in the history of the 52s, but with only 4 or 5 weeks to go I really want to get to week 52 with a photo for every week. I've amended 'my' rules slightly to allow for the fact that not all catch up shots have been taken in the right week - so for starters:

Week 41 Distant: Mount Tiede in Tenerife, taken in October. It was the view from our hotel window and teased me every morning with clouds in the 'wrong' place, so in the end I opted for no clouds. :)

Week 40 Console is a nightmare - I still haven't got anything for that! :bang:

I'm looking forward to a big catch up with all those still in this marathon! :)

Well done on beginning the (marathon) catch up Jean.

Distant is a lovely shot. I particularly like the framing, and the ridges on the hills lead the eye nicely to the peak.
:clap: Great to see you back Jean.

I don't care if this was taken in the right week, it fits the theme and is a really appealing image. I like the way that you have the different layers of colour, blue sky, reddish mountain and green trees - it gives a sort of 3D feel to the whole thing.

Really strong lines along those ridges leading you into the shot and beautiful composition. This one was worth waiting for (y)
Well done on beginning the (marathon) catch up Jean.

Distant is a lovely shot. I particularly like the framing, and the ridges on the hills lead the eye nicely to the peak.

Thanks, Paul. I can't take any credit for the ridges leading the eye towards the peak, but I'm very pleased you like the shot. :)

:clap: Great to see you back Jean.

I don't care if this was taken in the right week, it fits the theme and is a really appealing image. I like the way that you have the different layers of colour, blue sky, reddish mountain and green trees - it gives a sort of 3D feel to the whole thing.

Really strong lines along those ridges leading you into the shot and beautiful composition. This one was worth waiting for (y)

Thank you, too, Sarah. The sunrise was beautiful every day we were there, and you can see why toggers call it the golden hour. The light changed by the second, though, and I seemed to be constantly changing settings. I'm chuffed you like this one, even though I had to get up early for it. Within a few minutes the mountain top had disappeared into the clouds. :)

That's great Jean, clearly distant, and the light has really bought out that mountain top. Gotta agree with the others, excellent.
Welcome back & with a great shot! As others have said - great lighting on the peak!

I'm always fascinated by lizards and love the way they just seem to melt out of sight into their Secret worlds, away from our prying eyes. I caught this beautiful little fellow a second before he slipped away under the decking.

Week 43 Urban

An Urban landscape can take many forms, and despite the row of palms in the foreground, I was struck by the fact that these buildings, huddled around a bay of a small holiday town, were as crowded as any city high-rise development. The weather was better though! :LOL:

I've cropped in hard to emphasise the crowded scene, so it's not as sharp as I'd like. If I get a chance to shoot something else for this I will, but urban scenes aren't plentiful around my area. :)

Still got nothing for Week 40, Console! :(

Excellent lizard shot Jean, it looks like it's mid stride too, so a nice sense of motion.

Urban, it fits the theme and they do like quite squashed in... I'm in two minds about those palm trees... I look at it, and I like them, I look at it again, and I don't... odd isn't it...
I like your lizard Jean. You have got him lovely and sharp showing his colours well too. Is that taken in the UK or was it on holiday?

The holiday photo illustrates urban well and I like the Black and White conversion
Nice and sharp shot of the lizard Jean. And I agree with Sue, the Urban shot works well in black and white.
Excellent lizard shot Jean, it looks like it's mid stride too, so a nice sense of motion.

Urban, it fits the theme and they do like quite squashed in... I'm in two minds about those palm trees... I look at it, and I like them, I look at it again, and I don't... odd isn't it...

Thanks, John. I hadn't noticed before how they seem to fold up their legs just before they slip out of sight, and this was the closest I got to capturing it. I know what you mean about the palms - but chopping them down wasn't an option. :eek: :LOL:

I like your lizard Jean. You have got him lovely and sharp showing his colours well too. Is that taken in the UK or was it on holiday?

The holiday photo illustrates urban well and I like the Black and White conversion

Thanks Sue. The lizard shot was taken in Tenerife, as was the Urban shot - on a short escape to the sun in October. :)

Nice and sharp shot of the lizard Jean. And I agree with Sue, the Urban shot works well in black and white.

Thanks, Paul. You're very kind. :)

I had several idea for this one, but in the frantic drive to catch up, I've resorted to a great big crowbar shot! :eek: :)

Last night we had more snow than I've ever seen in nearly 30 years of living in the New Forest, and the dogs (all of 10" high at the shoulder) made the most of it despite being half-buried in it. None of the shots were brilliant, but this made me think they need a miniature sledge to pull. :) So here is:

Training to be Sledge Dogs:

This was just a quick grab shot as they were playing and I really needed a little fill-in flash to get a catchlight in their eyes. But my speedlight was snug and warm in my camera bag - in the house. :(

Good to see you back and catching up, Jean.

Distant - lovely lighting and it looks so warm - mmmmmm

Secret - fits the theme and you have done well to get such a sharp image. I am usually too slow on the shutter for these kind of subjects - at best I'd have got a disappearing tail.

Urban - I really like this, with the contrast of the natural palms against the man-made blocky buildings. Your mono conversion brings this out well.

Train - Gorgeous! And no crowbar needed, as I can see how hard they are working :LOL:. You too - I am too much of a wimp to go out in this weather with my camera. It is sooooo cold that I have been skulking indoors as much as possible.
Great catchup with Train Jean. Lovely movement in the shot and the WB is spot on.
Hi Jean, really good to see you back. Now I am catching up on your catch up.

