LADY SUE'S 52- Part 2- Together ( a funny one) page 10

nice idea Sue, and what a wonderful project to have to spend your weekend on. I'm with Darren here and think a few steps to the left would help the composition and feel of the shot to get a bit of face into it. Did he know you were there?
nice idea, fits the theme well, mabye a tighter crop to the right to hide the plank of wood over the wheel?


Thank you. I see what you mean about having a closer crop but I wanted to show the lines of the boat and didnt want to crop it off too much

ohh nice lights and colours! ;)

Project: agreed close crop, get in there Sue. Good choice for tough subject

Thank you

Well spotted Sue. I'm guessing you weren't too keen to let him know you were taking his photograph, otherwise you might have considered moving round to the left to get some of his right hand in as well.

It wasnt so much that I was worried about him seeing me photographing him as the obstructions that were around him in the boatyard.

nice idea Sue, and what a wonderful project to have to spend your weekend on. I'm with Darren here and think a few steps to the left would help the composition and feel of the shot to get a bit of face into it. Did he know you were there?

Thank you. No he didnt know I was there. from what I can remember that was the only angle available to me because of obstuctions.

lovely contrast of colours bewteen the wood on the back and the pale blue/grey on the hull.

Thank you. I cant take the credit for that unfortunately.
Really good spot for the week Sue (y)

Textures, lighting and tones all work really well, but I think that the composition could have been a little better.
The top of the boat is a bit tight to the top of the frame on the LHS and the guy is very central in the shot. Ian's suggested crop seems like a good idea to try to resolve part of that.
Hi Sue - catching up! I really like the myriad colours in light - not sure why you think isn't technically great - I'd be very pleased with it!

For some reason the original of project isn't displaying, but I really like the strong and simple composition, the lighting and the textures in your updated version!

I like both images Sue but I think the crop just shades it. The colour and tone in your edit appear more vibrant. I think this image tells a story, it works well and is bang on theme. Iain
Hi Sue - catching up! I really like the myriad colours in light - not sure why you think isn't technically great - I'd be very pleased with it!

For some reason the original of project isn't displaying, but I really like the strong and simple composition, the lighting and the textures in your updated version!


Thank you Phil.

Definitely better Sue.
And you're really putting me to shame with this. Although I take all C&C on board it's not very often that I get the chance to go back and re-edit in the same week. Something for me to aspire to I think.

Thank you Sarah. I always value your advice.

I like both images Sue but I think the crop just shades it. The colour and tone in your edit appear more vibrant. I think this image tells a story, it works well and is bang on theme. Iain

Thank you Iain.
Sorry I'm a bit behind with your thread, Sue. One week slips into another all too quickly. :)

Light: I really like this - it's vibrant with light and as everybody else has said, the composition and amount of interest really make it. My only suggestion would have been to crop a smigeon off the top of black sky. Did you go and have a go on that coaster? :)

Project: Well spotted - I really like this interpretation of the theme. I like your cropped edit best for several reasons - it moves the man over to the side of the picture, it emphasises the contrast between the varnished wood on the transom (?) and the rubbed down area on the hull and also between the smoothness of the rudder and the texture of the planking. It also shows what an enormous project he's undertaken - with the boat towering over him. :eek: :clap::clap::clap:

Light - I think you are to o critical of this. I love the vibrant colours and the wonderful swirly shapes they make. :clap:

Project - well spotted and captured. There is a very pleasing balance of colours and textures, and the curved lines of old boats are always attractive. I think you have cropped it just a little too tightly at the right for my taste - I don't think having a little of the protective board in the shot would distract. Difficult to tell without trying it though (my husband would just clone it out!).

I struggled to find a picture this week, even going to the trouble of running a BW film through a cheap camera. I messed that up winding the film back and opened the camera before it was done. So this is a just a picture of our local cinema which still has a "Films Showing" notice board but which no longer shows films.

Comments and critique appreciated
(y) Very clever - not an interpretation I would ever have thought of. You're very good at spotting things out and about that fit these themes. Something I should try to get better at rather than relying on tabletop set ups.

