LENS is spelt LENS!

...people who say "anywho" :bat: No such word, its "anyhow" ...grrrr

I'm off to try out teh nu tension tubes on my lenz....shizzle mo fizzle.
Len's new lens makes 2 lenses now owned by Len :D:D:D Who's Len ????:wacky:
Totally agree!

Wht iz wurs tho iz wen ppl typ lyk dis!!!! Arghhhhh!!!

I even send all my text messages in full English with punctuation :LOL:
Ah, but teh govenment duz nt av teh saim hop in ian ;)

Unfortunately your wrong to question the spelling, as it now appears in some dictionaries around the world.


a transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images

Main Entry: lens
Variant: also lens /'lenz/
Function: noun
1 : a curved piece of glass or plastic used singly or combined in eyeglasses or an optical instrument (as a microscope) for forming an image
2 : a device for directing or focusing radiation other than light (as sound waves, radio microwaves, or electrons)
3 : a highly transparent biconvex lens-shaped or nearly spherical body in the eye that focuses light rays entering the eye typically onto the retina, lies immediately behind the pupil, is made up of slender curved rod-shaped ectodermal cells in concentric lamellae surrounded by a tenuous mesoblastic capsule, and alters its focal length by becoming more or less spherical in response to the action of the ciliary muscle on a peripheral suspensory ligament —lensed adjective —lens·less adjective

Blame the people who make the changes to the language, by including new variants ;)
I'm afraid that doesn't hold water......

First entry says lens.... no problem, old(e) usage


Second entry states

Main Entry: lens
Variant: also lens /'lenz/

tis only a variant not the main usage......

It remains 'lens' ..... in anybody's dictionary. ;)
Im afraid I almost shout out in anger every time I hear someone say "WOULD OF"

I want to explain it is "would have" (ie, "I would have bought that lens" !!!! :D:LOL: ) which is often shortened to "would've" but from this shortening they hear it and think it is written "WOULD OF"


Hurray, I thought I was the only person who got annoyed at this. At least I know I'm normal now :nuts:

I do try to spell corrctly (honestly I do), but I am prone to lapsing into naff abbreviations, mainly cos.....well, cos I'm lazy :D
One that gets me is focussed instead of FOCUSED !!! I see that all the time!!!

Also, I work as a teacher in Manchester. Would you believe they now have a literacy 'aid' in which children can type in text speak and it converts it into 'normal' writing. Apparently it's to help our low ability writers!!!!


I liv nr Liverpool & ave not seen sch bad spellin ne-wares els innit mate?

Damn, I can't even write badly (erm...badly (grammar) :LOL:) Seriously though, it really does make me cringe walking through town & listening to the sheer amount of muppets that seem to have their own language (& step on the evolutionary ladder :LOL:)
I liv nr Liverpool & ave not seen sch bad spellin ne-wares els innit mate?

Damn, I can't even write badly (erm...badly (grammar) :LOL:) Seriously though, it really does make me cringe walking through town & listening to the sheer amount of muppets that seem to have their own language (& step on the evolutionary ladder :LOL:)

I was asked by foreigners do I speak Scouse too and I said no.

Someone I know got them Into speaking stuff like Laaaa and saying Ye Crack(the pub) like Ye Craaaaaaaackk!:eek:

Scouse talk Is evil.:crying:
And there's only one S in focusing.... :)
Threads from the spelling police have never impressed me. :(

There are a great many people on this rock who have disabilities which prevent them from reading and writing as well as other more fortunate members of society. Others may have been victims of their own self destructive tendencies or lack or education.

Spare a thought for the feelings of these people as you mock and make light hearted jokes, sometimes things aren't quite so funny. Especially if you're sat at home reading about how your problems are somebody else's comedy.

I am not afflicted by Dyslexia, I'm afraid to admit that I'm just a victim of a lazy mind and clumsy fingers, but it doesn't mean I have to add to the problems of those affected. Your lives and businesses don't depend on the posts scrawled on the walls of an internet chat room, so why not take a day off and maybe try and help those around you who do suffer.

Be part of a solution.......not the problem.


This has been a Df public service broadcast.............................:rules:
A fair point DF. I know all too well, as my wife's spelling and grammar can be bad, partly through her own self destructiveness and partly through dyslexia....

So therefore spelling and grammar mistakes I can forgive. Text speak however....never!
Threads from the spelling police have never impressed me. :(

There are a great many people on this rock who have disabilities which prevent them from reading and writing as well as other more fortunate members of society. Others may have been victims of their own self destructive tendencies or lack or education.

Spare a thought for the feelings of these people as you mock and make light hearted jokes, sometimes things aren't quite so funny. Especially if you're sat at home reading about how your problems are somebody else's comedy.

I am not afflicted by Dyslexia, I'm afraid to admit that I'm just a victim of a lazy mind and clumsy fingers, but it doesn't mean I have to add to the problems of those affected. Your lives and businesses don't depend on the posts scrawled on the walls of an internet chat room, so why not take a day off and maybe try and help those around you who do suffer.

Be part of a solution.......not the problem.


This has been a Df public service broadcast.............................:rules:

I don't know, every dyslexic person I know makes a real effort to write well. They try harder than anyone else, will check words in google etc.

