LADY SUE'S 52- Part 2- Together ( a funny one) page 10

Thanks for the comments Sarah. I didnt like to hang around in the department store for too long with my camera. I agree the shot would have been better with just one customer.I had taken several shots of an empty escalator but then realised you couldnt tell if it was going up or down. So I saw some people on it and snapped them. By then I was getting funny looks from the staff so I didnt take any more. I didnt want to get chucked out.:LOL:
Thanks for the comments Sarah. I didnt like to hang around in the department store for too long with my camera. I agree the shot would have been better with just one customer.I had taken several shots of an empty escalator but then realised you couldnt tell if it was going up or down. So I saw some people on it and snapped them. By then I was getting funny looks from the staff so I didnt take any more. I didnt want to get chucked out.:LOL:

I agree with Sarah's comments, Sue, but can quite understand that you wouldn't have wanted to get frog-marched out of the store. :LOL: I think you were very brave to shoot in a shop - so full marks for that! (y)

I like the interpretation - it made me smile. :)

I agree with Sarah's comments, Sue, but can quite understand that you wouldn't have wanted to get frog-marched out of the store. :LOL: I think you were very brave to shoot in a shop - so full marks for that! (y)

I like the interpretation - it made me smile. :)


Thank you Jean. It felt awkward shooting in the store and I knew I was on private property so didnt have any rights.
Good interpretation and you have done pretty well in the circumstances. I would never have dared, so full marks for having a go!
im another one with the well dones for getting the camera out in a store, what would have been even better would be to have popped out the tripod and an nd filter and captured a long exposure shot:D As for the picture, nice idea and well exposed, I think it would be a little better if the shot was taken earlier with the ladies lower down the escalators.
Good interpretation and you have done pretty well in the circumstances. I would never have dared, so full marks for having a go!

Thanks. I know the photo isnt technically brilliant but I was pleased to get it.

im another one with the well dones for getting the camera out in a store, what would have been even better would be to have popped out the tripod and an nd filter and captured a long exposure shot:D As for the picture, nice idea and well exposed, I think it would be a little better if the shot was taken earlier with the ladies lower down the escalators.

Thank you Chris. I would have liked to get the people lower but I missed my chance, was distracted for a second by the little girl I had with me, and only just got the people before they disappeared. I was too scared to hang arround and wait for more people as by then I had attracted the staff's attention.As for the tripod and ND filter I am certainly not that organised or brave.:LOL:
I like this a lot Sue, the quadtych works well. I like the colour tones in each of the images, they all work together. They are certainly surfaces, so bang on theme. Good work(y) Iain
I agree with Iain, and I like the way the colours complement each other while the surfaces contrast. Very clever.

The positioning of the 4 surfaces works well too, with the (to me) surfaces with the most impact being top left and bottom right, and the two 'softer' ones balancing them out.

Well conceived and well-executed, Sue. :clap:

I like this a lot Sue, the quadtych works well. I like the colour tones in each of the images, they all work together. They are certainly surfaces, so bang on theme. Good work(y) Iain

Thank you Ian. There were plenty of different surfaces to choose from at the castle so I was spoilt for choice

I agree with Iain, and I like the way the colours complement each other while the surfaces contrast. Very clever.

The positioning of the 4 surfaces works well too, with the (to me) surfaces with the most impact being top left and bottom right, and the two 'softer' ones balancing them out.

Well conceived and well-executed, Sue. :clap:


Thanks Jean. I tried them in dufferent positions but chose that one because it appeared more balanced.

ohhh very nice :)
I like the contrasts, colours, shapes and textures - very cool.
especially like the metal - bottom right corner ;)

Thank you. Bottom right is chain mail armour.
Very clever take on the theme (y)

I'm probably most drawn to the top right image but the splash of red in the mosaic is a really nice touch too.
Overall they all work well together to give a feel of the place - I could actually see this printed on an abstract postcard in the gift shop of the castle (y)
I really like this one, too, Sue. Excellent take on the theme. The colours really complement each other and, like Dade, I really like the chainmail.


Thanks Jenny.

Very clever take on the theme (y)

I'm probably most drawn to the top right image but the splash of red in the mosaic is a really nice touch too.
Overall they all work well together to give a feel of the place - I could actually see this printed on an abstract postcard in the gift shop of the castle (y)

Thanks Sarah. The top right pic was the edge of a thatched roof they had on a mock up house in the castle.
Gosh - not posted on your '52 for a while. My favourites of your most recent images are transform and surfaces. In both cases you have beautifully crisp and colourful images enhanced in interest by the multiple shots.

Works very well, with harmonious colours and interesting contrasting textures. (y)
Gosh - not posted on your '52 for a while. My favourites of your most recent images are transform and surfaces. In both cases you have beautifully crisp and colourful images enhanced in interest by the multiple shots.