I've also noticed how much your composition has improved since you started this 52. The angle you've chosen is so much more interesting than just a straight head-on shot.
Hi Sue,

Missed your Project shot - agree the crop does work better, although maybe just a little tight at the top.

Film - I agree with Sarah in that you're much more adventurous - I, like Sarah pretty much stick to table top stuff. Do need to 'get out' more.

Is the cinema still in business - you say it has the films showing board but doesn't show them any more. Has it been turned into a bingo hall or something? It look pretty well kept.

Nice angle on the shot but it's a little blue on my screen. Looks like it was shot near dusk maybe. What does it look like in B&W?
Nice angle and great shapes in your photo this week Sue. I think this is crying out for a b&w or sepia treatment.
Sorry I'm a bit behind with your thread, Sue. One week slips into another all too quickly. :)

Light: I really like this - it's vibrant with light and as everybody else has said, the composition and amount of interest really make it. My only suggestion would have been to crop a smigeon off the top of black sky. Did you go and have a go on that coaster? :)

Project: Well spotted - I really like this interpretation of the theme. I like your cropped edit best for several reasons - it moves the man over to the side of the picture, it emphasises the contrast between the varnished wood on the transom (?) and the rubbed down area on the hull and also between the smoothness of the rudder and the texture of the planking. It also shows what an enormous project he's undertaken - with the boat towering over him. :eek: :clap::clap::clap:


Thanks for your comments Jean. I thnk you are right about cropping the sky in the Light picture and, no, I certainly wouldnt go on that rollercoaster!
Light - I think you are to o critical of this. I love the vibrant colours and the wonderful swirly shapes they make. :clap:

Project - well spotted and captured. There is a very pleasing balance of colours and textures, and the curved lines of old boats are always attractive. I think you have cropped it just a little too tightly at the right for my taste - I don't think having a little of the protective board in the shot would distract. Difficult to tell without trying it though (my husband would just clone it out!).

Thanks. I actually preferred the uncropped version of project but most people like the crop. It is difficult to find the best place to crop to suit everyone.

(y) Very clever - not an interpretation I would ever have thought of. You're very good at spotting things out and about that fit these themes. Something I should try to get better at rather than relying on tabletop set ups.

I've also noticed how much your composition has improved since you started this 52. The angle you've chosen is so much more interesting than just a straight head-on shot.

Thanks Sarah. I am no good at table top shots and dont have any lighting equipment. That is why I have to find things out and about. being retired I do have time to look for things.

Hi Sue,

Missed your Project shot - agree the crop does work better, although maybe just a little tight at the top.

Film - I agree with Sarah in that you're much more adventurous - I, like Sarah pretty much stick to table top stuff. Do need to 'get out' more.

Is the cinema still in business - you say it has the films showing board but doesn't show them any more. Has it been turned into a bingo hall or something? It look pretty well kept.

Nice angle on the shot but it's a little blue on my screen. Looks like it was shot near dusk maybe. What does it look like in B&W?

Thanks for the comments. yes it was shot near dusk. It was the end of the day and I was determined to get something for this weeks theme. I tried a BW conversion but preferred the colour.

Nice angle and great shapes in your photo this week Sue. I think this is crying out for a b&w or sepia treatment.

Thanks for the comment

I will post a mono conversion to see what people think.
I keep missing your thread Sue, sorry...

Mobile, an interesting and, I think unique take on the theme.. Very clever. I agree about the one person idea though.

Surfaces, I like it, a great idea and very well put together. Interesting surfaces too. The chain mail caught my eye.

Light, I like that, an interesting composition, and you've caught the colours really nicely, which adds interest.

Project, clear and on theme, I think the crop works better.

Film, An interesting angle, and take on the theme, good idea. I think the B&W works better.
I like the colour version Sue, the composition works well and a good idea well executed. Iain
Thanks Sarah. I am no good at table top shots and dont have any lighting equipment. That is why I have to find things out and about. being retired I do have time to look for things.

Don't let lack of lighting equipment put you off. You can get some good effects with just a desk lamp, torch or natural light from a window!

