jeangenie's 52 for 2010 Pt 2 - Wks 45 Share,47 Distortion & 48 Lead: Catch up Part 4!

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Wk 27 Art, Wk 28 Relaxation, Wk 29 Grace, Wk 30 Endings, Wk 31 Electric - and The Answer, Wk 32 Transform - Beware, snake alert, Wk 33 Mobile, Wk 34 Surfaces, Wk 35 Light, Wk 36 Project, Wk 37 Film, Wk 38 Dirty, Wk 39 Rage, Wk 41 Distant, Wk 42 Secret, Wk 43 Urban, Wk 44 Train, Wk 45 Share, Wk 47 Distortion, Wk 48 Lead,

Wow, second half of the year - and I'm feeling ambivalent about my contributions. Having done this Challenge last year as well, I think it's been much harder this year and my mojo has been conspicuous by its absence on several occasions. But what is more worrying, I think, is that I've got very stale and there have been many 'that'll do' weeks. It's easy to blame a given theme, but last year I felt that a 'bad' theme was a challenge, and a 'good' theme was a gift or opportunity. This year, I'm just trying to get through it. :bang: I'm too stubborn to give up, but I must try and be more creative - otherwise I'm just wasting my time and the time of the people who are kind enough to comment. I'm grateful for all the support I've received - so I'm trying to put more into each week.

So this week I had several ideas and tried to be more creative.

I went back to basics and asked myself 'what is Art?' And decided 'it's something which delights one or more of the human senses but does not necessarily have any other function or purpose'. Discuss! :D

For my money, photography falls fairly and squarely within this definition, so the question was 'what to photograph?' Keen to photograph another form of art, I settled on a set of Russian Dolls. The 52 challenge is great for making me learn a little about something new, so I've googled 'Russian Dolls' to find out something of their history. If you're interested this seems the most authentic - despite the quaint English:

This is my 'Art' interpretation of the 10 dolls in my set:

... and my justification for including them as 'Art' is that I find them visually very cheerful, quite tactile, being smooth and shiny on the outside and rougher and ridged on the inside. It's also intruiging to see how the sizes decrease.

I thought this would be sraightforward, but the bright sunlight in the studio (otherwise known as our kitchen) and the highly reflective surface of the dolls caused endless problems. :D All the photos I've looked at on the Russion Doll websites had the dolls arranged in descending order, but to me their roundness suggested a circular shape. :)

Your comments are very welcome. :)

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This fits the theme and works very well. I like the circular arrangement, and because the shadows are so faint it looks almost as if the dolls are floating in the air. You've controlled the reflections well - and I would never have guessed that this was taken in your kitchen! Ideally I would like a bit more DOF so that the painted hair on the biggest dolls was also sharp, but that is just a minor niggle. Overall I find it a very satisfying image - and I enjoyed reading the history, too.

I sympathise with your lack of mojo. I am enjoying photography as much as ever but find it increasingly difficult to come up with creative ideas for the "52" challenges....
Well it looks like the return of your mojo this week (y)

The first thing that struck me about this was the circular composition. I can't think why nobody else arranges the dolls like this :thinking:
TBH my first thought would have been a linear arrangement too, but this alternative works brilliantly.:clap:

Another perfect background and the lighting's worked well - I would have preferred it with slightly less refection, particularly in the hair, but that's a really minor niggle.

I hope that you're feeling happier about your shot this week. You have every right to be proud of it - let's hope that this is the start of an upwards trend for inspiration.

It's an impressive set of dolls. I know that I have a set somewhere, but I think it only has 6 or 7 dolls in it.
Big surprise in that history that they're so modern too. I would have thought that the origin was much older than that.
This fits the theme and works very well. I like the circular arrangement, and because the shadows are so faint it looks almost as if the dolls are floating in the air. You've controlled the reflections well - and I would never have guessed that this was taken in your kitchen! Ideally I would like a bit more DOF so that the painted hair on the biggest dolls was also sharp, but that is just a minor niggle. Overall I find it a very satisfying image - and I enjoyed reading the history, too.

I sympathise with your lack of mojo. I am enjoying photography as much as ever but find it increasingly difficult to come up with creative ideas for the "52" challenges....

