Just had Professional Photographs Taken, ADVICE DESPERATELY NEEDED!!

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Just pay it or go home and cry.

Please close this thread as it is offensive that a member should mention the utter tosh about price.

It is time that regulation was enforced and cheapo part timers are taught to stick to what they know best, because it aint running a business!!!!!

And for those that cry no way! or 'it will never work' i think it will as the Germans can do it and all the togs that get shafted by cheapos report you.... Yep it can work.

Cheek that this guy could even suggest such a thing.

Qualifications and a licence to trade... have waht togs need to get a trade licence or stick to day job.

so bored of these them and us Threads and folk saying adapt...Adapt to what cheapo sad folk who everything for nowt!!!!

P.S: I read first page only as this P****ed me off.....

If an amateur is doing your job with a DSLR and kit lens for a fraction of the price then why would you pay more than you have to?
Thing is all these day time robbers sell their part time wears at a 1/4 of the price..... but when it comes to selling what ever they do in their day job??

'Nah mate i want max profit and max mark up on it mate!' you would not under sell what boring uninteresting wears and naff product you do in your full time job.

Which you will never admit to girls at a party because 'Photographer' as atitle is much more cool then telling them you are Frozen fish sale rep!!!!

So don't undermine the best industry in the world..... that you all so wantingly want to be a part of and yet bitch and moan about prices when you need a service then under sell to get few quid for you to take take your misses on an extra holiday!!!!!!!!
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Hey guys,

.... when it came to the 40x30" canvass that we want (the main reason for the shoot) he said it would be approx in the region of £350-420!

This is very reasonable for a canvas of that size. What many amateurs or members of the public fail to realise is the fact that when determining their pricing professionals firstly have to factor in their fixed overheads (or "walk out of the door" costs) and add to this the overhead for the job (which will be whatever they pay their printer manufacturerer to produce the goods etc). On that basis, if I were to supply one of my (very high-quality 40 inch canvases) for that price I would be running at a loss.

Unless you run a business it can be very difficult to understand what it costs to run a business. Lastly, before entering into a contract with any service provider it's very important to ensure you have sight of their pricing.
If an amateur is doing your job with a DSLR and kit lens for a fraction of the price then why would you pay more than you have to?

If i was getting married(god forbid) I would go to Simon Revill or Guy Collier or Dav and not even ask for mates rates.

I would pay the full monty as i like their work and would not expect a discount.

Laundrup? Out of interest what business are you in?
so bored of these them and us Threads and folk saying adapt...Adapt to what cheapo sad folk who everything for nowt!!!!

P.S: I read first page only as this P****ed me off.....

But people will have to adapt and businesses evolve, same as every other profession.

You see nobody cares if you survive and succeed, or fail and go bankrupt, for whatever reason.

It's your business, it's up to you and I wish you the very best.
Free enterprise, people can charge what they like.

I'm sure most part timers don't charge full wack because they don't feel it fair seeing as though they are only part timers and not so called "professionals"
Free enterprise, people can charge what they like.

I'm sure most part timers don't charge full wack because they don't feel it fair seeing as though they are only part timers and not so called "professionals"

Most part timers don't charge full whack because they have another income that supports their family!
And photographers don't go charging and doing part time work to what ever boring jobs you lot do because death would the only thing to look forward too if they did....

same crap argument from clueless folk.
Free enterprise you are kidding? What do you do?

We full timers will go and sell and under cut that.... now wait we full timers don't care what you do because we can make it a full time business and be pretending to be Photographers!

Uncle Buck Adapt? yes everyone does adapt. but running business to the prices that some no brained halfwit sells their product at and we have to do 3 times the work and pay the bills and tax.

guess what? i'd gladly report all those part timers to Inland revnue... you bet your left butt cheek they aint declaring everything.

Reason for me being angry is because I love this biz and those who care about.

sure all the party timers would love all of to go out do half arsed sales in what ever profession they do.....

