Which weekend would you prefer

  • Weekend commencing Friday 2nd October

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Weekend commencing Friday 9th October

    Votes: 9 100.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm up for a dawn raid on Catbells.

Just noticed we're not that far from Winlatter if any one brings a road bike that is a fantastic climb.
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I bloody hate Haystacks. We did Fleetwith Pike last year and then Haystacks, the climb down was so hard. Me poor old knees were completely wrecked.

We came in from the car park at Gatesgarth, the going wasn't too bad but by the time we hit the gap the wind was getting very strong and we'd been soaked through and didn't fancy trying to bivvy down in those conditions so beat a hasty retreat by headtorch to the van (which was at that time an unmodified Renault Traffic). Took the van two days to dry out let alone us!

The only reason I ask is that I personally am up for doing some proper landscape photography. I appreciate however that this might not be to everyones taste, hence my asking.

I'm up for some proper landscapes but at the same time concious its a little anti social, well it is the way I do it.
The only reason I ask is that I personally am up for doing some proper landscape photography. I appreciate however that this might not be to everyones taste, hence my asking.
How proper, do we need to hire mules?
Also, is it too early to pack the essentials?

ImageUploadedByTalk Photography Forums1443629156.750237.jpg

I'm happy with that, APS-C digital with 3 lenses, medium format TLR, Large format with 3 DDS, all my landscape filters and a flashgun in one Lowepro Rucksack :0)
I was planning to get up early and go for a quick 5 mile fell run first thing, then once the sun's up I'd like to go on some hikes, maybe 10-15m depending on weather? Finish the day off with a quick dip in the lake, swim to the other side and back, nothing too strenuous as it's mainly a fun trip. Or I'll take lots of still life photos of bacon sandwiches in the kitchen, can't decide.

As for cameras, I was thinking of taking the 'bald* and a 35mm option. Not sure which one right now but it'll come to me, I'm sure :)

* Was a typo but I like it better that way. :)
I'm thinking LF, so proper would be good for me (y) Might take the hassie for a lighter weight option or the mamiyas though.
Is there a different kind of photography in the Lakes that I'm not aware of? ;)

Hang on, that word "proper" in there probably means something I don't understand... :confused::)
All proper means is you spend less time and effort doing the walking around bit, and more of the "contemplative artistic genius" bit i.e. sitting and waiting, and having a nice cup of tea while that cloud moves a bit :D
Ah I remember you doing the contemplative artistic genius bit on Great Orme, Chris. It seemed to involve you lying on your stomach amongst some thistles and gorse with your tee shirt pulled over your head! Not sure I ever saw the result... :D
Indeed :D

Not sure why I've not put that one up, I'll have a look through the hard drive and see if I can find it
All proper means is you spend less time and effort doing the walking around bit, and more of the "contemplative artistic genius" bit i.e. sitting and waiting, and having a nice cup of tea while that cloud moves a bit :D

Exactly that :D

I'm up for some proper landscapes but at the same time concious its a little anti social, well it is the way I do it.

It's not that it's anti-social, it's more that I personally have no problem waiting for the light to be right, whereas I respect the fact that some may well not be as into it as that? Don't want to step on any toes, it's merely that after not having taken a single photo this year, I'm really keen to make the most of the lakes
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I'm in the same boat mate and more than happy to wait for the light to be right. I've never shot large format either so it would be good to borrow some of your knowledge too :0)
I think it's likely there will either be several different expeditions, or one expedition that gradually turns into several! After all, not all of those coming are interested in photography per se (AFAIK).
I dare say that there will be opportunities for all kinds of photography. As we are so close to a beautiful lake we can pop down there anytime we want and spend as long as we want in 'artistic contemplation' or we can organise a trip out to the many waterfalls in the area. Loads of scope for all kinds of filmie fun.:D
Has anyone got any packs of Fuji FP100C they'd be willing to sell to me for the standard price if I bring the cash along? I was planning on picking up a pack before the meet but I'm not going to get chance and won't be around at home to order one online.

Has anyone got any packs of Fuji FP100C they'd be willing to sell to me for the standard price if I bring the cash along? I was planning on picking up a pack before the meet but I'm not going to get chance and won't be around at home to order one online.