Thanks, Tracer. Using the kitchen as a studio would be easier if we had blinds at all 3 windows and the glass door! I tried to get more dof - but it lost out in the battle to control the shadows. I thought it would be an easy shot - but the reflections were a real pain.

I'm glad I'm not the only 52er struggling with creativity - but I suppose it's all the more satisfying when inspiration does strike. :LOL:

Well it looks like the return of your mojo this week (y)

The first thing that struck me about this was the circular composition. I can't think why nobody else arranges the dolls like this :thinking:
TBH my first thought would have been a linear arrangement too, but this alternative works brilliantly.:clap:

Another perfect background and the lighting's worked well - I would have preferred it with slightly less refection, particularly in the hair, but that's a really minor niggle.

I hope that you're feeling happier about your shot this week. You have every right to be proud of it - let's hope that this is the start of an upwards trend for inspiration.

It's an impressive set of dolls. I know that I have a set somewhere, but I think it only has 6 or 7 dolls in it.
Big surprise in that history that they're so modern too. I would have thought that the origin was much older than that.

Thank you very much, Sarah. I do feel a little happier about this shot - although I should have another go at it in softer light to try and iron out the niggles. :)

I was surprised that Russian dolls are comparatively modern, and there's no fixed number of dolls - I read somewhere that 8 was fairly usual but there could be 20. Looking at it from a woodturning angle, that would take some doing (so Mr JG says!) :D

I really appreciate the encouragement and I'm trying to relax into this week's theme! ;) :)

Well your mojo has certainly returned this week Jean.

The circular arrangement is brilliant, much better than the normal descending order. There is still a small amount of reflection in the larger dolls but your eye isn't drawn to them.

A very pleasing entry for your 52 (y)

All together now, "Jeangenies got her mojo back" :banana:
Seriously though Jean, i am glad you are finding inspiration again, there's been some :puke: themes lately IMO.
I like your art image, interesting and creative composition. Well done on the lighting too, couldn't have been straightforward photographing all those curved surfaces. The bright colours in the dolls make for a fun image. All round (y) from me. Iain
Hi Jean. Your lighting arrangement has work well here, as the dolls because of the slight pinkish shadow look like they are standing on something as opposed to floating in mid air.
Arrangement works as does the reflection being round as well. There are one or two highlights which could have been toned down a little. Also the round composition keeps the eye going around the setup and not moving out of the frame so you get to see each doll in turn. Great effort this week.

Hi Jean, that elusive mojo is definitely returning. Very artistic shot this week and I don't know how you managed with all the shiny surfaces. The lighting is excellent.

The composition is very unusual and makes the photograph more interesting. However, the thing that makes it for me are the very faint pink shadows. :clap::clap::clap:

Well done.

I like this Jean - much to commend it as other's have mentioned. I'd also liked to have tried a lower angle to give a more 3d-look. It's one of those things that might have worked, but equally might not!

Well your mojo has certainly returned this week Jean.

The circular arrangement is brilliant, much better than the normal descending order. There is still a small amount of reflection in the larger dolls but your eye isn't drawn to them.

A very pleasing entry for your 52


Thank you very muchly, Andy. I do definitely feel more positive than I've done for several weeks. I didn't realise just how shiny they were until I started. :bang:

All together now, "Jeangenies got her mojo back"

Seriously though Jean, i am glad you are finding inspiration again, there's been some :puke: themes lately IMO.
I like your art image, interesting and creative composition. Well done on the lighting too, couldn't have been straightforward photographing all those curved surfaces. The bright colours in the dolls make for a fun image. All round (y) from me. Iain

Hehe - thanks Iain. I did feel like celebrating when Art came up as a theme!

I'm really glad you like it. :)

Hi Jean, that elusive mojo is definitely returning. Very artistic shot this week and I don't know how you managed with all the shiny surfaces. The lighting is excellent.

The composition is very unusual and makes the photograph more interesting. However, the thing that makes it for me are the very faint pink shadows.

Well done.


Many thanks for the lovely comments, Jenny - I agonised over the shadows - the colour varied depending on how I pp'd them. The lighting was very, very Heath Robinson and consisted mainly of covering up the kitchen windows as much as I could! :LOL:

I like this Jean - much to commend it as other's have mentioned. I'd also liked to have tried a lower angle to give a more 3d-look. It's one of those things that might have worked, but equally might not!