Distant: Love it:clap::clap::clap: The colours, lighting and composition are excellent. Definitely worth getting up early for.

Secret: Good capture. The background is a bit distracting but you have to snap these things when you see them. They never stop and pose in a nice photogenic spot!

Urban: I like it. The idea is good and it is definitely urban Spanish style. I especially like the B/W treatment.

Train: Good idea and a lovely action shot. You have the exposure just right and the colours are great. I agree catchlights would have been rather nice but I think you have done very well to get this shot.(y)

You are probably only about 30 miles south of where I live but we only got less than an inch of snow. It was coming up from the south and seemed to peter out by the time it got here - luckily.

:clap:... very good Jean, they do look like they were enjoying themselves hugely and it's come out well.
Great catchup with Train Jean. Lovely movement in the shot and the WB is spot on.

Thank you very muchly. :) I leanrt the hard way last winter that the only way I can get snow white it using custom white balance! :LOL:

Really liking Training to be Sledge Dogs, great sense of movement and enjoyment from the pair of them.

Thanks, Ant. They loved it! :)

Good to see you back and catching up, Jean.

Distant - lovely lighting and it looks so warm - mmmmmm

Secret - fits the theme and you have done well to get such a sharp image. I am usually too slow on the shutter for these kind of subjects - at best I'd have got a disappearing tail.

Urban - I really like this, with the contrast of the natural palms against the man-made blocky buildings. Your mono conversion brings this out well.

Train - Gorgeous! And no crowbar needed, as I can see how hard they are working :LOL:. You too - I am too much of a wimp to go out in this weather with my camera. It is sooooo cold that I have been skulking indoors as much as possible.

Thanks for taking the time to wade through, Tracer. I was lucky with the lizard - but I gobbled up about 4 Gb on continuous shooting to get this one shot! Not a great hit rate. :bang: As for the cold - I only notice that when I stop taking photos! And I wasn't out there for long - I'm a wimp! :D

Hi Jean, really good to see you back. Now I am catching up on your catch up.

Distant: Love it:clap::clap::clap: The colours, lighting and composition are excellent. Definitely worth getting up early for.

Secret: Good capture. The background is a bit distracting but you have to snap these things when you see them. They never stop and pose in a nice photogenic spot!

Urban: I like it. The idea is good and it is definitely urban Spanish style. I especially like the B/W treatment.

Train: Good idea and a lovely action shot. You have the exposure just right and the colours are great. I agree catchlights would have been rather nice but I think you have done very well to get this shot.(y)

You are probably only about 30 miles south of where I live but we only got less than an inch of snow. It was coming up from the south and seemed to peter out by the time it got here - luckily.


Jenny, many thanks for the lovely catch up. I'm glad you like 'em. :) I was surprised you got so little snow. Our grandchildren in Berkshire were really disappointed, but they still got a day off school. :)

:clap:... very good Jean, they do look like they were enjoying themselves hugely and it's come out well.

Thanks, John. I'm never sure about grab shots like this. I know they were having fun, but it's great if that came across in the photo. :)

Week 45 Share: When you live with the same person for years and years, you slip into all sorts of little rituals and Mr JG always offers me a share of his oranges, satsumas etc. I love the fruit but hate the peeling process, so it's lovely to be offered the treat without the work. :)

So here's one he peeled earlier, to share with me: :love:

Week 47 Distortion:

A small kindness of the horrible weather was a slab of thick ice, through which the world (or this leaf) looked very distorted.

Week 48 Lead

Lots of ways to interpret this one (thank you Simon ;) ), but my immediate thought was 'dog leads'. This shot is something of a first for me on this 52 journey - I took just this one shot! :eek: If you're thinking it looks like it was done in 10 seconds flat - you're about right! But it was long enough to cause major disruption and frustrated excitement to the canine members of the family. :LOL:

All these were taken on the kitchen table, in natural light, but it got too dark to try and get something for the 2 weeks still outstanding. Plus Week 49 Space - of course. :thinking:

Thanks for looking,

Share - great colours, glad Mr JG shares with you !

Distortion - fits the theme well

Lead - nice colours in yours lead. Hope the dog wasn't too upset !

Well done for catching up
Good catchup, Jean.

I love the bright colours and selective focus in share and this is my favourite of the three.

Distortion is an interesting idea, but there is not enough in sharp focus IMO.

Lead is a good product-style shot, although the wear and tear would prevent it from going in a pet supplies brochure!

Share is my favourite - I love the vibrant colour and selective focus. Distortion is an interesting idea, but needs more of the shot within the depth of field IMO. The last one is a good product shot and would make its way into a pet supplies brochure if it were not for the wear and tear.

Share is my favourite - I love the vibrant colour and selective focus. Distortion is an interesting idea, but needs more of the shot within the depth of field IMO. The last one is a good product shot and would make its way into a pet supplies brochure if it were not for the wear and tear.


Thanks Phil. I'm glad you like Share - I found it hard to get the 'pose' to suggest the theme of sharing and I wanted it to look like a segment was being offered to someone.

I take you point on Distortion - I couldn't get a good focus on the leaf through the half inch or so of ice. I don't know if other people have had this problem? I hoped it might add to the distortion ..... :shrug: no? B*****. :)

The wear and tear on the leads is down to one of the dogs who tries to 'lead' the other dog by tugging on the lead. Lots of leads there. :)
