Michael23's 52! Revised Slide Show Added

Hi, Michael, I read the title several times and have a headache...:D

Ok, so it maybe the 1/2 bottle of JD I've drank..;)

Like the warm colours and letterbox style..

Hi Michael

what a beautiful sunset , well captured:clap:
I understand your Paradox but my head keeps adding "it" to the end of the
1st line :bonk:
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Hi Michael, of the two I certainly prefer your first take on Paradox. with the image in its original form too. Really great subject in the shot and nicely processed.
Hi Lynne, I'm glad you said that, as I read it back now, it is better with "it|" added! The site where I found it had it exactly as it is here, and now as per Andy's comments I have just found 2 different versions, one with "it" and 1 without. Im off to yorkshire for the day tomorrow, might add that certain word at some point soon. (y)

MARTIN, Thanks for popping by and for your comment, I have decided I like the 1st version the best now, I am very pleased with it indeed. (y)
Hiya Michael,

I've already commented on your first paradox, so here to comment on the second.

What a beautiful photo, but unfortunately for me the text spoils it. I think a different font, text colour and not underlined would look much better. Perhaps also the first line to the top left and the second line towards the bottom right. :shrug:

I'm still in two minds about whether the word 'it' should be added .... as it reads makes sense to me, or does it :thinking:

Well done on both counts though.


Dawn :)
Hiya Michael,

I've already commented on your first paradox, so here to comment on the second.

What a beautiful photo, but unfortunately for me the text spoils it. I think a different font, text colour and not underlined would look much better. Perhaps also the first line to the top left and the second line towards the bottom right. :shrug:

I'm still in two minds about whether the word 'it' should be added .... as it reads makes sense to me, or does it :thinking:

Well done on both counts though.


Dawn :)
Hi Dawn, thanks for your comment on the 2nd pic, I will see what I can do with it. (y)

Week 16, Paradox, Paradoxical superb :)thumbs: sepia )

Thanks for popping by Paul, glad you like the pic. (y)
Had a go at an edit of my sunset image. Dawn, I did try as you suggested in splitting the text, but I couldn't find a suitable colour to make it stand out enough, so I decided to go with these, I have also removed the underline as well. There are 2 versions, 1 of which contains the word "it" !

Paradox edit2 by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Paradox edit by scilly puffin, on Flickr
michael..i find a subtle stroke effect round the text tends to seperate it from the background..lovely shot none the less..
After seeing an edit done by Dawn, I managed to have ago at doing it again! I don't think I have edited one picture as many times as this :LOL:, but it is all learning curve. Thanks everyone for the comments on this, it has helped me to see different options that I have overlooked.
So here we are,

DPP_1220 copy by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Now in terms of tropical, I still don't have any ideas for this, I think this will be harder to do than paradox, although it shouldn't, should it? :LOL:
After seeing an edit done by Dawn, I managed to have ago at doing it again! I don't think I have edited one picture as many times as this :LOL:, but it is all learning curve. Thanks everyone for the comments on this, it has helped me to see different options that I have overlooked.
So here we are,

DPP_1220 copy by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Now in terms of tropical, I still don't have any ideas for this, I think this will be harder to do than paradox, although it shouldn't, should it? :LOL:

I prefer the text type and placement....but you've forgotten the 'it' again...:LOL:
:LOL: "It" is now officially my most hated word in the english language!! :LOL::LOL:

Hiya Michael,

Well done on the edit, that is much better (y)

Glad the example edit helped give you an idea of different ways.

As for the word 'it' in the paradox .... I mentioned in my email that I think it reads better without 'it' :D .... did it make sense? (sorry for all the 'it's :LOL:)


Dawn :)
Well after a lot of deliberation, I have not been able to actually take a photo specifically for the theme! Which is a bit disappointing, also got another tooth infection, so illness has not helped. :(
Anyway decided to have a look through my archives and found this one from my holiday to the Isles Of Scilly last October. This is also processed with the fake tilt-shift filter as well, and it has been a favourite of mine since I processed it.

Edit, Have decided to add the original as well as the edited version and popped a frame round, which I forgot to do.