Thanks Phil and thanks, too for the suggestion. I did actually try a lower angle to start with - I wanted to get down to eye level with the middle-sized dolls, but I found I couldn't keep the circular arrangement because the smallest one got lost behind her bigger sisters. I did think of putting the largest in the middle and the smaller ones round the outside - but it didn't give the same 'roundness' to the composition. Compromise won the day - as ever. :D :)

I'm away for the week-end :banana::banana::banana: so I'm afraid Relaxation will be a little late - I'm hoping to get the shot during a family party on Sunday. :)

I'll also try and catch up with you all next week - I'm hoping it won't be quite so frantic - have a good week-end. :)

Hello Jean

Love this shot for Art. Colours and composition really add to the feel of it. :clap::clap:

I wonder if the problem with mojo has something to do with this being our second 52 in a row :shrug:

I know I've struggled this year because I've had ideas then thought 'no, I did something very similar for ....... last year'

So it doesn't feel like it's challenging me as much this year. Maybe I'll take a year away from it next year and come back refreshed for 2012 :LOL::LOL:
I like these Jean. They are so colourful and cheerful and I like the way you have arranged them.Well done

Thank you Sue - I'm glad you like it. :)

Hello Jean

Love this shot for Art. Colours and composition really add to the feel of it. :clap::clap:

I wonder if the problem with mojo has something to do with this being our second 52 in a row :shrug:

I know I've struggled this year because I've had ideas then thought 'no, I did something very similar for ....... last year'

So it doesn't feel like it's challenging me as much this year. Maybe I'll take a year away from it next year and come back refreshed for 2012 :LOL::LOL:

Thanks for the lovely comment, Jill. As far as motivation is concerned, I think you have - as always :) - hit the nail fairly and squarely on the head. I did have concerns when I started this year about repetitiveness, getting 'stale' etc, etc, and perversely that's why I started my 'Growing' 52 - as an antidote. It has helped a little, but I'm rediculously busy just now, and probably will be for a few months, so fitting two shots a week in has become even harder. :bang:

However, as I said in post 1 of this second half - I'm too stubborn to give up and I'm cross with myself for getting behind. I hope to have caught up by the end of today - on this thread if not both! :eek:

I've found one of the hardest types of theme on this 52 merry-go-round is when a particular theme is diametrically opposed to the sort of week I'm having. Even thinking about Relaxation last week was hard and in the end I've submitted the best shot I could get - my brother- and sister-in-law Relaxing at a family party on Sunday. Sorry for the late posting - but at least it was taken within the time frame. :D

I realise this is just a family snap and it was deliberately taken without them knowing so they stayed relaxed. It's pretty much straight out of camera and I did consider cropping, but decided in the end to leave in the glorious garden and view because it's so relaxing. :) The sky could have been more helpful, but I was just grateful the rain held off. :LOL:

Phew - caught up! :D

Thanks this week to John (jgs001) for the link to lots of Grace ideas! I went with the definition of 'elegance or beauty of form ....' and a bright red Petunia. :)

I was torn between the wavy line of the petals, and the veined curvy trumpet - so went with both by getting a low angle on the flower. After so many weeks of struggling, I was fairly happy with this one, but I'm definitely open to criticism and suggestions.

I'm sorry I haven't commented on many other people's shots for a couple of weeks - I'll catch up as soon as I possibly can - and look forward to seeing how everyone has interpreted the last few themes. :)

Good to see you've caught up Jean.

Shame about the sky in the relaxation been a little blown but without multiple exposures it cant be avoided. It certainly says relaxation although one teeny thing is the handbag on her lap, makes it look like she is leaving rather than settled and relaxed (very picky I know)

Nice colours on your Grace shot, woud have liked a slightly higher shooting point on first viewing but after reading your explanation can see exactly what your after and have acheived it. I wonder whether using a blur tool on the sharp leaves in the bottom right would help in drawing the attention into the star of the show and the nice red colours.

Well done,

Good to see you back up to date Jean . . . I was wondering where you were last week.
Let's hope that this is the turning point for your mojo.

Is that your garden in relaxation? It's absolutely stunning :eek:
And I think it's a lot better than just a family snap - Far better than the ones that I take anyway.
I know you discounted cropping, but I think you could afford to take some off the top to give it more impact - you'd still keep that gorgeous view, but lose some of the white out of the sky.