Actually I have helped many part timers who want to be full time. unfare to tar them with that brush.

so it's just the dipsticks that think it's great to sell something at quarter value for beer money....
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Daryl said:
The dude went to a pro studio... so pay or leave..... don't ask others on this forum to scan and print for you.

Unbelievable nerve......

100% agree

It really doesn't matter what you think. All the insults and name calling in the world won't make any difference to a changing trading environment.

Adapt to it or die. Your choice.

Oh, and please drop the Uncle Buck ****.

It's getting boring.
The dude went to a pro studio... so pay or leave..... don't ask others on this forum to scan and print for you.

Unbelievable nerve......

If you're going to rant, go read the limited facts available.
And photographers don't go charging and doing part time work to what ever boring jobs you lot do because death would the only thing to look forward too if they did....

same crap argument from clueless members.
Free enterprize you are kidding? What do you do?

We full timers will go and sell and under cut that.... now wait we full timers don't care what you do because we can make it a full time business and be pretending to be Photographers!

Uncle Buck Adapt? yes everyone does adapt. but running business to the prices that some no brained halfwit sells their product at and we have to do 3 times the work and pay the bills and tax.

guess what? i'd gladly report all those part timers to Inland revnue... you bet your left butt cheek they aint declaring everything.

Reason for me being angry is because I love this biz and those who care about.

sure all the party timers would love all of to go out do half arsed sales in what ever profession they do.....

Actually I have helped many part timers who want to be full time. unfare to tar them with that brush.

so it's just the dipsticks that think it's great to sell something at quarter value for beer money....

I have had to adapt In my business, whereas I know several companies in the same trade that haven't, I'm still around going strong, they are not
Im ranting because he went a studio so you pay the going rate or don't buy. Are you saying that it ok for a member on here to ask for someone to scan and go make Canvass?

Do hope not Mod

Tell you what i'll say no more. you all want this industry to die a death and we all become hobbists.............

Charging silly prices de values the industry. Free enterprise is the most rediculas answer ever, i guess you dont care one jot what happens as long as it's cheap.

And for the record i have not mentioned names.

But hey it seems no cares on here.

Thought everyone on here was passionate photographers not all out to get a quick buck.... any which way they can. No pun intended Simon.

Im off.
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I run my own business and have done since I was 19, that was over 20 years ago. I've been very successful but at the same time have had to compete with DIYers and now cheap imports from china, but instead of winging, I adapt and make the best of what I do.

I sell genuine OEM products which many customers are happy to pay for, but many customers are happy to pay a tenner for something that will do the job even though there is a risk of their house burning down due to poor quality.

The same goes for photography. If you want to cater for the up end market and charge £800 for a canvas, then good on you, but personally, and I'm sure I speak for many others, could never justify that sort of money for a print to hang on my wall. This is where the cheaper photographers come in, part time or not. They cater for the poorer market that you are clearly not interested in, so you really should stop whining about how part timers are ruining your industry, or lower your prices to enter that market yourself.
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Im ranting because he went a studio so you pay the going rate or don't buy. Are you saying that it ok for a member on here to ask for someone to scan and go make Canvass?

do hope not Mod

Tell you what i'll say no more. you all want this industry to die a death and we all become hobbists.............

Charging silly prices de values the industry. Free enteprise is the most rediculas answer ever.

and for the record i have not memtioned names.

But hey it seems no cares on here.

Thought everyone on here was passionate photographers not all out to get a quick buck.... any which they can. No pun intended Simon.

Im off.

The op is not a photographer and enquired if the scanning could be done, he had no idea that this infringed on copyright
Just wondering how many forums David Zeiser whines on because all wedding togs aren't charging $20,000 for a wedding. Surely all you pros that charge less are ruining the industry.
guess what? i'd gladly report all those part timers to Inland revnue... you bet your left butt cheek they aint declaring everything.

I would be very surprised if most full timers were declaring everything too. In any trade, not just photography.

Qualifications and a licence to trade... have waht togs need to get a trade licence or stick to day job.