Thank you Phil. I quite like doing multiple images as I only learnt to do these since I started my 52

Works very well, with harmonious colours and interesting contrasting textures. (y)

Thank you. There was lots of choice at the castle. Its the place to go for different surfaces. There were lots more I could have had.

I took this at Southend just using my camera on auto, on F4.2, 1/60, ISO 1600
I know the pic isnt technically good but I thought it was nice bright colours. I tried lightening it a bit but lost the depth from the colours. I might have another go at it tomorrow if I have time.

Comments and critique welcome
Sue I think you are being too harsh with yourself saying it isn't technically good. I think otherwise, it has good composition, the image is well balanced with the tall ride on the right hand side framing the photograph. The colours are great, I can see what attracted you to the scene. It is exposed well too, the viewer is able to pick out the detail in the image. All in all, a colourful, attractive photograph. Iain
I agree don't be to harsh I actually like the composition and the vibrant colours are great, good work
Composition is good Sue. Do you have a tripod? it may be worth going back and trying it on Aperture priority, lower the ISO a lot, and close the apperture down a bit more and get a longer exposure, with a bit of luck you may get the roller coaster coming round and get some motion blur to give the shot a bit of something extra.
Sue I think you are being too harsh with yourself saying it isn't technically good. I think otherwise, it has good composition, the image is well balanced with the tall ride on the right hand side framing the photograph. The colours are great, I can see what attracted you to the scene. It is exposed well too, the viewer is able to pick out the detail in the image. All in all, a colourful, attractive photograph. Iain

Thanks Iain. I came across this view when I took a wrong turn last night- so happy accident

I agree don't be to harsh I actually like the composition and the vibrant colours are great, good work

Thanks David. I got a couple of other shots of it but the colours weremt so good.

Hi Sue, I agree with David and Iain. The colours are great and I love the composition. Fits the theme perfectly.

Well done :clap::clap:


Thank you Jenny

Composition is good Sue. Do you have a tripod? it may be worth going back and trying it on Aperture priority, lower the ISO a lot, and close the apperture down a bit more and get a longer exposure, with a bit of luck you may get the roller coaster coming round and get some motion blur to give the shot a bit of something extra.

I do have a tripod but I find them a bit of a fiddle setting up. There was a convenient railing there so I used that. I did take a couple of shots with longer shutter speeds but they are not as good. I will probably be going back soon so. if I can find the place again, I may take your advice.Thank you
Lovely textures on Surfaces Sue. Lots for the eye to look at.

Light - Interesting photo - I like shots like this where you keep looking to find things. Only thing I'd change is maybe crop a little of the top and clone out the lights from the horizon.
The first time I've seen Adventure Island in the dark and you've captured the feel of the place nicely in my eyes. As has been said above, composition is good and evenly balanced across the frame and your colours and exposure are pretty spot on. Very nicely done :clap:
Lovely textures on Surfaces Sue. Lots for the eye to look at.

Light - Interesting photo - I like shots like this where you keep looking to find things. Only thing I'd change is maybe crop a little of the top and clone out the lights from the horizon.

Thank you paul. yes I think you are right. There is probably too much dark at the top.I know what you mean about the distant lights too. They show more on the original and made a row across the picture.
crikey is that the Kursaal (spelling)
very good capture (y)
it looks so much better at night!
Composition, colours and exposure all look good to me Sue, so stop being so hard on yourself.

It's let down a bit by the noise level, and not as sharp as it could be, but I'd love to see you revisit this if you can find that wrong turn again! I think Chris has it spot on with his post.

Do you have a tripod? it may be worth going back and trying it on Aperture priority, lower the ISO a lot, and close the apperture down a bit more and get a longer exposure, with a bit of luck you may get the roller coaster coming round and get some motion blur to give the shot a bit of something extra.
i like this one, nice variety of colours, maybe could have shot a little earlier to give the sky some detail.

i like this one, nice variety of colours, maybe could have shot a little earlier to give the sky some detail.


Thanks Ian. I just stumbled on this on the way home from meeting a friend the other night. I saw it and thought- Light.:)

Composition, colours and exposure all look good to me Sue, so stop being so hard on yourself.

It's let down a bit by the noise level, and not as sharp as it could be, but I'd love to see you revisit this if you can find that wrong turn again! I think Chris has it spot on with his post.

Thanks Sarah. I think I probably had the camera on auto ISO. I did take a few others on different settings ut none looked as good as this one.
nice idea, fits the theme well, mabye a tighter crop to the right to hide the plank of wood over the wheel?

Well spotted Sue. I'm guessing you weren't too keen to let him know you were taking his photograph, otherwise you might have considered moving round to the left to get some of his right hand in as well.