And I like grace too. It's an unusual angle for the flower. I'm so used to seeing shots looking down the trumpet that it's refreshing to see something different. The red stands out against the green well and I like the wavy line along the edge of the petals.

Let's hope that Simon comes up with something inspiring for this week.
Good to see you back!

Relaxation - a good capture of what was obviously a happy occasion. What a lovely setting. All it needs IMO is a little off the top to lose the blown sky.

Family "snaps" like this are the ones we will treasure most, I think.

Grace - I love this. The unusual angle works really well, and the colour and focus contrasts are stunning. :clap::clap:
well done on catching up Jean..

Relaxation, it's a good family snap shot of them relaxing and enjoying themselves... the skies look like a so and so to deal with. The only thing I'd say, is that pole for the Gazebo... bet you knew someone was gonna mention it ;)

Glad I could help Jean ;)... This shot has revealed just how rubbish my laptop monitor really is... the tops of the petals looked solid red with no detail, till I shifted my view ever so slightly... Still... lovely shot, very graceful in form and colour too, with loads of details to see. I think the angle is what makes this.
I like the overall look of the shot, but my eye struggles to know where to settle - I think I want a little more in sharp focus in the frame. Nice colours, composition & bokeh though!

Hi Jean, I am catching up again. Relaxation is a lovely happy shot in a beautiful setting. They definitely looked relaxed so bang on theme. I would have preferred it if the feet had not been cut off, though.

I like the petunia - very graceful curves, an unusual angle and gorgeous colours. However I agree with Phil that it is difficult to find somewhere for the eye to focus.

Sounds like your life is very hectic at the moment. Glad you mamaged to catch up.

Good to see you've caught up Jean.

Shame about the sky in the relaxation been a little blown but without multiple exposures it cant be avoided. It certainly says relaxation although one teeny thing is the handbag on her lap, makes it look like she is leaving rather than settled and relaxed (very picky I know)

Nice colours on your Grace shot, woud have liked a slightly higher shooting point on first viewing but after reading your explanation can see exactly what your after and have acheived it. I wonder whether using a blur tool on the sharp leaves in the bottom right would help in drawing the attention into the star of the show and the nice red colours.

Well done,


Thanks for the comments, Dan - I agree about the handbag, but some girls just can't be parted from their bags - and I loved the fact that everything (including the seat!) was colour co-ordinated. :D

I didn't think about blurring the leaves in the Grace shot. :bang:

Good to see you back up to date Jean . . . I was wondering where you were last week.
Let's hope that this is the turning point for your mojo. Thanks Sarah. I feel very out of touch with everybody but I'll get back on track soon - I hope.

Is that your garden in relaxation? It's absolutely stunning I wish!!! It's my brother- and sister-in-law's garden. It really is stunning, and is in a stunning location with fabulous views over the Vale of Clwyd.

And I think it's a lot better than just a family snap - Far better than the ones that I take anyway.
I know you discounted cropping, but I think you could afford to take some off the top to give it more impact - you'd still keep that gorgeous view, but lose some of the white out of the sky.

And I like grace too. It's an unusual angle for the flower. I'm so used to seeing shots looking down the trumpet that it's refreshing to see something different. The red stands out against the green well and I like the wavy line along the edge of the petals.

Let's hope that Simon comes up with something inspiring for this week.
I'm pleased you like the flower. ;)

Good to see you back!

Relaxation - a good capture of what was obviously a happy occasion. What a lovely setting. All it needs IMO is a little off the top to lose the blown sky.

Family "snaps" like this are the ones we will treasure most, I think.

Grace - I love this. The unusual angle works really well, and the colour and focus contrasts are stunning.

Thank you very much Tracer. I hate getting behind with this 52. Point taken about the sky in Relaxation. :)

well done on catching up Jean..

Relaxation, it's a good family snap shot of them relaxing and enjoying themselves... the skies look like a so and so to deal with. The only thing I'd say, is that pole for the Gazebo... bet you knew someone was gonna mention it Hehehe - I thought if I removed one pole the whole gazebo would fall down!!!! :LOL: I know - rubbish excuse! :rules:

Glad I could help Jean ... This shot has revealed just how rubbish my laptop monitor really is... the tops of the petals looked solid red with no detail, till I shifted my view ever so slightly... Still... lovely shot, very graceful in form and colour too, with loads of details to see. I think the angle is what makes this.