The ones who leave posts littered with mistakes are just lazy at the end of the day, so I have no reservations about upsetting anyone. Besides, that ignores the fact that to be labelled dyslexic in schools today you just need to be thick and all the people online who are 'self-diagnosed'.

Dyslexia is all too often used as a more 'acceptable' term for stupidity among those too embarrassed to admit they are just that. Which is a shame, because those who are actually dyslexic get a rough deal at times because of them.

So basically, from personal experience, real dyslexics won't (usually) be offended as most of them don't actually make many mistakes and are usually glad of a correction if they do. The ones who get ****y are just the lazy retards.
So until a poor soul unknowingly suffering from Dyslexia is actually diagnosed and informed of the facts of his/her condition, they are lazy and stupid ?
I'm actually quite scared to post anything now:(
:agree: Dino ... :eek: ... one man's annoyance is the next man's affliction ... :shrug:

Or Woman's ... of course ... :D

Best to stay out of these very public brawls imgo ... :nono: ...

... sit on the fence ... :cautious: ... ME ... ;)

But is there any excuse whatsoever for what we experienced this evening?

My colleague at work found that CinemaWorld, for one showing only, were putting on the new, digitally remastered version of "The Dambusters". Excellent it was too...... So, what was inexcusable?

The electronic display in the Cinema had it displayed as "The Damn Busters" - it didn't end there either..... the tickets themselves perpetuated the error. I could understand if the communication would have been made by mouth, but all this must have been copied from documentation.....

Not dyslexia at all, not that I can see and I'm no expert. This comes from laziness or a level of education that is rapidly becoming the norm in our society.

At the time I found it amusing.... then I remembered this thread!
Hmm, I agree with DF, If this is a photography forum and not an english exam shouldn't it be the photo's we concentrate on? and criticise:naughty:

.... I have been pulled up on punctuation, think my worst habit is not using a capitols to start a sentance, especially after an exclamation mark. I'm sorry, SKOOL WOZ A LONG TIME AGO!!! OK? :p :D :D :D
I'll concede that's probably down to someone being on auto pilot and letting the spell checker have it's way.

I do love that film though :)
Standing on top of the dam on Ladybower is made all the more breath taking when you imagine a Lancaster coming in towards you at low level.
What about its plural?

Lens' or Lenses?

I have seen both forms on this forum.
Then there's the case of our printer last week ......

We had to have some Thank You cards printed for one of our Wedding clients. The printer called us to say that they were having problems with the font we had used. That part is another story....

The girl asked if she could substitute the font. We expressed the fact we didn't mind. So, for some reason she re-typed it instead of copying/pasting the original text then change the font.

The result.....?

We had 75, full colour, high quality cards all with the errors:-

enquiries@<domain_name> became enquires
domain name itself contain two errors .... barrianne-phots.co.ul instead of barrianne-photos.co.uk

My point? What if it was 2500 cards? Is there an excuse valid for a girl who later explained she was in her 'finals' year of her (something or other) degree...

The whole point of communication is to communicate with a degree of intelligence. If that doesn't happen coherently then we fail to communicate effectively. There is room for some slang and a bit of laziness in the normal evolution of language but I think we're now on the verge of going too far. :shrug:
If this is a photography forum and not an english exam shouldn't it be the photo's we concentrate on? and criticise

But as a photography forum, shouldn't we at least be spelling photography related items correctly? ;)
All y'all talk funny anyhow.


I'll confess that I saw the thread title and thought to myself, "Spelt?" LOL..
Is there an excuse valid ...

:cautious: ... Is there a valid excuse for how oversights happen to witness even the best of us make mistakes Barry ... :shrug:

It happens ... and possibly a little too frequently in this fast moving, fast lane, high flying life we all lead ... :thinking: ... and not to question how many of us are that good at typing, or so good at spell checking, we manage to say what we mean with the correct terminology/spelling/grammar everytime because we have so much time on our hands to go over everything we type with a fine toothcomb to ensure it is absolutely 100% error free and perfect every time !

Why everyone here is making so much damn fuss about it beggars belief ... imgo ... :shrug: ... to err, after all is human ... tolerance, it seems, is not ... ;)



But as a photography forum, shouldn't we at least be spelling photography related items correctly? ;)

I'm willing to give the membership the freedom to make a mistake every so often......but just for you, I'll be sure to post any slip up of your fingers in a size 48 bold font :LOL:
It's a fine line Ven...... my excuse? It's a quaint way of saying the same thing..... :LOL:
It's a fine line Ven...... my excuse? It's a quaint way of saying the same thing..... :LOL:

I know Baz ... but you missed the point surely ... :cautious:

How much extra time are Paul, you and all the others going to spend checking and double-checking your posts, now, to ensure you have not slipped up and let one itsy bitsy, teensy weensy, mistake creep in ... :thinking: ... rather than admit you are human/lazy/tired etc., and let the odd one slip the net ... :LOL: ...

:thinking: ... BTB ... should there not have been an 's' on your domain "contain" ... ;)



I'm so glad you pointed that out Ven, I myself was a little too forgiving to high light the error and call out the local spelling constabulary.

Grate Fred lay Dee's and gentile mans !
I fink that lens is spelled Len's as in belonging to me bro' Lenny buy the weigh.
( I have run all vis threw v spiel chequer an it cums up as Ho Kay )