I don't see why you should have to be qualified to trade as a photographer. Let the market dictate if you succeed or not based on your competence and customer service. It's not brain science or rocket surgery.

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Im ranting because he went a studio so you pay the going rate or don't buy. Are you saying that it ok for a member on here to ask for someone to scan and go make Canvass?

Do hope not Mod

Tell you what i'll say no more. you all want this industry to die a death and we all become hobbists.............

Charging silly prices de values the industry. Free enterprise is the most rediculas answer ever, i guess you dont care one jot what happens as long as it's cheap.

And for the record i have not mentioned names.

But hey it seems no cares on here.

Thought everyone on here was passionate photographers not all out to get a quick buck.... any which way they can. No pun intended Simon.

Im off.

The OP isn't likely to be a permanent member. He's a member of the public who asked a question on a photography forum because he had/has an issue with a photographer. That's a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

Even his question, in ignorance of copyright law is reasonable. It's up to us to educate the public what can and can't be done legally. By spouting off like you did you did yourself, photography and this forum no favours whatsoever.

Looking at the real issue again, it's a communication one. He got a price for something, paid for it, then when he had the sitting the price for what he believed he had paid for had increased.

I DO NOT KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. Nor do I know who is to blame. It's likely to be a combination of the customer and the photographer.

If you'd read the thread and thought about it rationally you might have came to the same conclusion.
And photographers don't go charging and doing part time work to what ever boring jobs you lot do because death would the only thing to look forward too if they did....

Funny, to me I can't think of any less rewarding or challenging job than taking repetitive portraits of people and then trying to hard sell them all day long. Each to their own...
Funny, to me I can't think of any less rewarding or challenging job than taking repetitive portraits of people and then trying to hard sell them all day long. Each to their own...

Brilliant..... must be the the 6 digit a year turn over then........

But please come along to a shoot Chris... we cover a lot of shoots in the New forest and see how easy it really is.

I haven't read that one!
you should have Steve. im from the Isle of Wight as well...... It's in Newport Library
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We all seem to be going around in circles here..maybe time to conclude things???

I agree, my posts are all you need to read along with the OP (apart from the one where my calculator was broken).
Thedodo said:
Waiting to happen, I think its well under way lol

When I read the OP this morning I knew then the blue touch paper had been lit. It's been a good, emotive debate however which I've been glued to personally.
All well and good wanting to close the thread but if many of you would not assume then there would not be any cause for so many of you to feel the need to fight a cause you know nothing about - as in all the facts!
so you never make an assumption about anything, and post only the facts ? :shrug:

returing to the OP - did you have anything in writing like a quote for the image size you wanted ? - Bait and switch is illegal, but upselling isn't.
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I agree in essence with what Daryl is saying but I don't think it applies in this case.

I agree with the following by Dod, which I think can be difficult for full-time Pro's to 'get', or maybe 'remember' (not a criticism):

The OP isn't likely to be a permanent member. He's a member of the public who asked a question on a photography forum because he had/has an issue with a photographer. That's a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

Even his question, in ignorance of copyright law is reasonable.

With that in mind, I also agree with this - it's the reason no-one stomped on him in reply to his first posts:

Looking at the real issue again, it's a communication one. He got a price for something, paid for it, then when he had the sitting the price for what he believed he had paid for had increased.

I DO NOT KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. Nor do I know who is to blame. It's likely to be a combination of the customer and the photographer.


It's the age-old problem of spec'ing something (anything) for someone who has absolutely no idea what's going on (again, no criticism meant). It's a skill in itself.
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Brilliant..... must be the the 6 digit a year turn over then........

But please come along to a shoot Chris... we cover a lot of shoots in the New forest and see how easy it really is.

What has rewarding and challenging got to do with turnover. I may earn a 6 digit salary doing what I do but so what?

And what have shoots in the New Forest got to do with a cookie cutter portrait studio?

Maybe read before you rant :)
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