I haven't got a laptop, and I always find it disconcerting how much the picture can change depending on how you view the screen. I suppose there's an optimum viewing angle. :shrug:

I like the overall look of the shot, but my eye struggles to know where to settle - I think I want a little more in sharp focus in the frame. Nice colours, composition & bokeh though!


Thanks, Phil. You're quite right about struggling with where to focus - I was trying to give equal weight to the edge of the petals and the viening in the trumpet to try and give a 'different' look. I never thought about it being confusing. :bang:

I love your petunia. I think the wavy lines of the flower make it look graceful. The angle is what makes it.

Thanks Sue - you're very kind. :)

Hi Jean, I am catching up again. Relaxation is a lovely happy shot in a beautiful setting. They definitely looked relaxed so bang on theme. I would have preferred it if the feet had not been cut off, though. I knew somebody would notice the lack of feet! :)

I like the petunia - very graceful curves, an unusual angle and gorgeous colours. However I agree with Phil that it is difficult to find somewhere for the eye to focus. Thanks - and fair comment on the focus issue. :)

Sounds like your life is very hectic at the moment. Glad you mamaged to catch up. Thanks.


Thank you everybody for the feedback.

As always, I'm very grateful, and you've all confirmed my comment that Relaxation was just a snap - blown sky, handbag, feet chopped off, etc, etc. It was taken at a lovely family party and I really wanted to get great shots of everybody enjoying themselves. My frustration and contradiction in this type of situation is that if you try to 'control' the situation (eg move an obstruction to get the feet in) you lose the sponteneity of the moment. Does anyone else find this?

I'm always torn between grabbing the moment and wanting to eliminate things I know will irk me in post processing. Much as I love photographing people, I can see the attraction of inanimate objects. :LOL:

Another week with no ideas for the theme. :bang:

We've had our 2 grandsons staying with us this week and I felt sure something would crop up that I could use for Endings, so I didn't give it much conscious thought. I should know better by now. :bang: :LOL:

So this week's contribution is, at best, ambiguous (if Beginnings crops up as a theme I could use the same pic! :D) and edging towards crowbar status. I give you -

Ending (of a journey) ...

If you think it looks a bit 'toy town', you're right. It's a station on the little steam railway at Moor Valley Country Park in Dorset - a truly brilliant (and cheap) place to take kids of any age.

C & c as always is most welcome and I'm going to have a big catch up this week with other 52s. :)

The processing works well on this Jean. Gives it an aged look to match the props. I keep getting drawn to the bit at the bottom left of the frame though. Maybe a vignette would minimise it's impact and add to the aged feeling of the PP?

Why do you post a link to a cheap attraction in Dorset when I am now back in Stoke On Trent ? :bang: :LOL:

Hello Jean. As Andy says, you've got a nice aged feel to the processed image. And it's not that crowbarred.

A couple of niggles for me though. Firstly it looks quite flat where I assume it's been blasted by a flash. And secondly, the corrugated roof and bright item lower left spoil the overall image somewhat. My only suggestion would be to change the angle of the shot to concentrate on the luggage/fence/trains? rather than trying to fit the whole building in. Although as you had the children with you I can appreciate how tricky it would be to take your time investigating every angle :)
The processing works well on this Jean. Gives it an aged look to match the props. I keep getting drawn to the bit at the bottom left of the frame though. Maybe a vignette would minimise it's impact and add to the aged feeling of the PP? It's a pile of suitcases - see below! - I just never thought of vignetting! :bang:

Why do you post a link to a cheap attraction in Dorset when I am now back in Stoke On Trent ? :bang: :LOL: So you've got an excuse to come back, of course. :D


Hello Jean. As Andy says, you've got a nice aged feel to the processed image. And it's not that crowbarred.

A couple of niggles for me though. Firstly it looks quite flat where I assume it's been blasted by a flash. And secondly, the corrugated roof and bright item lower left spoil the overall image somewhat. My only suggestion would be to change the angle of the shot to concentrate on the luggage/fence/trains? rather than trying to fit the whole building in. Although as you had the children with you I can appreciate how tricky it would be to take your time investigating every angle :)

You' right - on-board flash jobbie! It was actualy taken from the train with Mr JG's camera and a tired 5 year-old on my lap! But your wish is my command and I can supply a luggage shot:

It was a toss up between two mediocre shots, tbh. I thought the first one had a bit more visual interest. :shrug: The second one was very wonky and I couldn't get it quite straight. :bang:

Hi Jean, firstly I love the processing - very apt for the subject. I much prefer the luggage shot because it has much more depth to it. With a bit of imagination it fits the theme!