I have one pack, though it's expired which makes the calculation of the price a little more tricky...

price = (r*locf)^lomo

Where r is the retail price, locf is the location factor (i.e. the difficulty in finding another place selling that film in the Lakes) and lomo is the lomography exponent which increases for each month that the film has expired by.
I would mention, for any lakes virgins out there, that the weather in October is controlled by a random number generator. So take wet weather gear and camera's suitable for all conditions. Enthusiam would wane if you had to continuously move and set up a 5x4 in drizzly weather where a "portable" mf would be a better thing. Other than that enjoy it come what may, im quite jelous, there are some awesome spots around the Derwent area and wish i had a couple of days holiday left :(
Thought of another camera to take - I bought a Kodak FunSaver (or something) in Venice so I'm going to retrieve the film from that and try reloading it with a roll of Tri-X. I also found some orange/tan plastic bits so I'm going to stick one of those on as a filter and see how it turns out. Probably won't be my only 35mm option but it's a bit of fun :)
Not wishing to break any forum classifieds rules, but would anyone by any chance have a spare roll of portra 160 in 120 going that I might purchase from them at the meet?
Not wishing to break any forum classifieds rules, but would anyone by any chance have a spare roll of portra 160 in 120 going that I might purchase from them at the meet?

Yeah I'll chuck some in. Whats the rural uplift like in the lakes :D
I have one pack, though it's expired which makes the calculation of the price a little more tricky...

price = (r*locf)^lomo

Where r is the retail price, locf is the location factor (i.e. the difficulty in finding another place selling that film in the Lakes) and lomo is the lomography exponent which increases for each month that the film has expired by.

Get your Lomo stock on eBay mate. I've just ordered a shiny box of fresh stock from Fotosense so should have it before Friday although I haven't actually got the camera yet!

I'm with @Woodsy because of the shrapnel in my false leg from the Boer War.....oh, I'm also pretty lazy ;0)

Me too, did someone mention gentle walks round lakes? :D

Happy to leave you guys to hike up hils btw and meet back at the end of the day, its been bloody years since I saw the lakes and I currently have a mad desire to be near water a lot... which is useful... in the October... I am expecting a lot of water
Hold the phone . . . there's a right light? You guys coulda told me this earlier.

Oh yes, there is a 'right' light... but we're not telling you what it is and where to find it unless you come on a meet. ;):D
I think it would be a good idea if we all sat around a beer-laden table on Friday night and talked about who wants to do what and where they want to do it .... ooer. We should have enough cars to transport everyone and if there a couple of splinter groups it should be fairly simple to arrange.

By the way I will be back later with some orders... I mean instructions from the CMS concerning room allocations, travel directions, rules and regulations and plans to invade... sorry, ideas etc.
did someone mention gentle walks round lakes? :D

someone mentioned a walk around Buttermere iirc... I can honestly say that despite my current (ahem) medical issues, i'd be perfectly capable of parking in the car park near the "Fish Hotel" and handling a complete loop of the lake - there's some interestingly wierd trees along the edge of the lake, and one or two nice views along the lake up towards Haystacks / Great Gable in the distance - it's pretty much all low-level and flat enough that even someone from Norfolk wouldn't get a nosebleed from the elevation.

IIRC there was also mention of walking around Derwentwater. All I can say is, it's not exactly worth it - there's longish sections of road-bashing with trees both sides killing the view - personally, I'd nip up Catbells via skellgill bank, and follow the ridge along over Maiden Moor and High Spy, dropping down through the disused Quarries (plenty of photo-ops in the ruins of the buildings etc), then either take the path marker Alllerdale Ramble under the side of Castle Crag (or, nip up it if you've a spare half-hour - there's some interesting stone formations on the top, and iirc, a war memorial plaque...) - Back into Grange (decent cafe...) and make your way back to the lakeside, and take a steamer back up the lake to get back to the start of your route.

Just wish I was allowed to undergo the stress of driving up there for the day to join in...
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Just come back from a few days in the Keswick area and it was......wait for it........bone dry and sunny !. The water levels on Crummock / Buttermere / Derwent & Ullswater are even quite low . Even the boggy marshy bits aren't as boggy ;)
I think it would be a good idea if we all sat around a beer-laden table on Friday night and talked about who wants to do what and where they want to do it .... ooer. We should have enough cars to transport everyone and if there a couple of splinter groups it should be fairly simple to arrange.

By the way I will be back later with some orders... I mean instructions from the CMS concerning room allocations, travel directions, rules and regulations and plans to invade... sorry, ideas etc.

Well as long as the instructions come the CMS and not you, we should be safe enough :LOL:
I have had a request from a certain Andy Donut. He has a mate (yes I know it seems far-fetched) who would like to join us, with his Nikon FM3, on our jaunt. Just thought I would canvas opinion first but we definitely have room and his £44 could possibly be used to help pay for grub, booze etc.

Anyone got any objections to this?

As has been pointed out to me by the CMS, 44 quids also almost covers the refunds to our 2 dropouts.
I don't have any objections but I hope he realises that as he is taking the place of the Hooley and Asha he will have to assume their responsibilities ;)