Marino's 52's (2022) (Parallel)

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Hello all,

glad I found this website, great for motivation and so happy to share my passion with other members!
Here's my virgin first (late)try for week themed as TREES.
My first image was the following but i thought it was a bit too wide so i had to walk for a closer shot (since i had a 35mm prime lens)

I took the photos on my first walk after recovery from covid, yikes...
I feel constantly tired after covid but slowly regaining my strength for the next challenge:)
Hey Dave!
Thx for the comments, the human element was a pleasant surprise as I was planning to shoot with no people in it.
Also thx for sharing how to link photos to my thread

Fuji power!
Welcome to the 52 - a great start!

The blossom on the tree is really lovely, but I do love the shot with the people in it. The little red coated child really draws your eye through the shot. I haven't come from the main thread, so I'm not sure which you chose for the theme.

I find the 52 is great for motivating me to photograph all sorts of things that I wouldn't otherwise. It is great fun, so I hope you enjoy it too.

Good luck with your recovery.
I'm new this year and have found the process stimulating.
I like your chose shot. The humans give it a sense of sale and the child walking towards the sunlit tree gives it a positive stance.
I like both shots Marino, the woman and child add visual interest and create a story around the path, the second with it's use of the white blooms of the tree to frame the end of the path leads the viewer into the photo.
Welcome to the 52 - a great start!

The blossom on the tree is really lovely, but I do love the shot with the people in it. The little red coated child really draws your eye through the shot. I haven't come from the main thread, so I'm not sure which you chose for the theme.

I find the 52 is great for motivating me to photograph all sorts of things that I wouldn't otherwise. It is great fun, so I hope you enjoy it too.

Good luck with your recovery.
Thx for the comment! Yes, i think 52 is a brilliant idea, kinda stuck on the next challenge at the moment :)

I'm new this year and have found the process stimulating.
I like your chose shot. The humans give it a sense of sale and the child walking towards the sunlit tree gives it a positive stance.
Thx for the comment! I'm new too:) here and so far im having fun with the challenges

I like both shots Marino, the woman and child add visual interest and create a story around the path, the second with it's use of the white blooms of the tree to frame the end of the path leads the viewer into the photo.
Thank you Darkslinger!
I like the shot with the mother and child walking away from the camera - adds some movement to the shot. The leading line of the path also takes the eye from the corner rather than a bit up from the corner.

I've found that looking for a shot to fit the challenge doesn't work, I try to visualise the result and remember where it might be before going out to take it. Might be worth playing catch-up and filling all the earlier challenges, if you have time and energy.
It is said that one of those beach windmills stuck (head up!) into a mole hill will discourage the mole. Then again, it's been said that the Earth is flat!

Good luck getting rid - although it might be worth chatting to @Cobra about the subject.
though I do have a mole digging holes in the garden at the moment... :angelic:
The only sure fire way is to either gas it with toxin. But that's a licenced product.
My best results, other than that, were with a trap THIS type.
You need to find the run, by probing the ground, with a sharp stick, the ground will give, where the run is, it's likely to be around 4 - 6" below ground,
there maybe a few.
Lift a small turf put the trap in it, and re-cover the trap with the turf, or a pile of leaves, excluding the light from the tunnel.

1) don't put your scent in the run
2) make sure you clear out any fallen earth in the run, so the base of the run is flat.
3) Moles work 8 hours on, 8 hours off, in search for food or a mate.
4) There is most likely more than one, the most moles I ever took out of a largish garden was 20
5) bottles and windmills don't work
6) good luck, they aren't the easiest things to trap.
Just make sure not to end up like the protagonist on the YouTube video in the end:ROFLMAO:.

I have squirrels and birds digging holes at the back garden. I remember I was getting so annoyed because they were ruining my perfect lawn( after seeding it and doing all sorts of YouTube maintenance recommendations). I realized In the end I'm happier letting nature do it's thing, I even let some wild weeds grow.
Lesson learned, don't go against mother nature, instead adjust to it:)
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Firstly @Marino, apologies for taking over your thread with my mole problem :LOL: I was planning on bringing it up on mine, so sorry about that. The wildlife can wreak havoc. I have badgers that dig up the grass, and pheasants who dig themselves a nice spot in the mud... and they like to just peck at things like flowerheads... grrr!

@Nod I had indeed tried the old windmill trick some years ago. I really do understand Jasper's issues.

@Cobra Thank you so much for taking the time to share this. I have learnt a thing or two! We do have that sort of trap set at the moment and have had some success with it in the past. One time we stood over a hill watching the earth moving! (I am talking about the mole moving it of course :naughty::giggle: )

I do think they are rather beautiful, as does my OH, however they really do create a terrible mess. If it was me, I probably would live with it but my OH can't. So, for now the trap is set. I have just got a mole report... there has been no more activity for a day or so. Mr. Bebop seems to have done all the right things @Cobra, so we just wait now.

We did find a dead one in the garden once. In fact we kept finding them and wondered what was killing them, and then realised it was our labrador retriever bringing the same one back from the undergrowth where my husband had been throwing it :LOL:
One time we stood over a hill watching the earth moving! (I am talking about the mole moving it of course :naughty::giggle: )

I do think they are rather beautiful,
I agree they are rather, but when they turn a lawn into a battlefield, there is only one answer.
I did forget to add, make sure the trap is between 2 mole hills and not next to one.
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Parallel for today, I see a lot of parallel lines in every man-made structure

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All the above is from previously taken pics.
Finding hard at the moment to catch up with the two previous challeges (holes and sport)..
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