I can also imagine that having 2 grandsons to stay for a week keeps you pretty busy.

We used to take our boys to Moors Valley many years ago when their grandparents lived in Ringwood. I don't recall the station, so I guess that has been added recently, but I do remember having fun there.

I definitely prefer the luggage shot. The station shot is a bit bland for me- its just a station but doesnt have a good focal point. The luggage shot is great and I dont think it matters that it has a wonky look. I think that makes the shot.
Hey Jean,
sorry I had disappeared for a while, just catching up now.
ART: Your Russian dolls are wonderful - great lines and colour ;)

RELAXATION: they do indeed look relaxed, only input from me is what the elements closest to camera, her leg, given its white makes it stand out already and then the fact its closest to camera makes it look bigger than it is.

ELEGANCE: nice simple shot

ENDINGS: I prefer the second with all the cases, purely because its so unusual, maybe worth a revisit to get the angle and shot you would be happy with, but for me it works ;)
Hi Jean, firstly I love the processing - very apt for the subject. I much prefer the luggage shot because it has much more depth to it. With a bit of imagination it fits the theme!

I can also imagine that having 2 grandsons to stay for a week keeps you pretty busy.

We used to take our boys to Moors Valley many years ago when their grandparents lived in Ringwood. I don't recall the station, so I guess that has been added recently, but I do remember having fun there.


Thanks Jenny. The processing was very simple - b&w + slight tint in PS. The luggage shot has grown on me, but it would have been nice to use the light better and get more texture. :) It's still a brilliant place to take kids of any age, except in the rain! There's something for everyone there.

I definitely prefer the luggage shot. The station shot is a bit bland for me- its just a station but doesnt have a good focal point. The luggage shot is great and I dont think it matters that it has a wonky look. I think that makes the shot.

Thanks Sue - I think you've hit the nail on the head with the station shot - a different view point would have been better. I'm glad you like the luggage one. :D

Hey Jean,
sorry I had disappeared for a while, just catching up now.
ART: Your Russian dolls are wonderful - great lines and colour ;)

RELAXATION: they do indeed look relaxed, only input from me is what the elements closest to camera, her leg, given its white makes it stand out already and then the fact its closest to camera makes it look bigger than it is.

ELEGANCE: nice simple shot

ENDINGS: I prefer the second with all the cases, purely because its so unusual, maybe worth a revisit to get the angle and shot you would be happy with, but for me it works ;)

Hi Dade - no worries - I've had a good few weeks when I haven't been able to comment on other people's threads - and I'm still not up to date. :( Thanks for the feedback. Relaxation was a bit of a long shot (in every sense) and I would have loved to pose them in that beautiful garden, but it was a family party not a photoshoot for my enjoyment! I hadn't noticed her
leg though. D'oh :bang::bang: I'll definitely be going back to Moors Valley, so I shall have another go at the station. ;)

Another vote for the second one.
The first is just a bit too busy for me, but there's some simple understated elegance in that old fashioned luggage.

It looks straight enough to me and the PP suits it perfectly.

Thanks Sarah. It looks as though the luggage shot is the favourite. :)

:banana: When this topic was drawn last Sunday an idea immediately came hurtling out of the blue! At last, no scratching around for a light bulb moment on Sunday afternoon - well not this week, anyway. :D

It seemed so obvious to me that I thought everyone else would think of it, too, then I thought nobody will have the foggiest idea what the connection is. If nobody 'gets' it yet, there's a clue in my text. ;) :)

No 1

No 2

C & C is, as always welcome.

'elo Jean ;) Interesting idea for the week and spot on theme. I shall say no more for now :)
(y) Very clever indeed.

Took me a little while to get there, but with Darren's hint and a bit of Googling it all becomes clear.
I wondered if you'd borrowed some of your grandsons' toys to set this up, but now that I get it, this is far cleverer than that!

I just hope that I get one of those lightbulb moments with this week's theme.