I do envy you having the time to go out and about looking for things though. Working full time, often long hours and usually having a million things to do at the weekend normally leaves me with just an hour or two for photography every week.

p.s. B&W is much better.
I keep missing your thread Sue, sorry...

Mobile, an interesting and, I think unique take on the theme.. Very clever. I agree about the one person idea though.

Surfaces, I like it, a great idea and very well put together. Interesting surfaces too. The chain mail caught my eye.

Light, I like that, an interesting composition, and you've caught the colours really nicely, which adds interest.

Project, clear and on theme, I think the crop works better.

Film, An interesting angle, and take on the theme, good idea. I think the B&W works better.

Thank you John

I like the colour version Sue, the composition works well and a good idea well executed. Iain

I prefer the colour myself Iain but others like the black and white.

Don't let lack of lighting equipment put you off. You can get some good effects with just a desk lamp, torch or natural light from a window!

I do envy you having the time to go out and about looking for things though. Working full time, often long hours and usually having a million things to do at the weekend normally leaves me with just an hour or two for photography every week.

p.s. B&W is much better.

Thanks for your comments. I expect I will do a few indoor shots during the bad weather but I do like to get out.It is nice having the time to go out. The trouble is that I am disabled and in pain and cant walk much so that does limit me. I still enjoy my photography though.
TBH I can't make my mind up between the B&W and the colour. Whichever, I like the angle - all the different lines, vertical and receding horizontal, make up a really interesting pattern. Well spotted!
Fits the theme very well , in that setting and in mono with that dark border really emphasises just what a filthy habit it is.
Thanks. I actually preferred the uncropped version of project but most people like the crop. It is difficult to find the best place to crop to suit everyone. I agree - I think you have to produce images that make you happy, although other people's ideas can help to stretch your skills and imagination. :)

Thanks Sarah. I am no good at table top shots and dont have any lighting equipment. That is why I have to find things out and about. being retired I do have time to look for things. As Sarah replied, don't let lack of kit stop you. I've just got a few sheets of black, white and cream mountboard (the sort of stuff you use to mount photos) and use natural light. I do have a tripod, though, which means I can use longer exposures to help control the light. It's always a bit hit and miss, but very satisfying when it works. :)

I agree with Sarah, you have a good eye for an unusual interpretation of a theme, and find just the right angle.

Which leads me neatly onto 'Film':

I like the angle and it's a clever interpretation. The building looks to be in use, since the entrance lights are on, and I like the slightly blue cast - arriving at the cinema in the early evening was very much part of my teenage life (long, long time ago!!!). The b&w version isn't showing for me, but I'll try again later.

Dirty: Another excellent interpretation of the theme. Obvious when I see it. :bang: I like the presentation, too with the butt. The mono treatment and border all add to the idea of it being 'dirty'. :clap::clap::clap:

What a great idea for dirty. As someone who has given up the dirty habit myself, that looks even filthier to me. The butts add even more disgust for the subject. Well spotted (y)
the setting and tono really send a strong message and a great idea for this weeks theme
Fits the theme very well , in that setting and in mono with that dark border really emphasises just what a filthy habit it is.

Thank you

Good take on the theme I like it, also give another message too

Thanks David . I wasnt meaning to have a go at smokers though - they have enough people nagging them

I agree with Sarah, you have a good eye for an unusual interpretation of a theme, and find just the right angle.

Which leads me neatly onto 'Film':

I like the angle and it's a clever interpretation. The building looks to be in use, since the entrance lights are on, and I like the slightly blue cast - arriving at the cinema in the early evening was very much part of my teenage life (long, long time ago!!!). The b&w version isn't showing for me, but I'll try again later.

Dirty: Another excellent interpretation of the theme. Obvious when I see it. :bang: I like the presentation, too with the butt. The mono treatment and border all add to the idea of it being 'dirty'. :clap::clap::clap:


Thanks for the comments Jean. I took the BW image of film off as I needed space in my gallery to load more pics.