Week 17, Tropical by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Tilt-shift version

Week 17, Tropical by scilly puffin, on Flickr
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Hiya Michael,

Have to say I prefer the first photo .... the second one makes me feel a bit sea sick (which is not going well with my Royal Wedding Baileys celebration :LOL:).

Like the first photo ... although there are quite a few dust bunnies visible in the sky (which you could easily clone out).

Otherwise I think it looks tropical to me.


Dawn :)
Spent the past five minutes checking for dust bunnies before I accused Dawn of hitting the Baileys to early. Glad I refreshed the page to see your post Michael before I did.

I really like bothe versions of the shot but for the theme I think the tilt shift version looks more tropical. Maybe just because it is brighter.
Hiya Dawn, thanks for your comments and pointing the dust bunnies out, I had totally forgot to clone them out, picture is now there minus the dust bunnies! (y)

Much better Michael (y)

Spent the past five minutes checking for dust bunnies before I accused Dawn of hitting the Baileys to early. Glad I refreshed the page to see your post Michael before I did.

I really like bothe versions of the shot but for the theme I think the tilt shift version looks more tropical. Maybe just because it is brighter.

Hey Colin, good job you did a refresh before accusing me of hitting the Baileys too early ... especially when I am celebrating .... (oh and BTW it is never too early for Baileys, just wish I had some ice for it ... but as the fridge/freezer is still not working I'm having to hit it neat tonight) :D


Dawn :)
Hi, Michael, #1 for me.

It already has a psudo-tilt shift effect anyway.

Nice foreground, you've done will to maintain detail throughout out.

What settings?

Cheers and I feel your pain as I had an infection last year and cracked my tooth clamping down to try and alleviate the pain....

Hi Martin and Andy, I am glad I decided to post both versions of the photo now, it's good to get different opinions, and I am really glad you like them.

The exif is as follows

Canon 30d
@ iso 400
18-55mm @18mm
1/500sec @ f13 and some lovely blazing hot sun!
Metering mode is not displayed in the file exif for some reason, so unshore on that front.

Thanks for the well wishes, feeling a little better now, it's the 3rd one this year and I'm still having to wait for extraction under sedation.

I'm off to Yorkshire tomorrow for the day, hopefully Bempton Cliffs again, but I could end up anywhere as all will be revealed tomorrow!
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yep 2 nd for me (y) i really ile the exposure on this one, usually it gets a bit blown but i think you have nail it :clap:
When I first saw this weeks theme, I wanted to do something involving nature, this has coincided with with another trip to Yorkshire on Sunday. I was able to visit a few different places which I saw a great range range of nature. I have also added in a recent picture of a Badger from my local set.

So I give you the result of Mother Natures Power,

Week 18, Power by scilly puffin, on Flickr
Hi, Michael, that's a well constructed and detailed take on the theme. Nature's power of creation, variety and beauty.

Tight crops of a few of them, but minor point and great detail on the main bird (no idea of its name!).

Thanks for the replies everyone, the bird to the right of the Puffin is a Gannet, this one came quite close indeed and was one of the best exposed images I managed. The lighting was ever so harsh and really bright, so I ended up losing a lot of photos because of it. I have put most of the individual shots on my flickr stream. Pleased you all like them. (y)
Nice power shots Michael! I like it that they're not posed if you'll humour this comment. I know animals don't pose but all of your shots show the animals/plants just going about their business, or as they are.
Hiya Michael,

Great take on the Power theme, nice how you have looked at it from a 'natural' perspective.

Personally I would have perhaps rearranged the shots in a different way, but that is a personal opinion.

Overall though I think you have a powerful image.

Well done :clap:


Dawn :)
Nice power shots Michael! I like it that they're not posed if you'll humour this comment. I know animals don't pose but all of your shots show the animals/plants just going about their business, or as they are.
Hi Johnathon, thanks for taking a look and for your comment also, glad you like it.

Hiya Michael,

Great take on the Power theme, nice how you have looked at it from a 'natural' perspective.

Personally I would have perhaps rearranged the shots in a different way, but that is a personal opinion.

Overall though I think you have a powerful image.

Well done :clap:


Dawn :)

Hiya Dawn glad you like it. I tried loads of different options, which I couldn't make my mind up on, and I settled with this one. (y)