What a great idea for dirty. As someone who has given up the dirty habit myself, that looks even filthier to me. The butts add even more disgust for the subject. Well spotted (y)

Thanks Darren I was keeping an eye out for something dirty and spotted the cigarette pack and a couple of stubs.

the setting and tono really send a strong message and a great idea for this weeks theme

Thank you Darren The colour version which had a pretty blue packet looked too nice so I made it BW

Excellent, Sue. I really like the multiple interpretations of dirty - not only dirty habit but dirty background with the butts and general grime. The B/W really adds to the theme.

Well done with this one :clap::clap::clap:


Thank you Jenny
Top marks for this, Sue - fits the theme in so many ways, great composition and processing. If I had one suggestion it would be to move the lower butt a fraction to the left of the packet and rotate it anti-clockwise a little, so that it looks less tidily placed. JMO and a very minor point indeed. Well spotted.
Very good - dirty in more ways than one and the b&w conversion fits nicely. Not sure the top 1/5 of the frame adds much to the party, so I'd be tempted to crop it.

This really works Sue(y). The mono conversion adds to the dirty theme. Good composition makes it a strong image with an equally strong message, well done. Iain
Top marks for this, Sue - fits the theme in so many ways, great composition and processing. If I had one suggestion it would be to move the lower butt a fraction to the left of the packet and rotate it anti-clockwise a little, so that it looks less tidily placed. JMO and a very minor point indeed. Well spotted.

Thanks for the comments. I didnt place the stubs at all. Dont think I would have wanted to touch them! I know what you mean though.

Very good - dirty in more ways than one and the b&w conversion fits nicely. Not sure the top 1/5 of the frame adds much to the party, so I'd be tempted to crop it.


Thanks Phil. I could crop out the top as you say but I would lose one of the stubs.

This really works Sue(y). The mono conversion adds to the dirty theme. Good composition makes it a strong image with an equally strong message, well done. Iain

Thank you Iain
Project - I think the crop works better as others have said. A nice photo capturing real life, a nice find as this totally captures the project theme.

Film - Nice take on the theme, I thought of getting the interior of a cinema but getting a camera inside is impossible because they don't want people recording films :(. As someone else has said I like the composition, I like how the vertical lines of the right hand side of the image and the roof of the building follow the frame of the picture. Nice shot (y)

Dirty - I really like this shot, not something I would have thought of (I wish I had!). It really sums dirty up for me in many ways, I personally don't like smoking and so thats one element, but then the ground and packet are also dirty.

As others have said you're adventurous and are getting out there to pick up your shots, I like this. I haven't quite found the confidence to get out there in full view of others, its a weird 'what will they think' feeling even though I don't know them. I have taken some outside shots, but hopefully one day I'll have your go get um spirit! Keep it up and I look forward to your future images.
Project - I think the crop works better as others have said. A nice photo capturing real life, a nice find as this totally captures the project theme.

Film - Nice take on the theme, I thought of getting the interior of a cinema but getting a camera inside is impossible because they don't want people recording films :(. As someone else has said I like the composition, I like how the vertical lines of the right hand side of the image and the roof of the building follow the frame of the picture. Nice shot (y)

Dirty - I really like this shot, not something I would have thought of (I wish I had!). It really sums dirty up for me in many ways, I personally don't like smoking and so thats one element, but then the ground and packet are also dirty.

As others have said you're adventurous and are getting out there to pick up your shots, I like this. I haven't quite found the confidence to get out there in full view of others, its a weird 'what will they think' feeling even though I don't know them. I have taken some outside shots, but hopefully one day I'll have your go get um spirit! Keep it up and I look forward to your future images.

Thank you Rick. I'm not very good at technical stuff and dont have top notch equipment but I do have a bit of time to go out looking for shots.

Dont worry about what people think when you take photos. Go to places where lots of people are taking shots until you get more confident. No-one will notice you unless you are taking shots of kids ( best to avoid them even if that shouldnt be a problem). People are usually far too tied up with their own things to notice a photographer.
That fits the theme very well Sue, the old packet with the warning upwards, and the dirt surrounding it makes it more interesting and appears far more dirty too. (y)